61 research outputs found

    A morte e as mortes na obra de Juan Rulfo

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Programa de Pós-Graduação em LiteraturaA presente dissertação realiza uma trajetória pela narrativa de el Llano en Llamas (1953) e Pedro Páramo (1955) de Juan Rulfo. Nessas obras, a morte - grande conflito humano - aparece como tema recorrente. Os personagens de el Llano en Llamas "vivem"ensimesmados na solidão do campo, enquanto os personagens de Pedro Páramo sofrem coletivamente sob o domínio do cacique Pedro Páramo. A proposta literária dessas narrativas possibilita ao leitor engendrar uma nova e insólita visão de mundo, pois nelas o autor reflete as frustrações coletivas do homem. Por viverem esse context de morte-vida, os personagens recorrem a esperança cristã, apresentada pela Igreja Católica. Portanto, nesta dissertação, primeiramente apresenta-se uma visão filosófico/teológica - que é a base da pesquisa. Posteriormente, apresenta-se o tema da morte na arte em geral e na literatura. E, por ultimo, apresentam-se a "vivência" da morte na obra rulfiana e uma possível saída do mundo mesquinho de Comala, como expressão de libertação de conflito maior que é a morte. This dissertation deals with Juan Rulfo´s book of short stories El llano en llamas (1953) and the novel Pedro Páramo (1955). The point at issue of the writings is the predicament of death which epitomizes all other conflicts. The campesinos of the stories live in the loneliness of the wasteland, whereas the dwellers of Comala meet a common fate under the merciless grasp of Don Pedro. A fresh approach to the writings that lay bare human frustrations brings about a new insight. Entangled in a life steadily threatened by death the characters appeal to christian hope, to no avail. The research focuses on the "living" death of Rulfo´s fiction, first by means of a theo-philosophical approach. Then comes death in art, specifically in literature. Lastly we look into death in both Rulfo´s masterpieces, venturing eventually a possible escape from Comala, that is, from the grip of death


