1,071 research outputs found

    A numerical study of planar arrays of correlated spin islands

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    We present our analysis of a system of interacting islands of XY spins on a triangular lattice that has been introduced a few years ago by Eley et al. to account for the phenomenology in experiments on tunable arrays of proximity coupled long superconductor-normal metal-superconductor junctions. The main features of the model are the separation of a local and a global interaction energy scale and the mesoscopic character of the spin islands. Upon lowering the temperature the model undergoes two crossovers corresponding to an increasing phase coherence on a single island and to the onset of global coherence across the array; the latter is a thermodynamical phase transition in the Ising universality class. The dependence of the second transition on the island edge-to-edge spacing is related to the proximity-effect of the coupling constant.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in EPJ

    Genetic diversity of Lusitano horse in Brazil using pedigree information

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    This study aimed to evaluate population parameters and to describe the genetic diversity of the Lusitano breed in Brazil using pedigree data. Two populations were evaluated: total population (TP) containing 18,922 animals, and reference population (RP) composed of a part of TP containing 8,329 animals, representing the last generation. The generation interval (10.1 ± 5.1 years) was in the range for horse populations. Pedigree completeness in RP shows almost 100% filling in the three most recent generations, indicating improvement in the pedigree data and accuracy of the results, and the inbreeding coefficient (4.46%) and average relatedness (5.97%) for RP, indicating control on the part of breeders. The effective population size was 89 (TP) and 90 (RP). The effective number of founders (fe) were 33 and 29, effective number of ancestors (fa) were 30 and 26, and effective number of founder genomes (fg) were 19 and 15 for TP and RP, respectively, indicating a reduction of genetic variability in the last generations. The total number of ancestors that explains 100% of the genetic diversity in the Lusitano breed in Brazil was 427 (TP) and 341 (RP). The reproductive parameters, probabilities of gene origin showing loss of variability in the last generations, and the genetic contributions of ancestors suggest the need to monitor genetic diversity over time in breeding programs to allow control of the next generations and to increase their variability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comment on "Evidence of Non-Mean-Field-Like Low-Temperature Behavior in the Edwards-Anderson Spin-Glass Model"

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    A recent interesting paper [Yucesoy et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 177204 (2012), arXiv:1206:0783] compares the low-temperature phase of the 3D Edwards-Anderson (EA) model to its mean-field counterpart, the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK) model. The authors study the overlap distributions P_J(q) and conclude that the two models behave differently. Here we notice that a similar analysis using state-of-the-art, larger data sets for the EA model (generated with the Janus computer) leads to a very clear interpretation of the results of Yucesoy et al., showing that the EA model behaves as predicted by the replica symmetry breaking (RSB) theory.Comment: Version accepted for publication in PRL. 1 page, 1 figur

    Disorder chaos in spin glasses

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    We investigate numerically disorder chaos in spin glasses, i.e. the sensitivity of the ground state to small changes of the random couplings. Our study focuses on the Edwards-Anderson model in d=1,2,3 and in mean-field. We find that in all cases, simple scaling laws, involving the size of the system and the strength of the perturbation, are obeyed. We characterize in detail the distribution of overlap between ground states and the geometrical properties of flipped spin clusters in both the weak and strong chaos regime. The possible relevance of these results to temperature chaos is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, replaced with accepted versio

    Weak first order transition in the three-dimensional site-diluted Ising antiferromagnet in a magnetic field

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    We perform intensive numerical simulations of the three-dimensional site-diluted Ising antiferromagnet in a magnetic field at high values of the external applied field. Even if data for small lattice sizes are compatible with second-order criticality, the critical behavior of the system shows a crossover from second-order to first-order behavior for large system sizes, where signals of latent heat appear. We propose "apparent" critical exponents for the dependence of some observables with the lattice size for a generic (disordered) first-order phase transition.Comment: Final version, accepted for publicatio

    effects of in ovo injection of prebiotics and synbiotics on the productive performance and microstructural features of the superficial pectoral muscle in broiler chickens

