1,385 research outputs found

    Impacto de las TIC en la educación: Retos y Perspectivas

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    This paper sets out the main challenges and provides an overview of the future of ICTs and their connection with education. It begins with a description of the so-called knowledge-based society and how its evolution, an offspring of technology, has encompassed different areas, paving the way for innovation in education and prompting generation of new knowledge. It also outlines the importance of each educational agent (teacher-student) and their role in transforming the teaching-learning process.El presente artículo define los principales retos y muestra un panorama futuro de las TIC y su relación en el ámbito educativo. El inicio está plasmado por la definición, de lo que actualmente se llama sociedad del conocimiento y cómo su evolución, producto de la tecnología, ha abarcado distintas áreas, permitiendo innovar a la educación, estimulando la creación de nuevos conocimientos, de esta manera se describe la importancia de cada agente educativo (docente-alumno) y su rol transformador en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje

    Impacto de las TIC en la educación: Retos y Perspectivas

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    This paper sets out the main challenges and provides an overview of the future of ICTs and their connection with education. It begins with a description of the so-called knowledge-based society and how its evolution, an offspring of technology, has encompassed different areas, paving the way for innovation in education and prompting generation of new knowledge. It also outlines the importance of each educational agent (teacher-student) and their role in transforming the teaching-learning process.El presente artículo define los principales retos y muestra un panorama futuro de las TIC y su relación en el ámbito educativo. El inicio está plasmado por la definición, de lo que actualmente se llama sociedad del conocimiento y cómo su evolución, producto de la tecnología, ha abarcado distintas áreas, permitiendo innovar a la educación, estimulando la creación de nuevos conocimientos, de esta manera se describe la importancia de cada agente educativo (docente-alumno) y su rol transformador en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje

    Impacto de las TIC en la educación: Retos y Perspectivas

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    This paper sets out the main challenges and provides an overview of the future of ICTs and their connection with education. It begins with a description of the so-called knowledge-based society and how its evolution, an offspring of technology, has encompassed different areas, paving the way for innovation in education and prompting generation of new knowledge. It also outlines the importance of each educational agent (teacher-student) and their role in transforming the teaching-learning process.El presente artículo define los principales retos y muestra un panorama futuro de las TIC y su relación en el ámbito educativo. El inicio está plasmado por la definición, de lo que actualmente se llama sociedad del conocimiento y cómo su evolución, producto de la tecnología, ha abarcado distintas áreas, permitiendo innovar a la educación, estimulando la creación de nuevos conocimientos, de esta manera se describe la importancia de cada agente educativo (docente-alumno) y su rol transformador en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje

    Latin American Production on Gender Violence on Scopus, 2010 -2019

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    The study describes the characteristics of publications on gender violence written by authors affiliated with Latin American institutions, in journals indexed to Scopus during the period 2010-2019. A descriptive and retrospective analysis of 2,568 articles is carried out. Latin American scientific production represents 5.3% of world production. Brazil is the country with the highest production, followed by Mexico and Chile. Latin American scientific production has been published in 572 journals. Ciencia e Saude Coletiva (Brazil) is the journal with the largest number of publications, followed by Cadernos de Saude Publica (Brazil) and Journal of Interpersonal Violence (United States). besides, the authors are mainly affiliated with the Universidade de Sao Paulo - USP, followed by the Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Finally, the keywords, domestic violence, intimate partner violence and gender violence present an increasing trend of studies since 2016. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen and stimulate the generation and dissemination of scientific studies by Latin American researchers

    Researchers' Seedbeds for the Development of Research Skills in Universities

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    The objective of this study is to demonstrate the effects of the application of the pedagogical strategy "researcher's seedbed" in the development of research skills in universities. This research is of quasi-experimental, longitudinal and prospective design, where 2 groups were formed: control and experimental, of 18 students each. A validated instrument was used to measure the research competences, as well as a rubric for the evaluation of the research projects. It began with a pre-test, and after 14 weeks of the development of the strategy, through different educational sessions, the post-test was administered. Likewise, the research projects carried out were evaluated. The results obtained showed that the pedagogical strategy had a positive effect on the development of research skills, with the highest evaluation being found in 40% of the students, with statistically significant differences between the control and experimental groups (Mann Whitney U, p=0.007), and between the pre-test and post-test (Wilcoxon, p=0.00). In the development of cognitive and procedural competence, an effect was also found in the strategy, but not in the attitudinal competence (Mann Whitney U, p=0.496). The application of this study is based on the fact that the formation of research groups in universities strengthens formative research in higher level students. This study shows the benefits of the implementation of strategies for the development of research competencies, since the product will be to train professionals with a scientific culture in favor of society

