2,329 research outputs found

    Tensor Based Monitoring of Large-Scale Network Traffic

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    Network monitoring systems are important for network operators to easily analyze behavioral trends in flow data. As networks become larger and more complex, the data becomes more complex with increased size and more variables. This increase in dimensionality lends itself to tensor-based analysis of network data as tensors are arbitrarily sized multi-dimensional objects. Tensor-based network monitoring methods have been explored in recent years through work at Carnegie Mellon University through their algorithm DenseAlert. DenseAlert identifies events anomalous events in tensors through quick detection of dense sub-tensors in positive-valued tensors. However, from experimentation, DenseAlert fails on larger datasets. Drawing from RED Alert, we developed an algorithm called RED Alert that uses recursive filtering and expansion to handle anomaly detection in large tensors of positive and negative valued data. This is done through the use of network parameters that are structured in a hierarchical fashion. That is, network traffic is first modeled at low granular data (e.g. host country), and events detected as anomalous in lower spaces are tracked down to higher granular data (e.g. host IP). The tensors are built on-the-fly in streaming data, filtering data to only consider the parameters deemed anomalous in previous granularity levels. RED Alert is showcased on two network monitoring examples, packet loss detection and botnet detection, comparing results to DenseAlert. In both cases, RED Alert was able to detect suspicious events and identify the root cause of the behavior from a sole IP. RED Alert was developed as part of a greater project, InSight2, that provides several different network monitoring dashboards to aid network operators. This required additional development of a tensor library that worked in the context of InSight2 as well as the development of a dashboard that could run the algorithm and display the results in meaningful ways

    Issues and practical solutions in project group writing in the PBL education

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    Implementing the Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion Article Structure in Engineering Education based on Problem-based Learning

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    The organization of knowledge influences how effectively students learn, so that if the information are well structured and the knowledge acquisition process is carried out in a systemic way, one can more effectively retrieve pieces of knowledge. To tackle this problem a common document format used in academia, IMRaD (Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion), can help students in natural science and engineering education to approach the problem of knowledge organization in a systemic way from the beginning of the learning process. In this study, we explore the use of the IMRaD format for students pursuing undergraduate and master's degrees as a tool for learning whilst making the project report more comprehensible for readers. The predefined document structure cannot be considered the solution to all learning issues and it should not limit the unpredictability, which is necessary during the creative thinking typical of the research environment

    Implementing the Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion Article Structure in Engineering Education based on Problem-based Learning

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    The organization of knowledge influences how effectively students learn, so that if the information are well structured and the knowledge acquisition process is carried out in a systemic way, one can more effectively retrieve pieces of knowledge. To tackle this problem a common document format used in academia, IMRaD (Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion), can help students in natural science and engineering education to approach the problem of knowledge organization in a systemic way from the beginning of the learning process. In this study, we explore the use of the IMRaD format for students pursuing undergraduate and master's degrees as a tool for learning whilst making the project report more comprehensible for readers. The predefined document structure cannot be considered the solution to all learning issues and it should not limit the unpredictability, which is necessary during the creative thinking typical of the research environment

    El tratamiento de la timidez por medio de la literatura infantil

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    El presente trabajo tiene la finalidad de abordar la timidez en la infancia por medio de la literatura infantil. En el marco teórico se abordarán la timidez, sus causas y consecuencias en la infancia, así como la importancia del cuento como recurso pedagógico, buscando así fundamentar y justificar una propuesta didáctica. Esta propuesta gira en torno a un libro seleccionado y analizado, que es ¿Por qué enrojecemos como tomates?; y está dirigida al primer ciclo de Educación Primaria. Este trabajo concluye con el valor de trabajar las emociones en la infancia para que sean gestionadas con éxito a lo largo de la vida, además de resaltar la importancia de promover la lectura como herramienta de ayuda y disfrute.This work has the purpose of address the shyness in childhood through children's literature. In the theoretical framework will be included shyness, its causes and consequences in childhood as well as the importance of the tale as a teaching resource, with the aim of inform and justify a didactic proposal. This proposal it is directed to the first cycle of primary education and revolves around a chosen and analyzed book: ¿Por qué enrojecemos como tomates? This paper concludes the value of working emotions in childhood for them to be managed successfully throughout life, and the importance of promoting reading as a help tool and enjoyment.Grado en Educación Primari

    Penentuan Harga Pokok Produksi pada USAha Moulding Ud. Kembar Mas Samarinda

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    LA LISO , 2013 S - 1 Program , Faculty of Economics, University of Samarinda August 17, 1945 , Determination of Cost of Production In Moulding Enterprises UD . Mas twin Samarinda , Titin Ruliana Supervisor I , Advisor II Suyatin . Efforts related to housing became a very lucrative business , given not only the building materials are a top priority in housing construction but also the framework of the house itself must be considered . One of the businesses that provide these services are UD molding business . Mas twin Samarinda . These efforts serve to create the framework of the house such as sills , doors , windows , and various other orders related to logging and marketing efforts include the city of Samarinda . This study was conducted to clarify the calculation of the order cost door bengkirai 7 ( seven ) lower panel compared to calculations made by the company . calculation of the company with the adoption of the order cost . Production costs are those costs that occur within the manufacture of finished products . Elements of production costs is what will form the cost of production , in which the elements consist of raw material costs , labor costs and factory overhead costs . From the results of this study is that There are differences in the calculation of the cost of production for 7 door panel orders that the difference of Rp . 500.543 .-/unit . According to the company's calculation of the cost is Rp . 631,785.713 , -/unit . Meanwhile, according to calculations performed by the authors using the cost of the order on the basis of allocation of manufacturing overhead costs using the relative selling price is Rp . 631,285.17 .-/unit with this calculation will increase the cost of production . With this shows that , the existence of specialized judicial institutions in a State law is very important and vital for the existence of judicial institutions are given special authority to conduct law enforcement more specifically , the purpose is to create a sense of justice through the courts with special handling special . As suggestions submitted in research that , in order to calculate the cost of production is produced by the method of the order cost , because then it is known for sure the amount of the costs incurred for the actual production process occurs can be reduced cost and selling price can be lowere

    Donor selection for allogenic hemopoietic stem cell transplantation: clinical and ethical considerations

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    Allogenic hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) is an established treatment for many diseases. Stem cells may be obtained from different sources: mobilized peripheral blood stem cells, bone marrow, and umbilical cord blood. The progress in transplantation procedures, the establishment of experienced transplant centres, and the creation of unrelated adult donor registries and cord blood banks gave those without an human leucocyte antigen- (HLA-) identical sibling donor the opportunity to find a donor and cord blood units worldwide. HSCT imposes operative cautions so that the entire donation/transplantation procedure is safe for both donors and recipients; it carries with it significant clinical, moral, and ethical concerns, mostly when donors are minors. The following points have been stressed: the donation should be excluded when excessive risks for the donor are reasonable, donors must receive an accurate information regarding eventual adverse events and health burden for the donors themselves, a valid consent is required, and the recipient’s risks must be outweighed by the expected benefits. The issue of conflict of interest, when the same physician has the responsibility for both donor selection and recipient care, is highlighted as well as the need of an adequate insurance protection for all the parties involved