75 research outputs found

    Modelo predictivo de complicaciones vasculares gestacionales

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    En los últimos veinte años, entre los obstetras ha surgido la esperanza de que muchas de las complicaciones que acontecen a lo largo del embarazo y en el parto sean potencialmente detectables desde las 12 semanas de gestación. En esta tesis, partiendo de la hipótesis de que las características de las pacientes, su historia obstétrica, la trombofilia y otros factores de riesgo, permitan predecir el riesgo de desarrollar una complicación vascular gestacional (CVG) en la primera consulta de control prenatal, se ha creado un modelo predictivo que permite identificar pacientes con alto riesgo de desarrollar una CVG y que se podrían beneficiar de tratamiento con heparina o ácido acetilsalicílico durante el embarazo. Para ello se ha realizado un estudio retrospectivo de una cohorte que incluye a 373 pacientes del Servicio de Obstetricia y Ginecología del Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa de Zaragoza, que presentaron una CVG en el embarazo desde Marzo de 2012 a Mayo de 2013. Como grupo control se utilizó una “población a riesgo” formada por 151 mujeres, con buen resultado obstétrico en el periodo de estudio, que tenían realizado un estudio de trombofilia por antecedentes de resultado obstétrico adverso o por antecedentes personales o familiares de eventos trombóticos. El análisis estadístico se divide en dos partes, la primera está compuesta por la estadística descriptiva de la población a estudio y la analítica en comparación con el grupo control; y la segunda comprende el desarrollo del modelo predictivo de CVG en una población de alto riesgo obstétrico. En este modelo han resultado significativas las variables: hijos vivos, hijos nacidos pretérmino, hipertensión arterial, uso de heparina de bajo peso molecular (HBPM), de ácido acetilsalicílico (AAS) e índice de masa corporal. Con estas variables se ha creado un modelo, sencillo y reproducible en la consulta obstétrica del primer trimestre, para calcular el riesgo de CVG en una población de riesgo. Para facilitar la comprensión del modelo se ha realizado un nomograma, y la utilidad clínica de dicho modelo se ha estudiado mediante las funciones de densidad de probabilidad de tener una CVG. Con el uso de dichas funciones de densidad se propone un punto de corte para clasificar a las pacientes cuya probabilidad exceda dicho valor como poseedoras de alto riesgo de desarrollar una CVG. Por último se presenta la Curva de Utilidad Clínica en la que se observa la relación de CVG no detectadas y los tratamientos ahorrados según el punto de corte que se escogiera. La presencia de trombofilia no ha mostrado asociación con padecer una CVG por lo que su estudio es menos importante que la información de las variables clínicas a la hora de prevenir la aparición de una CVG, y por tanto no forma parte de las variables predictoras del modelo. Esto hace que el modelo predictor de CVG sea más sencillo y más barato al no ser necesario el estudio de trombofilia para poder aplicarlo. Pero además, esto podría suponer que el modelo no sólo fuera aplicable a una “población a riesgo”, sino que podría serlo a todas las gestantes que acuden a la primera consulta del embarazo. El futuro de este modelo predictivo de CVG pasa por una validación externa, en la población general, comprobando su capacidad de predicción, y el beneficio, coste y consecuencias de la terapia con AAS y HBPM en la reducción de las CVG

    INnoVative trial design for testing the Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of 6-month treatment with incretin-based therapy to prevent type 1 DIAbetes in autoantibody positive participants: A protocol for three parallel double-blind, randomised controlled trials (INVESTDIA)

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    Aims beta-cell stress and dysfunction may contribute to islet autoimmunity and progression to clinical type 1 diabetes. We present a protocol of three randomised controlled trials assessing the effects of glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP - 1) analogue liraglutide in three early stages of type 1 diabetes.Methods We will test 10- to 30-year-old people with multiple islet autoantibodies for their glucose metabolism and randomise participants with stage 1 (multiple islet autoantibodies and normoglycaemia), stage 2 (multiple islet autoantibodies and dysglycaemia) and early stage 3 (clinical diagnosis) type 1 diabetes, 10-14 persons in each, to a 6-month intervention with liraglutide or placebo with 6-month follow-up in the stage 2 and stage 3 trials and 18-month follow-up in the stage 1 trial. Primary efficacy outcome in the stage 1 and stage 2 trials is a first-phase insulin response in an intravenous glucose tolerance test and C-peptide area under the curve in a 2-h mixed-meal tolerance test in the stage 3 trial. In addition, safety and tolerability of liraglutide treatment will be assessed.Conclusions Most prevention trials of type 1 diabetes have targeted the immune system. Treatment with GLP-1 analogue liraglutide supports the pancreatic beta-cells, which should likewise attenuate islet autoimmunity. Our innovative study design allows simultaneous investigation of an intervention in three groups of people who represent various early stages of type 1 diabetes and maximises the eligibility to participate.Trial registration NCT02611232 (stage 1 trial), NCT02898506 (stage 2 trial), NCT02908087 (stage 3 trial).</p

    Calcium-sensing soluble adenylyl cyclase mediates TNF signal transduction in human neutrophils

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    Through chemical screening, we identified a pyrazolone that reversibly blocked the activation of phagocyte oxidase (phox) in human neutrophils in response to tumor necrosis factor (TNF) or formylated peptide. The pyrazolone spared activation of phox by phorbol ester or bacteria, bacterial killing, TNF-induced granule exocytosis and phox assembly, and endothelial transmigration. We traced the pyrazolone's mechanism of action to inhibition of TNF-induced intracellular Ca2+ elevations, and identified a nontransmembrane (“soluble”) adenylyl cyclase (sAC) in neutrophils as a Ca2+-sensing source of cAMP. A sAC inhibitor mimicked the pyrazolone's effect on phox. Both compounds blocked TNF-induced activation of Rap1A, a phox-associated guanosine triphosphatase that is regulated by cAMP. Thus, TNF turns on phox through a Ca2+-triggered, sAC-dependent process that may involve activation of Rap1A. This pathway may offer opportunities to suppress oxidative damage during inflammation without blocking antimicrobial function

    The Celiac Disease and Diabetes-Dietary Intervention and Evaluation Trial (CD-DIET) protocol: A randomised controlled study to evaluate treatment of asymptomatic coeliac disease in type 1 diabetes

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    Introduction: Coeliac disease (CD) is an autoimmune condition characterised by gluten-induced intestinal inflammation, and observed at a 5-10 fold greater prevalence in type 1 diabetes. While universal screening for CD in patients with diabetes is frequently advocated, objective data is limited as to benefits on diabetes control, bone health or quality of life related to the adoption of a gluten-free diet (GFD) in the large proportion of patients with diabetes with asymptomatic CD. The Celiac Disease and Diabetes-Dietary Intervention and Evaluation Trial (CD-DIET) study is a multicenter, randomised controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a GFD in patients with type 1 diabetes with asymptomatic CD. Methods and analysis: Children and adults (8-45 years) with type 1 diabetes will be screened for asymptomatic CD. Eligible patients with biopsy-proven CD will be randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to treatment with a GFD for 1 year, or continue with a gluten-containing diet. The primary outcome will evaluate the impact of the GFD on change in glycated haemoglobin. Secondary outcomes will evaluate changes in bone mineral density, blood glucose variability and health-related quality of life between GFD-treated and the regular diet group over a 1-year period. The study was initiated in 2012 and has subsequently expanded to multiple paediatric and adult centres in Ontario, Canada. Ethics and dissemination: The findings from this study will provide high-quality evidence as to the impact of GFD treatment on glycaemic control and complications in asymptomatic children and adults with CD and type 1 diabetes. Trial registration number: NCT01566110