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    RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT: IN TRAGENIC PLANTS AGE. The evolution of resistance of many target pests to the chemical control agents is a constant concern of farmers and agricultural workers. The development of resistance is usually controlled by a number of procedures applied to the agricultural land to overcome or reduce the resistance of the pests to the control agents utilized. The form of evolution of the insect´s resistance to the control agents is of considerable relevance and involves ecological, genetic and economic aspects. When Bt plants were developed and widely cultivated, research and studies in this field became more and more important and are now essential for the maintenance of productivity of these cultures. The management of the evolution of the resistance of the Bt plants is a question with many polemical aspects, from both practical and theoretical standpoints. The principal strategy applied to “manage” the evolution of the resistance of the Bt plants is known as “high doses - structured refuge”. Also, it is of considerable importance that methods of monitoring the plant populations are implemented to detect the presence, or an increase in the numbers, of resistant insects. In this context the underlying biological principles that are employed to substantiate the management strategy adopted must be clearly understood and the principal uncertainties associated with generalized applications recognized. What would happen if the resistance was determined by recessive genes, or when the crossing of resistant and susceptible individuals does not happen in a random manner? One of the important points in the strategy of resistance management is to monitor the cultivated areas with the objective of detecting the presence of resistant insects. The efficiency of the monitoring methods depends on their capacity to detect the presence of the allele that confers resistance while the frequency is still very low (in general less than 0.001). Among these methods, bio-testing the response dose, diagnosis bio-testing and the characterization of F2 are considered best. A clear understanding of all the aspects involved in managing and monitoring the evolution of the resistance is essential because our evolutionary relation with the insect pests can be compared to an armament race. Also, it becomes possible to understand why resistance management is considered one of the great problems linking ecology, evolution and economy at the present time. Keywords: Bt-crops; resistance management; high doses; structured refugee; monitoring.MANEJO DE RESISTENCIA: LA ERA DE LAS PLANTAS TRANSGÉNICAS. El desarrollo de resistencia de plagas a los agentes de control es una preocupación de los implicados en sistemas de producción agrícola. El manejo de resistencia se refiere a un conjunto de procedimientos aplicados en los sitios agrícolas con el objetivo de evitar o retrasar el desarrollo de resistencia de plagas a los agentes empleados en su control. El desarrollo de resistencia a los agentes de control de insectos es de gran importancia, conectando áreas como la ecología, la genética y la economía. Con el surgimiento y el cultivo de plantas Bt, la investigación científica y los trabajos en esta área son cada vez más importantes y esenciales para mantener la productividad de estos cultivos. La gestión del desarrollo de resistencia a plantas Bt es un tema con diversos aspectos polémico tanto prácticos como teóricos. La principal estrategia empleada para “manejarg el desarrollo de resistencia a plantas Bt es llamada de “ altas dosis y refugios estructurados.” Además, es muy importante la aplicación de métodos de monitoreo de poblaciones para la detección de presencia o ampliación de frecuencia de los insectos resistentes. En este contexto, es fundamental comprender cuales principios biológicos son usados para fundamentar las estrategias de manejo adoptadas y las principales incertidumbres asociadas a la aplicación generalizada de ellos. ¿Qué sucede si la resistencia no está determinada por genes recesivos o cuando los cruzamientos entre individuos resistentes y susceptibles no se producen al acaso? Una de las cosas más importantes de las estratégias de manejo de resistencia es el monitoreo de los sitios de cultivo con el fin de detectar la presencia de insectos resistentes. La eficiencia de los métodos de monitoreo, depende de su capacidad de detectar la presencia del alelo que confiere resistencia, mientras que su frecuencia es demasiado baja (comúnmente menor que 0.001). En estos métodos sobresalen los bioensayos de dosis/respuestas, ensayos de diagnóstico y de detección de F2. La comprensión de todos los aspectos contenidos en el manejo y monitoreo del desarrollo de resistencia es esencial para comprender la razón de nuestra relación con el desarrollo de insectos plagas se permitir comparar a una “carrera armamentista”. Además es posible comprender porque el manejo de resistencia es considerado uno de los mayores problemas que unen la ecología, la evolución y la economía actuales. Palabras clave: Plantas Bt; gestión de resistencia; altas dosis; refugios; vigilancia.Atualmente, a evolução da resistência de insetos, aos agentes de controle, une as áreas de ecologia, genética e economia. O manejo de insetos requer um conjunto de métodos de controle compatíveis com a conservação ambiental. Nesse intuito, as plantas-Bt contribuem na redução da aplicação de inseticidas de elevada persistência ambiental e baixa seletividade aos organismos não-alvo, como os inimigos naturais. Nesse artigo são apresentadas e discutidas as principais atividades desenvolvidas visando manejar a evolução da resistência das pragas a essas plantas transformadas com genes cry de Bacillus thuringiensis. Também são abordados os principais aspectos relacionados à estratégia “Altas doses e refúgios estruturados” e dos métodos envolvidos no monitoramento das populações procurando detectar presença ou o aumento na freqüência de insetos resistentes. Do mesmo modo são abordadas as incertezas envolvidas na definição das estratégias aplicadas no manejo da evolução da resistência. 

    Independence and matching numbers of unicyclic graphs from null space

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    We characterize unicyclic graphs that are singular using the support of the null space of their pendant trees. From this, we obtain closed formulas for the independence and matching numbers of a unicyclic graph, based on the support of its subtrees. These formulas allows one to compute independence and matching numbers of unicyclic graphs using linear algebra methods

    Independence and Matching Numbers of Unicyclic Graphs From Null Space

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    We characterize unicyclic graphs that are singular using the support of the null space of their pendant trees. From this, we obtain closed formulas for the independence and matching numbers of a unicyclic graph, based on the support of its subtrees. These formulas allows one to compute independence and matching numbers of unicyclic graphs using linear algebra methods

    Decision support system based in AHP method to selection vendors of clinical laboratorys inputs

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    In a competitive marketing scenario, the purchasing area contributes significantly to the achievement of organizational goals. Its mission is to identify the competitive needs of products and services, becoming responsible for the timely delivery, costs optimization and quality. Within shopping, a correct selection of vendors is important for this to happen. From this perspective, the present study aims to develop a model that assists in the vendors’ selection process. This way, a case study was carried out in a clinical analysis laboratory located in the city of Rio Grande, where the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) was used as an intervention tool. The development process consisted in three stages. The first one aimed at structuring the model, in which the hierarchy of criteria was defined. In the second step, the judgments were carried out and the relative weights for each criterion and subcriterion were calculated. Finally, the third step aimed at applying the model developed in a purchasing process. The model was tested in a selection process that involved the evaluation of three vendors of a laboratorial input, in order to identify which one met the demands of the organization. The result obtained with its use was considered satisfactory, this way, the model was approved by the manager who participated in the structuring process of the AHP hierarchy

    Qualidade microbiológica da água da cultura do arroz irrigado, no sul do Brasil

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    Total and fecal coliforms are bio-indicators of the environmental impact caused by anthropic action and are considered indicators of the microbiological quality of the water. In the cultivation of rice by irrigation much water is used and care in water management is required in order to increase the volume and quality of production while reducing the environmental impact. The objective of this research is to evaluate the quality of the irrigation water used in five rice-growing regions of the State of Rio Grande do Sul during the vegetative and reproductive phases. The results demonstrate that the indices of total and fecal coliforms in the rice field plots of the fields in all the rice producing regions of Rio Grande do Sul evaluated in this study were lower in the reproductive than in the vegetative phases. The irrigation channel presented low indices of fecal coliforms but a higher incidence of total coliforms. The data demonstrated that irrigated rice cultivation can alter the microbiological quality of the water in the plots by its potential capacity of circulating the nutrients with the result that the drainage water presents a smaller quantity of contaminating microbial agents.Key words: water, irrigation, fecal coliforms, rice fields.Os coliformes totais e fecais são bioindicadores de impacto ambiental causado por ação antrópica, sendo considerados indicadores de qualidade microbiológica da água. Na cultura do arroz irrigado, onde é necessário o uso da água, devem-se ter cuidados relacionados ao manejo, visando aumento de produção e qualidade do produto, com redução do impacto ambiental. O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar a qualidade microbiológica da água de irrigação, em cinco regiões orizícolas do Rio Grande do Sul, nas fases vegetativa e reprodutiva. As amostras de água foram submetidas à análise da qualidade microbiológica, sendo adotado o método de indicadores de poluição que estabelece simultaneamente a concentração de coliformes fecais e totais, através da análise bioquímica pelo método Colilert® (IDEXX). Os resultados mostram que os índices de coliformes totais e fecais nas parcelas de arroz, de todas as regiões produtoras do Rio Grande do Sul, avaliadas no presente estudo, foram inferiores na fase reprodutiva da cultura quando comparados a sua fase vegetativa. O canal de irrigação apresentou baixos índices de coliformes fecais, no entanto, a presença de coliformes totais mostrou-se mais elevada. Os dados apresentados demonstram que a orizicultura pode alterar a qualidade microbiológica da água presente nas parcelas, devido ao seu potencial de ciclagem de nutrientes, fazendo com que a água de drenagem apresente menor quantidade de agentes microbianos contaminantes. Palavras-chave: água, irrigação, coliformes, campos de arroz

    Association between malocclusion, tongue position and speech distortion in mixed-dentition schoolchildren: an epidemiological study

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    Malocclusions are highly prevalent in childhood and adolescence, being considered a public health problem worldwide, in addition to be considered an important predictor in the tongue position and speech disorders. Objective: Evaluate the association of malocclusions with tongue position and speech distortion in mixed-dentition schoolchildren from the south of Brazil. Methodology: This cross-sectional study was performed using a database of an epidemiological survey realized in the southern of Brazil, in 2015, for evaluating the dental and myofunctional condition of the mixed-dentition from 7-13 years’ schoolchildren. The outcome variables were tongue position and speech distortion, evaluated by a trained and calibrated examiner. Characteristics regarding sociodemographic and oral health measures (Angle’s classification of the malocclusion, overjet, overbite, posterior crossbite and respiratory mode) were also assessed. Poisson regression models with adjusted robust variance were used to evaluate the association among predictors variables in the outcomes. Results are presented as prevalence ratio (PR) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI). Results: A total of 547 children were evaluated. Schoolchildren who presented anterior open bite (PR 2.36 95%CI 1.59-3.49) and having oral/oral-nasal breathing (RP 2.51 95%CI 1.70-3.71) are more likely to have altered position of the tongue. Both deep bite and being male represent protection factors for the abnormal tongue position. Regarding speech distortion, deep overbite presents a protective relationship to speech distortion (PR 0.41; 95%CI 0.24-0.71), whereas schoolchildren with posterior crossbite were more likely to present this problem (PR 1.77; 95%CI 1.09-2.88). Conclusion: Anterior open bite and posterior crossbite were the malocclusions related to speech distortion and/or altered tongue position. Oral/oral-nasal breathing was also related to myofunctional changes. Deep bite malocclusion was a protective factor for both speech problems and altered tongue position when compared to a normal overbite