33 research outputs found

    Fejezetek a magyarországi csillagászat történetéből = Selected topics on the history of astronomy in Hungary

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    Az 1572. évi szupernóva: Kimutattuk, hogy az új csillag komoly politikai mondandót hordozott a kortársak számára. Jacob Schnitzler nagyszebeni csillagász tevékenysége: Megvizsgáltuk a vele kapcsolatos nyomtatványok szerzőségét: tizenhatot maga írt, hetet az adott elnök, egy pedig a barátai és professzorai által hozzá írt üdvözlő verseket tartalmazza. A nagyszombati jezsuiták csillagokról való ismereteinek vizsgálata: Megmutattuk, hogy Mária Terézia 1753-as rendelete után a megjelent könyvek és tézisek színvonala nagyot nőtt, a csillagokat most már a kornak megfelelően definiálták. John Herschel, a Hold és Magyarország: Foglalkoztunk John Herschel 1835-ben tett délafrikai útja kapcsán felröppent hírlapi kacsa magyarországi hatásával. Szathmári Ákos életének és munkásságának tanulmányozása: az első volt, aki Magyar-országon könyvet adott ki a spektroszkópiáról Kövesligethy Radó elméleti asztrofizikai munkássága: Levéltári kutatásokkal gyűjtött újabb adatok felhasználásával elkészítettük Kövesligethy Radó életrajzát. Megmutattuk, hogy Kövesligethy Radó levezetett egy spektrál-egyenletet, amelyben a sugárzás spektrális eloszlása csak a hőmérséklettől függ, a teljes hullámhossz tartományban a kisugárzott energia véges (ezzel 15 évvel megelőzte Max Planckot). Wilhelm Wien előtt 8 évvel felfedezte az eltolódási törvényt. Elsőként adott elméleti magyarázatot a hidrogén színképét leíró Balmer formulára. | The Supernova of 1572: we showed that the new star made an important political message for the contemporaries. Activity of Jacob Schitzler, astronomer of Nagyszeben: we studied the authorship of the printed documents related to him: we found that 16 was written by him 7 by the actual presidents and one contains the poems written to him by his friends and professors. Study the knowledge of the Jesuits of Nagyszombat on the stars: we showed that after the decree of Maria Theresia the standard of the books and theses increased significantly, the definition of the stars was already in accordance with the era. John Herschel, the Moon and Hungary: we studied the effect of the well-known 'Great Moon Hoax' in Hungary published in connection with the trip of John Herschel in South Africa in 1835. Study of Ákos Szathmári's life and work: he was the first in Hungary who published a book on spectroscopy. Radó Kövesligethy's work on theoretical astrophysics: based on new data collected by researches in archives we completed Kövesigethy's biography. We showed that Radó Kövesligethy derived a spectral equation where the spectral distribution depends only on the temperature and the irradiated energy is finite in the whole wavelength range (he preceded Max Planck with 15 years). He discovered the displacement law 8 years before Wilhelm Wien. He was the first who gave a theoretical explanation for Balmers' law of the Hydrogen spectrum

    Comparison of redox and gene expression changes during the vegetative/generative transition in crowns and leaves of wheat chromosome 5A substitution lines at low temperature

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    The aim of our experiments was to investigate the effect of chromosome 5A on the thiol-dependent redox environment and on the transcription of cold- and vernalization related genes during the vegetative/generative transition in crowns and leaves of wheat. Chinese Spring, a moderately freezing-tolerant variety, and its more and less tolerant substitution lines—[CS(Ch5A)] and [CS(Tsp5A)], respectively—with different combinations of vernalization alleles were compared. At low temperature, the amount of cystine and glutathione disulphide and the related redox potentials increased in the crowns but not in the leaves. In the crowns of the substitution lines, the concentration and redox state of thiols were different only at the vegetative and double ridge (start of the generative transition) stages. The expression of the vernalization-related VRN1 gene increased significantly during the transition both in the crowns and leaves. The transcription of the freezing tolerance related CBF14, COR14b and COR39 genes markedly increased in both organs after 2 weeks at 4 °C when the seedlings were still in the vegetative stage. This increment was greater in CS(Ch5A) than in CS(Tsp5A). The Ch5A chromosome in CS genetic background enhanced the expression of CBF regulon even in the generative phase in crown that is the key organ for overwintering and freezing tolerance. At certain developmental stages, both the thiol and the transcript levels differed significantly in the two substitution line