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    ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to compare the effects of 2 prebiotics and 2 synbiotics injected in ovo on productivity parameters, quality, and microstructure of the superficial pectoral muscle in 35-day-old broiler chickens. On day 12 of incubation, 9,000 eggs Ross 308 were randomly divided into 5 experimental groups treated with different bioactives in ovo injected: C, control with physiological saline; PI, with 1.760 mg inulin; PB, with 0.528 mg of commercial prebiotic Bi2 tos; SI, with 1.760 mg inulin and 1,000 CFU Lactococcus lactis spp. lactis IBB SL1; SB, with 0.528 mg Bi2 tos and 1,000 CFU Lactococcus lactis spp. cremoris IBB SC1. The synbiotic solution contained 20 μl bacterial suspension and 180 μl prebiotic solution. For productive parameters and further tests ten male birds for each experimental group were used. The birds were slaughtered on day 35 of age. At slaughter, samples of the left pectoral muscles were taken and preserved by freezing in liquid nitrogen. The pH and color of the meat were evaluated at 45 min and 24 h post-mortem. Water holding capacity (WHC) was measured and expressed as the percentage of free water in meat. Microscopic specimens were analysed using MultiScan software for the measurement of the percentage of oxidative and glycolytic fibres and mean diameter of the muscle fibres. In ovo injection of prebiotics Bi2 tos had a positive effect on body weight. In prebiotic group (PI) a negative impact on hatchability was observed. Prebiotics and synbiotics had no influence on the yield of the carcass and pectoral muscle. Bioactive compounds had a significant effect on the quality of meat parameters such as: pH 24 h (PI and PB group), L* 45' (SI and SB group), and WHC (groups PB, SI, and SB). The analysis of the enzymatic profile showed a significant increase in the percentage of glycolytic fibres in the pectoral muscle from chicken treated with a synbiotic with the addition of inulin (group SI)

    Assessing the reliability of species distribution projections in climate change research

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    Aim: Forecasting changes in species distribution under future scenarios is one of the most prolific areas of application for species distribution models (SDMs). However, no consensus yet exists on the reliability of such models for drawing conclusions on species’ distribution response to changing climate. In this study, we provide an overview of common modelling practices in the field and assess the reliability of model predictions using a virtual species approach. Location: Global. Methods: We first review papers published between 2015 and 2019. Then, we use a virtual species approach and three commonly applied SDM algorithms (GLM, MaxEnt and random forest) to assess the estimated and actual predictive performance of models parameterized with different modelling settings and violations of modelling assumptions. Results: Most SDM papers relied on single models (65%) and small samples (N < 50, 62%), used presence-only data (85%), binarized models' output (74%) and used a split-sample validation (94%). Our simulation reveals that the split-sample validation tends to be over-optimistic compared to the real performance, whereas spatial block validation provides a more honest estimate, except when datasets are environmentally biased. The binarization of predicted probabilities of presence reduces models’ predictive ability considerably. Sample size is one of the main predictors of the real model accuracy, but has little influence on estimated accuracy. Finally, the inclusion of ecologically irrelevant predictors and the violation of modelling assumptions increases estimated accuracy but decreases real accuracy of model projections, leading to biased estimates of range contraction and expansion. Main conclusions: Our ability to predict future species distribution is low on average, particularly when models’ predictions are binarized. A robust validation by spatially independent samples is required, but does not rule out inflation of model accuracy by assumption violation. Our findings call for caution in the application and interpretation of SDM projections under different climates

    Effect of different levels of dietary zinc, manganese, and copper from organic or inorganic sources on performance, bacterial chondronecrosis, intramuscular collagen characteristics, and occurrence of meat quality defects of broiler chickens

