921 research outputs found

    Kewirausahaan Sosial dalam Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Umat

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    Social entrepreneur is a branch of entrepreneur. Solutions of social problems who implementated is a social entrepreneur. A social entrepreneur be required a person who can read a social problem, design a social solution and mobilize the idea in order to implemented. Entrepreneur with social motivation, makes a lot of impact. Social impact of entrepreneur is fullfilment of needs, serve alternative unique product with low cost and provide solutions of goverment problems. Indonesia as a country with muslims as mayority, social entrepreneur is a needs for people economy. Social entrepreneur can be solution of economic gap or disparities in Indonesia

    Costing of Community Health Service Packages - The Malawi Social Action Fund (MASAF) Experience

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    No Abstract Malawi Medical Journal Vol. 20 (1) 2008 pp. 7-1

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Keamanan Kandang Sapi Menggunakan Sensor Ultrasonik Srf-05 Berbasis Arduino

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    The development of science and technology plays a vital role in helping human work. Technology is overgrowing in supporting all aspects of human life. One of them is the technology that is developing in the security sector. Therefore technology is needed that can reduce and prevent crime. This study examines and discusses the security technology developed in the livestock sector. Cattle farming is the object of this study due to the high crime level in cases of livestock theft, so vigilance and guarantees are needed for the safety of livestock in cages. The technology developed to improve the safety of the cowshed is security technology using the ultrasonic sensor srf-05, which will detect people/objects within a predetermined distance. The research method used is qualitative and quantitative methods. Each distance limitation is carried out in several trials so that the correct analysis results can be obtained. From several trials that have been carried out using different distance parameters, namely (30 cm, 60cm, 100cm, 200cm, 300cm), the results showed that the tool worked well using the srf-05 sensor with effective detection at a distance of = 60 cm obtained from the measurement between the height of the cowshed door - the average height of a human


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    Kurangnya keperdulian masyarakat dalam proses pembuangan sampah yang tepat membuat lingkungan sekitar tercemar, sehingga perlunya pembiasaan memilah sampah saat proses pembuangan. Solusi yang dapat dilakukan dari masalah tersebut yaitu dengan merancang sebuah alat pemilah sampah logam, plastik dan organik secara otomatis berbasis Internet of Things (IoT). Alat ini menggunakan sensor Proximity Inductive sebagai pendeteksi jenis sampah logam, sensor proximity Capacitive sebagai pendeteksi jenis sampah plastik dan sensor infrared sebagai pendeteksi jenis sampah organik. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) berfugsi menampilkan jenis sampah yang terdeteksi, motor servo berfungsi menuangkan sampah ke tempat sampah dan sensor ultrasonic berfungsi sebagai pendeteksi penunhya tempat sampah dan pada aplikasi telegram menampilkan notifikasi bahwa tempat sampah sudah penuh

    Situational crime prevention and worldwide piracy: a cross‑continent analysis

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    Relying on situational crime prevention perspective, this study compares successful and unsuccessful pirate attacks reported to the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) from the year 2000 through 2013 (n = 4,902). The study builds upon the recent work of Shane and Magnuson in Justice Quarterly, pp 1–26 (2014), which found various SCP techniques effectively prevented piracy attacks on a global level. The current study builds upon these findings by testing whether the global effect of SCP is consistent across individual continents. A series of mixed-effects logistic regression models and follow-up likelihood ratio tests were incorporated to explore the research question. In each model, SCP techniques were associated with unsuccessful piracy attacks on a global level. When considered individually, SCP techniques were equally effective in each continent. However, the use of multiple techniques classified within the increased effort technique of SCP was associated with increased likelihood of unsuccessful attacks in only 3 (South East Asia, Far East, and Rest of the World) of the 6 continents included in this study. The implications of these findings are discussed

    Penerapan RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Pada Sistem Presensi Guru dan Karyawan Berbasis Web

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    Penelitian ini mengembangkan sistem presensi guru dan karyawan pada SD Negeri 1 KembangSari, Kecamatan Selong dengan menggunakan NodeMCU ESP8266 sebagai kunci untukmengisi presensi guru dan karyawan melalui sensor RFID dan ID Tag berbasis website. Alat inibekerja dengan konsep Internet Of Things (IoT) yang mana semua perangkat keras yangdigunakan dijadikan satu rangkaian dengan sebuah mikrokontroler NodeMCU. Kemudiandilakukan konfigurasi alat dan web sistem menggunakan software Arduino IDE danpengkodingan web sistem menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP. Perangkat IoT yangdigunakan dalam sistem adalah sensor RFID RC-522 dan NodeMCU. Sensor RFID RC-522akan membaca tag ID yang dimiliki oleh guru atau karyawan yang membaca sebuah kode dalamID tersebut untuk diproses lebih lanjut. Semua kode ID tag dari masing-masing guru dankaryawan akan disimpan pada server database untuk digunakan lebih lanjut. Perangkat lunakdigunakan oleh operator dan operator harus mendaftarkan kode ID tag guru terlebih dahulu.Lalu akan memasukkan data sesuai dengan tanggal dan jam masuk pada saat melakukanpresensi. Semua guru dan karyawan akan melakukan presensi secara manual dengan caramenempelkan ID tag ke sensor RF reader yang sudah didaftarkan sebelumnya. Presensi akandilakukan sebanyak 2 kali, presensi pertama akan dilakukan saat guru dan karyawan masukkantor, dan prsensi kedua dilakukan saat guru dan karyawan pulang dari kantor. Dari hasilpengujian, alat ini sudah berfungsi dengan baik karena mampu melakukan presensi masuk danpresensi pulang secara real-time, kemudian menyimpan data tersebut ke dalam database dandapat diunduh sewaktu diperlukan

    Jet milling effect on wheat flour characteristics and starch hydrolysis

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    The interest for producing wheat flour with health promoting effect and improved functionality has led to investigate new milling techniques that can provide finer flours. In this study, jet milling treatment was used to understand the effect of ultrafine size reduction onto microstructure and physicochemical properties of wheat flour. Three different conditions of jet milling, regarding air pressure (4 or 8 bars) feed rate and recirculation, were applied to obtain wheat flours with different particle size (control, F1, F2 and F3 with d50 127.45, 62.30, 22.94 and 11.4 μm, respectively). Large aggregates were gradually reduced in size, depending on the intensity of the process, and starch granules were separated from the protein matrix. Damaged starch increased while moisture content decreased because of milling intensity. Notable changes were observed in starch hydrolysis kinetics, which shifted to higher values with milling. Viscosity of all micronized samples was reduced and gelatinization temperatures (To, Tp, Tc) for F2 and F3 flours increased. Controlling jet milling conditions allow obtaining flours with different functionality, with greater changes at higher treatment severity that induces large particle reduction.Part of this work was financed through the project “IKY Scholarships” from resources of operational program (OP) “Education and Lifelong Learning”, the European Social Fund (ESF) of the (National Strategic Reference Framework NSRF) 2007-2013-WP2-SHORT TERMS-19078. Financial support of Spanish Scientific Research Council (CSIC) and Generalitat Valenciana (Spain, Project Prometeo 2012/064) is acknowledged.Peer reviewe
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