1,668 research outputs found

    Probiotics as prevention and treatment for diarrhea

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To critically appraise evidence on probiotic use for prevention and treatment of diarrhea in children and adults. RECENT FINDINGS: Several randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses suggested that probiotics are effective in primary and secondary prevention of gastroenteritis and its treatment. Selected Lactobacillus strains had a modest, although significant effect in primary prevention. Saccharomyces boulardii was effective in antibiotic-associated and in Clostridium difficile diarrhea. There is evidence that it might prevent diarrhea in day-care centers. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG was associated with reduced diarrheal duration and severity, more evident in case of childhood Rotavirus diarrhea. Similar, although weaker, evidence was obtained with S. boulardii. Both strains are included in evidence-based recommendations for gastroenteritis management in children. Data on other Lactobacillus strains are preliminary. Probiotic efficacy was related to cause, early administration and bacterial load, and their mechanisms were associated with antiinfectious action in the intestine or, indirectly, to modulation of innate and adaptive immunity. SUMMARY: Probiotics have gained a role as adjunctive treatment of infantile gastroenteritis together with rehydration. Their efficacy is less convincing in adults, but promising in antibiotic-associated diarrhea. However, evidence of efficacy is limited to a few strains

    Fermi Surface of Metallic V2_2O3_3 from Angle-Resolved Photoemission: Mid-level Filling of egπe_g^{\pi} Bands

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    Using angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) we report the first band dispersions and distinct features of the bulk Fermi surface (FS) in the paramagnetic metallic phase of the prototypical metal-insulator transition material V2_2O3_3. Along the cc-axis we observe both an electron pocket and a triangular hole-like FS topology, showing that both V 3dd a1ga_{1g} and egπe_g^{\pi} states contribute to the FS. These results challenge the existing correlation-enhanced crystal field splitting theoretical explanation for the transition mechanism and pave the way for the solution of this mystery.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures plus supplement 12 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Optical properties of V2O3 in its whole phase diagram

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    Vanadium sesquioxide V2O3 is considered a textbook example of Mott-Hubbard physics. In this paper we present an extended optical study of its whole temperature/doping phase diagram as obtained by doping the pure material with M=Cr or Ti atoms (V1-xMx)2O3. We reveal that its thermodynamically stable metallic and insulating phases, although macroscopically equivalent, show very different low-energy electrodynamics. The Cr and Ti doping drastically change both the antiferromagnetic gap and the paramagnetic metallic properties. A slight chromium content induces a mesoscopic electronic phase separation, while the pure compound is characterized by short-lived quasiparticles at high temperature. This study thus provides a new comprehensive scenario of the Mott-Hubbard physics in the prototype compound V2O3

    Rotavirus vaccination for all children or subgroups only? Comment of the European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP) and the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID) recommendation group for rotavirus vaccination

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    Rotavirus gastroenteritis affects all children. Studies indicate that by the age of 5 years, almost all children have developed rotavirus antibodies. It has been estimated that in Europe, approximately 6550 children each year die as a result of rotavirus infection. Most of this mortality does not affect children from identifiable risk groups, but previously healthy infants. There is no accountable evidence on increased severity of rotavirus infection in specific risk groups, including children previously born preterm or immunocompromised children. Universal immunization in areas that have successfully achieved large coverage has greatly improved the health of children, reducing infection rates, hospitalization, and costs. Vaccination of infants with presumed high risk may be beneficial for the vaccinated individuals, and such a strategy may also be cost-effective in certain settings. Identifying all high-risk infants within the first few weeks of life is rather difficult especially in countries without primary care pediatricians and goes along with additional costs. Conclusion: Rotavirus vaccines should be recommended as a universal approach for all children and not be restricted to subgroups with assumed increased risk. Targeted vaccination could be considered as an option in countries with limited financial resources

    Research of non-specific hyperreactivity of upper airways in subjects with gastro-esophageal reflux (G.E.R.): Preliminary reports

