24 research outputs found

    Causal Pathways from Enteropathogens to Environmental Enteropathy: Findings from the MAL-ED Birth Cohort Study

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    Background Environmental enteropathy (EE), the adverse impact of frequent and numerous enteric infections on the gut resulting in a state of persistent immune activation and altered permeability, has been proposed as a key determinant of growth failure in children in low- and middle-income populations. A theory-driven systems model to critically evaluate pathways through which enteropathogens, gut permeability, and intestinal and systemic inflammation affect child growth was conducted within the framework of the Etiology, Risk Factors and Interactions of Enteric Infections and Malnutrition and the Consequences for Child Health and Development (MAL-ED) birth cohort study that included children from eight countries. Methods Non-diarrheal stool samples (N = 22,846) from 1253 children from multiple sites were evaluated for a panel of 40 enteropathogens and fecal concentrations of myeloperoxidase, alpha-1-antitrypsin, and neopterin. Among these same children, urinary lactulose:mannitol (L:M) (N = 6363) and plasma alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) (N = 2797) were also measured. The temporal sampling design was used to create a directed acyclic graph of proposed mechanistic pathways between enteropathogen detection in non-diarrheal stools, biomarkers of intestinal permeability and inflammation, systemic inflammation and change in length- and weight- for age in children 0–2 years of age. Findings Children in these populations had frequent enteric infections and high levels of both intestinal and systemic inflammation. Higher burdens of enteropathogens, especially those categorized as being enteroinvasive or causing mucosal disruption, were associated with elevated biomarker concentrations of gut and systemic inflammation and, via these associations, indirectly associated with both reduced linear and ponderal growth. Evidence for the association with reduced linear growth was stronger for systemic inflammation than for gut inflammation; the opposite was true of reduced ponderal growth. Although Giardia was associated with reduced growth, the association was not mediated by any of the biomarkers evaluated. Interpretation The large quantity of empirical evidence contributing to this analysis supports the conceptual model of EE. The effects of EE on growth faltering in young children were small, but multiple mechanistic pathways underlying the attribution of growth failure to asymptomatic enteric infections had statistical support in the analysis. The strongest evidence for EE was the association between enteropathogens and linear growth mediated through systemic inflammation

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    Not AvailableBackground: Rice, a major food crop of the world, endures many major biotic stresses like bacterial blight (BB), fungal blast (BL) and the insect Asian rice gall midge (GM) that cause significant yield losses. Progress in tagging, mapping and cloning of several resistance (R) genes against aforesaid stresses has led to marker assisted multigene introgression into elite cultivars for multiple and durable resistance. However, no detailed study has been made on possible interactions among these genes when expressed simultaneously under combined stresses. Results: Our studies monitored expression profiles of 14 defense related genes in 11 rice breeding lines derived from an elite cultivar with different combination of R genes against BB, BL and GM under single and multiple challenge. Four of the genes found implicated earlier under combined GM and BB stress were confirmed to be induced (≥ 2 fold) in stem tissue following GM infestation; while one of these, cytochrome P450 family protein, was also induced in leaf in plants challenged by either BB or BL but not together. Three of the genes highlighted earlier in plants challenged by both BB and BL were also found induced in stem under GM challenge. Pi54 the target R gene against BL was also found induced when challenged by GM. Though expression of some genes was noted to be inhibited under combined pest challenge, such effects did not result in compromise in resistance against any of the target pests. Conclusion: While R genes generally tended to respond to specific pest challenge, several of the downstream defense genes responded to multiple pest challenge either single, sequential or simultaneous, without any distinct antagonism in expression of resistance to the target pests in two of the pyramided lines RPNF05 and RPNF08.Indian Council of Agricultural Research – National Agricultural Science grant No. NASF/ABP-5009/2015-1

    Re-evaluation of medical findings in alleged shaken baby syndrome and abusive head trauma in Norwegian courts fails to support abuse diagnoses

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    Aim The criteria for diagnosing abusive head trauma (AHT) are not well defined and this condition might be diagnosed on failing premises. Our aim was to review criminal AHT cases in Norwegian courts by scrutinising the underlying medical documentation. Methods Cases were identified in the data registry for Norwegian courts from 2004 to 2015. Documentation was obtained from relevant health institutions. The medical co-authors first made independent evaluations of the documentation for each child, followed by a consensus evaluation. Results A total of 17 children (11 boys) were identified, all diagnosed as AHT by court appointed experts, 15 were infants (mean age 2.6 months). A high proportion (41.2%) was born to immigrant parents and 31.3% were premature. The medical findings could be explained by alternative diagnoses in 16 of the 17 children; 8 boys (7 infants – mean age 2.9 months) had clinical and radiological characteristics compatible with external hydrocephalus complicated by chronic subdural haematoma. Six children (five infants with mean age 2.1 months) had a female preponderance and findings compatible with hypoxic ischaemic insults. Conclusion The medical condition in most children had not necessarily been caused by shaking or direct impact, as was originally concluded by the court experts