    Screening and Treatment Outcomes in Adults and Children With Type 1 Diabetes and Asymptomatic Celiac Disease: The CD-DIET Study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe celiac disease (CD) screening rates and glycemic outcomes of a gluten-free diet (GFD) in patients with type 1 diabetes who are asymptomatic for CD. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Asymptomatic patients (8-45 years) were screened for CD. Biopsy-confirmed CD participants were randomized to GFD or gluten-containing diet (GCD) to assess changes in HbA RESULTS: Adults had higher CD-seropositivity rates than children (6.8% [95% CI 4.9-8.2%, CONCLUSIONS: CD is frequently observed in asymptomatic patients with type 1 diabetes, and clinical vigilance is warranted with initiation of a GFD

    A randomised, controlled trial of a dietary intervention for adults with major depression (the "SMILES" trial): study protocol

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    Despite increased investment in its recognition and treatment, depression remains a substantial health and economic burden worldwide. Current treatment strategies generally focus on biological and psychological pathways, largely neglecting the role of lifestyle. There is emerging evidence to suggest that diet and nutrition play an important role in the risk, and the genesis, of depression. However, there are limited data regarding the therapeutic impact of dietary changes on existing mental illness. Using a randomised controlled trial design, we aim to investigate the efficacy and cost-efficacy of a dietary program for the treatment of Major Depressive Episodes. <br /

    Endothelial cells use dynamic actin to facilitate lymphocyte transendothelial migration and maintain the monolayer barrier

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    The vascular endothelium is a highly dynamic structure, and the integrity of its barrier function is tightly regulated. Normally impenetrable to cells, the endothelium actively assists lymphocytes to exit the bloodstream during inflammation. The actin cytoskeleton of the endothelial cell (EC) is known to facilitate transmigration, but the cellular and molecular mechanisms are not well understood. Here we report that actin assembly in the EC, induced by Arp2/3 complex under control of WAVE2, is important for several steps in the process of transmigration. To begin transmigration, ECs deploy actin-based membrane protrusions that create a cup-shaped docking structure for the lymphocyte. We found that docking structure formation involves the localization and activation of Arp2/3 complex by WAVE2. The next step in transmigration is creation of a migratory pore, and we found that endothelial WAVE2 is needed for lymphocytes to follow a transcellular route through an EC. Later, ECs use actin-based protrusions to close the gap behind the lymphocyte, which we discovered is also driven by WAVE2. Finally, we found that ECs in resting endothelial monolayers use lamellipodial protrusions dependent on WAVE2 to form and maintain contacts and junctions between cells

    Tuberculosis in Pediatric Antiretroviral Therapy Programs in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Diagnosis and Screening Practices

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    Background The global burden of childhood tuberculosis (TB) is estimated to be 0.5 million new cases per year. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected children are at high risk for TB. Diagnosis of TB in HIV-infected children remains a major challenge. Methods We describe TB diagnosis and screening practices of pediatric antiretroviral treatment (ART) programs in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. We used web-based questionnaires to collect data on ART programs and patients seen from March to July 2012. Forty-three ART programs treating children in 23 countries participated in the study. Results Sputum microscopy and chest Radiograph were available at all programs, mycobacterial culture in 40 (93%) sites, gastric aspiration in 27 (63%), induced sputum in 23 (54%), and Xpert MTB/RIF in 16 (37%) sites. Screening practices to exclude active TB before starting ART included contact history in 41 sites (84%), symptom screening in 38 (88%), and chest Radiograph in 34 sites (79%). The use of diagnostic tools was examined among 146 children diagnosed with TB during the study period. Chest Radiograph was used in 125 (86%) children, sputum microscopy in 76 (52%), induced sputum microscopy in 38 (26%), gastric aspirate microscopy in 35 (24%), culture in 25 (17%), and Xpert MTB/RIF in 11 (8%) children. Conclusions Induced sputum and Xpert MTB/RIF were infrequently available to diagnose childhood TB, and screening was largely based on symptom identification. There is an urgent need to improve the capacity of ART programs in low- and middle-income countries to exclude and diagnose TB in HIV-infected childre

