8 research outputs found

    Analyse der strukturellen Entwicklung der deutschen Wirtschaft (Strukturbericht 1983). Band 1: Gesamtdarstellung. Zusammenfassung

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    IAB-90-0BD0-101200 AG 297(1) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Analyse der strukturellen Entwicklung der deutschen Wirtschaft (Strukturbericht 1987). T. 1 Gesamtdarstellung

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    Expertise done in order of Bundesministerium fuer WirtschaftBibliothek Weltwirtschaft Kiel C 151472 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Zur volkswirtschaftlichen und arbeitsmarktpolitischen Bedeutung des Steinkohlenbergbaus Gutachten im Auftrag des Gesamtverbandes des deutschen Steinkohlenbergbaus, Essen

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    SIGLECopy held by FIZ Karlsruhe; available from UB/TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Umweltschutz, Strukturwandel und Wirtschaftswachstum

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    SIGLEAvailable from FIZ Karlsruhe / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Surface Architecture Influences the Rigidity of Candida albicans Cells

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    Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to investigate the morphology and rigidity of the opportunistic pathogenic yeast, Candida albicans ATCC 10231, during its attachment to surfaces of three levels of nanoscale surface roughness. Non-polished titanium (npTi), polished titanium (pTi), and glass with respective average surface roughness (Sa) values of 389 nm, 14 nm, and 2 nm, kurtosis (Skur) values of 4, 16, and 4, and skewness (Sskw) values of 1, 4, and 1 were used as representative examples of each type of nanoarchitecture. Thus, npTi and glass surfaces exhibited similar Sskw and Skur values but highly disparate Sa. C. albicans cells that had attached to the pTi surfaces exhibited a twofold increase in rigidity of 364 kPa compared to those yeast cells attached to the surfaces of npTi (164 kPa) and glass (185 kPa). The increased rigidity of the C. albicans cells on pTi was accompanied by a distinct round morphology, condensed F-actin distribution, lack of cortical actin patches, and the negligible production of cell-associated polymeric substances; however, an elevated production of loose extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) was observed. The differences in the physical response of C. albicans cells attached to the three surfaces suggested that the surface nanoarchitecture (characterized by skewness and kurtosis), rather than average surface roughness, could directly influence the rigidity of the C. albicans cells. This work contributes to the next-generation design of antifungal surfaces by exploiting surface architecture to control the extent of biofilm formation undertaken by yeast pathogens and highlights the importance of performing a detailed surface roughness characterization in order to identify and discriminate between the surface characteristics that may influence the extent of cell attachment and the subsequent behavior of the attached cells

    Grundlagen eines mittelfristigen umweltpolitischen Aktionsplans

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    The most pressing issues of environment protection today are global climatic changes, pollution of groundwaters and surface waters, increased waste accumulation, impairment of soil functions, and, from another aspect, environmentally relevant trends of development in some polluter groups (in particular farming, forestry, the traffic sector, and the area of hazardous substances and chemical products). Working from this point, the study inquires into the immediate and probable medium-term ecopolitical tasks in the areas named and points out ways of avoiding undesirable developments. Due consideration is given to the growing pressure to find efficient solutions of environment protection. One can assume a priori that this will require with less compromise than hitherto the creation of economic instruments and of more efficient institutional arrangements. The study attempts to solve these problems with an interdisciplinary approach on as broad a basis as possible. It was initiated as a research project commissioned by the Federal Minister of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Reactor Safety. (orig./HSCH)Vordringliche Problemfelder des Umweltschutzes sind aus heutiger Sicht die globalen Klimaveraenderungen, die Belastung des Grund- und Oberflaechenwassers, die Zunahme des Abfallaufkommens sowie Beeintraechtigungen der Bodenfunktionen, aber auch umweltrelevante Entwicklungstendenzen in einigen Verursachergruppen (insbesondere in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft, im Verkehrssektor und im Bereich Gefahrstoffe und Chemieprodukte). Vor diesem Hintergrund prueft die Studie den aktuell gegebenen bzw. sich mittelfristig abzeichnenden umweltpolitischen Handlungsbedarf in den genannten Bereichen und zeigt konkrete Ansatzpunkte fuer die Vermeidung von Fehlentwicklungen auf. Dabei wird dem wachsenden Zwang zu effizienten Loesungen im Umweltschutz Rechnung getragen; dies wird - so ist a priori zu vermuten - staerker als bisher flexible, oekonomische Anreize schaffende Instrumente und sachgerechtere institutionelle Arrangements erfordern. Die Studie versucht, diese Aufgaben durch einen moeglichst breiten, interdisziplinaeren Ansatz zu loesen. Sie ist als Forschungsvorhaben des Bundesministers fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit entstanden. (orig./HSCH)Available from TIB Hannover: RR 2401(10) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman