11,596 research outputs found

    Hydra tropomyosin TROP1 is expressed in head-specific epithelial cells and is a major component of the cytoskeletal structure that anchors nematocytes

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    A cDNA clone encoding a 253 amino acid tropomyosin was isolated from Hydra in a differential screen for headspecific genes. The Hydra tropomyosin gene, designated trop1, is a single copy gene, lacks introns and is strongly expressed in tentacle-specific epithelial cells. Analysis of protein synthesis in head and gastric tissue indicated a high rate of tropomyosin synthesis in head tissue. Immunolocalization of tropomyosin in tentacle tissue revealed a cushion-like tropomyosin-containing structure within battery cells at the base of nematocytes. The structure appears to form part of the cytoskeletal anchor for nematocytes. Tropomyosin cushions were also observed in epithelial cells along the body column, which contain mounted stenotele nematocytes

    Experimental implementation of wavefront sensorless real-time adaptive optics aberration correction control loop with a neural network

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    Recently, deep neural network (DNN) based adaptive optics systems were proposed to address the issue of latency in existing wavefront sensorless (WFS-less) aberration correction techniques. Intensity images alone are sufficient for the DNN model to compute the necessary wavefront correction, removing the need for iterative processes and allowing practical real-time aberration correction to be implemented. Specifically, we generate the desired aberration correction phase profiles utilizing a DNN based system that outputs a set of coefficients for 27 terms of Zernike polynomials. We present an experimental realization of this technique using a spatial light modulator (SLM) on real physical turbulence-induced aberration. We report an aberration correction rate of 20 frames per second in this laboratory setting, accelerated by parallelization on a graphics processing unit. There are a number of issues associated with the practical implementation of such techniques, which we highlight and address in this paper

    Neurospora crassa transcriptomics reveals oxidative stress and plasma membrane homeostasis biology genes as key targets in response to chitosan

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    Chitosan is a natural polymer with antimicrobial activity. Chitosan causes plasma membrane permeabilization and induction of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) in Neurospora crassa. We have determined the transcriptional profile of N. crassa to chitosan and identified the main gene targets involved in the cellular response to this compound. Global network analyses showed membrane, transport and oxidoreductase activity as key nodes affected by chitosan. Activation of oxidative metabolism indicates the importance of ROS and cell energy together with plasma membrane homeostasis in N. crassa response to chitosan. Deletion strain analysis of chitosan susceptibility pointed NCU03639 encoding a class 3 lipase, involved in plasma membrane repair by lipid replacement, and NCU04537 a MFS monosaccharide transporter related to assimilation of simple sugars, as main gene targets of chitosan. NCU10521, a glutathione S-transferase-4 involved in the generation of reducing power for scavenging intracellular ROS is also a determinant chitosan gene target. Ca2+ increased tolerance to chitosan in N. crassa. Growth of NCU10610 (fig 1 domain) and SYT1 (a synaptotagmin) deletion strains was significantly increased by Ca2+ in the presence of chitosan. Both genes play a determinant role in N. crassa membrane homeostasis. Our results are of paramount importance for developing chitosan as an antifungal.This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (USA) grant GM060468 to NLG and Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Grant AGL 2011-29297/AGR to LVLL

    Protection of Pepper Plants from Drought by Microbacterium sp 3J1 by Modulation of the Plant's Glutamine and alpha-ketoglutarate Content: A Comparative Metabolomics Approach

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    Vilchez JI, Niehaus K, Dowling DN, Gonzalez-Lopez J, Manzanera M. Protection of Pepper Plants from Drought by Microbacterium sp 3J1 by Modulation of the Plant's Glutamine and alpha-ketoglutarate Content: A Comparative Metabolomics Approach. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 2018;9: 17.Drought tolerance of plants such as tomato or pepper can be improved by their inoculation with rhizobacteria such as Microbacterium sp. 3J1. This interaction depends on the production of trehalose by the microorganisms that in turn modulate the phyto-hormone profile of the plant. In this work we describe the characterization of metabolic changes during the interaction of pepper plants with Microbacterium sp. 3J1 and of the microorganism alone over a period of drought. Our main findings include the observation that the plant responds to the presence of the microorganism by changing the C and N metabolism based on its glutamine and alpha-ketoglutarate content, these changes contribute to major changes in the concentration of molecules involved in the balance of the osmotic pressure. These include sugars and amino-acids; the concentration of antioxidant molecules, of metabolites involved in the production of phytohormones like ethylene, and of substrates used for lignin production such as ferulic and sinapic acids. Most of the altered metabolites of the plant when inoculated with Microbacterium sp. 3J1 in response to drought coincided with the profile of altered metabolites in the microorganism alone when subjected to drought, pointing to a response by which the plant relies on the microbe for the production of such metabolites. To our knowledge this is the first comparative study of the microbe colonized-plant and microbe alone metabolomes under drought stress

    Water vapor emission from IRC+10216 and other carbon-rich stars: model predictions and prospects for multitransition observations

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    We have modeled the emission of H2O rotational lines from the extreme C-rich star IRC+10216. Our treatment of the excitation of H2O emissions takes into account the excitation of H2O both through collisions, and through the pumping of the nu2 and nu3 vibrational states by dust emission and subsequent decay to the ground state. Regardless of the spatial distribution of the water molecules, the H2O 1_{10}-1_{01} line at 557 GHz observed by the Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS) is found to be pumped primarily through the absorption of dust-emitted photons at 6 μ\mum in the nu2 band. As noted by previous authors, the inclusion of radiative pumping lowers the ortho-H2O abundance required to account for the 557 GHz emission, which is found to be (0.5-1)x10^{-7} if the presence of H2O is a consequence of vaporization of orbiting comets or Fischer-Tropsch catalysis. Predictions for other submillimeter H2O lines that can be observed by the Herschel Space Observatory (HSO) are reported. Multitransition HSO observations promise to reveal the spatial distribution of the circumstellar water vapor, discriminating among the several hypotheses that have been proposed for the origin of the H2O vapor in the envelope of IRC+10216. We also show that, for observations with HSO, the H2O 1_{10}-1_{01} 557 GHz line affords the greatest sensitivity in searching for H2O in other C-rich AGB stars.Comment: 35 pages, 12 figures, to be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Efecto de la edad y el nivel de vitamina E en dietas de pollos broiler sobre la modulación de la respuesta inmune.

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    La vitamina E pertenece al grupo de nutrientes con capacidad reguladora del sistema inmune (Koutsos y Klasing, 2008). En aves, la vitamina E induce cambios tanto en el sistema inmune innato como en el específico, mejora la función fagocítica de los macrófagos, amortigua la respuesta en fase aguda, disminuye la proporción de heterófilos y potencia la síntesis de anticuerpos (Koutsos y Klasing, 2008; Khan et al., 2012). Recientemente se ha demostrado que parte del efecto de la vitamina E está ligado a su capacidad de actuar directamente sobre factores de transcripción nuclear que modulan la expresión de citoquinas, tales como el factor-Kappa B o el PPAR γ (Koutsos y Klasing, 2008; Nakamura y Omaye, 2009). Por otro lado, el impacto de la vitamina E sobre la modulación del sistema inmune viene definido por factores tales como la edad y la relación dosis-respuesta. En broiler la inclusión en la dieta de niveles moderadamente superiores (25-50 UI/kg dieta) al recomendado por el National Research Council (NRC, 1994; 10 UI/kg) aumenta los títulos de anticuerpos tras la vacunación (Friedman et al., 1998; Leshchinsky y Klasing, 2001; Lin y Chang, 2006). Sin embargo, niveles superiores a 150 UI/kg tienen un efecto supresor sobre la producción de anticuerpos (Koutsos y Klasing, 2008). En relación a la edad es importante determinar aquellos periodos o “ventanas” en los que es necesario estimular el sistema inmune (Kogut, 2009). Un periodo a considerar sería el de las dos primeras semanas de vida del pollo debido a la menor funcionalidad de macrófagos y heterófilos (Kogut, 2009). El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo evaluar el efecto del nivel de Vitamina E y la edad sobre la modulación de la respuesta inmune en pollos. Para ello se estudió el efecto de la inclusión de 40 y 160 ppm de vitamina E en la dieta sobre la expresión de la interleuquina 2 (IL 2), el interferón gamma (IFN γ) y el factor de crecimiento mielomonocítico (MGF) en el bazo de los animales a los 7 y 21 días de edad

    Ammonium chloride ingestion attenuates exercise-induced mRNA levels in human muscle

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    Minimizing the decrease in intracellular pH during high-intensity exercise training promotes greater improvements in mitochondrial respiration. This raises the intriguing hypothesis that pH may affect the exercise-induced transcription of genes that regulate mitochondrial biogenesis. Eight males performed 10x2-min cycle intervals at 80% VO2speak intensity on two occasions separated by ~2 weeks. Participants ingested either ammonium chloride (ACID) or calcium carbonate (PLA) the day before and on the day of the exercise trial in a randomized, counterbalanced order, using a crossover design. Biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis muscle before and after exercise. The mRNA level of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor co-activator 1α (PGC-1α), citrate synthase, cytochome c and FOXO1 was elevated at rest following ACID (P<0.05). During the PLA condition, the mRNA content of mitochondrial- and glucose-regulating proteins was elevated immediately following exercise (P<0.05). In the early phase (0-2 h) of post-exercise recovery during ACID, PGC-1α, citrate synthase, cytochome C, FOXO1, GLUT4, and HKII mRNA levels were not different from resting levels (P>0.05); the difference in PGC-1α mRNA content 2 h post-exercise between ACID and PLA was not significant (P = 0.08). Thus, metabolic acidosis abolished the early post-exercise increase of PGC-1α mRNA and the mRNA of downstream mitochondrial and glucose-regulating proteins. These findings indicate that metabolic acidosis may affect mitochondrial biogenesis, with divergent responses in resting and post-exercise skeletal muscle

    Spectroscopic Observations of Convective Patterns in the Atmospheres of Metal-Poor Stars

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    Convective line asymmetries in the optical spectrum of two metal-poor stars, Gmb1830 and HD140283, are compared to those observed for solar metallicity stars. The line bisectors of the most metal-poor star, the subgiant HD140283, show a significantly larger velocity span that the expectations for a solar-metallicity star of the same spectral type and luminosity class. The enhanced line asymmetries are interpreted as the signature of the lower metal content, and therefore opacity, in the convective photospheric patterns. These findings point out the importance of three-dimensional convective velocity fields in the interpretation of the observed line asymmetries in metal-poor stars, and in particular, urge for caution when deriving isotopic ratios from observed line shapes and shifts using one-dimensional model atmospheres. The mean line bisector of the photospheric atomic lines is compared with those measured for the strong Mg I b1 and b2 features. The upper part of the bisectors are similar, and assuming they overlap, the bottom end of the stronger lines, which are formed higher in the atmosphere, goes much further to the red. This is in agreement with the expected decreasing of the convective blue-shifts in upper atmospheric layers, and compatible with the high velocity redshifts observed in the chromosphere, transition region, and corona of late-type stars.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX; 10 Figures (14 PostScript files); to be published in The Astrophysical Journa