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    An association between asthma and gastro-esophageal reflux (GER) is well recognized but the underlying mechanism is still unclear. The authors suggest that could exist an association between GER and upper airways hyperreactivity and this association could represents the mechanism underlying the lower esophageal sphincter releasing, that determine the reflux. In fact they suppose that, the noxious injury of acid reflux follows a course that could be: pharynx → larynx → bronchi → 1/3 inferior of the esophagus → reflux. From these presuppositions the authors carried out a study on the possible relationship between GER and non-specific hyperreactivity of upper airways on 14 subjects, divided in 2 groups: 10 subjects with functional GER, 4 subjects suffering from GER caused by hiatus hernia as control group. All patients had a thorough medical history, ENT examination with rigid and flexible endoscope, anterior Rhinomanometry (RRM), skin-test for inhalant and alimentary allergens, RAST, audiometric exam, non-specific nasal provocation test (NSNPT) with histamine, using as control the number of sneezes. From a through analysis of objective examination and from the results of the NSNPT with histamine resulted that all subjects with functional GER were rhinopathics. In all tests both in vivo (Skin-test) and in vitro (RAST) for the most common allergens (pollens-inhalant-mycophites-alimentary) the results were negative. The authors also found an involvement of paranasal sinuses that raised: 91% in the patients with recurrents phlogosis due to non specific nasal hyperreactivity; 40.9% in the allergic subjects (20% in the Graminacee +; 32% in the Parietaria O. +; 76% in the Dermatophagoides Pt. +; others 4%); 100% in the ASA-intollerance subjects. The NSNSPT with histamine showed in the group with functional GER a hyperreactivity with sneezes in 6/10 subjects, and 1/4 subjects of the group with GER with hiatus hernia. The RRM variations showed an unilateral nasal hyperreactivity in 6/10, bilateral in 3/10 subjects of the group with functional GER. In the group with GER with hiatus hernia only 1/4 subject showed reliable unilateral RRM variation. From the analysis of data resulted that subjects with functional GER showed a completely involvement of the upper airways and not only of the pharynx and larynx, caused by non specific hyperreactivity at the NSNPT with histamine, associated with a chronic pathology

    Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus GG Counteracts Rotavirus-Induced Ion Secretion and Enterocyte Damage by Inhibiting Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis Through Specific Effects of Living and Postbiotic Preparations

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    Background: Administration of Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) to children with gastroenteritis is recommended by universal guidelines. Rotavirus (RV) causes diarrhea through combined cytotoxic and enterotoxic effects. Aim of this study was to evaluate the mechanisms of efficacy of LGG in an in-vitro model of RV diarrhea in its viable form (LGG) and conditioned medium (mLGG). Methods: Ion secretion corresponding to the NSP4 enterotoxic effect, was evaluated by short circuit current (Isc) and the cytotoxic effect by transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) in Ussing chambers, upon exposure to RV in Caco-2 enterocyte monolayers treated or not with living probiotic or its culture supernatant. Mechanisms of enterotoxic and cytotoxic damage were evaluated including oxidative stress measured by reactive oxygen species, apoptosis evaluated by DAPI and nuclear staining, NFkβ immunofluorescence. Results: RV induced Isc increase and TEER decrease, respectively indicating ion secretion and epithelial damage, the two established pathways of diarrhea. Both probiotic preparations reduced both diarrheal effects, but their potency was different. Live LGG was equally effective on both enterotoxic and cytotoxic effect whereas mLGG was highly effective on ion secretion and showed minimal protective effects on cytoskeleton, apoptosis and NFkβ. Conclusions: LGG counteracts RV-induced diarrhea by inhibiting both cytotoxic and enterotoxic pathogenic mechanisms. Namely, LGG inhibits chloride secretion by specific moieties secreted in the medium with a direct pharmacologic-like action. This is considered a postbiotic effect. Subsequently, live bacteria exert a probiotic effect protecting the enterocyte structure

    Sustained low influenza vaccination in health care workers after H1N1 pandemic: A cross sectional study in an Italian health care setting for at-risk patients

