1,690 research outputs found

    Geochemistry and petrology of three granitoid rock cores from the Nicaraguan Rise, Caribbean Sea : implications for its composition, structure and tectonic evolution

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    The Nicaraguan Rise is a major submarine structure of poorly known origin. Its lithologies have been studied from dredge hauls and land outcrops on the Greater Antilles and Central America and its structure from geophysical data. In this paper we present the first geochemical analyses for granitoids that were recovered during the 1970s from cores drilled on the Nicaragua Rise for oil prospecting. The three Nicaraguan Rise rocks are calk-alkaline granitoids, and lie in the high-K field for Caribbean granitoids similar to the Above Rocks, Jamaica and Terre Neuve, Haiti intrusions. All of these intrusions are considered to be of Late Cretaceous - Paleocene age. Key elements abundances - K, La, Ce, Nd, Hf, Zr and Sm - indicate that the three Nicaraguan Rise rocks present more affinity with mature oceanic arc rocks similar to other granitoids from the Greater Antilles rather than mature continental arcs. The Pb, Nd and Sr isotope data show no evidence of a continental component, thus indicating that the more eastern and northern submarine area of the Northern Nicaraguan Rise is not underlain by continental crust of the Chortis block. Although of similar age, the Nicaraguan Rise samples are different from the more depleted Cuban granitoids of the Sierra Maestra, though both show strong similarities in their 207Pb/204Pb composition. We postulate that the Northern Nicaraguan Rise was most likely a Caribbean oceanic arc system that may have interacted only at its margin with the continental blocks bounding the region to the west in the area of the Northern Honduran borderland

    The metallogenic evolution of the Greater Antilles

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    The Greater Antilles host some of the world's most important deposits of bauxite and lateritic nickel as well as significant resources of gold and silver, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt and chromium. Beginning in Jurassic time, sedimentary exhalative base metal deposits accumulated in marine sedimentary rift basins as North and South America drifted apart. With the onset of intraoceanic subduction during the Early Cretaceous, a primitive (tholeiitic) island arc formed above a southwesterly-dipping subduction zone. Podiform chromite deposits formed in the mantle portion of the supra-subduction zone, directly above subducted Proto-Caribbean oceanic lithosphere. Within the nascent island arc, bimodal-mafic volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits formed in a fore-arc setting; mafic volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits formed later in mature back-arc basins. The Pueblo Viejo gold district, with five million ounces in production and twenty million ounces in mineable reserves, formed at 108-112Ma, in an apical rift or back-arc setting. By Late Cretaceous time, calc-alkaline volcanism was well established along the entire length of the Greater Antilles. Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits including shallow submarine deposits characteristic of the primitive island arc gave way to porphyry copper and epithermal precious metal deposits typical of the mature island arc. Oblique collision of the Greater Antilles with North America began in the Late Cretaceous in Cuba and migrated eastward. Orogenic gold and tungsten deposits that formed during the collision event are preserved in ophiolites and in metamorphic core complexes. Since the Eocene, regional tectonism has been dominated by strike-slip motion as the North American continent moved westward relative to the Caribbean Plate. Large nickel-cobalt laterite deposits were formed when serpentinites were exposed to weathering and erosion during the mid-Tertiary. Bauxite deposits were derived from the weathering of volcanic ash within a carbonate platform of Eocene to Miocene age

    A geometric approach to time evolution operators of Lie quantum systems

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    Lie systems in Quantum Mechanics are studied from a geometric point of view. In particular, we develop methods to obtain time evolution operators of time-dependent Schrodinger equations of Lie type and we show how these methods explain certain ad hoc methods used in previous papers in order to obtain exact solutions. Finally, several instances of time-dependent quadratic Hamiltonian are solved.Comment: Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    Ophiolite-Related Ultramafic Rocks (Serpentinites) in the Caribbean Region: A Review of their Occurrence, Composition, Origin, Emplacement and Ni-Laterite Soil Formation