    Interaction of polyamines, abscisic acid and proline under osmotic stress in the leaves of wheat plants

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    The exact relationship between polyamine, abscisic acid and proline metabolisms is still poorly understood. In the present study, the effects of putrescine and abscisic acid treatments alone or in combination with polyethylene glycol-induced osmotic stress were investigated in young wheat plants. It was observed that abscisic acid plays a role in the coordinated regulation of the proline and polyamine biosynthetic pathways, which compounds are related to each other through a common precursor. Abscisic acid pre-treatment induced similar alteration of polyamine contents as the osmotic stress, namely increased the putrescine, but decreased the spermidine contents in the leaves. These changes were mainly related to the polyamine cycle, as both the synthesis and peroxisomal oxidation of polyamines have been induced at gene expression level. Although abscisic acid and osmotic stress influenced the proline metabolism differently, the highest proline accumulation was observed in the case of abscisic acid treatments. The proline metabolism was partly regulated independently and not in an antagonistic manner from polyamine synthesis. Results suggest that the connection, which exists between polyamine metabolism and abscisic acid signalling leads to the controlled regulation and maintenance of polyamine and proline levels under osmotic stress conditions in wheat seedlings

    The mvp2 mutation affects the generative transition through the modification of transcriptome pattern, salicylic acid and cytokinin metabolism in Triticum monococcum

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    Wild type and mvp2 (maintained vegetative phase) deletion mutant T. monococcum plants incapable of flowering were compared in order to determine the effect of the deleted region of chromosome 5A on transcript profile and hormone metabolism. This region contains the vernalizationl (VRN1) gene, a major regulator of the vegetative/generative transition. Transcript profiling in the crowns of T. monococcum during the transition and the subsequent formation of flower primordia showed that 306 genes were affected by the mutation, 198 by the developmental phase and 14 by the interaction of these parameters. In addition, 546 genes were affected by two or three factors. The genes controlled by the deleted region encode transcription factors, antioxidants and enzymes of hormone, carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism. The observed changes in the expression of the gene encoding phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) might indicate the effect of mvp2 mutation on the metabolism of salicylic acid, which was corroborated by the differences in 2-hydroxycinnamic acid and cinnamic acid contents in both of the leaves and crowns, and in the concentrations of salicylic acid and benzoic acid in crowns during the vegetative/generative transition. The amount and ratio of active cytokinins and their derivatives (ribosides, glucosides and phosphates) were affected by developmental changes as well as by mvp2 mutation, too. (C) 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved

    Psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale Form C in a non-Western culture

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    Form C of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scales (MHLC-C) was designed to investigate health-related control beliefs of persons with an existing medical condition. The aim of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of this instrument in a culture characterized by external control beliefs and learned helplessness—contrary to the societal context of original test development. Altogether, 374 Hungarian patients with cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, and cardiovascular and musculoskeletal disorders were enrolled in the study. Besides the MHLC-C, instruments measuring general control beliefs, anxiety, depression, self-efficacy, and health behaviors were also administered to evaluate the validity of the scale. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analytic techniques were used to investigate the factor structure of the scale. Our results showed that the Hungarian adaptation of the instrument had a slightly different structure than the one originally hypothesized: in the present sample, a three-factor structure emerged where the items of the Doctors and the Others subscales loaded onto a single common component. Internal reliability of all three subscales was adequate (alphas between .71 and .79). Data concerning the instrument's validity were comparable with previous results from Western countries. These findings may suggest that health locus of control can be construed very similarly to Western countries even in a post-communist society—regardless of the potential differences in general control beliefs

    Author Correction: Drivers of seedling establishment success in dryland restoration efforts

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    1 Pág. Correción errata.In the version of this Article originally published, the surname of author Tina Parkhurst was incorrectly written as Schroeder. This has now been corrected.Peer reviewe