25 research outputs found

    Non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus pneumoniae as primary causes of acute otitis media in colombian children: a prospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Acute otitis media (AOM) is one of the most frequently encountered bacterial infections in children aged < 5 years; <it>Streptococcus pneumoniae </it>(<it>S. pneumoniae</it>) and non-typeable <it>Haemophilus influenzae </it>(NTHi) are historically identified as primary AOM causes. Nevertheless, recent data on bacterial pathogens causing AOM in Latin America are limited. This prospective study aimed to identify and characterize bacterial etiology and serotypes of AOM cases including antimicrobial susceptibility in < 5 year old Colombian children.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From February 2008 to January 2009, children ≥3 months and < 5 years of age presenting with AOM and for whom a middle ear fluid (MEF) sample was available were enrolled in two medical centers in Cali, Colombia. MEF samples were collected either by tympanocentesis procedure or spontaneous otorrhea swab sampling. Bacteria were identified using standard laboratory methods, and antimicrobial resistance testing was performed based on the 2009 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) criteria. Most of the cases included in the study were sporadic in nature.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 106 enrolled children, 99 were included in the analysis. Bacteria were cultured from 62/99 (63%) of samples with <it>S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, or S. pyogenes</it>. The most commonly isolated bacteria were <it>H. influenzae </it>in 31/99 (31%) and <it>S. pneumoniae </it>in 30/99 (30%) of samples. The majority of <it>H. influenzae </it>episodes were NTHi (27/31; 87%). 19F was the most frequently isolated pneumococcal serotype (10/30; 33%). Of the 30 <it>S. pneumoniae </it>positive samples, 8/30 (27%) were resistant to tetracycline, 5/30 (17%) to erythromycin and 8/30 (27%) had intermediate resistance to penicillin. All <it>H. influenzae </it>isolates tested were negative to beta-lactamase.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>NTHi and <it>S. pneumoniae </it>are the leading causes of AOM in Colombian children. A pneumococcal conjugate vaccine that prevents both pathogens could be useful in maximizing protection against AOM.</p

    Glia- and neuron-specific functions of TrkB signalling during retinal degeneration and regeneration

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    Glia, the support cells of the central nervous system, have recently attracted considerable attention both as mediators of neural cell survival and as sources of neural regeneration. To further elucidate the role of glial and neural cells in neurodegeneration, we generated TrkBGFAP and TrkBc-kit knockout mice in which TrkB, a receptor for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), is deleted in retinal glia or inner retinal neurons, respectively. Here, we show that the extent of glutamate-induced retinal degeneration was similar in these two mutant mice. Furthermore in TrkBGFAP knockout mice, BDNF did not prevent photoreceptor degeneration and failed to stimulate MĂĽller glial cell proliferation and expression of neural markers in the degenerating retina. These results demonstrate that BDNF signalling in glia has important roles in neural protection and regeneration, particularly in conversion of MĂĽller glia to photoreceptors. In addition, our genetic models provide a system in which glia- and neuron-specific gene functions can be tested in central nervous system tissues in vivo

    Non-capsulated and capsulated Haemophilus influenzae in children with acute otitis media in Venezuela: a prospective epidemiological study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Non-typeable <it>Haemophilus influenzae </it>(NTHi) and <it>Streptococcus pneumoniae </it>are major causes of bacterial acute otitis media (AOM). Data regarding AOM are limited in Latin America. This is the first active surveillance in a private setting in Venezuela to characterize the bacterial etiology of AOM in children < 5 years of age.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Between December 2008 and December 2009, 91 AOM episodes (including sporadic, recurrent and treatment failures) were studied in 87 children enrolled into a medical center in Caracas, Venezuela. Middle ear fluid samples were collected either by tympanocentesis or spontaneous otorrhea swab sampling method. Standard laboratory and microbiological techniques were used to identify bacteria and test for antimicrobial resistance. The results were interpreted according to Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) 2009 for non-meningitis isolates. All statistical analyses were performed using SAS 9.1 and Microsoft Excel (for graphical purposes).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall, bacteria were cultured from 69.2% (63 of the 91 episodes); at least one pathogen (<it>S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, S. pyogenes </it>or <it>M. catarrhalis</it>) was cultured from 65.9% (60/91) of episodes. <it>H. influenzae </it>(55.5%; 35/63 episodes) and <it>S. pneumoniae </it>(34.9%; 22/63 episodes) were the most frequently reported bacteria. Among <it>H. influenzae </it>isolates, 62.9% (22/35 episodes) were non-capsulated (NTHi) and 31.4% (11/35 episodes) were capsulated including types d, a, c and f, across all age groups. Low antibiotic resistance for <it>H. influenzae </it>was observed to amoxicillin/ampicillin (5.7%; 2/35 samples). NTHi was isolated in four of the six <it>H. influenzae </it>positive samples (66.7%) from recurrent episodes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We found <it>H. influenzae </it>and <it>S. pneumoniae </it>to be the main pathogens causing AOM in Venezuela. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines with efficacy against these bacterial pathogens may have the potential to maximize protection against AOM.</p

    A 300-year record of sedimentation in a small tilled catena in Hungary based on δ13C, δ15N, and C/N distribution

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    Purpose Soil erosion is one of the most serious hazards that endanger sustainable food production. Moreover, it has marked effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) with direct links to global warming. At the same time, soil organic matter (SOM) changes in composition and space could influence these processes. The aim of this study was to predict soil erosion and sedimentation volume and dynamics on a typical hilly cropland area of Hungary due to forest clearance in the early eighteenth century. Materials and methods Horizontal soil samples were taken along two parallel intensively cultivated complex convex-concave slopes from the eroded upper parts at mid-slope positions and from sedimentation in toe-slopes. Samples were measured for SOC, total nitrogen (TN) content, and SOMcompounds (δ13C, δ15N, and photometric indexes). They were compared to the horizons of an in situ non-eroded profile under continuous forest. On the depositional profile cores, soil depth prior to sedimentation was calculated by the determination of sediment thickness. Results and discussion Peaks of SOC in the sedimentation profiles indicated thicker initial profiles, while peaks in C/N ratio and δ13C distribution showed the original surface to be ~ 20 cm lower. Peaks of SOC were presumed to be the results of deposition of SOC-enriched soil from the upper slope transported by selective erosion of finer particles (silts and clays). Therefore, changes in δ13C values due to tillage and delivery would fingerprint the original surface much better under the sedimentation scenario than SOC content. Distribution of δ13C also suggests that the main sedimentation phase occurred immediately after forest clearance and before the start of intense cultivation with maize. Conclusions This highlights the role of relief in sheet erosion intensity compared to intensive cultivation. Patterns of δ13C indicate the original soil surface, even in profiles deposited as sediment centuries ago. The δ13C and C/N decrease in buried in situ profiles had the same tendency as recent forest soil, indicating constant SOM quality distribution after burial. Accordingly, microbiological activity, root uptake, and metabolism have not been effective enough to modify initial soil properties

    Adult generation of glutamatergic olfactory bulb interneurons

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    The adult mouse subependymal zone (SEZ) harbors neural stem cells that are thought to exclusively generate GABAergic interneurons of the olfactory bulb. We examined the adult generation of glutamatergic juxtaglomerular neurons, which had dendritic arborizations that projected into adjacent glomeruli, identifying them as short-axon cells. Fate mapping revealed that these originate from Neurog2- and Tbr2-expressing progenitors located in the dorsal region of the SEZ. Examination of the progenitors of these glutamatergic interneurons allowed us to determine the sequential expression of transcription factors in these cells that are thought to be hallmarks of glutamatergic neurogenesis in the developing cerebral cortex and adult hippocampus. Indeed, the molecular specification of these SEZ progenitors allowed for their recruitment into the cerebral cortex after a lesion was induced. Taken together, our data indicate that SEZ progenitors not only produce a population of adult-born glutamatergic juxtaglomerular neurons, but may also provide a previously unknown source of progenitors for endogenous repair