74 research outputs found

    Low Florida Coral Calcification Rates in the Plio-Pleistocene

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    In geological outcrops and drill cores from reef frameworks, the skeletons of scleractinian corals are usually leached and more or less completely transformed into sparry calcite because the highly porous skeletons formed of metastable aragonite (CaCO3) undergo rapid diagenetic alteration. Upon alteration, ghost structures of the distinct annual growth bands often allow for reconstructions of annual extension ( =  growth) rates, but information on skeletal density needed for reconstructions of calcification rates is invariably lost. This report presents the bulk density, extension rates and calcification rates of fossil reef corals which underwent minor diagenetic alteration only. The corals derive from unlithified shallow water carbonates of the Florida platform (south-eastern USA), which formed during four interglacial sea level highstands dated approximately 3.2, 2.9, 1.8, and 1.2 Ma in the mid-Pliocene to early Pleistocene. With regard to the preservation, the coral skeletons display smooth growth surfaces with minor volumes of marine aragonite cement within intra-skeletal porosity. Within the skeletal structures, voids are commonly present along centres of calcification which lack secondary cements. Mean extension rates were 0.44 ± 0.19 cm yr−1(range 0.16 to 0.86 cm yr−1), mean bulk density was 0.96 ± 0.36 g cm−3 (range 0.55 to 1.83 g cm−3) and calcification rates ranged from 0.18 to 0.82 g cm−2 yr−1(mean 0.38 ± 0.16 g cm−2 yr−1), values which are 50 % of modern shallow-water reef corals. To understand the possible mechanisms behind these low calcification rates, we compared the fossil calcification rates with those of modern zooxanthellate corals (z corals) from the Western Atlantic (WA) and Indo-Pacific calibrated against sea surface temperature (SST). In the fossil data, we found a widely analogous relationship with SST in z corals from the WA, i.e. density increases and extension rate decreases with increasing SST, but over a significantly larger temperature window during the Plio-Pleistocene. With regard to the environment of coral growth, stable isotope proxy data from the fossil corals and the overall structure of the ancient shallow marine communities are consistent with a well-mixed, open marine environment similar to the present-day Florida Reef Tract, but variably affected by intermittent upwelling. Upwelling along the platform may explain low rates of reef coral calcification and inorganic cementation, but is too localised to account also for low extension rates of Pliocene z corals throughout the tropical WA region. Low aragonite saturation on a more global scale in response to rapid glacial–interglacial CO2 cyclicity is also a potential factor, but Plio-Pleistocene atmospheric pCO2 is generally believed to have been broadly similar to the present day. Heat stress related to globally high interglacial SST only episodically moderated by intermittent upwelling affecting the Florida platform seems to be another likely reason for low calcification rates. From these observations we suggest some present coral reef systems to be endangered from future ocean warming

    Assessing amino acid racemization variability in coral intra-crystalline protein for geochronological applications.

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    Over 500 Free Amino Acid (FAA) and corresponding Total Hydrolysed Amino Acid (THAA) analyses were completed from eight independently-dated, multi-century coral cores of massive Porites sp. colonies. This dataset allows us to re-evaluate the application of amino acid racemization (AAR) for dating late Holocene coral material, 20 years after Goodfriend et al. (GCA56 (1992), 3847) first showed AAR had promise for developing chronologies in coral cores. This re-assessment incorporates recent method improvements, including measurement by RP-HPLC, new quality control approaches (e.g. sampling and sub-sampling protocols, statistically-based data screening criteria), and cleaning steps to isolate the intra-crystalline skeletal protein. We show that the removal of the extra-crystalline contaminants and matrix protein is the most critical step for reproducible results and recommend a protocol of bleaching samples in NaOCl for 48 h to maximise removal of open system proteins while minimising the induced racemization. We demonstrate that AAR follows closed system behaviour in the intra-crystalline fraction of the coral skeletal proteins. Our study is the first to assess the natural variability in intra-crystalline AAR between colonies, and we use coral cores taken from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, and Jarvis Island in the equatorial Pacific to explore variability associated with different environmental conditions and thermal histories. Chronologies were developed from THAA Asx D/L, Ala D/L, Glx D/L and FAA Asx D/L for each core and least squares Monte Carlo modelling applied in order to quantify uncertainty of AAR age determinations and assess the level of dating resolution possible over the last 5 centuries. AAR within colonies follow consistent stratigraphic aging. However, there are systematic differences in rates between the colonies, which would preclude direct comparison from one colony to another for accurate age estimation. When AAR age models are developed from a combined dataset to include this natural inter-colony variability THAA Asx D/L, Glx D/L and Ala D/L give a 2σ age uncertainty of ±19, ±38 and ±29 year, for the 20th C respectively; in comparison 2σ age uncertainties from a single colony are ±12, ±12 and ±14 year. This is the first demonstration of FAA D/L for dating coral and following strict protocols 2σ precisions of ±24 years can be achieved across different colonies in samples from the last 150 years, and can be ±10 years within a core from a single colony. Despite these relatively large error estimates, AAR would be a valuable tool in situations where a large number of samples need to be screened rapidly and cheaply (e.g. identifying material from mixed populations in beach or uplift deposits), prior to and complementing the more time-consuming geochronological tools of U/Th or seasonal isotopic timeseries

