5 research outputs found

    Using new data sources for policymaking

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    This JRC technical report synthesises the results of our work on using new data sources for policy-making. It reflects a recent shift from more general considerations in the area of Big Data to a more dedicated investigation of Citizen Science, and it summarizes the state of play. With this contribution, we start promoting Citizen Science as an integral component of public participation in policy in Europe. The particular need to focus on the citizen dimension emerged due to (i) the increasing interest in the topic from policy Directorate-Generals (DGs) of the European Commission (EC), (ii) the considerable socio-economic impact policy making has on citizens’ life and society as a whole, and (iii) the clear potentiality of citizens’ contributions to increase the relevance of policy making and the effectiveness of policies when addressing societal challenges. We explicitly concentrate on Citizen Science (or public participation in scientific research) as a way to engage people in practical work, and to develop a mutual understanding between the participants from civil society, research institutions and the public sector by working together on a topic that is of common interest.JRC.B.6-Digital Econom

    Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation: early lessons from the COVID-19 crisis

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has created an extraordinary medical, economic and social emergency. To contain the spread of the virus, many countries adopted a lock down policy closing schools and business and keeping people at home for several months. This resulted in a massive surge of activity online for education, business, public administration, research, social interaction. This report considers these recent developments and identifies some early lessons with respect to the present and future development of AI and digital transformation in Europe, focusing in particular on data, as this is an area of significant shifts in attitudes and policy. The report analyses the increasing use of AI in medicine and healthcare, the tensions in data sharing between individual rights and collective wellbeing, the search for technological solutions like contact tracing apps to help monitor the spread of the virus, and the potential concerns they raise. The forced transition to online showed the resilience of the Internet but also the disproportionate impact on already vulnerable groups like the elderly and children. The report concludes that the COVID-19 crisis has acted as a boost for AI adoption and data sharing, and created new opportunities. It has also amplified concerns for democracy and social inequality and showed Europe’s vulnerability on data and platforms, calling for action to address these crucial aspects.JRC.B.6-Digital Econom

    A European approach to COVID-19 apps? A landscape analysis of apps stores in the initial stages of the health crisis

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    This article explores to what extent a European approach can be identified in the COVID-19 mobile apps landscape that surfaced in the initial stages of the crisis. Based on information collected from the two most prominent app stores (Google Play for Android-powered devices and Apple’s App Store for iOS-powered devices) between April and August 2020, we examine differences between COVID-19 related apps released in European countries and elsewhere in the world. The article focuses on two aspects: the involvement of actors from the public sector in releasing COVID-19 related apps and the measures implemented for personal data protection. The findings suggest that differences exist according to the geographical context in which apps were released and the specific functions they perform. We identify specific trends in Europe that confirm a stronger emphasis on data protection than what happened on a global scale, and to a certain extent a greater involvement of the public sector through health authorities

    Mobile Apps to Fight the COVID-19 Crisis

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    The COVID-19 pandemic led to a multi-faceted global crisis, which triggered the diverse and quickly emerging use of old and new digital tools. We have developed a multi-channel approach for the monitoring and analysis of a subset of such tools, the COVID-19 related mobile applications (apps). Our approach builds on the information available in the two most prominent app stores (i.e., Google Play for Android-powered devices and Apple’s App Store for iOS-powered devices), as well as on relevant tweets and digital media outlets. The dataset presented here is one of the outcomes of this approach, uses the content of the app stores and enriches it, providing aggregated information about 837 mobile apps published across the world to fight the COVID-19 crisis. This information includes: (a) information available in the mobile app stores between 20 April 2020 and 2 August 2020; (b) complementary information obtained from manual analysis performed until mid-September 2020; and (c) status information about app availability on 28 February 2021, when we last collected data from the mobile app stores. We highlight our findings with a series of descriptives, which depict both the activities in the app stores and the qualitative information that was revealed by the manual analysis