662 research outputs found

    A simulation of the instrument pointing system for the Astro-1 mission

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    NASA has recently completed a shuttle-borne stellar ultraviolet astronomy mission known as Astro-1. A three axis instrument pointing system (IPS) was employed to accurately point the science instruments. In order to analyze the pointing control system and verify pointing performance, a simulation of the IPS was developed using the multibody dynamics software TREETOPS. The TREETOPS IPS simulation is capable of accurately modeling the multibody IPS system undergoing large angle, nonlinear motion. The simulation is documented and example cases are presented demonstrating disturbance rejection, fine pointing operations, and multiple target pointing and slewing of the IPS

    Global Radius of Curvature Estimation and Control System for Segmented Mirrors

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    An apparatus controls positions of plural mirror segments in a segmented mirror with an edge sensor system and a controller. Current mirror segment edge sensor measurements and edge sensor reference measurements are compared with calculated edge sensor bias measurements representing a global radius of curvature. Accumulated prior actuator commands output from an edge sensor control unit are combined with an estimator matrix to form the edge sensor bias measurements. An optimal control matrix unit then accumulates the plurality of edge sensor error signals calculated by the summation unit and outputs the corresponding plurality of actuator commands. The plural mirror actuators respond to the actuator commands by moving respective positions of the mixor segments. A predetermined number of boundary conditions, corresponding to a plurality of hexagonal mirror locations, are removed to afford mathematical matrix calculation

    Acute Oxygen-Sensing via Mitochondria-Generated Temperature Transients in Rat Carotid Body Type I Cells

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    The Carotid Bodies (CB) are peripheral chemoreceptors that detect changes in arterial oxygenation and, via afferent inputs to the brainstem, correct the pattern of breathing to restore blood gas homeostasis. Herein, preliminary evidence is presented supporting a novel oxygen-sensing hypothesis which suggests CB Type I cell “hypoxic signaling” may in part be mediated by mitochondria-generated thermal transients in TASK-channel-containing microdomains. Distances were measured between antibody-labeled mitochondria and TASK-potassium channels in primary rat CB Type I cells. Sub-micron distance measurements (TASK-1: 0.33 ± 0.04 µm, n = 47 vs TASK-3: 0.32 ± 0.03 µm, n = 54) provided evidence for CB Type I cell oxygen-sensing microdomains. A temperature-sensitive dye (ERthermAC) indicated that inhibition of mitochondrial activity in isolated cells caused a rapid and reversible inhibition of mitochondrial thermogenesis and thus temperature in these microdomains. Whole-cell perforated-patch current-clamp electrophysiological recordings demonstrated sensitivity of resting membrane potential (Vm) to temperature: lowering bath temperature from 37°C to 24°C induced consistent and reversible depolarizations (Vm at 37°C: -48.4 ± 4.11 mV vs 24°C: -31.0 ± 5.69 mV; n = 5; p \u3c 0.01). These data suggest that hypoxic inhibition of mitochondrial thermogenesis may play an important role in oxygen chemotransduction in the CB. A reduction in temperature within cellular microdomains will inhibit plasma membrane ion channels, influence the balance of cellular phosphorylation–dephosphorylation, and may extend the half-life of reactive oxygen species. The characterization of a thermosensory chemotransduction mechanism, that may also be used by other oxygen-sensitive cell types and may impact multiple other chemotransduction mechanisms is critical if we are to fully understand how the CBs, and potentially other oxygen-sensitive cells, respond to hypoxia

    A program for the investigation of the Multibody Modeling, Verification, and Control Laboratory

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    The Multibody Modeling, Verification, and Control (MMVC) Laboratory is under development at NASA MSFC in Huntsville, Alabama. The laboratory will provide a facility in which dynamic tests and analyses of multibody flexible structures representative of future space systems can be conducted. The purpose of the tests are to acquire dynamic measurements of the flexible structures undergoing large angle motions and use the data to validate the multibody modeling code, TREETOPS, developed under sponsorship of NASA. Advanced control systems design and system identification methodologies will also be implemented in the MMVC laboratory. This paper describes the ground test facility, the real-time control system, and the experiments. A top-level description of the TREETOPS code is also included along with the validation plan for the MMVC program. Dynamic test results from component testing are also presented and discussed. A detailed discussion of the test articles, which manifest the properties of large flexible space structures, is included along with a discussion of the various candidate control methodologies to be applied in the laboratory

