5,926 research outputs found

    An integrated approach for TQM implementation in SMEs

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    This paper tackles the broad issue of TQM implementation in SMEs. It includes a review of two models aimed at improving organisational performance, the EFQM Excellence Model and the Balanced Scorecard, which have been widely used in large organisations. Both models are examined as to their suitability and applicability to small and medium sized enterprises. The findings indicate that SMEs can benefit from the adoption of an integrated approach that combines both models if some critical factors are considered in the implementation process. A theoretical framework is proposed, which considers such integration and leads to a gradual implementation of TQM principles and methods in SMEs.TQM; quality; SME; organisational performance

    Tim We : how We became a Tim

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    Tim We is a Portuguese company that operates in the mobile services industry by offering mobile entertainment content, mobile marketing and mobile payment solutions to mobile carriers, governments, NGOs, media companies, brand owners and mobile-phone end-users. It was founded in 2002 by two entrepreneurs who, in a decade, have diversified Tim We‟s services‟ portfolio, expanded the business internationally and managed to have revenues and profits growing continuously. This company is almost entirely focused on the emerging markets, especially in Latin America, while Portugal only contributes with 2,6% of the total revenues. Tim We is the background of the present dissertation which is composed by a Teaching Case-Study directed to the students and a Teaching Note directed to the instructors. The Teaching Case-Study allows students to think and discuss about entrepreneurship, internationalization, as well as, the success factors of Tim We, its threats and the future scenarios based on the description and history of the company. In addition, students are encouraged to reflect about the different environments where it operates and its strategies, which some may seem irrelevant but are the key factors for success. The Teaching Note is a guideline with explanations and information about the Case-Study. It includes an analysis about Tim We‟s expansion, its business model, the strengths of the company that led it to success and the threats that it is facing. This section also presents what has happened and the future strategies. To finish, there are guidelines of how instructors can conduct the case-study lecture

    Beliefs, values and attitudes of Portuguese population and their relationship with human and social capital

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    Studying economic values and beliefs and their relationship with attitudes and behavior has been common in most social sciences throughout the world, at least since the 1960s. However, Portugal remained very much outside this research program and, contrary to the majority of European countries or the United States, it still lacks a coherent an integrative research on economic values, beliefs and behaviors. On the other hand, the existing data (European and World Value Surveys, Eurobarometer or the Portuguese Statistics Institute) only offers a partial view of the individual’s relationship with the economic system, namely consumer confidence or general ideas of trust. The studies already developed on this subject are normally restricted to the association of economic values and beliefs with socio-demographic characteristics, failing to include both the analysis of behaviors and the impact all these variables may have on economic performance indicators. The current study is intended as a first step towards a deeper comprehension of these phenomena.

    Aspetos do ritmo na linguagem musical de Daniel Schnyder: uma perspetiva da interpretação

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    Daniel Schnyder nasceu em Zurique, na Suíça, em 1961. Filho de um arqueólogo, historiador de arte e flautista amador, que certamente incutiu em Schnyder o gosto pela exploração das culturas não-ocidentais e suas idiossincrasias específicas. Schnyder envolveu-se desde muito cedo no mundo da música. De formação inicial clássica, aprendeu violoncelo e posteriormente flauta transversal. O estudo do repertório desses instrumentos levou Schnyder a conhecer a música de Béla Bartók e Igor Stravinski que, juntamente com outros mestres da música de tradição ocidental, o viriam a marcar e a influenciar como futuro compositor

    Aspectos de Interpretação na Música para Saxofone de Daniel Schnyder: Fourth Stream e Advanced Crossover Skills

