2,133 research outputs found

    Life cycle assessment of photovoltaic implementation: an Italian case study

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    The energy efficiency is the possibility and ability to carry out a production process consume with the involves of less energy and minor environmental impact. Life Cycle Assessment is one of the major tools involved in the economic, social and environmental evaluation. The aim of this work is the LCA application to an Italian company that provides to install a photovoltaic plant for the energy self-maintenance, in order to break down costs and environmental impacts. The photovoltaic business can be an interesting solution especially for companies which consume more energy during the day. In the case study was highlighted that an average of 400.00 €/month was spent, equal to about 900 kWh / month. The company installed a 10 kWp photovoltaic system and with this implementation the energy consumption diminished of 84% and the costs of 57%

    Spontaneous Magnetization through Non-Abelian Vortex Formation in Rotating Dense Quark Matter

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    When a color superconductor of high density QCD is rotating, superfluid vortices are inevitably created along the rotation axis. In the color-flavor locked phase realized at the asymptotically large chemical potential, there appear non-Abelian vortices carrying both circulations of superfluid and color magnetic fluxes. A family of solutions has a degeneracy characterized by the Nambu-Goldtone modes CP2, associated with the color-flavor locked symmetry spontaneously broken in the vicinity of the vortex. In this paper, we study electromagnetic coupling of the non-Abelian vortices and find that the degeneracy is removed with the induced effective potential. We obtain one stable vortex solution and a family of metastable vortex solutions, both of which carry ordinary magnetic fluxes in addition to color magnetic fluxes. We discuss quantum mechanical decay of the metastable vortices by quantum tunneling, and compare the effective potential with the other known potentials, the quantum mechanically induced potential and the potential induced by the strange quark mass.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures; v2 revised published versio

    Utilização de aplicativos Base e Calc do pacote BrOffice.org para criação de sistema de informação de pequeno porte.

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    Este artigo descreve uma forma de se criar um sistema de informação de pequeno porte usando as ferramentas Calc e Base e, com elas integradas, obtém-se uma ferramenta fácil de se usar e acessível a qualquer pessoa, sem custos. Um caso de estudo é mostrado para exemplificar o uso deste sistema

    Early childhood educator training: The value of educating educators on movement, play and physical literacy development - A three country case study.

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    A child's early movement and active play experiences influence their attitudes towards physical activity throughout their childhood and into adulthood (Blair, 1992). Yet, it has been suggested that early childhood educators (ECEs) may not recognize the importance of, or give enough attention to, movement skills and physical development opportunities for young children (Clark, 2014; Whitehead, 2010). The education, or lack thereof, that ECEs receive could be an important factor. International comparisons of overall ECE preparation and training have demonstrated that some countries' ECEs are more highly educated than others (Howells and Sääkslahti, 2019). Using a case study approach, this paper conducts an analysis and comparison of three countries to examine the value and role of physical activity/movement education for ECEs to enable them to support physical literacy development in early childhood educational settings. In addition, lessons learned from creating such educational opportunities in the context of their various locations (Manitoba in Canada, Kent in England, and Escambia County, FL in U.S.A.) are discussed. A purposeful sample was used as these countries have relatively low levels of educational requirements for ECEs, yet children start attending early years’ education from the earliest life points (Howells & Sääkslahti, 2019)

    Filiera della canapa industriale (Cannabis sativa L.): sfide e nuove opportunità

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    La Cannabis Sativa è una pianta utilizzata in maniera sempre maggiore in diverse filiere del mercato: agro- alimentare, tessile, edile, cosmetico e della chimica verde, sostituendo prodotti "classici" con nuovi prodotti più performanti dal punto di vista ambientale e tecnologico. La "canapa industriale" ha un contenuto in tetraidriocannabinolo (THC) inferiore allo 0,2%, che ne permette la coltivazione e la commercializzazione in Europa (Reg. CE n.1673/2000 e Reg. CE n.73/2009). Ampiamente coltivata in Italia e nel mondo fino alla metà del secolo scorso, principalmente per ottenerne prodotti da impiegare nell'industria tessile, motivazioni economiche e politiche (Legge 22/12/1975 n.685) ne hanno segnato il declino. Oggi comunque questa coltura sta conoscendo un nuovo periodo di espansione per le caratteristiche e i molteplici usi che la rendono particolarmente vicina ai principi della green economy. In Europa la superficie coltivata ha raggiunto il valore di circa 25.000 ha nel 2016, in crescita del 37% rispetto al 2014. Il ritorno della canapicoltura sta avvenendo su basi completamente diverse rispetto al passato, quando l'unico prodotto vendibile era la fibra lunga, per la creazione di tessuti e cordami, ottenuta attraverso procedimenti che richiedevano enormi impieghi di manodopera. Oggi, dal punto di vista delle possibilità d'impiego, la canapa presenta caratteristiche di versatilità che rendono questa materia prima utilizzabile in molti settori per le sue proprietà: produzione di carta (la canapa ha una resa in polpa per ettaro 4 volte superiore rispetto al legno, oltre a richiedere 1/7 del quantitativo di solventi chimici), industria chimica, industria alimentare (attraverso l'impiego di olio e farine ricavate dai semi della canapa) e produzione di energia pulita. Inoltre è importante ricordare la capacità fitodepuratrice della canapa (già sfruttata nel nostro Paese per il recupero dell'area industriale di Porto Marghera nel Veneziano). Le radici fittonanti riescono a raggiungere profondità maggiori rispetto ad altre piante a rapido accrescimento, inoltre gli inquinanti vengono accumulati in foglie e semi, permettendo un utilizzo sicuro della fibra. Dunque la canapa, pur essendo una coltura tradizionale, ben si presta a molteplici utilizzazioni innovative, che la identificano come una delle colture erbacee più promettenti nello scenario agricolo internazionale. Il presente lavoro ha l'obiettivo di analizzare il mercato e le potenzialità di crescita della canapa nei differenti settori, tenendo in considerazione anche le iniziative finalizzate a promuovere e sostenere, sul territorio, un modello di sviluppo diffuso fondato sulla valorizzazione delle risorse presenti a livello locale e, quindi, sull'integrazione delle diverse attività economiche potenzialmente interessate all'impiego della canapa

    Robotic surgery for gynecologic cancers: indications, techniques and controversies.

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    Minimally invasive surgery for gynecologic cancers is associated with fewer postoperative complications including less blood loss and quicker recovery time compared to traditional laparotomy. The robotic platform has allowed patients access to minimally invasive surgery due to its increased utilization by gynecologic oncologists. Many surgeons have embraced the robotic platform due to its technological advances over traditional laparoscopy including high-definition 3D optics, wristed instrumentation, camera stability and improved ergonomics. While robotic surgery continues as a mainstay in the management of gynecologic cancers, it remains controversial in regards to its cost effectiveness and more recently, its long-term impact on clinical and oncologic outcomes. A strong component of the justification of this surgical platform is based on extrapolated data from traditional laparoscopy despite limited prospective randomized trials for robotic-assisted surgery. In this review, we highlight the use of robotic surgery in the management of gynecologic cancers in special populations: fertility sparing patients, the morbidly obese, the elderly, and patients with a favorable response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy

    Cognitive Impairment and Age-Related Vision Disorders: Their Possible Relationship and the Evaluation of the Use of Aspirin and Statins in a 65 Years-and-Over Sardinian Population

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    Neurological disorders (Alzheimer’s disease, vascular and mixed dementia) and visual loss (cataract, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy) are among the most common conditions that afflict people of at least 65 years of age. An increasing body of evidence is emerging, which demonstrates that memory and vision impairment are closely, significantly, and positively linked and that statins and aspirin may lessen the risk of developing age-related visual and neurological problems. However, clinical studies have produced contradictory results. Thus, the intent of the present study was to reliably establish whether a relationship exist between various types of dementia and age-related vision disorders, and to establish whether statins and aspirin may or may not have beneficial effects on these two types of disorders. We found that participants with dementia and/or vision problems were more likely to be depressed and displayed worse functional ability in basic and instrumental activities of daily living than controls. Mini mental state examination scores were significantly lower in patients with vision disorders compared to subjects without vision disorders. A closer association with macular degeneration was found in subjects with Alzheimer’s disease than in subjects without dementia or with vascular dementia, mixed dementia, or other types of age-related vision disorders. When we considered the associations between different types of dementia and vision disorders and the use of statins and aspirin, we found a significant positive association between Alzheimer’s disease and statins on their own or in combination with aspirin, indicating that these two drugs do not appear to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease or improve its clinical evolution and may, on the contrary, favor its development. No significant association in statin use alone, aspirin use alone, or the combination of these was found in subjects without vision disorders but with dementia, and, similarly, none in subjects with vision disorders but without dementia. Overall, these results confirm the general impression so far; namely, that macular degeneration may contribute to cognitive disorders (Alzheimer’s disease in particular). In addition, they also suggest that, while statin and aspirin use may undoubtedly have some protective effects, they do not appear to be magic pills against the development of cognitive impairment or vision disorders in the elderly
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