858 research outputs found

    Restoring Self-Efficacy in Learning: A Critical Examination of the Modern Test-Centric Educational Environment and its Impact on the Psychology of Underachieving Students

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    Throughout education in the U.S., students are many lessons. Most are designed to help them succeed on a slate of standardized tests that are claimed to measure and predict their ability and future success in the global market. This narrow view of the role of education in society creates an environment passing on many other messages to students. These messages, the hidden curriculum, has a significant impact on students beliefs in their ability to participate and thrive in learning, and so often it goes overlooked. This thesis will attempt to examine the effect of the hidden curriculum on one core aspect of psychology that is essential to engagement and motivation: self-efficacy. It will also propose a program to encourage teachers to recognize the hidden curriculum that is unintentionally taught to their students and brainstorm modes of reengaging those students who have been negatively impacted by that curriculum

    The residual STL volume as a metric to evaluate accuracy and reproducibility of anatomic models for 3D printing: application in the validation of 3D-printable models of maxillofacial bone from reduced radiation dose CT images.

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    BackgroundThe effects of reduced radiation dose CT for the generation of maxillofacial bone STL models for 3D printing is currently unknown. Images of two full-face transplantation patients scanned with non-contrast 320-detector row CT were reconstructed at fractions of the acquisition radiation dose using noise simulation software and both filtered back-projection (FBP) and Adaptive Iterative Dose Reduction 3D (AIDR3D). The maxillofacial bone STL model segmented with thresholding from AIDR3D images at 100 % dose was considered the reference. For all other dose/reconstruction method combinations, a "residual STL volume" was calculated as the topologic subtraction of the STL model derived from that dataset from the reference and correlated to radiation dose.ResultsThe residual volume decreased with increasing radiation dose and was lower for AIDR3D compared to FBP reconstructions at all doses. As a fraction of the reference STL volume, the residual volume decreased from 2.9 % (20 % dose) to 1.4 % (50 % dose) in patient 1, and from 4.1 % to 1.9 %, respectively in patient 2 for AIDR3D reconstructions. For FBP reconstructions it decreased from 3.3 % (20 % dose) to 1.0 % (100 % dose) in patient 1, and from 5.5 % to 1.6 %, respectively in patient 2. Its morphology resembled a thin shell on the osseous surface with average thickness <0.1 mm.ConclusionThe residual volume, a topological difference metric of STL models of tissue depicted in DICOM images supports that reduction of CT dose by up to 80 % of the clinical acquisition in conjunction with iterative reconstruction yields maxillofacial bone models accurate for 3D printing

    Computational Modeling to Predict Mechanical Function of Joints: Validations and Applications of Lower Leg Simulations

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    Computational models of musculoskeletal joints and limbs can provide useful information about joint mechanics. Validated models can be used as a predictive device for understanding joint function and serve as a clinical tool for predicting the outcome of surgical procedures. A new computational modeling approach was developed for simulating joint kinematics that are dictated by bone/joint anatomy, ligamentous constraints, and applied loading.Three-dimensional computational models of the lower leg were created. Model development involved generating three-dimensional surfaces from CT images, followed by importing these surfaces into SolidWorks and COSMOSMotion. ThroughSolidWorks and COSMOSMotion, each bone surface was created into a solid object and positioned, necessary components added, and simulations executed. Three dimensional contacts inhibited intersection of the bones during motion. Ligaments were represented as linear springs. Model predictions were then validated by comparison to three different previously performed cadaver studies (syndesmotic injury study, inversion stability study, and mechanical laxity study) and one simultaneously performed cadaver study (anterior drawer test).In the syndesmotic injury study, the relative motion between the tibia and fibula in intact, transected, and repaired states was measured under the application of an external rotation of the ankle. The inversion stability study focused on the elongation behavior of lateral ankle ligaments and inversion range of motion during the application of an applied load. The mechanical laxity study focused on differences in anterior/posterior and inversion/eversion movement in intact and transected states. Each computational simulation was placed under the same conditions as its respective cadaver study and revealed a capability to predict behaviors in each case. The syndesmotic injury model was able to predict tibia1 rotation, fibular rotation, and anterior/posterior displacement. In the inversion simulation, calcaneofibular ligament extension and angles of inversion compared well. The laxity study showed increases in anteroposter motion after the transactions of the ATFL and CFL; and diffenences in inversion after the transaction of the CFL. The Anterior Drawer simulation produced similar ligament elongations and loads when compared to cadaver studies.Overall, the computational models were able to predict joint kinematics of the lower leg with particular focus on the ankle complex. Additional parameters can be calculated through such models that are not easily obtained experimentally such as ligament forces, force transmission across joints, and three-dimensional movement of all bones

