9,409 research outputs found

    Exact zero-point energy shift in the e⊗(n E)e\otimes (n~E), t⊗(n H)t\otimes (n~H) many modes dynamic Jahn-Teller systems at strong coupling

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    We find the exact semiclassical (strong coupling) zero-point energy shifts applicable to the e⊗(nE)e\otimes (n E) and t⊗(nH)t\otimes (n H) dynamic Jahn-Teller problems, for an arbitrary number nn of discrete vibrational modes simultaneously coupled to one single electronic level. We also obtain an analytical formula for the frequency of the resulting normal modes, which has an attractive and apparently general Slater-Koster form. The limits of validity of this approach are assessed by comparison with O'Brien's previous effective-mode approach, and with accurate numerical diagonalizations. Numerical values obtained for t⊗(nH)t\otimes (n H) with n=8n =8 and coupling constants appropriate to C60−_{60}^- are used for this purpose, and are discussed in the context of fullerene.Comment: 20 pages, 4 ps figure

    Detection of Coronal Mass Ejections in V471 Tauri with the Hubble Space Telescope

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    V471 Tauri, an eclipsing system consisting of a hot DA white dwarf (WD) and a dK2 companion in a 12.5-hour orbit, is the prototype of the pre-cataclysmic binaries. The late-type component is magnetically active, due to its being constrained to rotate synchronously with the short orbital period. During a program of UV spectroscopy of V471 Tau, carried out with the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) onboard the Hubble Space Telescope, we serendipitously detected two episodes in which transient absorptions in the Si III 1206 A resonance line appeared suddenly, on a timescale of <2 min. The observations were taken in a narrow spectral region around Ly-alpha, and were all obtained near the two quadratures of the binary orbit, i.e., at maximum projected separation (~3.3 Rsun) of the WD and K star. We suggest that these transient features arise when coronal mass ejections (CME's) from the K2 dwarf pass across the line of sight to the WD. Estimates of the velocities, densities, and masses of the events in V471 Tau are generally consistent with the properties of solar CME's. Given our detection of 2 events during 6.8 hr of GHRS observing, along with a consideration of the restricted range of latitudes and longitudes on the K star's surface that can give rise to trajectories passing in front of the WD as seen from Earth, we estimate that the active V471 Tau dK star emits some 100-500 CME's per day, as compared to 1-3 per day for the Sun. The K dwarf's mass-loss rate associated with CME's is at least (5-25) x 10^{-14} Msun/yr, but it may well be orders of magnitude higher if most of the silicon is in ionization states other than Si III.Comment: 24 pages AASTeX, 4 figures. Accepted by Astrophysical Journa

    Swift observations of the 2006 outburst of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi: I. Early X-ray emission from the shocked ejecta and red giant wind

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    RS Ophiuchi began its latest outburst on 2006 February 12. Previous outbursts have indicated that high velocity ejecta interact with a pre-existing red giant wind, setting up shock systems analogous to those seen in Supernova Remnants. However, in the previous outburst in 1985, X-ray observations did not commence until 55 days after the initial explosion. Here we report on Swift observations covering the first month of the 2006 outburst with the Burst Alert (BAT) and X-ray Telescope (XRT) instruments. RS Oph was clearly detected in the BAT 14-25 keV band from t=0 to t∌6t\sim6 days. XRT observationsfrom 0.3-10 keV, started at 3.17 days after outburst. The rapidly evolving XRT spectra clearly show the presence of both line and continuum emission which can be fitted by thermal emission from hot gas whose characteristic temperature, overlying absorbing column, [NH]W[N_H]_W, and resulting unabsorbed total flux decline monotonically after the first few days. Derived shock velocities are in good agreement with those found from observations at other wavelengths. Similarly, [NH]W[N_H]_W is in accord with that expected from the red giant wind ahead of the forward shock. We confirm the basic models of the 1985 outburst and conclude that standard Phase I remnant evolution terminated by t∌10t\sim10 days and the remnant then rapidly evolved to display behaviour characteristic of Phase III. Around t=26 days however, a new, luminous and highly variable soft X-ray source began to appear whose origin will be explored in a subsequent paper.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures (2 updated), accepted by Ap

    Testing the standard fireball model of GRBs using late X-ray afterglows measured by Swift

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    We show that all X-ray decay curves of GRBs measured by Swift can be fitted using one or two components both of which have exactly the same functional form comprised of an early falling exponential phase followed by a power law decay. The 1st component contains the prompt gamma-ray emission and the initial X-ray decay. The 2nd component appears later, has a much longer duration and is present for ~80% of GRBs. It most likely arises from the external shock which eventually develops into the X-ray afterglow. In the remaining ~20% of GRBs the initial X-ray decay of the 1st component fades more slowly than the 2nd and dominates at late times to form an afterglow but it is not clear what the origin of this emission is. The temporal decay parameters and gamma/X-ray spectral indices derived for 107 GRBs are compared to the expectations of the standard fireball model including a search for possible "jet breaks". For ~50% of GRBs the observed afterglow is in accord with the model but for the rest the temporal and spectral indices do not conform to the expected closure relations and are suggestive of continued, late, energy injection. We identify a few possible jet breaks but there are many examples where such breaks are predicted but are absent. The time, T_a, at which the exponential phase of the 2nd component changes to a final powerlaw decay afterglow is correlated with the peak of the gamma-ray spectrum, E_peak. This is analogous to the Ghirlanda relation, indicating that this time is in some way related to optically observed break times measured for pre-Swift bursts.Comment: submitted to Ap

