147 research outputs found

    Effects of CO2 pre-treatment at narcosis on energy charge levels in cell nuclei and whole tissue of rat liver

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    C02 can be used in rats and mice as an initial anaesthetic in order to facilitate handling and reduce stress before injections or other kinds of treatment of short duration. Interference with physiological conditions like the energy status of the tissue may reduce its suitability. The present study was undertaken in order to elucidate the effect of C02 treatment of rats on energy charge values in their livers.Rats were anaesthetized with either Briethal (methohexital) alone or C02 + Briethal for 4-5 minutes or C02 + Mebumal (pentobarbital) for 15 minutes and energy charge values were determined in samples from whole liver and in liver celle nuclei, isolated by a non-aqueous method. C02 caused a significant decrease in energy charge which was detected after the short narcosis of 4—5 minutes. After 15 minutes the values had recovered. Energy charge was similar in whole tissue and cell nuclei

    Acute high-intensity interval exercise-induced redox signaling is associated with enhanced insulin sensitivity in obese middle-aged men

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    Background: Obesity and aging are associated with increased oxidative stress, activation of stress and mitogen activated protein kinases (SAPK), and the development of insulin resistance and metabolic disease. In contrast, acute exercise also increases oxidative stress and SAPK signaling, yet is reported to enhance insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of metabolic disease. This study explored this paradox by investigating the effect of a single session of high-intensity interval-exercise (HIIE) on redox status, muscle SAPK and insulin protein signaling in eleven middle-aged obese men. Methods: Participants completed a 2 h hyperinsulinaemic-euglycaemic clamp at rest, and 60 min after HIIE (4 × 4 mins at 95% HRpeak; 2 min recovery periods), separated by 1–3 weeks. Results: Irrespective of exercise-induced changes to redox status, insulin stimulation both at rest and after HIIE similarly increased plasma superoxide dismutase activity, plasma catalase activity, and skeletal muscle 4-HNE; and significantly decreased plasma TBARS and hydrogen peroxide. The SAPK signaling pathways of p38 MAPK, NF-ÎșB p65, and JNK, and the distal insulin signaling protein AS160Ser588, were activated with insulin stimulation at rest and to a greater extent with insulin stimulation after a prior bout of HIIE. Higher insulin sensitivity after HIIE was associated with higher insulin-stimulated SOD activity, JNK, p38 MAPK and NF-ÎșB phosphorylation (r = 0.63, r = 0.71, r = 0.72, r = 0.71; p < 0.05, respectively). Conclusion: These findings support a role for redox homeostasis and SAPK signaling in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake which may contribute to the enhancement of insulin sensitivity in obese men 3 h after HIIE

    The effects of acute high-intensity interval exercise and hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp on osteoglycin levels in young and middle-aged men

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    Osteoglycin (OGN) is a leucine-rich proteoglycan that has been implicated in the regulation of glucose in animal models. However, its relationship with glucose control in humans is unclear. We examined the effect of high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) and hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp on circulating levels of OGN as well as whether circulating OGN levels are associated with markers of glycemic control and cardio-metabolic health. Serum was analyzed for OGN (ELISA) levels from 9 middle-aged obese men (58.1 ± 2.2 years, body mass index [BMI] = 33.1 ± 1.4 kg∙m − 2, mean ± SEM) and 9 young men (27.8 ± 1.6 years, BMI = 24.4 ± 0.08 kg∙m − 2) who previously completed a study involving a euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp at rest and after HIIE (4 x 4 minutes cycling at approximately 95% peak heart rate (HRpeak), interspersed with 2 minutes of active recovery). Blood pressure, body composition (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry), and insulin sensitivity (hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp) were assessed. Serum OGN was higher in the young cohort compared with the middle-aged cohort (65.2 ± 10.1 ng/mL versus 36.5 ± 4. 5 ng/mL, p ≀ 0.05). Serum OGN was unaffected by acute HIIE but decreased after the insulin clamp compared with baseline (~ − 27 %, p = 0.01), post-exercise (~ − 35 %, p = 0.01), and pre-clamp (~ − 32 %, p = 0.02) time points, irrespective of age. At baseline, lower circulating OGN levels were associated with increased age, BMI, and fat mass, whereas higher OGN levels were related to lower fasting glucose. Higher OGN levels were associated with a higher glucose infusion rate. Exercise had a limited effect on circulating OGN. The mechanisms by which OGN affects glucose regulation should be explored in the future