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    Daniel Schnyder tem vindo nos últimos anos a contribuir de forma substancial para a afirmação de um fraseado característico de saxofone. Schnyder é um compositor e instrumentista de formação eclética. Esta realidade fez dele um criador que aborda a transversalidade musical de uma forma que não tem precedentes. Esta transversalidade é especialmente visível nas suas obras para saxofone, conjugando diferentes técnicas complementadas por uma escrita inclusiva e eclética. O conceito third-stream desenvolvido por Gunther Schuller no final da década de 50, tenta definir um género musical que através da improvisação e/ou composição sintetiza as técnicas e características base da música contemporânea ocidental com vários estilos de música étnica (na maioria dos casos uma fusão entre música contemporânea e jazz). O género third-stream, no que respeita ao saxofone, é interpretado por saxofonistas com formação numa das diferentes ‘escolas’, generalizando: francesa, alemã, americana e jazz. Assim, muita da interpretação de obras third-stream acaba por ser direccionada de acordo com o background estilístico do intérprete (ou com o próprio background do compositor). Desta feita, tem-se assumido o third-stream como um estilo que de acordo com o contexto em que foi composto/interpretado, está mais próximo de um género do que de outro. Ouvindo obras para saxofone de Schnyder, torna-se clara a dificuldade de as considerar third-stream pela razão de não se encontrar facilmente um género base (isto muito provavelmente fruto da formação e gosto eclético de Schnyder). Através de exemplos analíticos, este artigo debruça-se sobre a possibilidade de considerar a obra de Schnyder como um exemplo da nova composição fourth-stream - em que a efectiva fusão de estilos é alcançada. Abordam- se também questões da formação técnico-artística de saxofonistas que, sem necessidade de acorrer a um background base, permitam a interpretação deste tipo de obras. Neste sentido apresentar-se-á o conceito de advanced crossover skills como ferramenta necessária e adequada às exigências que este tipo de obras apresentam

    Private equity challenge - investment committee paper - de Longhi - investment thesis and value creation strategy

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    This work project consists of an investment committee paper on De’Longhi, one of the world’s leading firms in the manufacturing of high-end small domestic appliances. Throughout the paper, several value creation strategies are proposed, based on the analysis of the capabilities and resources of the firm and the markets in which it operates. In the final section, the returns for this investment are estimated under different operating scenarios and the potential exit options are discussed

    Cumprimento legal das emissões atmosféricas em fontes industriais

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    Mestrado em Estudos AmbientaisDeveloped under the scope of the emissions control, this work is intended to evaluate and analyze the emissions of atmospheric pollutants by industrial sources. Considering the impact of the atmospheric emissions in the environment and in the human health and welfare, it’s of major importance the evaluation of the compliance of the industrial atmospheric emissions. Along the treatment of the data base it was possible to observe that still there’s a high fraction of industries that are far from the desirable limit standards. To better evaluate the results obtained from the measurements of the industrial sources it’s presented a review of the National legislation and it revisions along the years. Analyzing the results from the emission sources for the several parameters is possible to conclude that there’s still much space to improve and to spread the monitoring of industrial atmospheric emissions in the Portuguese territory. It’s from the interest of all that this kind of works, that provide a resumed overview of the efficiency of the emission control tools in Portugal, help to reflect and promote a discussion around the new pathways that the national and international legislations need to follow.Desenvolvido no âmbito do controle de emissões, este trabalho destina-se a avaliar e a analisar as emissões de poluentes atmosféricos por fontes industriais. Considerando o impacto das emissões atmosféricas no ambiente e na saúde humana e bem-estar, é de grande importância a avaliação da conformidade das emissões atmosféricas industriais. Ao longo do tratamento da base de dados foi possível observar que ainda há uma elevada fracção de indústrias que estão longe dos padrões limite desejáveis. Em alguns casos estas excedências estão relacionadas a um comportamento de negligência ou por desconhecimento. Para melhor avaliar os resultados obtidos a partir das medições das fontes industriais é apresentada uma observação sobre a legislação nacional e das suas revisões ao longo dos anos. Analisando os resultados das fontes de emissão para os vários parâmetros é possível concluir que há ainda muito espaço para melhorar e difundir a monitorização das emissões atmosféricas industriais no território Português. É do interesse de todos que este tipo de pesquisas, que proporcionam uma visão resumida da eficiência das ferramentas de controlo das emissões em Portugal, ajude a reflectir e a promover uma discussão em torno dos novos caminhos que a legislação nacional e internacional precisa de seguir

