8,266 research outputs found

    Aquatic plants

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    Manipulating the torsion of molecules by strong laser pulses

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    A proof-of-principle experiment is reported, where torsional motion of a molecule, consisting of a pair of phenyl rings, is induced by strong laser pulses. A nanosecond laser pulse spatially aligns the carbon-carbon bond axis, connecting the two phenyl rings, allowing a perpendicularly polarized, intense femtosecond pulse to initiate torsional motion accompanied by an overall rotation about the fixed axis. The induced motion is monitored by femtosecond time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging. Our theoretical analysis accounts for and generalizes the experimental findings.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PRL; Major revision of the presentation of the material; Correction of ion labels in Fig. 2(a

    Solving the m-mixing problem for the three-dimensional time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation by rotations: application to strong-field ionization of H2+

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    We present a very efficient technique for solving the three-dimensional time-dependent Schrodinger equation. Our method is applicable to a wide range of problems where a fullly three-dimensional solution is required, i.e., to cases where no symmetries exist that reduce the dimensionally of the problem. Examples include arbitrarily oriented molecules in external fields and atoms interacting with elliptically polarized light. We demonstrate that even in such cases, the three-dimensional problem can be decomposed exactly into two two-dimensional problems at the cost of introducing a trivial rotation transformation. We supplement the theoretical framework with numerical results on strong-field ionization of arbitrarily oriented H2+ molecules.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Geologic mapping in Greenland with polarimetric SAR

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    NuSTAR + XMM-Newton monitoring of the neutron star transient AX J1745.6-2901

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    AX J1745.6-2901 is a high-inclination (eclipsing) transient neutron star (NS) Low Mass X-ray Binary (LMXB) showcasing intense ionised Fe K absorption. We present here the analysis of 11 XMM-Newton and 15 NuSTAR new data-sets (obtained between 2013-2016), therefore tripling the number of observations of AX J1745.6-2901 in outburst. Thanks to simultaneous XMM-Newton and NuSTAR spectra, we greatly improve on the fitting of the X-ray continuum. During the soft state the emission can be described by a disk black body (kT∼1.1−1.2kT\sim1.1-1.2 keV and inner disc radius rDBB∼14r_{DBB}\sim14 km), plus hot (kT∼2.2−3.0kT\sim2.2-3.0 keV) black body radiation with a small emitting radius (rBB∼0.5−0.8r_{BB}\sim0.5-0.8 km) likely associated with the boundary layer or NS surface, plus a faint Comptonisation component. Imprinted on the spectra are clear absorption features created by both neutral and ionised matter. Additionally, positive residuals suggestive of an emission Fe Kα\alpha disc line and consistent with relativistic ionised reflection are present during the soft state, while such residuals are not significant during the hard state. The hard state spectra are characterised by a hard (Γ∼1.9−2.1\Gamma\sim1.9-2.1) power law, showing no evidence for a high energy cut off (kTe>60−140kT_e>60-140 keV) and implying a small optical depth (τ<1.6\tau<1.6). The new observations confirm the previously witnessed trend of exhibiting strong Fe K absorption in the soft state, that significantly weakens during the hard state. Optical (GROND) and radio (GMRT) observations suggest for AX J1745.6-2901 a standard broad band SED as typically observed in accreting neutron stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Orientation-dependent ionization yields from strong-field ionization of fixed-in-space linear and asymmetric top molecules

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    The yield of strong-field ionization, by a linearly polarized probe pulse, is studied experimentally and theoretically, as a function of the relative orientation between the laser field and the molecule. Experimentally, carbonyl sulfide, benzonitrile and naphthalene molecules are aligned in one or three dimensions before being singly ionized by a 30 fs laser pulse centered at 800 nm. Theoretically, we address the behaviour of these three molecules. We consider the degree of alignment and orientation and model the angular dependence of the total ionization yield by molecular tunneling theory accounting for the Stark shift of the energy level of the ionizing orbital. For naphthalene and benzonitrile the orientational dependence of the ionization yield agrees well with the calculated results, in particular the observation that ionization is maximized when the probe laser is polarized along the most polarizable axis. For OCS the observation of maximum ionization yield when the probe is perpendicular to the internuclear axis contrasts the theoretical results.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Biodesalination: an emerging technology for targeted removal of Na+and Cl−from seawater by cyanobacteria

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    Although desalination by membrane processes is a possible solution to the problem of freshwater supply, related cost and energy demands prohibit its use on a global scale. Hence, there is an emerging necessity for alternative, energy and cost-efficient methods for water desalination. Cyanobacteria are oxygen-producing, photosynthetic bacteria that actively grow in vast blooms both in fresh and seawater bodies. Moreover, cyanobacteria can grow with minimal nutrient requirements and under natural sunlight. Taking these observations together, a consortium of five British Universities was formed to test the principle of using cyanobacteria as ion exchangers, for the specific removal of Na+ and Cl− from seawater. This project consisted of the isolation and characterisation of candidate strains, with central focus on their potential to be osmotically and ionically adaptable. The selection panel resulted in the identification of two Euryhaline strains, one of freshwater (Synechocystis sp. Strain PCC 6803) and one of marine origin (Synechococcus sp. Strain PCC 7002) (Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen). Other work packages were as follows. Genetic manipulations potentially allowed for the expression of a light-driven, Cl−-selective pump in both strains, therefore, enhancing the bioaccumulation of specific ions within the cell (University of Glasgow). Characterisation of surface properties under different salinities (University of Sheffield), ensured that cell–liquid separation efficiency would be maximised post-treatment, as well as monitoring the secretion of mucopolysaccharides in the medium during cell growth. Work at Newcastle University is focused on the social acceptance of this scenario, together with an assessment of the potential risks through the generation and application of a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points plan. Finally, researchers in Imperial College (London) designed the process, from biomass production to water treatment and generation of a model photobioreactor. This multimodal approach has produced promising first results, and further optimisation is expected to result in mass scaling of this process

    Development of a hard X-ray split-and-delay line and performance simulations for two-color pump-probe experiments at the European XFEL

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 063121 (2018) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5027071.A hard X-ray Split-and-Delay Line (SDL) under construction for the Materials Imaging and Dynamics station at the European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL) is presented. This device aims at providing pairs of X-ray pulses with a variable time delay ranging from −10 ps to 800 ps in a photon energy range from 5 to 10 keV for photon correlation and X-ray pump-probe experiments. A custom designed mechanical motion system including active feedback control ensures that the high demands for stability and accuracy can be met and the design goals achieved. Using special radiation configurations of the European XFEL’s SASE-2 undulator (SASE: Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission), two-color hard x-ray pump-probe schemes with varying photon energy separations have been proposed. Simulations indicate that more than 109 photons on the sample per pulse-pair and up to about 10% photon energy separation can be achieved in the hard X-ray region using the SDL.BMBF, 05K13KT4, Verbundprojekt FSP 302 - Freie-Elektronen-Laser: Nanoskopische Systeme. Teilprojekt 1: Split-and-Delay Instrument für die European XFEL Beamline Materials Imaging and DynamicsBMBF, 05K16BC1, Split-and-Delay Instrument für die European XFEL Beamline Materials Imaging and Dynamic
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