2,441 research outputs found

    Improved Energy Absorption in 3D Woven Composites by Weave Parameter Manipulation

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    3D woven composites show significantly improved out-of-plane properties over traditional 2D laminates. This high through-thickness reinforcement is desirable in crashworthiness applications where crushing energy can be increased by composites’ improved interlaminar toughness. However, their use in practical applications is stunted by the poor understanding of how small variations in weave parameters, whether intended or not, affect the performance of these materials. Here, we demonstrate that small changes in textile properties, in this case pick density and float length have a knock-on effect that can greatly improve or diminish the crush performance of a 3D woven layer-to-layer structural fabric. Quasi-static and dynamic energy absorption values up to approximately 95J/g and 92J/g respectively are achieved. Crush performance is investigated on omega-shaped coupons, under both quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions with crush rates between 2mm/min and 8.5m/s. The failure mechanisms present during progressive crush under quasi-static loading transitions between more expected brittle dominated failure and ductile dominated failure, which is more typical of metals under similar loading conditions. Whereas when dynamic loading is considered, the materials present a more typical splaying failure event. As a result, additional exploration of the three-point bending response of these varied architectures is presented as a means of further explaining the interplay between lamina bending and progressive folding/micro-buckling in these materials. The effect of the weave’s architectural alterations on physical composite properties such as weight, density and conformability to shape is also investigated

    Energy Absorption Mechanisms in Layer-to-Layer 3D Woven Composites

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    3D woven composites provide improved out-of-plane performance over their two-dimensional counterparts. This sort of reinforced through thickness behaviour is desirable in crashworthiness applications where energy absorption can be increased by the composite material's resistance to delamination. The behaviour of these 3D materials in not well understood and fundamental data that can be used to validate and improve material models is not yet sufficiently comprehensive. Here we demonstrate that a modified layer-to-layer type 3D woven architecture can be effectively used in energy absorbing elements to produce repeatable and predictable progressive failure under axial crush conditions. Specific energy absorption (SEA) values in glass and carbon coupons of up to 62J/g and 95J/g respectively are achieved in the quasi-static regime; values up 93J/g to were achieved in the dynamic regime when carbon coupons are tested. Carbon specimens displayed uncharacteristic mixed mode failure with elements of ductile and brittle failure. The addition of a toughening agent showed mixed results in this study, providing quasi-static improvements (+8%) in SEA but significant diminishment in dynamic SEA (-22%). The failure modes present in all cases are explored in depth and the suitability of this material for industry crash applications is investigated

    Improved crush energy absorption in 3D woven composites by pick density modification

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    Although 3D woven composites have exceptional out-of-plane properties, there is a lack of understanding for these materials in crash application in automotive and aerospace industries. To encourage the use of 3D wovens in crashworthy automotive structures, knowledge must be gained so that designers can adjust the highly flexible weave parameters to create tailor-made performance materials. Here we show that fabric pick density causes large changes in progressive failure modes and associated energy absorption, particularly in the dynamic regime, where the quasi-static to dynamic energy absorption loss typical of composites is completely removed. Compression and flexure properties, which are known to be linked to crash performance in composites, are also investigated for these 3D woven layer-to-layer interlock carbon-epoxy composite structures. 3D fabric preforms are manufactured in three different pick densities: 4, 10 & 16 wefts/cm. With a constant warp density of 12 warps/cm from carbon fibres. Increasing the pick density improved specific energy absorption (SEA) even in relatively inefficient progressive failure modes like folding, which has not previously observed in composite materials. SEA values up to 104 J/g (quasi-static) and 93 J/g (dynamic) are recorded. This work shows that minor weft direction (transverse) weave changes can lead to sizeable improvements in warp direction (axial) energy absorption without fundamentally redesigning the weave architecture

    The Formation of the First Massive Black Holes

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    Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are common in local galactic nuclei, and SMBHs as massive as several billion solar masses already exist at redshift z=6. These earliest SMBHs may grow by the combination of radiation-pressure-limited accretion and mergers of stellar-mass seed BHs, left behind by the first generation of metal-free stars, or may be formed by more rapid direct collapse of gas in rare special environments where dense gas can accumulate without first fragmenting into stars. This chapter offers a review of these two competing scenarios, as well as some more exotic alternative ideas. It also briefly discusses how the different models may be distinguished in the future by observations with JWST, (e)LISA and other instruments.Comment: 47 pages with 306 references; this review is a chapter in "The First Galaxies - Theoretical Predictions and Observational Clues", Springer Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Eds. T. Wiklind, V. Bromm & B. Mobasher, in pres