    Software for Alignment of Segments of a Telescope Mirror

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    The Segment Alignment Maintenance System (SAMS) software is designed to maintain the overall focus and figure of the large segmented primary mirror of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope. This software reads measurements made by sensors attached to the segments of the primary mirror and from these measurements computes optimal control values to send to actuators that move the mirror segments

    Railway bridge geometry assessment supported by cutting-edge reality capture technologies and 3D as-designed models

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    Documentation of structural visual inspections is necessary for its monitoring, maintenance, and decision about its rehabilitation, and structural strengthening. In recent times, close-range photogrammetry (CRP) based on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and terrestrial laser scanners (TLS) have greatly improved the survey phase. These technologies can be used independently or in combination to provide a 3D as-is image-based model of the railway bridge. In this study, TLS captured the side and bottom sections of the deck, while the CRP-based UAV captured the side and top sections of the deck, and the track. The combination of post-processing techniques enabled the merging of TLS and CRP models, resulting in the creation of an accurate 3D representation of the complete railway bridge deck. Additionally, a 3D as-designed model was developed based on the design plans of the bridge. The as-designed model is compared to the as-is model through a 3D digital registration. The comparison allows the detection of dimensional deviation and surface alignments. The results reveal slight deviations in the structural dimension with a global average value of 9 mm.The authors would like to thank the financial support from: Base Funding—UIDB/04708/ 2020 and Programmatic Funding—UIDP/04708/2020 of the CONSTRUCT—“Instituto de I&D em Estruturas e Construções, as well as ISISE (UIDB/04029/2020) and ARISE (LA/P/0112/2020)”—funded by national funds through the FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC). Additionally, the support by the doctoral grant UI/BD/150970/2021 (to Rafael Cabral)—Portuguese Science Foundation, FCT/MCTES. Furthermore, this work is framed within the project “Intelligent structural condition assessment of existing steel railway bridges” financed by the bilateral agreement FCT-NAWA (2022-23), as well as project “FERROVIA 4.0”, with reference to POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046111, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (COMPETE 2020) and the Lisbon Regional Operational Program (LISBOA 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, as well as “NEXUS: Innovation Pact Digital and Green Transition—Transports, Logistics and Mobility”, nr. C645112083-00000059, investment project nr. 53, financed by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) and by European Union—NextGeneration EU

    Expression analysis of somatic embryogenesis-related SERK, LEC1, VP1 and NiR ortologues in rye (Secale cereale L.)

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    The genetic basis of the regeneration process in cultured immature embryos of rye (Secale cereale L.) was analyzed. The experiments were designed to reveal differences between the in vitro culture responses of two inbred lines: L318 (a high regeneration ability) and L9 (a low potential for regeneration). The rye ortologues of plant genes previously recognized as crucial for somatic embryogenesis and morphogenesis in vitro were identified. Using oligonucleotide primers designed to conserved regions of the genes Somatic Embryogenesis Receptor-like Kinase (SERK), Leafy Cotyledon 1 (LEC1), Viviparous 1 (VP1) and NiR (encoding ferredoxin-nitrite reductase), it was possible to amplify specific homologous sequences from rye RNA by RT-PCR. The transcript levels of these genes were then measured during the in vitro culture of zygotic embryos, and the sites of expression localized. The expression profiles of these genes indicate that their function is likely to be correlated with the in vitro response of rye. In line L9, increased expression of the rye SERK ortologue was observed at most stages during the culture of immature embryos. The suppression of ScSERK expression appears to start after the induction of somatic embryogenesis and lasts up to plant regeneration. The rye ortologues of the LEC1 and VP1 genes may function in a complimentary manner and have a negative effect on the production of the embryogenic callus. The expression of the rye NiR ortologue during in vitro culture reveals its importance in the process of plant regeneration
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