11 research outputs found

    Proapoptotic genes BAX and CD40L are predictors of survival in transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of expression of a range of genes involved in apoptosis on outcome in bladder cancer. Immunohistochemistry was used to examine expression of BCL2, BAX, P53, CD40 and CD40L in archival tissues of patients included in various treatment trials for transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the bladder. Data were collected on 94 patients who first presented with either invasive or superficial bladder cancer. Median follow-up for alive patients was 83 months (m) (range 12-195 m). Median survival was 80 m (95% CI=56-128 m). Median survivals for the various markers were as follows: BAX-positive patients 110 m vs BAX-negative patients 18 m (P=0.0002); CD40L-positive patients 95 m vs CD40L-negative patients 45 m (P=0.04); BCL2-positive patients 44 m and BCL2-negative patients 74 m, (P=0.64); CD40-positive patients 110 m and CD40 negative patients 45 m (P=0.12); and P53 positive patients 80 m and P53 negative patients 45 m (P=0.58). In conclusion, it was seen that overexpressions of BAX and CD40L are prognostic of better survival in TCC of the bladder. Our results also raise the possibility of the future development of CD40- and CD40 ligand-based immunotherapy for bladder cancer. This study links proapoptotic and antiapoptotic markers to overall survival

    الفلورا الفطرية وسموم الفطريات لبذور الفول السوداني في مصر 2 - انتاج السموم الفطرية بواسطة الفطريات المحبة أو المتحملة للحرارة

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    Twelve species and one variety which belong to 6 genera were identified from 40 peanut seed samples using a dilution—plate method on 1% glucose—Czapek's medium at 4S°C. Aspergillus (6 species and 1 variety) followed by Mucor (1 species) were the most frequent genera. From the preceding genera, A. fumigatus was extremely dominant, followed by Mucor pusillus, A. niger, A. ten-ens and A. nidulans. Fifty—four isolates belonging to the previous species were screened for the production of mycotoxins at 28 and 45°C. Thin layer chromatographic (TLC) analysis revealed that 7 isolates belonging to A. flaws, A. nidulans and A. versicolor produced aflatoxins B] and B^, sterigmatocystin and versicolorin A, respectively at 28°C but none of the isolates tested produced any detectable amount of mycotoxins when grown at 43°C.تم عزل اثنى عشر نوعا وسلالة واحدة تنتمي إلى ستة أجناس فطرية من أربعين عينة لبذور الفول السوداني والتي جمعت من مناطق مختلفة بجمهورية مصر العربية وذلك باستخدام طريقة التخفيف والوسط الغذائي شبكس 1% - جلوكوز عند درجة حرارة 45م . ثبت أن الأسبيرجيللس والميوكر كانت أكثر الأجناس الفطرية انتشارا بينما كانت أسبيرجيللس فيوميجاتس ، ميوكر بيسلس ، أسبيرجيللس نيجر ، أسبير جيللس تيريس وأسمبيرجيللس .نيديولنس أكثر الأنواع الفطرية شيوعا . درست مقدرة أربعة وخمسون معزولة تنتمي إلى الفطريات السابقة على إنتاج السموم الفطرية وذلك بتنمية المعزولات عند درجتي حرارة مختلفة وهي 28 م ، 45م وقد أظهر التحليل الكروماتوجرافي مقدره سبعة معزولات تنتمي لفطرة أسبيرجيللس فلافس ، أسبيرجللس نيديولنس وأسبيرجيللس فيرسيكولر على إفراز سموم الأفلا توكسينات B1+B2 والأستيرجماتوسيستين والفيرسيكلورين A على التوالي بينما أظهر التحليل الكروماتوجرافي عدم مقدرة المعزولات المختبرة على إنتاج السموم الفطرية عند تنميتها عند درجة حرازة45 م

    Evaluation of the Possible Antioxidant Effects of Soybean and Nigella Sativa During Experimental Hepatocarcinogenesis by Nitrosamine Precursors.

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    This study was designed to evaluate the possible antioxidant and antihepatocarcinogeniceffects of soybean (SB) and Nigella sativa (NS) in rats administered nitrosamineprecursors dibutylamine and sodium nitrate in the drinking water.Rats were randomly divided into four groups, each containing 48 animals. GroupI (control), group II (dibutylamine (DBA) + NaNO3), group III (DBA/NaNO3 + SBtreated) and group IV (DBA/NaNO3 + NS treated). Markers of oxidative stress [reducedglutathione (GSH) and nitric oxide (NO)] and the levels of HER-2/neu, bcl-2and p53 proteins were investigated in rats liver after 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 months.The data revealed an improvement in the status of oxidative stress represented asthe compensation of GSH levels after 2 and 4 months and reduction of NO levelsafter 2 months; a significant improvement in the levels of HER-2/neu protein after6 and 4 months in rats fed SB and NS, respectively. Although, the level of p53protein was ameliorated compared with the treated with nitrosamine precursor rats,it was maintained in a lower levels compared with the time matched points of thenormal controls until 12 months Both SB and NS improved the levels of bcl-2 after2 months in both groups. The data suggested that oral feeding of the diet containingSB and NS antagonized the oxidative stress effects induced by DBA/NaNO3