2,084 research outputs found

    Capture of field stars by globular clusters in dense bulge regions

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    The recent detection of a double Red Giant Branch in the optical color-magnitude diagram (CMD) of the bulge globular cluster HP1 (Ortolani et al. 1997), a more populated metal-poor steep one corresponding to the cluster itself, and another metal-rich curved, led us to explore in the present Letter the possibility of capture of field stars by a globular cluster orbiting in dense bulge regions over several gigayears. Analytical arguments, as well as N-body calculations for a cluster model of 10^5 solar masses in a bulge-like environment, suggest that a significant fraction of cluster stars may consist of captures. Metal-poor globular clusters in the inner bulge, like HP1, contrasting at least in Delta [Fe/H] = 1.0 dex with respect to the surrounding metal-rich stars, are ideal probes to further test the capture scenario. In turn, if this scenario is confirmed, the double RGB of HP1 could provide direct estimates of blanketing amounts, which is fundamental for the photometric calibration of metal-rich stellar populations.Comment: 6 pages, 2 included figures, aas2pp4,sty Latex style. To be published in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    HST NICMOS Photometry of the reddened bulge globular clusters NGC 6528, Terzan 5, Liller 1, UKS 1 and Terzan 4

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    We present results from NICMOS Hubble Space Telescope observations of the reddened bulge globular clusters NGC 6528, Terzan 5, Liller 1, UKS 1 and Terzan 4, obtained through the filters F110W and F160W (nearly equivalent to J and H). For the first time the turnoff region of Liller 1 and the main sequence of Terzan 5 and Terzan 4 are reached, as well as the horizontal branch of UKS 1. The magnitude difference between the turnoff and the red horizontal branch Δm110=m110HB−m110TO\Delta m_{110}=m_{110}^{HB}- m_{110}^{TO} is used as an age indicator. From comparisons with new isochrones in the NICMOS photometric system, we conclude that the two metal-rich clusters NGC 6528 and Terzan 5 are coeval within uncertainties (∼20\sim 20%) with 47 Tucanae. Liller 1 and UKS 1 are confirmed as metal-rich globular clusters. Terzan 4 is confirmed as an interesting case of a metal-poor cluster in the bulge with a blue horizontal branch.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Homogeneous and inhomogeneous magnetic phases of constrained dipolar bosons

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    We study the emergence of several magnetic phases in dipolar bosonic gases subject to three-body loss mechanism employing numerical simulations based on the density matrix renormalization group(DMRG) algorithm. After mapping the original Hamiltonian in spin language, we find a strong parallelism between the bosonic theory and the spin-1 Heisenberg model with single ion anisotropy and long-range interactions. A rich phase diagram, including ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic and non-local ordered phases, emerges in the half-filled one-dimensional case, and is preserved even in presence of a trapping potential.Comment: v2: 9 pages, 15 figures, extended version, new numerical calculations on the BKT transition, accepted for pubblication in PR

    Italian networking of public experimental sites working on Organic Farming: an experience of networking in research

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    Research in organic farming, especially with an agro-ecological approach, is strictly linked to local conditions and interactions among several variables. The paper will present an example of a process developed in the Italian context to integrate and harmonize research in organic farming from different research stations, with different local conditions. Collecting similar and comparable data from different research stations participating in the network can have an interesting impact in results of organic farming experiments, due to high number and variability of data. ARSIA Toscana, with the aim of creating an Italian National Network of public experimental stations working in organic farming, involved FIRAB as a facilitator of the participatory process. The proposed process follows two parallel paths: individual questionnaire to single experimental sites to know the specific activities in place on organic farming and a series of meetings with direct involvement and exchange among researchers and policy makers from different regions to comment results of the questionnaire and future development of organic research in public experimental stations. The main outcome of the process has been the choice of a specific transversal topic to build the network: the development of synthetic agro-environmental indicators

    DMRG Simulation of the SU(3) AFM Heisenberg Model

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    We analyze the antiferromagnetic SU(3)\text{SU}(3) Heisenberg chain by means of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG). The results confirm that the model is critical and the computation of its central charge and the scaling dimensions of the first excited states show that the underlying low energy conformal field theory is the SU(3)1\text{SU}(3)_1 Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten model.Comment: corrections and improvements adde