    Strain induced exciton fine-structure splitting and shift in bent ZnO microwires

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    Lattice strain is a useful and economic way to tune the device performance and is commonly present in nanostructures. Here, we investigated for the first time the exciton spectra evolution in bent ZnO microwires along the radial direction via high spatial/energy resolution cathodeluminescence spectroscopy at 5.5 K. Our experiments show that the exciton peak splits into multi fine peaks towards the compressive part while retains one peak in the tensile part and the emission peak displays a continuous blue-shift from tensile to compressive edges. In combination with first-principles calculations, we show that the observed NBE emission splitting is due to the valence band splitting and the absence of peak splitting in the tensile part maybe due to the highly localized holes in the A band and the carrier density distribution across the microwire. Our studies may pave the way to design nanophotonic and electronic devices using bent ZnO nanowires

    Plx1 is required for chromosomal DNA replication under stressful conditions

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    Polo-like kinase (Plk)1 is required for mitosis progression. However, although Plk1 is expressed throughout the cell cycle, its function during S-phase is unknown. Using Xenopus laevis egg extracts, we demonstrate that Plx1, the Xenopus orthologue of Plk1, is required for DNA replication in the presence of stalled replication forks induced by aphidicolin, etoposide or reduced levels of DNA-bound Mcm complexes. Plx1 binds to chromatin and suppresses the ATM/ATR-dependent intra-S-phase checkpoint that inhibits origin firing. This allows Cdc45 loading and derepression of DNA replication initiation. Checkpoint activation increases Plx1 binding to the Mcm complex through its Polo box domain. Plx1 recruitment to chromatin is independent of checkpoint mediators Tipin and Claspin. Instead, ATR-dependent phosphorylation of serine 92 of Mcm2 is required for the recruitment of Plx1 to chromatin and for the recovery of DNA replication under stress. Depletion of Plx1 leads to accumulation of chromosomal breakage that is prevented by the addition of recombinant Plx1. These data suggest that Plx1 promotes genome stability by regulating DNA replication under stressful conditions

    Tiny cystine stones in the gallbladder of a patient with cholecystolithiasis complicating acute cholecystitis: a case report

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    Cystine stones, the main component of which is cystine, are very common urinary calculi, but are rare in the gall bladder. In animals, there has been only one report of cystine gallstones in tree shrews, and to our knowledge, this is the first report of cystine gallstones in humans

    Implications of Central Obesity-Related Variants in LYPLAL1, NRXN3, MSRA, and TFAP2B on Quantitative Metabolic Traits in Adult Danes

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    Two meta-analyses of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have suggested that four variants: rs2605100 in lysophospholipase-like 1 (LYPLAL1), rs10146997 in neuroxin 3 (NRXN3), rs545854 in methionine sulfoxide reductase A (MSRA), and rs987237 in transcription factor activating enhancer-binding protein 2 beta (TFAP2B) associate with measures of central obesity. To elucidate potential underlying phenotypes we aimed to investigate whether these variants associated with: 1) quantitative metabolic traits, 2) anthropometric measures (waist circumference (WC), waist-hip ratio, and BMI), or 3) type 2 diabetes, and central and general overweight and obesity.The four variants were genotyped in Danish individuals using KASPar®. Quantitative metabolic traits were examined in a population-based sample (n = 6,038) and WC and BMI were furthermore analyzed in a combined study sample (n = 13,507). Case-control studies of diabetes and adiposity included 15,326 individuals. The major G-allele of LYPLAL1 rs2605100 associated with increased fasting serum triglyceride concentrations (per allele effect (β) = 3%(1;5(95%CI)), p(additive) = 2.7×10(-3)), an association driven by the male gender (p(interaction) = 0.02). The same allele associated with increased fasting serum insulin concentrations (β = 3%(1;5), p(additive) = 2.5×10(-3)) and increased insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (β = 4%(1;6), p(additive) = 1.5×10(-3)). The minor G-allele of rs10146997 in NRXN3 associated with increased WC among women (β = 0.55cm (0.20;0.89), p(additive) = 1.7×10(-3), p(interaction) = 1.0×10(-3)), but showed no associations with obesity related metabolic traits. The MSRA rs545854 and TFAP2B rs987237 showed nominal associations with central obesity; however, no underlying metabolic phenotypes became obvious, when investigating quantitative metabolic traits. None of the variants influenced the prevalence of type 2 diabetes.We demonstrate that several of the central obesity-associated variants in LYPLAL1, NRXN3, MSRA, and TFAP2B associate with metabolic and anthropometric traits in Danish adults. However, analyses were made without adjusting for multiple testing, and further studies are needed to confirm the putative role of LYPLAL1, NRXN3, MSRA, and TFAP2B in the pathophysiology of obesity

    Poplar GTL1 Is a Ca2+/Calmodulin-Binding Transcription Factor that Functions in Plant Water Use Efficiency and Drought Tolerance

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    Diminishing global fresh water availability has focused research to elucidate mechanisms of water use in poplar, an economically important species. A GT-2 family trihelix transcription factor that is a determinant of water use efficiency (WUE), PtaGTL1 (GT-2 like 1), was identified in Populus tremula × P. alba (clone 717-IB4). Like other GT-2 family members, PtaGTL1 contains both N- and C-terminal trihelix DNA binding domains. PtaGTL1 expression, driven by the Arabidopsis thaliana AtGTL1 promoter, suppressed the higher WUE and drought tolerance phenotypes of an Arabidopsis GTL1 loss-of-function mutation (gtl1-4). Genetic suppression of gtl1-4 was associated with increased stomatal density due to repression of Arabidopsis STOMATAL DENSITY AND DISTRIBUTION1 (AtSDD1), a negative regulator of stomatal development. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) indicated that a PtaGTL1 C-terminal DNA trihelix binding fragment (PtaGTL1-C) interacted with an AtSDD1 promoter fragment containing the GT3 box (GGTAAA), and this GT3 box was necessary for binding. PtaGTL1-C also interacted with a PtaSDD1 promoter fragment via the GT2 box (GGTAAT). PtaSDD1 encodes a protein with 60% primary sequence identity with AtSDD1. In vitro molecular interaction assays were used to determine that Ca2+-loaded calmodulin (CaM) binds to PtaGTL1-C, which was predicted to have a CaM-interaction domain in the first helix of the C-terminal trihelix DNA binding domain. These results indicate that, in Arabidopsis and poplar, GTL1 and SDD1 are fundamental components of stomatal lineage. In addition, PtaGTL1 is a Ca2+-CaM binding protein, which infers a mechanism by which environmental stimuli can induce Ca2+ signatures that would modulate stomatal development and regulate plant water use

    Disturbed balance of expression between XIAP and Smac/DIABLO during tumour progression in renal cell carcinomas

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    Dysregulation of apoptosis plays an important role in tumour progression and resistance to chemotherapy. The X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis ( XIAP) is considered to be the most potent caspase inhibitor of all known inhibitor of apoptosis-family members. Only recently, an antagonist of XIAP has been identified, termed Smac/DIABLO. To explore the relevance of antiapoptotic XIAP and proapoptotic Smac/DIABLO for tumour progression in renal cell carcinomas (RCCs), we analysed XIAP and Smac/DIABLO mRNA and protein expression in the primary tumour tissue from 66 RCCs of all major histological types by quantitative real-time PCR, Western blot and ELISA. X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis and Smac/DIABLO mRNA expression was found in all RCCs. Importantly, the relative XIAP mRNA expression levels significantly increased from early (pT1) to advanced (pT3) tumour stages ( P = 0.0002) and also with tumour dedifferentiation ( P = 0.04). Western blot analysis confirmed the tumour stage-dependent increase of XIAP expression on the protein level. In contrast, mRNA and protein expression levels of Smac/DIABLO did not significantly change between early and advanced tumour stages or between low and high tumour grades. Consequently, the mRNA expression ratio between antiapoptotic XIAP and proapoptotic Smac/DIABLO markedly increased during progression from early ( pT1) to advanced ( pT3) tumour stages. Moreover, RCCs confined within the organ capsule ( pT1 and pT2) exhibited a significantly lower XIAP to Smac/DIABLO expression ratio when compared with RCCs infiltrating beyond the kidney ( pT3; P = 0.01). Thus, our investigation demonstrates that the delicate balance between XIAP and Smac/DIABLO expression is gradually disturbed during progression of RCCs, resulting in a relative increase of antiapoptotic XIAP over proapoptotic Smac/DIABLO, thereby probably contributing to the marked apoptosis resistance of RCC.OncologySCI(E)46ARTICLE71349-13579
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