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    Ultramafic rocks, mainly serpentinized peridotites of mantle origin, are mostly associated with the ophiolites of Mesozoic age that occur in belts along three of the margins of the Caribbean plate. The most extensive exposures are in Cuba. The ultramafic-mafic association (ophiolites) were formed and emplaced in several different tectonic environments. Mineralogical studies of the ultramafic rocks and the chemistry of the associated mafic rocks indicate that most of the ultramafic-mafic associations in both the northern and southern margins of the plate were formed in arc-related environments. There is little mantle peridotite exposed in the ophiolitic associations of the west coast of Central America, in the south Caribbean in Curacao and in the Andean belts in Colombia. In these occurrences the chemistry and age of the mafic rocks indicates that this association is mainly part of the 89 Ma Caribbean plateau province. The age of the mantle peridotites and associated ophiolites is probably mainly late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous. Emplacement of the ophiolites possibly began in the Early Cretaceous in Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, but most emplacement took place in the Late Cretaceous to Eocene (e.g. Cuba). Along the northern South America plate margin, in the Caribbean mountain belt, emplacement was by major thrusting and probably was not completed until the Oligocene or even the early Miocene. Caribbean mantle peridotites, before serpentinization, were mainly harzburgites, but dunites and lherzolites are also present. In detail, the mineralogical and chemical composition varies even within one ultramafic body, reflecting melting processes and peridotite/melt interaction in the upper mantle. At least for the northern Caribbean, uplift (postemplacement tectonics) exposed the ultramafic massifs as a land surface to effective laterization in the beginning of the Miocene. Tectonic factors, determining the uplift, exposing the peridotites to weathering varied. In the northern Caribbean, in Guatemala, Jamaica, and Hispaniola, uplift occurred as a result of transpresional movement along pre-existing major faults. In Cuba, uplift occurred on a regional scale, determined by isostatic adjustment. In the south Caribbean, uplift of the Cordillera de la Costa and Serrania del Interior exposing the peridotites, also appears to be related to strike-slip movement along the El Pilar fault system. In the Caribbean, Ni-laterite deposits are currently being mined in the central Dominican Republic, eastern Cuba, northern Venezuela and northwest Colombia. Although apparently formed over ultramafic rocks of similar composition and under similar climatic conditions, the composition of the lateritic soils varies. Factors that probably determined these differences in laterite composition are geomorphology, topography, drainage and tectonics. According to the mineralogy of principal ore-bearing phases, Dominican Ni-laterite deposits are classified as the hydrous silicate-type. The main Ni-bearing minerals are hydrated Mg-Ni silicates (serpentine and “garnierite”) occurring deeper in the profile (saprolite horizon). In contrast, in the deposits of eastern Cuba, the Ni and Co occurs mainly in the limonite zone composed of Fe hydroxides and oxides as the dominant mineralogy in the upper part of the profile, and are classified as the oxide-type

    Petrogenesis of fertile mantle peridotites from the Monte del Estado massif (Southwest Puerto Rico): a preserved section of Proto-Caribbean lithospheric mantle?

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    The Monte del Estado massif is the largest and northernmost serpentinized peridotite belt in southwest Puerto Rico. It is mainly composed of spinel lherzolite and minor harzburgite with variable clinopyroxene modal abundances. Mineral and whole rock major and trace element compositions of peridotites coincide with those of fertile abyssal mantle rocks from mid ocean ridges. Peridotites lost 2-14 wt% of relative MgO and variable amounts of CaO by serpentinization and seafloor weathering. HREE contents in whole rock indicate that the Monte del Estado peridotites are residues after low to moderate degrees (2-15%) of fractional partial melting in the spinel stability field. However, very low LREE/HREE and MREE/HREE in clinopyroxene cannot be explained by melting models of a spinel lherzolite source and support that the Monte del Estado peridotites experienced initial low fractional melting degrees (~ 4%) in the garnet stability field. The relative enrichment of LREE in whole rock is not due to alteration processes but probably reflects the capture of percolating fluid/melt fractions or the crystallization of sub-percent amounts of hydrous minerals (e.g., amphibole, phlogopite) along grain boundaries or as microinclusions in minerals. We propose that the Monte del Estado peridotite belt represents a section of ancient Proto-Caribbean (Atlantic) lithospheric mantle originated by seafloor spreading between North and South America in the Late Jurassic- Early Cretaceous. This portion of oceanic lithospheric mantle was subsequently trapped in the forearc region of the Greater Antilles paleo-island arc generated by the northward subduction of the Caribbean plate beneath the Proto-Caribbean ocean. Finally, the Monte del Estado peridotites belt was emplaced in the Early Cretaceous probably as result of the change in subduction polarity of the Greater Antilles paleo-island arc without having been significantly modified by subduction processes

    Twin disc assessment of wear regime transitions and rolling contact fatigue in R400HT – E8 pairs

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    Twin disc tests were carried out to evaluate the wear resistance and Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF) of premium R400HT rail samples in contact with E8 wheel samples. The wear rate and friction coefficient were correlated with the frictional work expended at the contact interface (the Tgamma approach). Accelerated RCF tests were also carried out on the premium R400HT rail and the results were compared to those obtained for standard R260 rail. The wear rates of rail samples were consistently lower than those reported in the literature for other contacting pairs in which the rail material studied is softer than R400HT. Also, the energy needed for the transition from the moderate to severe wear regime significantly increased for the hardened rail. Fatigue cracks were shallower for R400HT when compared with standard rail material. Hardened rails also showed lower mean spacing between fatigue cracks. This new information can be used to improve wear simulations of wheels and rails by using more realistic wear equations

    Metamorfismo y estructura de la Formación Maimón y los Complejos Duarte y Río Verde, Cordillera Central Dominicana: implicaciones en la estructura y la evolución del primitivo Arco Isla Caribeño