    Magnetic properties of commensurate Bose-Bose mixtures in one-dimensional optical lattices

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    We investigate magnetic properties of strongly interacting bosonic mixtures confined in one dimensional geometries, focusing on recently realized Rb-K gases with tunable interspecies interactions. By combining analytical perturbation theory results with density-matrix-renormalization group calculations, we provide quantitative estimates of the ground state phase diagram as a function of the relevant microscopic quantities, identifying the more favorable experimental regimes in order to access the various magnetic phases. Finally, we qualitatively discuss the observability of such phases in realistic setups when finite temperature effects have to be considered.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, to be published in EPJ ST special issue on "Novel Quantum Phases and Mesoscopic Physics in Quantum Gases

    On c=1c=1 critical phases in anisotropic spin-1 chains

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    Quantum spin-1 chains may develop massless phases in presence of Ising-like and single-ion anisotropies. We have studied c=1 critical phases by means of both analytical techniques, including a mapping of the lattice Hamiltonian onto an O(2) nonlinear sigma model, and a multi-target DMRG algorithm which allows for accurate calculation of excited states. We find excellent quantitative agreement with the theoretical predictions and conclude that a pure Gaussian model, without any orbifold construction, describes correctly the low-energy physics of these critical phases. This combined analysis indicates that the multicritical point at large single-ion anisotropy does not belong to the same universality class as the Takhtajan-Babujian Hamiltonian as claimed in the past. A link between string-order correlation functions and twisting vertex operators, along the c=1 line that ends at this point, is also suggested.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, svjour format, submitted to Eur. Phys. J.

    El Roque de Los Muchachos Site Characteristics. III. Analysis of Atmospheric Dust and Aerosol Extinction

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    Canary Islands are normally interested by dominant North-East winds that, in some meteorological conditions, can transport sand at high altitude from the Sahara desert. The dust may affect the efficiency of the telescopes and decreases the transparency of the sky. In order to maximize the scientific return of the telescopes located at the ORM, we present an analysis of the atmospheric dust content and its effects on astronomical observations. B, V and I dust aerosol astronomical extinction are derived. Using a 5 years series database of data taken from the four channel TNG dust monitor, we compute a mean hourly and daily values of the dust content. We have detected particles having size 0.3, 0.5, 1.0 and 5.0 um. Using a power law we have derived the content of 10.0 um particles. We found a typical local dust concentration ranging from 3x10^6 particles per cubic meter at 0.3 um, to 10^3 at 5.0 um and 10 at 10.0 um, increasing up to 3 order of magnitudes during the dust storms, with a relative higher increase of 1.0, 5.0 and 10.0 um particles. The number of local dust storm events is the same in winter- and summertime, but, the average background and storm-related increases in the dust concentration in summer are significantly higher than in winter. In a uniform approximation, during the dust storms, an average height of the dust layer of 2.5 km above the telescope is inferred. During the sand storms La Palma Island is affected by an almost uniform layer extending up to 5 km above the sea level, down, at least the height of the telescope. The visible extinction is dominated by particles at 1.0, 5.0 and 10.0 um. In agreement with the results from Carlsberg Automatic Meridian Circle (CAMC) we find a typical extinction during dust storms of about 0.2 mag/airmass.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 9 pages, 11 figures. This work is the continuation of a series of papers concerning a detailed study of the Astroclimatology at ORM. The two previous papers (both Lombardi et al.) have reference PASP.2006.118.1198-1204 and PASP.2007.119.292-30

    Reflectivity measurements in uniaxial superconductors: a methodological discussion applied to the case of La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4)

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    Most of the novel superconductors are uniaxial crystals, with metallic planes (abab) orthogonal to an insulating axis (cc). Far-infrared measurements of the reflectivity Rab(ω)R_{ab} (\omega) provide valuable information on their low-energy electrodynamics, but involve delicate experimental issues. Two of them are a possible contamination of Rab(ω)R_{ab} (\omega) from the c axis and the extrapolation of the RabR_{ab} data to ω\omega =0, both above and below TcT_c. Here we discuss quantitatively these issues with particular regard to La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4+y_{4+y}, one of the most studied high-TcT_c materials.Comment: 13 pages with 3 Fig
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