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    Background: Despite consistent recommendations by all Public Health Authorities in support of annual influenza vaccination for at-risk categories, there is still a low uptake of influenza vaccine in these groups including health care workers (HCWs). Aim of this observational two-phase study was to estimate the immunization rates for influenza in four subsequent seasons and for pandemic H1N1 influenza in HCWs of a University Hospital, and to investigate its distribution pattern and the main determinants of immunization. Phase 1 data collection was performed in 2009-2010, during the peak of H1N1 pandemic. Phase 2 data collection, aimed to investigate seasonal influenza vaccination coverage in the three seasons after pandemic, was performed in 2012-2013. Methods: The overall H1N1 vaccination rate was derived by the Hospital immunization registry. In 2010, the personnel of three Departments (Infectious Diseases, Pediatrics and Gynecology/Obstetrics) completed a survey on influenza. A second-phase analysis was performed in 2012 to investigate influenza vaccination coverage in three consecutive seasons. Results: The first-phase survey showed a low coverage for influenza in all categories (17 %), with the lowest rate in nurses (8.1 %). A total of 37 % of health care workers received H1N1 vaccine, with the highest rate among physicians and the lowest in nurses. H1N1 vaccination was closely related to the Department, being higher in the Department of Infectious Diseases (53.7 %) and Pediatrics (42.4 %) than in Gynecology/Obstetrics (8.3 %). The second-phase survey showed the lowest rate of influenza vaccination in 2012/13 season. The main reasons for not being vaccinated were "Unsure of the efficacy of vaccine" and "Feel not at-risk of getting influenza or its complications". Despite recommendations, influenza vaccine uptake remains poor. Conclusion: Immunization is largely perceived as a personal protection rather than a measure needed to prevent disease spreading to at-risk patients. Compulsory vaccination against influenza should be considered as a possible strategy, at least in health institutions where at-risk patients are admitted

    Hospital Antibiotic Use during COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) represents a major issue in healthcare being correlated to global inappropriate use of antibiotics. The aim of this study was to compare the data on hospital antibiotic consumption in 2020–2021 with those related to 2019 in order to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on antibiotic prescriptions and appropriate use at national level and in the different geographical areas. To estimate the consumption of antibiotics, two indicators were calculated: “number of DDD per 1000 inhabitants per day” and “number of DDD per 100 hospitalisation days”. Consumption data on antibiotics dispensed in public health facilities were based on the Italian “traceability of medicines” information flow. Data on hospitalisation days were extracted from the Italian “hospital discharge form” flow. Pearson correlation analysis was performed between the number of patients hospitalised for COVID-19 and the consumption of antibiotics in public healthcare facilities. During 2020, about 1.7 DDD/1000 inhabitants per day (12.3% of the overall consumption of reimbursed antibiotics) were dispensed exclusively in Italian hospitals (+0.8% compared to 2019). Considering the number of DDD per 100 hospitalisation days, consumption increased by 19.3% in 2020 compared to 2019. Comparing the first semester of 2020 and 2019, a decrease of DDD/1000 inhabitants per day was observed (−1.6%) at national level, with opposite trends in the different geographical areas; an increase in the use of azithromycin and carbapenems was also observed, with a stable consumption of third-generation cephalosporins. The use of antibiotics in the second semester of 2020 compared to the same period of 2019 showed a clear reduction at national level (−8.5%), appreciable to a similar extent in all geographic areas. In the first semester of 2021 compared to the same period of 2020, there was a huge reduction (−31.4%) in consumption at national level. However, the variations were heterogeneous between different geographical areas. To our knowledge, this study represents the most comprehensive analysis performed on antibiotic consumption data in hospital settings in Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic to date. Despite international and national guideline recommendations, a substantial overall increase in antibiotic prescriptions was observed during the COVID-19 pandemic, with variability in terms of geographical distribution and prescription strategies. These findings may be related to the dichotomy between perceived and real significance of guidelines, expert panels, or consensus. Therefore, new approaches or strategies to antimicrobial stewardship should be proposed