    Resíduos de pesticidas organoclorados em leite materno

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    Monografia realizada no âmbito da unidade de Estágio Curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentada à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de CoimbraOs pesticidas são os poluentes orgânicos mais frequentes na natureza. Ao longo das últimas décadas tem-se efetuado estudos relacionados com pesticidas organoclorados, analisando o seu impacto no meio ambiente e suas consequências para a saúde humana. O leite materno revela ser uma das ferramentas de elevada importância para a avaliação das fontes de exposição humana, mas, também, é utilizado para determinar os riscos para o recém-nascido. Esta monografia tem como objetivo a análise dos níveis de resíduos de Ocs, tais como DDT e HCH, e os seus isómeros, análogos e principais metabolitos no leite materno. Os OCs foram muito utilizados nas décadas passadas como vetor de controlo de doenças em áreas de malária e uso na agricultura, mas devido á sua persistente e bioacumulação continuam a provocar grandes preocupações nos dias de hoje. Os estudos indicam que, desde a proibição de uso em 1980, os níveis residuais de OCs, têm verificado um declínio gradual em todo o mundo. Além disso, os dados permitem identificar as regiões que apresentam um leve aumento do nível destes pesticidas. Os métodos cromatográficos são usados para determinar a concentração de OCs, com base nos métodos convencionais como a cromatografia gasosa acoplada ao detetor de captura eletrónica e a cromatografia gasosa acoplada ao espetrómetro de massa.Pesticides are the organic pollutants mostly usual in the environment. Studies about organochlorine pesticides have been done for decades analyzing their impact on the environment and their consequence for human health. Humam milk revels to be an important tool for the assessment of humam exposure sources but also for determinate the harzard for newborn. This monograph focus on the analysis of level of OC residues, such as DDT and HCH, and their main metabolites in humam breast milk. OCs were used in the past for disease vector control in malaria areas and used in agriculture but, due their persistente and bioacumulation, they continued to cause great concerns. The reports indicate that since the ban in 1980s, the levels of OC residues suffered a gradual decline worldwide. Furthermore the data allows to identifies the regions where a slight increase of this pesticides was observed. Cromatography was used to evaluate the OC concentrations, based on conventional gas cromatography-eletron capture detection and gas cromatography-mass spetrometry

    Trinucleotide repeat diseases - antecipation diseases

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    Dynamic mutations involve expansion of the number of repeat units consisting of three or more nucleotides in tandem (i.e. adjacent to one another) present in a gene or in its neighborhood. These repeats may occur in different genes and may code for different aminoacids. According to expansions sizes, it is possible to have unaffected individuals that are carriers of a pre-mutation. Instability of triplet repeat size can lead to gradual expansion through generations, a phenomenon called anticipation. Genetic anticipation is characterized by the reduction in the age of disease onset and by a worsening of symptoms in affected individuals in successive generations. This work describes dynamic mutations giving emphasis on triplet repeats diseases, making the parallel with disease anticipation. Treatment strategies that have been developed during the last years are also discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    George Perle’s Twelve–Tone Tonality: some developments for CAC using PWGL

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    This paper presents a description and some developments on Perle’s theory and compositional system known as Twelve-Tone Tonality, a system that, because of its characteristics and fundamentals, is currently associated with Schoenberg dodecaphonic system. Some research has been made in the last few decades in order to develop his model in a Computer Assisted Composition (CAC) environment. After some efforts in order to analyse these prototypes, we realize that in general they were discontinued or outdated. A three-scope proposal is so outlined: Firstly, to simplify the grasp of a system that presents an easily understandable starting premise but afterwards enters a world of unending lists and arrays of letters and numbers; Secondly, to present the implementation process already started using PWGL [1] (see Laurson, 1996; Laurson, 2003; Laurson, 2009). Finally, the model is applied in a short original compositional work, and it is presented and analysed emphasizing the standpoints properties of the system. Some further considerations were made regarding the continuity of this project where the construction of a dedicated PWGL library of Perle’s model reveals a pre-compositional necessary tool. PWGL software was selected due to its specific fitting features: it is based on Common Lisp - perfectly powerful and suitable to process lists of integers — and it is specialized in CAC