    Perfusion Changes by Hyperspectral Imaging in a Burn Model

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    BACKGROUND: Early excision and skin grafting of full-thickness and deep-dermal burns is therapeutically advantageous. However, while full-thickness burns are clinically evident, differentiating between superficial versus deep partial-thickness burns presents a diagnostic challenge, with only 50-75% accuracy. Superficial-dermal burns heal, while deep-dermal burns often require excision and skin grafting. Decision of surgical treatment is often delayed until burn depth is definitively identified. This study’s aim is to establish a thermal burn model in mice in order to assess the ability of Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) in differentiating burn depth. METHODS: Burns of graded severity were generated on the dorsum of seventy-six hairless mice with a brass rod heated to 50, 60, 70, 80, or 90°C. Perfusion and oxygenation parameters of the injured skin were measured with HSI, a non-invasive method of wide-field, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy at 2 minutes, 1 hour, 24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours after wounding. Burn depth was measured histologically (n=44) at 72 hours post injury using Masson’s trichrome staining. RESULTS: Three discrete levels of burn depth were verified histologically, as follows in order of increasing depth: intermediate-dermal, deep-dermal, and full-thickness injury. At 24 hours post injury, total hemoglobin increased by 67% and 18% in intermediate and deep dermal burns, respectively. In contrast, total hemoglobin decreased by 64% in full-thickness burns. Differences in deoxygenated hemoglobin, total hemoglobin, and oxygen saturation for all group comparisons were statistically significant (p CONCLUSION: HSI was able to differentiate among three discrete levels of burn injury. This is likely due to its correlation with skin perfusion: superficial burn injury causes an inflammatory response and increased perfusion to the burn site, while deeper burns destroy the dermal microvasculature and a decrease in perfusion follows. This study supports further investigation in the use of HSI in early burn depth assessment

    Academic Directors Facing Internet Addictions, Learning and Health Promotion

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    The result that is presented is expressed from a bibliographic review of works published during the last two years 2020-2022 and, through which it was possible to verify the relationships that are established between the work of the Academic Directors, before the latent challenge and visible that is the crossroads of Internet addictions, by university students, increased in the stage already overcome of social isolation imposed by Covid 19 but, with emphasis on the achievement of learning at this high educational level, its risks and consequent decreases in the attacks that occur as a result of procrastination. All associated with the addictive phenomenon, in a projection of health promotion that the current, humanistic, modern and developing university should not give up in any way, being precisely in this direction an unavoidable pillar of social development, which lies precisely in the high professional qualification. of the new generations committed to a prosperous and sustainable social change

    Desarrollo de la práctica preprofesional en el contexto no presencial: experiencias en educación inicial

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    The research systematized the development of pedagogical practice in the initial education career, during the first stage of the Covid-19 pandemic. For this purpose, a qualitative study was carried out, aligned to a design for the systematization of experiences method; reflecting on the evolution of the corresponding subject, with the participation of 23 students, each in charge of 20 children and their families (n = 460), with the guidance of the university professor. The results were; application of didactic-pedagogical strategies of the processes in the remote context; use of enhanced digital resources creating contextualized materials for interaction and; the approach to the unavoidable emotional accompaniment in the face of childhood vulnerability. At the end of the study, it is concluded that it is impossible to unlink educational technology from affective aspects, which were well assumed, translating into learning achievement, collective efforts in consensual work of schools, families and universities.La investigación sistematizó el desarrollo de la práctica pedagógica en la carrera de educación inicial, durante la primera etapa de la pandemia Covid-19. En ese propósito, se realizó un estudio cualitativo, alineado a un diseño para el método sistematización de experiencias; reflexionándose sobre la evolución de la asignatura correspondiente, con la participación de 23 estudiantes, cada una a cargo de 20 niños y sus familias (n=460), con el acompañamiento de la docente universitaria. Los resultados fueron; aplicación de estrategias didáctico-pedagógicas de los procesos en el contexto remoto; empleo de recursos digitales potenciados creando materiales contextualizados para la interacción y; el abordaje del acompañamiento emocional ineludible frente a la vulnerabilidad de la infancia. Al término del estudio se concluye que, es imposible desvincular la tecnología educacional, de los aspectos afectivos, que bien fueron asumidos traduciendo en logro de aprendizaje, los esfuerzos colectivos en trabajo consensuado de escuelas, familias y universidad

    Desarrollo de la práctica preprofesional en el contexto no presencial: experiencias en educación inicial

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    The research systematized the development of pedagogical practice in the initial education career, during the first stage of the Covid-19 pandemic. For this purpose, a qualitative study was carried out, aligned to a design for the systematization of experiences method; reflecting on the evolution of the corresponding subject, with the participation of 23 students, each in charge of 20 children and their families (n = 460), with the guidance of the university professor. The results were; application of didactic-pedagogical strategies of the processes in the remote context; use of enhanced digital resources creating contextualized materials for interaction and; the approach to the unavoidable emotional accompaniment in the face of childhood vulnerability. At the end of the study, it is concluded that it is impossible to unlink educational technology from affective aspects, which were well assumed, translating into learning achievement, collective efforts in consensual work of schools, families and universities.La investigación sistematizó el desarrollo de la práctica pedagógica en la carrera de educación inicial, durante la primera etapa de la pandemia Covid-19. En ese propósito, se realizó un estudio cualitativo, alineado a un diseño para el método sistematización de experiencias; reflexionándose sobre la evolución de la asignatura correspondiente, con la participación de 23 estudiantes, cada una a cargo de 20 niños y sus familias (n=460), con el acompañamiento de la docente universitaria. Los resultados fueron; aplicación de estrategias didáctico-pedagógicas de los procesos en el contexto remoto; empleo de recursos digitales potenciados creando materiales contextualizados para la interacción y; el abordaje del acompañamiento emocional ineludible frente a la vulnerabilidad de la infancia. Al término del estudio se concluye que, es imposible desvincular la tecnología educacional, de los aspectos afectivos, que bien fueron asumidos traduciendo en logro de aprendizaje, los esfuerzos colectivos en trabajo consensuado de escuelas, familias y universidad