    Demonstration of a simple entangling optical gate and its use in Bell-state analysis

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    We demonstrate a new architecture for an optical entangling gate that is significantly simpler than previous realisations, using partially-polarising beamsplitters so that only a single optical mode-matching condition is required. We demonstrate operation of a controlled-Z gate in both continuous-wave and pulsed regimes of operation, fully characterising it in each case using quantum process tomography. We also demonstrate a fully-resolving, nondeterministic optical Bell-state analyser based on this controlled-Z gate. This new architecture is ideally suited to guided optics implementations of optical gates.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. v2: additional author, improved data and figures (low res), some other minor changes. Accepted for publication in PR

    Infrared afterglow of GRB041219 as a result of reradiation on dust in a circumstellar cloud

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    Observations of gamma ray bursts (GRB) afterglows in different spectral bands provide a most valuable information about their nature, as well as about properties of surrounding medium. Powerful infrared afterglow was observed from the strong GRB041219. Here we explain the observed IR afterglow in the model of a dust reradiation of the main GRB signal in the envelope surrounding the GRB source. In this model we do not expect appearance of the prompt optical emission which should be absorbed in the dust envelope. We estimate the collimation angle of the gamma ray emission, and obtain restrictions on the redshift (distance to GRB source), by fitting the model parameters to the observational data.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, Submited to Astrofizik

    Multiwavelength Monitoring of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Akn 564. II. Ultraviolet Continuum and Emission-line Variability

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    We present results of an intensive two-month campaign of approximately daily spectrophotometric monitoring of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Akn 564 with HST. The fractional variability amplitude of the continuum variations between 1365-3000 A is ~6%, about a factor 3 less than that found in typical Seyfert 1 galaxies over a similar period of time. However, large amplitude, short time-scale flaring behavior is evident, with trough-to-peak flux changes of about 18% in approximately 3 days. We present evidence for wavelength-dependent continuum time delays, with the variations at 3000 A lagging behind those at 1365 A by about 1 day. These delays may be interpreted as evidence for a stratified continuum reprocessing region, possibly an accretion-disk structure. The Lyman-alpha 1216 emission-line exhibits flux variations of about 1% amplitude.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figures. Accepted by Astrophysical Journa

    Swift observations of the 2006 outburst of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi: II. 1D hydrodynamical models of wind driven shocks

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    Following the early Swift X-ray observations of the latest outburst of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi in February 2006 (Paper I), we present new 1D hydrodynamical models of the system which take into account all three phases of the remnant evolution. The models suggest a novel way of modelling the system by treating the outburst as a sudden increase then decrease in wind mass-loss rate and velocity. The differences between this wind model and previous Primakoff-type simulations are described. A more complex structure, even in 1D, is revealed through the presence of both forward and reverse shocks, with a separating contact discontinuity. The effects of radiative cooling are investigated and key outburst parameters such as mass-loss rate, ejecta velocity and mass are varied. The shock velocities as a function of time are compared to the ones derived in Paper I. We show how the manner in which the matter is ejected controls the evolution of the shock and that for a well-cooled remnant, the shock deceleration rate depends on the amount of energy that is radiated away.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Coherent Time Evolution and Boundary Conditions of Two-Photon Quantum Walks

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    Multi-photon quantum walks in integrated optics are an attractive controlled quantum system, that can mimic less readily accessible quantum systems and exhibit behavior that cannot in general be accurately replicated by classical light without an exponential overhead in resources. The ability to observe time evolution of such systems is important for characterising multi-particle quantum dynamics---notably this includes the effects of boundary conditions for walks in spaces of finite size. Here we demonstrate the coherent evolution of quantum walks of two indistinguishable photons using planar arrays of 21 evanescently coupled waveguides fabricated in silicon oxynitride technology. We compare three time evolutions, that follow closely a model assuming unitary evolution, corresponding to three different lengths of the array---in each case we observe quantum interference features that violate classical predictions. The longest array includes reflecting boundary conditions.Comment: 7 pages,7 figure

    Gain studies of 1.3-ÎŒm dilute nitride HELLISH-VCSOA for optical communications

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    The hot electron light emitting and lasing in semiconductor heterostructure-vertical-cavity semiconductor optical amplifier (HELLISH-VCSOA) device is based on Ga0.35In0.65 N0.02As0.08/GaAs material for operation in the 1.3-ÎŒm window of the optical communications. The device has undoped distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs). Therefore, problems such as those associated with refractive index contrast and current injection, which are common with doped DBRs in conventional VCSOAs, are avoided. The gain versus applied electric field curves are measured at different wavelengths using a tunable laser as the source signal. The highest gain is obtained for the 1.3-ÎŒm wavelength when an electric field in excess of 2 kV/cm is applied along the layers of the device
