116 research outputs found

    Insects and Related Terrestrial Invertebrates of Ellef Ringnes Island

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    Reports results of collecting and observing arthropod fauna over a 25-day period in July-Aug. 1960 at the Polar Continental Shelf Project base at Isachsen, where the summers are unusually cold. Some 75 species are believed present in an environment closely approaching the limits of biotic tolerance, and detailed descriptions are given of most of these (Latin names), with their characteristic habitats and global distributions. They include spiders, mites, springtails and insects, particularly midges. The view is elaborated that only those species able to withstand frequent interruptions of development in various stages and a life cycle extending over several years are able to survive. Specimens at all stages of development were found simultaneously. Other adaptations to extremely severe environmental conditions were mentioned. The role occupied by the lemming Dicrostonyx groenlandicus is described, as the habits of a third of the arthropod species are linked with it. The very low flying habits of some species are noted. The age of the entire island biota is placed within the last 200 years, and the source area considered to be the islands to the east, principally Axel Heiberg, the means of dispersal being wind, ice rafts, mammals and birds

    Redescrição de duas espécies neotropicais de Empididae (Diptera) descritas por curran e revalidação do gênero Porphyrochroa

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    The two species described in the genus Axelempis Curran, 1931, junior synonym of Macrostomus Wiedemann, 1817, Axelempis fulvithorax Curran, 1931 and A. fasciventris Curran, 1931 are redescribed from the types. The first one remains in the genus Macrostomus and the second one is transferred to Porphyrochroa Melander, 1928, here revalidated

    Tabanidae (Diptera) no dossel da floresta amazônica atraídos por luz e descrição de machos de três espécies

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    Foram realizadas coletas de tabanídeos a 40 metros de altura, em uma torre metálica, na Estação Experimental de Silvicultura Tropical, Amazonas, Brasil. As coletas foram realizadas de janeiro a dezembro de 2004, durante três noites de transição lunar minguante/nova de cada mês, das 18 às 6 horas. As mutucas foram capturadas em um lençol iluminado com lâmpada de luz mista de vapor de mercúrio de 250 watts e lâmpada de 20 watts BLB. Foram coletados 216 espécimes, dos quais 135 machos e 81 fêmeas, alocados em 29 espécies. Três machos desconhecidos são descritos pela primeira vez: Catachlorops halteratus Kröber, 1931, Leucotabanus janinae Fairchild, 1970 e Leucotabanus pauculus Fairchild, 1951.Tabanids were collected at a height of 40 meters on a metallic tower, at Estação Experimental de Silvicultura Tropical, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Samples were collected monthly from January to December of 2004, during three nights of lunar transition third quarter moon/ new moon from 06 p.m. to 06 a.m. Horse flies were captured on a vertical sheet illuminated by a 250-watts mixed mercury vapor light and 20-watts black-light (BLB) lamps. 216 specimens were collected, of which 135 were males and 81 were females belonging to 29 species. Males of three species with unknown males are described for the first time, namely: Catachlorops halteratus Kröber, 1931, Leucotabanus janinae Fairchild, 1970 and Leucotabanus pauculus Fairchild, 1951

    Hybotinae (Diptera, Hybotidae) of the National Park of Jaú, Amazonas, Brazil, with description of five new species of Syneches Walker

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    The composition of Hybotinae of the National Park of Jaú was studied. Sixteen species of Hybotinae are recorded and five new species of Syneches Walker are described and illustrated: Syneches hispidus sp. nov., S. jauensis sp. nov., S. longiflagellatus sp. nov., S. rafaeli sp. nov. and S. vidali sp. nov.A composição de Hybotinae do Parque Nacional do Jaú foi estudada. Dezesseis espécies de Hybotinae são registradas e cinco espécies novas de Syneches Walker são descritas e ilustradasSyneches hispidus sp. nov., S. jauensis sp. nov., S. longiflagellatus sp. nov., S. rafaeli sp. nov. e S. vidali sp. nov