112 research outputs found

    Regimental Chronicles in the Context of the Legionnaire Literature in the First Czechoslovak Republic

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    Diplomová práce mapuje pozici legionářských plukovních kronik v kontextu legionářské literatury jako celku. Snaží se definovat legionářskou literaturu jako specifickou literární oblast, identifikovat unikátní pozici plukovních kronik a poukázat na jejich komemorační, propagační a kulturní význam. V souvislosti s legionářskými plukovními kronikami je také popsáno výchozí prostředí rakousko-uherských plukovních historií.Thesis maps out the position of the legionnaire regimental chronicles within context of the legionnaire literature as a whole. It attempts to define legionnaire literature as a distinct literary area, to identify unique position of regimental chronicles and to advert its commemorative, propagational and cultural significance. In connection with legionnaire regimental chronicles is also decribed the original background of Austro-Hungarian regimental histories.Ústav informačních studií a knihovnictvíInstitute of Information Studies and LibrarianshipFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    PENB Impact on the Price of Real Estate

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá dnes aktuálními tématy, jako je problematika oceňování nemovitostí a energetická náročnost budov. Obsahově je rozdělena na část teoretickou, kde nejdříve obecně a poté konkrétně pohlíží na danou problematiku, a část praktickou, která obsahuje výpočty pro stanovení ceny vybraného rodinného domu metodou přímého porovnání a nákladovou metodou podle vyhlášky. Dále stanovuje energetickou náročnost rodinného domu v současném stavu a po provedení zateplení. Orientačně také hodnotí návratnost provedené investice z pohledu investora. Cílem této práce je posouzení, v jakém rozsahu dojde k nárůstu ceny rodinného domu vlivem provedení zateplení.This thesis deals with current topics of today, such as the issue of valuation of real estate and energy performance of buildings. The content is divided into a theoretical part where the first general and then specifically looks at the issue, and the practical part, which contains the calculations for determining the price of the selected house by direct comparison and cost methods by decree. It also specifies the energy performance of the house in its current state, and after the thermal insulation. Orientation also the return on the investments made from the perspective of the investor. The aim of this study is to assess the extent to which there is an increase in the price of a house due to the thermal insulation.

    Properties of beech cell wall

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    Electron & Biomass Dynamics of Cyanothece Under Interacting Nitrogen & Carbon Limitations

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    Marine diazotrophs are a diverse group with key roles in biogeochemical fluxes linked to primary productivity. The unicellular, diazotrophic cyanobacterium Cyanothece is widely found in coastal, subtropical oceans. We analyze the consequences of diazotrophy on growth efficiency, compared to NO3–-supported growth in Cyanothece, to understand how cells cope with N2-fixation when they also have to face carbon limitation, which may transiently affect populations in coastal environments or during blooms of phytoplankton communities. When grown in obligate diazotrophy, cells face the double burden of a more ATP-demanding N-acquisition mode and additional metabolic losses imposed by the transient storage of reducing potential as carbohydrate, compared to a hypothetical N2 assimilation directly driven by photosynthetic electron transport. Further, this energetic burden imposed by N2-fixation could not be alleviated, despite the high irradiance level within the cultures, because photosynthesis was limited by the availability of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and possibly by a constrained capacity for carbon storage. DIC limitation exacerbates the costs on growth imposed by nitrogen fixation. Therefore, the competitive efficiency of diazotrophs could be hindered in areas with insufficient renewal of dissolved gases and/or with intense phytoplankton biomass that both decrease available light energy and draw the DIC level down

    The protist cultural renaissance

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    Protists are key players in the biosphere. Here, we provide a perspective on integrating protist culturing with omics approaches, imaging, and high-throughput single-cell manipulation strategies, concluding with actions required for a successful return of the golden age of protist culturing.Peer reviewe

    TAC102 is a novel component of the mitochondrial genome segregation machinery in trypanosomes

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    Trypanosomes show an intriguing organization of their mitochondrial DNA into a catenated network, the kinetoplast DNA (kDNA). While more than 30 proteins involved in kDNA replication have been described, only few components of kDNA segregation machinery are currently known. Electron microscopy studies identified a high-order structure, the tripartite attachment complex (TAC), linking the basal body of the flagellum via the mitochondrial membranes to the kDNA. Here we describe TAC102, a novel core component of the TAC, which is essential for proper kDNA segregation during cell division. Loss of TAC102 leads to mitochondrial genome missegregation but has no impact on proper organelle biogenesis and segregation. The protein is present throughout the cell cycle and is assembled into the newly developing TAC only after the pro-basal body has matured indicating a hierarchy in the assembly process. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the TAC is replicated de novo rather than using a semi-conservative mechanism. Lastly, we demonstrate that TAC102 lacks an N-terminal mitochondrial targeting sequence and requires sequences in the C-terminal part of the protein for its proper localization