2,076 research outputs found

    Seeing motion and apparent motion

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    In apparent motion experiments, participants are presented with what is in fact a succession of two brief stationary stimuli at two different locations, but they report an impression of movement. Philosophers have recently debated whether apparent motion provides evidence in favour of a particular account of the nature of temporal experience. I argue that the existing discussion in this area is premised on a mistaken view of the phenomenology of apparent motion and, as a result, the space of possible philosophical positions has not yet been fully explored. In particular, I argue that the existence of apparent motion is compatible with an account of the nature of temporal experience that involves a version of direct realism. In doing so, I also argue against two other claims often made about apparent motion, viz. that apparent motion is the psychological phenomenon that underlies motion experience in the cinema, and that apparent motion is subjectively indistinguishable from real motion

    Computing Storyline Visualizations with Few Block Crossings

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    Storyline visualizations show the structure of a story, by depicting the interactions of the characters over time. Each character is represented by an x-monotone curve from left to right, and a meeting is represented by having the curves of the participating characters run close together for some time. There have been various approaches to drawing storyline visualizations in an automated way. In order to keep the visual complexity low, rather than minimizing pairwise crossings of curves, we count block crossings, that is, pairs of intersecting bundles of lines. Partly inspired by the ILP-based approach of Gronemann et al. [GD 2016] for minimizing the number of pairwise crossings, we model the problem as a satisfiability problem (since the straightforward ILP formulation becomes more complicated and harder to solve). Having restricted ourselves to a decision problem, we can apply powerful SAT solvers to find optimal drawings in reasonable time. We compare this SAT-based approach with two exact algorithms for block crossing minimization, using both the benchmark instances of Gronemann et al. and random instances. We show that the SAT approach is suitable for real-world instances and identify cases where the other algorithms are preferable.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Toward detection of terrestrial planets in the habitable zone of our closest neighbor: Proxima Centauri

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    The precision of radial velocity (RV) measurements to detect indirectly planetary companions of nearby stars has improved to enable the discovery of extrasolar planets in the Neptune and Super-Earth mass range. Discoveries of Earth-like planets by means of ground-based RV programs will help to determine the parameter Eta_Earth, the frequency of potentially habitable planets around other stars. In search of low-mass planetary companions we monitored Proxima Centauri (M5V) as part of our M dwarf program. In the absence of a significant detection, we use these data to demonstrate the general capability of the RV method in finding terrestrial planets. For late M dwarfs the classic liquid surface water habitable zone (HZ) is located close to the star, in which circumstances the RV method is most effective. We want to demonstrate that late M dwarfs are ideal targets for the search of terrestrial planets with the RV technique. We obtained differential RV measurements of Proxima Cen over a time span of 7 years with the UVES spectrograph at the ESO VLT. We determine upper limits to the masses of companions in circular orbits by means of numerical simulations. The RV data of Proxima Cen have a total rms scatter of 3.1 m/s and a period search does not reveal any significant signals. As a result of our companion limit calculations, we find that we successfully recover all test signals with RV amplitudes corresponding to planets with m sin i > 2 - 3 M_Earth residing inside the HZ of Proxima Cen with a statistical significance of >99%. Over the same period range, we can recover 50% of the test planets with masses of m sin i > 1.5 - 2.5 M_Earth. Based on our simulations, we exclude the presence of any planet in a circular orbit with m sin i > 1 M_Neptune at separations of a < 1 AU.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    A Review of the Pharmacist as Vaccinator

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to review literature about how the pharmacist’s role as vaccination providers has been financially and clinically measured. Methods: A broad literature search was conducted up to May 2016 to identify economic or clinical data on pharmacy vaccinations. MEDLINE¼ and PUBMED databases were searched for publications useful or potentially useful for this review. The NIH and CDC websites were also searched for relevant materials. Search terms included vaccination, pharmacist, economic, pharmacoeconomics, cost, benefits cost-effectiveness, physicians, immunizations, vaccinations, pharmacy vaccines, cost, physician vaccines, financial, benefit, ambulatory pharmacist vaccination, clinical pharmacist, economics, pharmacist vaccine impact. Results: The search yielded a total of 68 articles of which 12 met the criteria to be included in this review. After examining articles for relevance to pharmacy vaccinations, two tables were created to highlight the clinical and economic advantages of the pharmacist as a vaccinator. Conclusion: Pharmacists who administer vaccines are an underutilized provider. This literature review reveals a pattern among studies measuring the pharmacist’s impact on vaccination rates, patient preferences, and cost savings. Pharmacists have a history of demonstrated dependability, accuracy, and cost effectiveness. State laws, collaborative agreements, and health plans have continued to prevent patients from using the pharmacy to receive the CDC recommended vaccines. These barriers ultimately delay the Healthy People 2020 goals. &nbsp; Article Type:&nbsp;Revie

    Impact of human bladder cancer cell architecture on autologous T-lymphocyte activation

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    To investigate the influence of tumor cell architecture on T-cell activation, we used an autologous human model based on 2 bladder tumor cell lines as targets for cytotoxic tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs). These tumor cell lines were grown in vitro as either standard 2-dimensional (2D) monolayers or 3-dimensional (3D) spheroids. T-cell activation was determined by measuring the production of three major cytokines (tumor necrosis factor, granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor and interferon-gamma), known to be secreted by most activated TILs. Changes in the architecture of target cells from 2D to 3D induced a dramatic decrease in their capacity for stimulating TILs. Interestingly, neither TIL infiltration nor MHC class I, B7.1 costimulatory or lymphocyte function-associated factor-3 adhesion molecule downregulation played a major role in this decrease. These findings demonstrate that tumor architecture has a major impact on T-cell activation and might be implicated in the escape of tumor cells from the immune system

    Generation of folk song melodies using Bayes transforms

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    The paper introduces the `Bayes transform', a mathematical procedure for putting data into a hierarchical representation. Applicable to any type of data, the procedure yields interesting results when applied to sequences. In this case, the representation obtained implicitly models the repetition hierarchy of the source. There are then natural applications to music. Derivation of Bayes transforms can be the means of determining the repetition hierarchy of note sequences (melodies) in an empirical and domain-general way. The paper investigates application of this approach to Folk Song, examining the results that can be obtained by treating such transforms as generative models

    Ostasien in der Krise

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    OSTASIEN IN DER KRISE Auslandkundliche VortrĂ€ge der Technischen Hochschule Stuttgart (-) Ostasien in der Krise (1933 / 6) (-) Einband (-) Titelseite ([1]) Widmung ([2]) Vorwort (3) Inhaltsverzeichnis (6) Ostasien. Eine geographische EinfĂŒhrung (7) Zur Entwicklung und gegenwĂ€rtigen Lage der wirtschaftlichen VerhĂ€ltnisse in Ostasien (30) Die politischen Probleme des Fernen Ostens (49) Zur BĂŒcherkunde Ostasiens (73) Farbinformation (-) Einband (-
