4,876 research outputs found


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    Nas últimas décadas, o setor público viu-se sob maior pressão no sentido de buscar melhorias em sua forma de operar, tendo como pano de fundo os conceitos do Direito Administrativo e as Boas Práticas da Administração Pública no que tange os processos e as premissas relacionadas à legalidade, impessoalidade, moralidade, publicidade e eficiência. Diante deste contexto, várias estratégias de mudança têm sido adotadas por diferentes instituições públicas, geralmente utilizando práticas gerenciais do setor privado. Este artigo apresenta um estudo de caso realizado em uma Instituição Pública de Ensino Superior brasileira, de renome internacional, durante o desenvolvimento de uma proposta para nortear a elaboração de um Edital de Processo de Seleção de Mestrado e Doutorado. O objetivo da pesquisa é apresentar o mapeamento de processos, relatando as vantagens e limitações encontradas durante sua utilização. Além disso, o texto estabelece alguns elementos essenciais ao gestor de sistemas de educação, buscando orientações para a configuração de possíveis modelos de gestão e destacando alguns desafios e dificuldades enfrentadas pelos Técnicos-Administrativos em Educação (TAE) em seu cotidiano de trabalho

    La lectura en la enseñanza instrumental de lenguas extranjeras

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    L'acces du texte ecrit en langue etrangere

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    Symmetry reductions of a particular set of equations of associativity in twodimensional topological field theory

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    The WDVV equations of associativity arising in twodimensional topological field theory can be represented, in the simplest nontrivial case, by a single third order equation of the Monge-Ampe`re type. By investigating its Lie point symmetries, we reduce it to various nonlinear ordinary differential equations, and we obtain several new explicit solutions.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 200

    Actividad antibacteriana de extractos y fracciones del ruibarbo (Rumex conglomeratus)

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    Los extractos y fracciones etanólicos de las raíces, hojas y espigas del Rumex conglomeratus presentaron actividad inhibitoria contra Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923. La fracción etérea de espigas fue activa contra Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. Las contraplacas de la bioautografia tratadas con fluorescencia y vapores de amoniaco sugieren la presencia de flavonoides y quinonas.The ethanolic extracts and fractions from roots, leaves and spikes of Rumex conglomeratus presented inhibitory activity against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923. Ethereal fraction of spikes was active against Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. The Bioautography plates treated with fluorescence and ammoniac steam suggested the presence of flavonoids and quinones

    Preliminary In-Flight Loads Analysis of In-Line Launch Vehicles using the VLOADS 1.4 Program

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    To calculate structural loads of in-line launch vehicles for preliminary design, a very useful computer program is VLOADS 1.4. This software may also be used to calculate structural loads for upper stages and planetary transfer vehicles. Launch vehicle inputs such as aerodynamic coefficients, mass properties, propellants, engine thrusts, and performance data are compiled and analyzed by VLOADS to produce distributed shear loads, bending moments, axial forces, and vehicle line loads as a function of X-station along the vehicle's length. Interface loads, if any, and translational accelerations are also computed. The major strength of the software is that it enables quick turnaround analysis of structural loads for launch vehicles during the preliminary design stage of its development. This represents a significant improvement over the alternative-the time-consuming, and expensive chore of developing finite element models. VLOADS was developed as a Visual BASIC macro in a Microsoft Excel 5.0 work book on a Macintosh. VLOADS has also been implemented on a PC computer using Microsoft Excel 7.0a for Windows 95. VLOADS was developed in 1996, and the current version was released to COSMIC, NASA's Software Technology Transfer Center, in 1997. The program is a copyrighted work with all copyright vested in NASA

    Levantamento detalhado de solos em uma área de reassentamento de colonos na Bacia do Jatobá - PE.

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