    Branching coral growth and visual health during bleaching and recovery on the central Great Barrier Reef

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    Coral reefs are under threat from cumulative impacts such as cyclones, crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS) outbreaks and climate-driven coral bleaching events. Branching corals are more severely impacted by these events than other coral morphologies due to their sensitivity to heat stress and weaker skeletons and COTS preferred prey. The central Great Barrier Reef experienced unprecedented back-to-back bleaching events in 2016 and 2017. This study commenced in 2017 at the peak of heat stress and examined the impact of the heatwave on the survival and recovery of corals by assessing the growth, health (based on the visual health index) and physiological parameters (chlorophyll a, zooxanthellae density, lipid and protein content) of two species, Acropora millepora and Pocillopora acuta (N = 60 colonies for each species). It was conducted across a gradient of turbidity at three reefs, Pandora, Orpheus and Rib, that experienced in April 2017, degree heating weeks (DHW) of 9, 8 and 7, respectively. Orpheus experienced the worst bleaching, based on visual health score, followed by Rib and Pandora. Rib experienced the greatest mortality (78% by Nov 2017); however, this was attributed to the presence of actively feeding crown-of-thorns starfish. Growth rates of A. millepora were almost twice the rate of P. acuta. Both species showed significant seasonal variation with growth of A. millepora and P. acuta 35–40% and 23–33% significantly greater in the summer, respectively. Differences in growth rates were best explained by indicators of energy acquisition. For example, the most important predictor variable in determining higher growth rates and visual health score in A. millepora was chlorophyll a content. For P. acuta, visual health score was the best predictor variable for higher growth rates. This study highlights the important role that chlorophyll a and associated symbionts play in growth and survival in these corals during and after a heat stress event

    Commentary: reconstructing four centuries of temperature-induced coral bleaching on the great barrier reef

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    Coral reefs are spectacular ecosystems found along tropical coastlines where they provide goods and services to hundreds of millions of people. While under threat from local factors, coral reefs are increasingly susceptible to ocean warming from anthropogenic climate change. One of the signature disturbances is the large-scale, and often deadly, breakdown of the symbiosis between corals and dinoflagellates. This is referred to as mass coral bleaching and often causes mass mortality. The first scientific records of mass bleaching date to the early 1980s (Hoegh-Guldberg et al., 2017). Kamenos and Hennige (2018, hereafter KH18), however, claim to show that mass coral bleaching is not a recent phenomenon, and has occurred regularly over the past four centuries (1572–2001) on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia. They support their claim by developing a putative proxy for coral bleaching that uses the suggested relationship between elevated sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and reduced linear extension rates of 44 Porites spp. coral cores from 28 GBR reefs. If their results are correct, then mass coral bleaching events have been a frequent feature for hundreds of years in sharp contrast to the vast majority of scientific evidence. There are, however, major flaws in the KH18 methodology. Their use of the Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST) dataset (based on ship and buoy observations) for reef temperatures from 1854 to 2001, ignores the increasing unreliability of these data which become sparse, less rigorous, and more interpolated going back in time. To demonstrate how the quality of these data degrades, we plot the average number of SST observations per month that contribute to each 200 x 200 km ERSST pixel (Figure 1A, black line). Note that from 1854 to 1900 the four ERSST pixels used by KH18 averaged only 0.85 observations per month, and 82% of these months had no observations at all. Given the heterogeneous nature of SST at local and regional levels, using such broad-scale data as ERSST, is likely to produce substantial errors at reef scales (Figure 1A, red line prior to 1900)

    Global warming and recurrent mass bleaching of corals

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    During 2015–2016, record temperatures triggered a pan-tropical episode of coral bleaching, the third global-scale event since mass bleaching was first documented in the 1980s. Here we examine how and why the severity of recurrent major bleaching events has varied at multiple scales, using aerial and underwater surveys of Australian reefs combined with satellite-derived sea surface temperatures. The distinctive geographic footprints of recurrent bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef in 1998, 2002 and 2016 were determined by the spatial pattern of sea temperatures in each year. Water quality and fishing pressure had minimal effect on the unprecedented bleaching in 2016, suggesting that local protection of reefs affords little or no resistance to extreme heat. Similarly, past exposure to bleaching in 1998 and 2002 did not lessen the severity of bleaching in 2016. Consequently, immediate global action to curb future warming is essential to secure a future for coral reefs

    Surviving coral bleaching events: porites growth anomalies on the Great Barrier Reef.

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    Mass coral bleaching affected large parts of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) in 1998 and 2002. In this study, we assessed if signatures of these major thermal stress events were recorded in the growth characteristics of massive Porites colonies. In 2005 a suite of short (<50 cm) cores were collected from apparently healthy, surviving Porites colonies, from reefs in the central GBR (18-19°S) that have documented observations of widespread bleaching. Sites included inshore (Nelly Bay, Pandora Reef), annually affected by freshwater flood events, midshelf (Rib Reef), only occasionally affected by freshwater floods and offshore (Myrmidon Reef) locations primarily exposed to open ocean conditions. Annual growth characteristics (extension, density and calcification) were measured in 144 cores from 79 coral colonies and analysed over the common 24-year period, 1980-2003. Visual examination of the annual density bands revealed growth hiatuses associated with the bleaching years in the form of abrupt decreases in annual linear extension rates, high density stress bands and partial mortality. The 1998 mass-bleaching event reduced Porites calcification by 13 and 18% on the two inshore locations for 4 years, followed by recovery to baseline calcification rates in 2002. Evidence of partial mortality was apparent in 10% of the offshore colonies in 2002; however no significant effects of the bleaching events were evident in the calcification rates at the mid shelf and offshore sites. These results highlight the spatial variation of mass bleaching events and that all reef locations within the GBR were not equally stressed by the 1998 and 2002 mass bleaching events, as some models tend to suggest, which enabled recovery of calcification on the GBR within 4 years. The dynamics in annual calcification rates and recovery displayed here should be used to improve model outputs that project how coral calcification will respond to ongoing warming of the tropical oceans

    Pharmacokinetic modelling of multi-decadal luminescence time series in coral skeletons

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    As corals grow, they incorporate chemical indicators of seawater conditions into their aragonite skeleton after they have traversed an outer living tissue layer. Long-lived, massive coral skeletons can record decade-and century-long time series of seawater status. One such environmental clue is luminescence intensity which can correspond to river flow patterns and has been attributed to humic acid incorporation. Seawater humic acid levels are linked to river flow as rainfall extracts them from catchment soils to then flow into rivers and coastal seas. However, discrepancies exist when validating coral luminescence records against river flow data with intense luminescence sometimes occurring in the absence of increased flows. This contributes to uncertainty when reconstructing pre-instrumental river flows and rainfall from coral luminescence. Here we demonstrate that a major portion of coral core luminescence time series can be explained using a single-compartment, pharmacokinetic model that incorporates river flow measurements as the equivalent of drug dose. The model was robust for luminescence series in corals from near-shore reefs regularly influenced by river flow. The model implies that after floods, a proportion of subsequent luminescence peaks can be derived from the initial flood. This explains why some luminescence peaks after floods often do not correspond to additional significant river flows. This provides the first mechanism-based explanation for temporal changes in coral skeleton luminescence that incorporates a mathematical link between two independent time series making this proxy even more robust for reconstructing river flow and rainfall

    Average annual standardized <i>Porites</i> calcification anomaly time series from the Central Great Barrier Reef (1980–2003), as a percent difference from mean baseline calcification rates (1980–97) prior to the 1998 mass bleaching event (± SE).

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    <p>A) Nelly Bay (1980–97 baseline calcification  = 1.61±0.12 g cm<sup>−2</sup> yr<sup>−1</sup>; 95% CI: ±14.3%), B) Pandora Reef (1980–97 baseline calcification  = 1.69±0.08 g cm<sup>−2</sup> yr<sup>−1</sup>; 95% CI: ±10.1%), C) Rib Reef (1980–97 baseline calcification  = 1.69±0.08 g cm<sup>−2</sup> yr<sup>−1</sup>; 95% CI: ±8.5%) and D) Myrmidon Reef (1980–97 baseline calcification  = 1.92±0.08 g cm<sup>−2</sup> yr<sup>−1</sup>; 95% CI: ±8.6%). Shading represents ±1 standard error for each annual mean calcification anomaly. Dashed lines represent ±95% confidence intervals (CI) around the baseline calcification mean (1980–97).</p