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    The aim of the experiment was to assess the effects of two dietary levels of trace minerals (TM) zinc, manganese and copper either from organic (OTM) or inorganic (ITM) sources on broiler performance, carcass traits, intramuscular collagen (IMC) properties, occurrence of hock burns (HB), foot pad dermatitis (FPD), femoral and tibia head necrosis and breast muscle abnormalities (white striping, WS; wooden breast, WB; poor cohesion, PC). A total of 3,600 1-d-old male chicks were randomly assigned to one of four dietary treatments in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement (9 replicates of 100 birds/dietary treatment). Birds were slaughtered at 31 (thinning) and 51 d of age. Body weight, daily weight gain (DWG), feed intake, feed conversion rate (FCR) and mortality were determined. A significant effect of the source of TM supplementation was found only in 51 d old chickens. Birds of OTM groups were heavier (P 0.05) by the different sources and doses of TM administrated

    Critical properties of the four-state Commutative Random Permutation Glassy Potts model in three and four dimensions

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    We investigate the critical properties of the four-state commutative random permutation glassy Potts model in three and four dimensions by means of Monte Carlo simulation and of a finite size scaling analysis. Thanks to the use of a field programmable gate array we have been able to thermalize a large number of samples of systems with large volume. This has allowed us to observe a spin-glass ordered phase in d=4 and to study the critical properties of the transition. In d=3, our results are consistent with the presence of a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, but we cannot exclude transient effects due to a value of the lower critical dimension slightly below 3.Comment: 9 pages, 8 Postscript figure

    Rock magnetism and palaeomagnetism of the Montalbano Jonico section (Italy): evidence for late diagenetic growth of greigite and implications for magnetostratigraphy

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    The Montalbano Jonico (MJ) section, cropping out in Southern Italy, represents a potential candidate to define the Lower/Middle Pleistocene boundary and it has been proposed as a suitable Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the Ionian Stage (Middle Pleistocene). The MJ section is the only continuous benthic and planktonic δ18O on-land reference in the Mediterranean area for the Mid-Pleistocene transition, spanning an interval between about 1240 and 645 ka. Combined biostratigraphy and sapropel chronology, tephra stratigraphy and complete high-resolution benthic and planktonic foraminiferal stable oxygen isotope records already provide a firm chronostratigraphic framework for the MJ section. However, magnetostratigraphy was still required to precisely locate the Brunhes-Matuyama transition and to mark the GSSP for the Ionian stage. We carried out a palaeomagnetic study of a subsection (Ideale section) of the MJ composite section, sampling 61 oriented cores from 56 stratigraphic levels spread over a ca. 80-m-thick stratigraphic interval that correlates to the oxygen isotopic stage 19 and should therefore include the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal. The palaeomagnetic data indicate a stable and almost single-component natural remanent magnetization (NRM). A characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) was clearly identified by stepwise demagnetization of the NRM. The ChRM declination values vary around 0◦ and the ChRM inclination around the expected value (59◦) for a geocentric axial dipole field at the sampling locality. This result indicates that the section has been remagnetized during the Brunhes Chron. A preliminary study of 27 additional not azimuthally oriented hand samples, collected at various levels from other parts of the MJ composite section, indicates that all the samples are of normal polarity and demonstrates that the remagnetization is widespread across the whole exposed stratigraphic sequence. A series of specific rock magnetic techniques were then applied to investigate the nature of the main magnetic carrier in the study sediments, and they suggest that the main magnetic mineral in the MJ section is the iron sulphide greigite (Fe3S4). Scanning electron microscope observations and elemental microanalysis reveal that greigite occurs both as individual euhedral crystals and in iron sulphides aggregates filling voids in the clay matrix. Therefore, we infer that the remagnetization of the section is due to the late-diagenetic growth of greigite under reducing conditions, most likely resulting in the almost complete dissolution of the original magnetic minerals. Iron sulphide formation in the MJ section can be linked to migration of mineralized fluids. Our inferred timing of the remagnetization associated with greigite growth represents the longest remanence acquisition delay documented in greigite-bearing clays of the Italian peninsula so far
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