1,227 research outputs found

    Itinerant quantum critical point with frustration and non-Fermi-liquid

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    Employing the self-learning quantum Monte Carlo algorithm, we investigate the frustrated transverse-field triangle-lattice Ising model coupled to a Fermi surface. Without fermions, the spin degrees of freedom undergoes a second-order quantum phase transition between paramagnetic and clock-ordered phases. This quantum critical point (QCP) has an emergent U(1) symmetry and thus belongs to the (2+1)D XY universality class. In the presence of fermions, spin fluctuations introduce effective interactions among fermions and distort the bare Fermi surface towards an interacting one with hot spots and Fermi pockets. Near the QCP, non-Fermi-liquid behavior are observed at the hot spots, and the QCP is rendered into a different universality with Hertz-Millis type exponents. The detailed properties of this QCP and possibly related experimental systems are also discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Magnetic quantum phase transition in a metallic Kondo heterostructure

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    We consider a two-dimensional quantum spin system described by a Heisenberg model that is embedded in a three-dimensional metal. The two systems couple via an antiferromagnetic Kondo interaction. In such a setup, the ground state generically remains metallic down to the lowest temperatures and allows us to study magnetic quantum phase transitions in metallic environments. From the symmetry point of view, translation symmetry is present in two out of three lattice directions such that crystal momentum is only partially conserved. Importantly, the construction provides a route to study, with negative-sign-free auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo methods, the physics of local moments in metallic environments. Our large-scale numerical simulations show that as a function of the Kondo coupling, the system has two metallic phases. In the limit of strong Kondo coupling, a paramagnetic heavy-fermion phase emerges. Here, the spin degree of freedom is screened by means of the formation of a composite quasiparticle that participates in the Luttinger count. At weak Kondo coupling, magnetic order is present. This phase is characterized by Landau-damped Goldstone modes. Furthermore, the aforementioned composite quasiparticle remains intact across the quantum phase transition.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figure

    Marginal Fermi liquid at magnetic quantum criticality from dimensional confinement

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    Metallic quantum criticality is frequently discussed as a source for non-Fermi liquid behavior, but controlled theoretical treatments are scarce. Here we identify and study a novel magnetic quantum critical point in a two-dimensional antiferromagnet coupled to a three-dimensional environment of conduction electrons. Using sign-problem-free quantum Monte Carlo simulations and an effective field-theory analysis, we demonstrate that the quantum critical point is characterized by marginal Fermi liquid behavior. In particular, we compute the electrical resistivity for transport across the magnetic layer, which is shown to display a linear temperature dependence at criticality. Experimental realizations in Kondo heterostructures are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure; Supplement: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Many versus one: the disorder operator and entanglement entropy in fermionic quantum matter

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    Motivated by recent development of the concept of the disorder operator and its relation with entanglement entropy in bosonic systems, here we show the disorder operator successfully probes many aspects of quantum entanglement in fermionic many-body systems. From both analytical and numerical computations in free and interacting fermion systems in 1D and 2D, we find the disorder operator and the entanglement entropy exhibit similar universal scaling behavior, as a function of the boundary length of the subsystem, but with subtle yet important differences. In 1D they both follow the logL\log{L} scaling behavior with the coefficient determined by the Luttinger parameter for disorder operator, and the conformal central charge for entanglement entropy. In 2D they both show the universal LlogLL\log L scaling behavior in free and interacting Fermi liquid states, with the coefficients depending on the geometry of the Fermi surfaces. However at a 2D quantum critical point with non-Fermi-liquid state, extra symmetry information is needed in the design of the disorder operator, so as to reveal the critical fluctuations as does the entanglement entropy. Our results demonstrate the fermion disorder operator can be used to probe quantum many-body entanglement related to global symmetry, and provides new tools to explore the still largely unknown territory of highly entangled fermion quantum matter in 2 or higher dimensions.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures with 8 pages supplemental materia

    Fermion disorder operator at Gross-Neveu and deconfined quantum criticalities

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    The fermion disorder operator has been shown to reveal the entanglement information in 1D Luttinger liquids and 2D free and interacting Fermi and non-Fermi liquids emerging at quantum critical points(QCP). Here we study, by means of large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulation, the scaling behavior of disorder operator in correlated Dirac systems. We first demonstrate the logarithmic scaling behavior of the disorder operator at the Gross-Neveu (GN) chiral Ising and Heisenberg QCPs, where consistent conformal field theory (CFT) content of the GN-QCP in its coefficient is found. Then we study a 2D monopole free deconfined quantum critical point (DQCP) realized between a quantum-spin Hall insulator and a superconductor. Our data point to negative values of the logarithmic coefficients such that the DQCP does not correspond to a unitary CFT. Density matrix renormalization group calculations of the disorder operator on a 1D DQCP model also detect emergent continuous symmetries.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figure