    Continuous glucose monitoring in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes (CONCEPTT): a multicentre international randomised controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Pregnant women with type 1 diabetes are a high-risk population who are recommended to strive for optimal glucose control, but neonatal outcomes attributed to maternal hyperglycaemia remain suboptimal. Our aim was to examine the effectiveness of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) on maternal glucose control and obstetric and neonatal health outcomes. METHODS: In this multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled trial, we recruited women aged 18-40 years with type 1 diabetes for a minimum of 12 months who were receiving intensive insulin therapy. Participants were pregnant (≤13 weeks and 6 days' gestation) or planning pregnancy from 31 hospitals in Canada, England, Scotland, Spain, Italy, Ireland, and the USA. We ran two trials in parallel for pregnant participants and for participants planning pregnancy. In both trials, participants were randomly assigned to either CGM in addition to capillary glucose monitoring or capillary glucose monitoring alone. Randomisation was stratified by insulin delivery (pump or injections) and baseline glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c). The primary outcome was change in HbA1c from randomisation to 34 weeks' gestation in pregnant women and to 24 weeks or conception in women planning pregnancy, and was assessed in all randomised participants with baseline assessments. Secondary outcomes included obstetric and neonatal health outcomes, assessed with all available data without imputation. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01788527. FINDINGS: Between March 25, 2013, and March 22, 2016, we randomly assigned 325 women (215 pregnant, 110 planning pregnancy) to capillary glucose monitoring with CGM (108 pregnant and 53 planning pregnancy) or without (107 pregnant and 57 planning pregnancy). We found a small difference in HbA1c in pregnant women using CGM (mean difference -0·19%; 95% CI -0·34 to -0·03; p=0·0207). Pregnant CGM users spent more time in target (68% vs 61%; p=0·0034) and less time hyperglycaemic (27% vs 32%; p=0·0279) than did pregnant control participants, with comparable severe hypoglycaemia episodes (18 CGM and 21 control) and time spent hypoglycaemic (3% vs 4%; p=0·10). Neonatal health outcomes were significantly improved, with lower incidence of large for gestational age (odds ratio 0·51, 95% CI 0·28 to 0·90; p=0·0210), fewer neonatal intensive care admissions lasting more than 24 h (0·48; 0·26 to 0·86; p=0·0157), fewer incidences of neonatal hypoglycaemia (0·45; 0·22 to 0·89; p=0·0250), and 1-day shorter length of hospital stay (p=0·0091). We found no apparent benefit of CGM in women planning pregnancy. Adverse events occurred in 51 (48%) of CGM participants and 43 (40%) of control participants in the pregnancy trial, and in 12 (27%) of CGM participants and 21 (37%) of control participants in the planning pregnancy trial. Serious adverse events occurred in 13 (6%) participants in the pregnancy trial (eight [7%] CGM, five [5%] control) and in three (3%) participants in the planning pregnancy trial (two [4%] CGM and one [2%] control). The most common adverse events were skin reactions occurring in 49 (48%) of 103 CGM participants and eight (8%) of 104 control participants during pregnancy and in 23 (44%) of 52 CGM participants and five (9%) of 57 control participants in the planning pregnancy trial. The most common serious adverse events were gastrointestinal (nausea and vomiting in four participants during pregnancy and three participants planning pregnancy). INTERPRETATION: Use of CGM during pregnancy in patients with type 1 diabetes is associated with improved neonatal outcomes, which are likely to be attributed to reduced exposure to maternal hyperglycaemia. CGM should be offered to all pregnant women with type 1 diabetes using intensive insulin therapy. This study is the first to indicate potential for improvements in non-glycaemic health outcomes from CGM use. FUNDING: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Canadian Clinical Trials Network, and National Institute for Health Research

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead