3,849 research outputs found

    Super-Alfv\'enic propagation of reconnection signatures and Poynting flux during substorms

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    The propagation of reconnection signatures and their associated energy are examined using kinetic particle-in-cell simulations and Cluster satellite observations. It is found that the quadrupolar out-of-plane magnetic field near the separatrices is associated with a kinetic Alfv\'en wave. For magnetotail parameters, the parallel propagation of this wave is super-Alfv\'enic (V_parallel ~ 1500 - 5500 km/s) and generates substantial Poynting flux (S ~ 10^-5 - 10^-4 W/m^2) consistent with Cluster observations of magnetic reconnection. This Poynting flux substantially exceeds that due to frozen-in ion bulk outflows and is sufficient to generate white light aurora in the Earth's ionosphere.Comment: Submitted to PRL on 11/1/2010. Resubmitted on 4/5/201

    The oblique firehose instability in a bi-kappa magnetized plasma

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    In this work, we derive a dispersion equation that describes the excitation of the oblique (or Alfv\'en) firehose instability in a plasma that contains both electron and ion species modelled by bi-kappa velocity distribution functions. The equation is obtained with the assumptions of low-frequency waves and moderate to large values of the parallel (respective to the ambient magnetic field) plasma beta parameter, but it is valid for any direction of propagation and for any value of the particle gyroradius (or Larmor radius). Considering values for the physical parameters typical to those found in the solar wind, some solutions of the dispersion equation, corresponding to the unstable mode, are presented. In order to implement the dispersion solver, several new mathematical properties of the special functions occurring in a kappa plasma are derived and included. The results presented here suggest that the superthermal characteristic of the distribution functions leads to reductions to both the maximum growth rate of the instability and of the spectral range of its occurrence

    Temperature dependence of the bandgap of Eu doped {ZnCdO/ZnO}30 multilayer structures

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    In situ Eu-doped {ZnCdO/ZnO}30 multilayer systems were grown on p-type Si-substrates and on quartz substrates by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Various Eu concentrations in the samples were achieved by controlling temperature of the europium effusion cell. The properties of as-grown and annealed {ZnCdO/ZnO}30:Eu multilayers were investigated using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and X-ray diffraction methods. SIMS measurements showed that annealing at 700{\deg}C and 900{\deg}C practically did not change the Eu concentration and the rare earth depth profiles are uniform. It was found that the band gap depends on the concentration of Eu and it was changed by rapid thermal annealing. Varshni and Bose-Einstein equations were used to describe the temperature dependence of the band gap of {ZnCdO/ZnO}30:Eu multilayer structures and Debye and Einstein temperatures were obtained.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Catastrophic chromosomal restructuring during genome elimination in plants.

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    Genome instability is associated with mitotic errors and cancer. This phenomenon can lead to deleterious rearrangements, but also genetic novelty, and many questions regarding its genesis, fate and evolutionary role remain unanswered. Here, we describe extreme chromosomal restructuring during genome elimination, a process resulting from hybridization of Arabidopsis plants expressing different centromere histones H3. Shattered chromosomes are formed from the genome of the haploid inducer, consistent with genomic catastrophes affecting a single, laggard chromosome compartmentalized within a micronucleus. Analysis of breakpoint junctions implicates breaks followed by repair through non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) or stalled fork repair. Furthermore, mutation of required NHEJ factor DNA Ligase 4 results in enhanced haploid recovery. Lastly, heritability and stability of a rearranged chromosome suggest a potential for enduring genomic novelty. These findings provide a tractable, natural system towards investigating the causes and mechanisms of complex genomic rearrangements similar to those associated with several human disorders

    Effect of rapid thermal annealing on short period {CdO/ZnO}m SLs grown on m-Al2O3

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    Here, we report on the characterization of {CdO/ZnO}m superlattice structures (SLs) grown by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy. The properties of as-grown and annealed SLs deposited on m-oriented sapphire were investigated by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in cathodoluminescence (CL) and energy dispersive X-ray modes. The deformation of the crystallographic structure of SLs was observed after rapid thermal annealing at 900{\deg}C in oxygen flow due to migration and segregation of Cd atoms. SIMS measurements revealed that the distributions of cadmium in the annealed samples depend on the thicknesses of the CdO and ZnO sublayers in the as grown superlattice structures. Depth-resolved CL measurements showed that shifting of the near band edge emission peaks is closely related to the Cd profiles measured with SIMS.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Analysis of the giant genomes of Fritillaria (Liliaceae) indicates that a lack of DNA removal characterizes extreme expansions in genome size.