    Advances in Clinical Management of Eosinophilic Esophagitis

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    EoE is a chronic immune/antigen-mediated clinicopathologic condition that has become an increasingly important cause of upper gastrointestinal morbidity in adults and children over the past 2 decades. It is diagnosed based on symptoms of esophageal dysfunction, the presence of at least 15 eosinophils/high-power field in esophageal biopsies, and exclusion of competing causes of esophageal eosinophilia, including proton pump inhibitor-responsive esophageal eosinophilia (PPI-REE). We review what we have recently learned about the clinical aspects of EoE, discussing the clinical, endoscopic, and histologic features of EoE in adults and children. We explain the current diagnostic criteria and challenges to diagnosis, including the role of gastroesophageal reflux disease and PPI-REE. It is also important to consider the epidemiology of EoE (current incidence of 1/10,000 new cases per year and prevalence of 0.5-1/1,000 cases per year) and disease progression. We review the main treatment approaches and new treatment options; EoE can be treated with topical corticosteroids such as fluticasone and budesonide, or dietary strategies, such as amino acid-based formulas, allergy test-directed elimination diets, and non-directed empiric elimination diets. Endoscopic dilation has also become an important tool for treatment of fibrostenostic complications of EoE. There are number of unresolved issues in EoE, including phenotypes, optimal treatment endpoints, the role of maintenance therapy, and treatment of refractory EoE. The care of patients with EoE and the study of the disease span many disciplines—EoE is ideally managed by a multidisciplinary team of gastroenterologists, allergists, pathologists, and dieticians

    A Case of Eosinophilic Esophagitis With Food Hypersensitivity

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    Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a disorder characterized by isolated eosinophilic infiltration of the esophagus with esophageal symptoms. Although some patients with EoE are related to food hypersensitivity, it is hard to identify causative foods. This report describes a case of EoE with dysphagia. A 28-year-old man presented with dysphagia and substernal discomfort for 15 days. He had taken a protein complex for 2 months. Endoscopy showed several linear furrows and multiple mucosal nodularities on the lower and mid esophagus, and the biopsies of esophagus revealed marked eosinophil infiltration in the mucosa. The skin testing for the protein complex was positive. The patient was successfully treated with withholding treatment

    Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis with Eosinophilic Dermatitis

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    Eosinophilic gastroenteritis (EG) is characterized by eosinophilic infiltration of the bowel wall and variable gastrointestinal manifestations. Clinicians should have a high index of suspicion for EG when faced with gastrointestinal symptoms and peripheral eosinophilia to avoid incorrect diagnosis and inappropriate treatments. A 24-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital complaining of acute right lower quadrant abdominal pain and a laparoscopic appendectomy performed for a presumed diagnosis of an acute appendicitis. However, the procedure revealed bowel edema and a moderate amount of ascites without evidence of a suppurative appendicitis. Postoperatively, she showed persistent and progressive eosinophilia, exudative eosinophilic ascites, eosinophilic infiltration of the resected appendix wall, and eosinophilic infiltration of gastroduodenal mucosa. A punch biopsy of the abdominal skin also revealed inflammation with marked eosinophilic infiltration of the skin. She recovered after the treatment with a low dose of steroid for the EG with eosinophilic dermatitis. EG with eosinophilic dermatitis has not been reported yet and is considered fortuitous in this case

    Eosinophilic oesophagitis: clinical presentation and pathogenesis

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    Eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE) is an inflammatory disorder of the oesophagus which has become increasingly recognised over recent years, although it remains underdiagnosed in many centres. It is characterised histologically by a significant eosinophilic infiltration of the oesophageal mucosa (>15 eosinophils per high powered field), and clinically with features of oesophageal dysfunction such a dysphagia, food impaction, and proton pump inhibitor (PPI) resistant dyspepsia. Fibrosis and oesophageal remodelling may occur and lead to oesophageal strictures. An allergic predisposition is common in the EoE population, which appears to be primarily food antigen driven in children and aeroallergen driven in adults. Evidence suggests that the pathogenesis of EoE is due to a dysregulated immunological response to an environmental allergen, resulting in a T helper type 2 (Th2) inflammatory disease and remodelling of the oesophagus in genetically susceptible individuals. Allergen elimination and anti-inflammatory therapy with corticosteroids are currently the mainstay of treatment; however, an increasing number of studies are now focused on targeting different stages in the disease pathogenesis. A greater understanding of the underlying mechanisms resulting in EoE will allow us to improve the therapeutic options available

    Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 3D printing Special Interest Group (SIG): guidelines for medical 3D printing and appropriateness for clinical scenarios

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    Abstract Medical three-dimensional (3D) printing has expanded dramatically over the past three decades with growth in both facility adoption and the variety of medical applications. Consideration for each step required to create accurate 3D printed models from medical imaging data impacts patient care and management. In this paper, a writing group representing the Radiological Society of North America Special Interest Group on 3D Printing (SIG) provides recommendations that have been vetted and voted on by the SIG active membership. This body of work includes appropriate clinical use of anatomic models 3D printed for diagnostic use in the care of patients with specific medical conditions. The recommendations provide guidance for approaches and tools in medical 3D printing, from image acquisition, segmentation of the desired anatomy intended for 3D printing, creation of a 3D-printable model, and post-processing of 3D printed anatomic models for patient care.https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146524/1/41205_2018_Article_30.pd
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