109 research outputs found

    Smart Shopping Carts to Increase Healthier Food Purchase: A Conjoint Experiment

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    Shopping carts, in general, should be suitable for carrying smart technology in the retail store environment. Also, a smart shopping cart can present verbal motivating stimuli to increase healthier food purchases. A conjoint experiment was used to test with a hypothetical purchasing task for young consumers (n=91) the potential of motivating stimulus on smart shopping carts to influence healthier purchases when buying frozen pizza. The results show a positive impact for all stimuli stemming from the smart shopping cart, three of which were health-based. This shows that stimuli revealing dynamic and personalized data through smart technology in a physical grocery retail setting have the potential to outperform traditional brand statements. Our conjoint experiment increased young consumers’ likelihood of choosing a healthier frozen pizza. This result demonstrates that verbal stimuli on smart shopping carts can function as motivating augmentals on young adult consumers’ healthier food purchases and are in line with the market positioning and customerservice focus of many retailers and brands today, emphasizing a social marketing standing

    Smart Shopping Carts to Increase Healthier Food Purchase: A Conjoint Experiment

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    Shopping carts, in general, should be suitable for carrying smart technology in the retail store environment. Also, a smart shopping cart can present verbal motivating stimuli to increase healthier food purchases. A conjoint experiment was used to test with a hypothetical purchasing task for young consumers (n=91) the potential of motivating stimulus on smart shopping carts to influence healthier purchases when buying frozen pizza. The results show a positive impact for all stimuli stemming from the smart shopping cart, three of which were health-based. This shows that stimuli revealing dynamic and personalized data through smart technology in a physical grocery retail setting have the potential to outperform traditional brand statements. Our conjoint experiment increased young consumers’ likelihood of choosing a healthier frozen pizza. This result demonstrates that verbal stimuli on smart shopping carts can function as motivating augmentals on young adult consumers’ healthier food p urchases and are in line with the market positioning and customer-service focus of many retailers and brands today, emphasizing a social marketing standing.publishedVersio

    The importance of relative customer-based label equity when signaling sustainability and health with certifications and tags

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    As a result of the increased crowding of the retail landscape with health and sustainability signals and hundreds of different certifications and claims, there is a growing need to determine the critical success factors and guidelines for professional practice. The current paper investigates how different combinations of signals impact consumers’ choice and willingness to pay (WTP). We identify and test two major certifications from a branding perspective. The results show that consumers will have a preference and higher WTP for fish filets with signals (certificates/tags or health/sustainability) that hold higher customer-based label equity (familiarity, understanding, trust) when shown in a choice-based situation. The results show the importance of a clear reference point, label equity (familiarity, understanding, trust), and customer values when using third-party certifications and/or simple taglines

    Utilizing consumer-based label equity to signal consumer products free from endocrine-disrupting chemicals

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    Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in consumer products present a global health concern. Yet, the understanding of consumer perceptions of EDC-related product labels is limited. This study investigated consumer reactions to such labels using data from 602 Scandinavian consumers. The results indicate a positive association between label performance (willingness to buy, pay in a local currency, pay extra, and recommend a product with the label) and a modified version of the consumer-based food label equity scale proposed by Coderre et al. (2022). Findings also suggest a positive relationship between awareness of EDCs and label performance of products with EDC-related labels. Our recommendations involve educating consumers, utilizing labels more effectively, and avoid warning labels for risks that are not well known and/or have a relatively low consumer-based label equity (CBLE)

    Big business returns on B Corp? Growing with green & lean as any label is a good label

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    This current research contributes to the concept of consumer-based food label equity (CBFLE) by testing the predictive validity of a scale developed by Coderre et al. (2022) in the sustainability and health domains of seafood products. In Study 1 (N = 301; between-within subjects), we found that scores on all subscales, except the (Dis)honesty subscale, were significantly related to willingness to buy fish fillets without a label in comparison with the B Corp sustainability label and a fictitious label. There were no differences between labels. In Study 2 (N = 200; within-subjects), we found similar results for fillets with a health-related label: the American Heart Association Heart-Check. However, scores on the awareness subscale were not significantly associated with willingness to buy fish fillets. Overall, our results suggest that the CBFLE and the scale predict WTB in the context of sustainability and health signaling

    Cavity implementation of quantum interference in a Λ\Lambda-type atom

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    A scheme for engineering quantum interference in a Λ\Lambda-type atom coupled to a frequency-tunable, single-mode cavity field with a pre-selected polarization at finite temperature is proposed. Interference-assisted population trapping, population inversions and probe gain at one sideband of the Autler-Townes spectrum are predicted for certain cavity resonant frequencies.Comment: 2 postscript figures are adde

    Entropy Crisis, Ideal Glass Transition and Polymer Melting: Exact Solution on a Husimi Cactus

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    We introduce an extension of the lattice model of melting of semiflexible polymers originally proposed by Flory. Along with a bending penalty, present in the original model and involving three sites of the lattice, we introduce an interaction energy that corresponds to the presence of a pair of parallel bonds and a second interaction energy associated with the presence of a hairpin turn. Both these new terms represent four-site interactions. The model is solved exactly on a Husimi cactus, which approximates a square lattice. We study the phase diagram of the system as a function of the energies. For a proper choice of the interaction energies, the model exhibits a first-order melting transition between a liquid and a crystalline phase. The continuation of the liquid phase below this temperature gives rise to a supercooled liquid, which turns continuously into a new low-temperature phase, called metastable liquid. This liquid-liquid transition seems to have some features that are characteristic of the critical transition predicted by the mode-coupling theory.Comment: To be published in Physical Review E, 68 (2) (2003

    Tight-binding parameters for charge transfer along DNA

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    We systematically examine all the tight-binding parameters pertinent to charge transfer along DNA. The π\pi molecular structure of the four DNA bases (adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine) is investigated by using the linear combination of atomic orbitals method with a recently introduced parametrization. The HOMO and LUMO wavefunctions and energies of DNA bases are discussed and then used for calculating the corresponding wavefunctions of the two B-DNA base-pairs (adenine-thymine and guanine-cytosine). The obtained HOMO and LUMO energies of the bases are in good agreement with available experimental values. Our results are then used for estimating the complete set of charge transfer parameters between neighboring bases and also between successive base-pairs, considering all possible combinations between them, for both electrons and holes. The calculated microscopic quantities can be used in mesoscopic theoretical models of electron or hole transfer along the DNA double helix, as they provide the necessary parameters for a tight-binding phenomenological description based on the π\pi molecular overlap. We find that usually the hopping parameters for holes are higher in magnitude compared to the ones for electrons, which probably indicates that hole transport along DNA is more favorable than electron transport. Our findings are also compared with existing calculations from first principles.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 7 table
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