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    This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Plants exhibit an extraordinary range of genome sizes, varying by > 2000-fold between the smallest and largest recorded values. In the absence of polyploidy, changes in the amount of repetitive DNA (transposable elements and tandem repeats) are primarily responsible for genome size differences between species. However, there is ongoing debate regarding the relative importance of amplification of repetitive DNA versus its deletion in governing genome size. Using data from 454 sequencing, we analysed the most repetitive fraction of some of the largest known genomes for diploid plant species, from members of Fritillaria. We revealed that genomic expansion has not resulted from the recent massive amplification of just a handful of repeat families, as shown in species with smaller genomes. Instead, the bulk of these immense genomes is composed of highly heterogeneous, relatively low-abundance repeat-derived DNA, supporting a scenario where amplified repeats continually accumulate due to infrequent DNA removal. Our results indicate that a lack of deletion and low turnover of repetitive DNA are major contributors to the evolution of extremely large genomes and show that their size cannot simply be accounted for by the activity of a small number of high-abundance repeat families.Thiswork was supported by the Natural Environment ResearchCouncil (grant no. NE/G017 24/1), the Czech Science Fou nda-tion (grant no. P501/12/G090), the AVCR (grant no.RVO:60077344) and a Beatriu de Pinos postdoctoral fellowshipto J.P. (grant no. 2011-A-00292; Catalan Government-E.U. 7thF.P.)

    Data production models for the CDF experiment

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    The data production for the CDF experiment is conducted on a large Linux PC farm designed to meet the needs of data collection at a maximum rate of 40 MByte/sec. We present two data production models that exploits advances in computing and communication technology. The first production farm is a centralized system that has achieved a stable data processing rate of approximately 2 TByte per day. The recently upgraded farm is migrated to the SAM (Sequential Access to data via Metadata) data handling system. The software and hardware of the CDF production farms has been successful in providing large computing and data throughput capacity to the experiment.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures; presented at HPC Asia2005, Beijing, China, Nov 30 - Dec 3, 200

    Effect of temperature anisotropy on various modes and instabilities for a magnetized non-relativistic bi-Maxwellian plasma

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    Using kinetic theory for homogeneous collisionless magnetized plasmas, we present an extended review of the plasma waves and instabilities and discuss the anisotropic response of generalized relativistic dielectric tensor and Onsager symmetry properties for arbitrary distribution functions. In general, we observe that for such plasmas only those electromagnetic modes whose magnetic field perturbations are perpendicular to the ambient magneticeld, i.e.,B1 \perp B0, are effected by the anisotropy. However, in oblique propagation all modes do show such anisotropic effects. Considering the non-relativistic bi-Maxwellian distribution and studying the relevant components of the general dielectric tensor under appropriate conditions, we derive the dispersion relations for various modes and instabilities. We show that only the electromagnetic R- and L- waves, those derived from them and the O-mode are affected by thermal anisotropies, since they satisfy the required condition B1\perpB0. By contrast, the perpendicularly propagating X-mode and the modes derived from it (the pure transverse X-mode and Bernstein mode) show no such effect. In general, we note that the thermal anisotropy modifies the parallel propagating modes via the parallel acoustic effect, while it modifies the perpendicular propagating modes via the Larmor-radius effect. In oblique propagation for kinetic Alfven waves, the thermal anisotropy affects the kinetic regime more than it affects the inertial regime. The generalized fast mode exhibits two distinct acoustic effects, one in the direction parallel to the ambient magnetic field and the other in the direction perpendicular to it. In the fast-mode instability, the magneto-sonic wave causes suppression of the firehose instability. We discuss all these propagation characteristics and present graphic illustrations