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    The mainly metabasaltic pre-Aptian/Albian basement of the Median Belt of Hispaniola includes the Duarte Complex, the Río Verde Complex and the Maimón-Los Ranchos Formations. In base to mineral assemblages present in metabasic rocks and P-T conditions estimated from thermobarometry, the Río Verde Complex is divided into four metamorphic zones and Zone IV is further subdivided into two. The metamorphic grade increase upward in the structural sequence, from prehnite-pumpellyte facies (Zone I), through greens-chist facies (Zones II and III) and amphibolite facies (Zone IVa), to upper amphibolite facies (Zone IVb), only restricted to Cpx-bearing amphibolites just below the contact with the overlying Loma Caribe Peridotite. The metamorphic field gradient is inverse and of low-P type. The P-T paths documented for Zones IVa and IVb of the Río Verde Complex involve a two-stage prograde evolution: a first event of near isobaric heating in the low-pressure field, typical of sub-ophiolite metamorphic sole rocks and characterized by critical high-grade assemblages; and a second event marked by a medium-pressure overprint of the first-stage metamorphic assemblages following a high-P gradient. These P-T paths are interpreted to result from intra-oceanic thrusting during the closure of a back-arc basin related with the Primitive Caribbean Island Arc and the onset of subduction of arc units in the Aptian/Albian time, which formed the high-pressure metamorphic overprint. The heating and development of an inverted metamorphic gradient in the sub-ophiolite Río Verde Complex, can be genetically related with the hanginwall emplacement of the hot peridotitic slice and the conductive heat transfer downward. The studied sector of the Duarte Complex (metamorphosed oceanic plateau) is divided into three metamorphic zones. Their distribution suggest that there is a temperature increase westward and downward in the structural sequence, from the upper greenschist facies (zone A), through Ep-amphibolite and amphibolite facies (zone B), to upper amphibolite transitional to lower granulite facies (zone C). The metamorphic field gradient is normal and the mid-P type (25-30º C/km). The lowest structural levels of the complex are occupied by the gabro-norites of the La Jautía batholith, which formed in ductile shear zones Grt+Opx-bearing granulites metamorphic assemblages. The 89 Ma date obtained from foliated tonalites (U-Pb in zircons) established an Upper Cretaceous age for the main ductile shearing deformation. However, the deformation is very heterogeneous in the complex, existing regionally wide metamorphic sectors without related foliation development. Therefore, the prograde metamorphism of the Duarte Complex is interpreted to result from moderated thickening of a previously thick oceanic crust, due to the great accumulation of plateau-basalts (30 km). The post-thermal peak P-T paths suggest the unloading and cooling of the complex, during the continuous retrograde development of deformative and mylonitic non-coaxial Sp fabrics (84,6±0,5 Ma; 40 Ar/39 Ar cooling age in syn-Sp muscovite). In summary, the metamorphic rocks of the pre-Aptian/Albian basement units of the Median Belt record different stages in the history of the acretion-obduction of the Duarte plateau with the Caribbean Primitive Island Arc. All these tectonothermal events pre-date the final arc-continent collision between the Caribbean island arc and the Bahamas platform during the Late Cretaceous

    Subdivisión geoquímica del Arco Isla Circum-Caribeño, Cordillera Central Dominicana: Implicaciones para la formación, acrecion y crecimineto cortical en un ambiente intraoceánico

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    The Upper Cretaceous-Eocene Circum-Caribbean island-arc system (AICC) is a complex collage of crustal units or terranes s.l. which have formed and accreted within an intra-oceanic environment since Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous times. In the Cordillera Central of the Dominican Republic these terranes are represented by several tectonostratigraphic units, that define a pre-Aptian-Albian deformed and metamorphosed basement, over and into which the igneous rocks of the AICC were extruded or intruded. Basement sequences can be subdivided into: (1) a plume-related Duarte terrane (plateau I); (2) a primitive arc-related Maimón-Amina terrane, which includes intra- or back-arc N-MORB units (Río Verde Complex) with a subduction geochemical imprint; and (3) the Loma Caribe peridotite terrane of mantle provenance. Two successive stages of the arc growth are superposed: an Early Cretaceous arc tholeiite stage with boninitic affinities (arc I), and a Late Cretaceous-Eocene calc-alkaline stage (AICC; arc II). The arc I stage is not recorded in the Duarte terrane but is represented in the Maimón-Amina terrane by the Río Verde Complex, the Maimón Forma-tion and the Peralvillo Norte Formation. In the Duarte terrane, the arc II growth stage include the Siete Cabezas Formation (Cenomanian- Maastrichtian, plateau II) and the fill of an intra-arc basin by the Tireo Formation (Cenomanian-Maastrichtian). In the Maimón-Amina terrane, the arc II growth is represented by the Las Lagunas and Peralvillo Sur Formations. The former lies unconformably on rudist-bearing limestone of Albian age (Hatillo Limestone). The Jautía gabbro-norite batholith and the calc-alkaline foliated and non-foliated tonalitic plutons of Late-Cretaceous-Early Eocene age intrude the rocks of the Duarte terrane except the Siete Cabezas Formation. Deformation and metamorphism of the pre-Aptian-Albian basement is a consequence of the collision of the Duarte plateau terrane with the Caribbean primitive island arc (Maimón-Amina terrane), that caused the emplacement of the Duarte terrane with a fragment of oceanic lithosphere (ophiolite). The interpretation of the geological and geochemical data support a tectonomagmatic model, which relates the compositional evolution of the intruded and extruded magmas in this segment of the AICC, with a flip in the subduction polarity under the primitive arc after the Aptian/Albian collision