    Formation temperatures of thermogenic and biogenic methane

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    Methane is an important greenhouse gas and energy resource generated dominantly by methanogens at low temperatures and through the breakdown of organic molecules at high temperatures. However, methane-formation temperatures in nature are often poorly constrained. We measured formation temperatures of thermogenic and biogenic methane using a “clumped isotope” technique. Thermogenic gases yield formation temperatures between 157° and 221°C, within the nominal gas window, and biogenic gases yield formation temperatures consistent with their comparatively lower-temperature formational environments (<50°C). In systems where gases have migrated and other proxies for gas-generation temperature yield ambiguous results, methane clumped-isotope temperatures distinguish among and allow for independent tests of possible gas-formation models

    Single dose prednisolone alters endocrine and haematologic responses and exercise performance in men

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a single dose of prednisolone on (A) high-intensity interval cycling performance and (B) post-exercise metabolic, hormonal and haematological responses. Nine young men participated in this double-blind, randomised, cross-over study. The participants completed exercise sessions (4 × 4 min cycling bouts at 90–95% of peak heart rate), 12 h after ingesting prednisolone (20 mg) or placebo. Work load was adjusted to maintain the same relative heart rate between the sessions. Exercise performance was measured as total work performed. Blood samples were taken at rest, immediately post exercise and up to 3 h post exercise. Prednisolone ingestion decreased total work performed by 5% (P 0.05). Prednisolone suppressed the increase in blood lactate immediately post exercise (P < 0.05). Total white blood cell count was elevated at all time-points with prednisolone (P < 0.01). Androgens and sex hormone-binding globulin were elevated immediately after exercise, irrespective of prednisolone or placebo. In contrast, prednisolone significantly reduced the ratio of testosterone/luteinizing hormone (P < 0.01). Acute prednisolone treatment impairs high-intensity interval cycling performance and alters metabolic and haematological parameters in healthy young men. Exercise may be an effective tool to minimise the effect of prednisolone on blood glucose levels

    Replacing natural wetlands with stormwater management facilities: biophysical and perceived social values

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    Urban expansion replaces wetlands of natural origin with artificial stormwater management facilities. The literature suggests that efforts to mimic natural wetlands in the design of stormwater facilities can expand the provision of ecosystem services. Policy developments seek to capitalize on these improvements, encouraging developers to build stormwater wetlands in place of stormwater ponds; however, few have compared the biophysical values and social perceptions of these created wetlands to those of the natural wetlands they are replacing. We compared four types of wetlands: natural references sites, natural wetlands impacted by agriculture, created stormwater wetlands, and created stormwater ponds. We anticipated that they would exhibit a gradient in biodiversity, ecological integrity, chemical and hydrologic stress. We further anticipated that perceived values would mirror measured biophysical values. We found higher biophysical values associated with wetlands of natural origin (both reference and agriculturally impacted). The biophysical values of stormwater wetlands and stormwater ponds were lower and indistinguishable from one another. The perceived wetland values assessed by the public differed from the observed biophysical values. This has important policy implications, as the public are not likely to perceive the loss of values associated with the replacement of natural wetlands with created stormwater management facilities. We conclude that 1) agriculturally impacted wetlands provide biophysical values equivalent to those of natural wetlands, meaning that land use alone is not a great predictor of wetland value; 2) stormwater wetlands are not a substantive improvement over stormwater ponds, relative to wetlands of natural origin; 3) stormwater wetlands are poor mimics of natural wetlands, likely due to fundamental distinctions in terms of basin morphology, temporal variation in hydrology, ground water connectivity, and landscape position; 4) these drivers are relatively fixed, thus, once constructed, it may not be possible to modify them to improve provision of biophysical values; 5) these fixed drivers are not well perceived by the public and thus public perception may not capture the true value of natural wetlands, including those impacted by agriculture

    A Mississippian black shale record of redox oscillation in the Craven Basin, UK

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    Early diagenetic redox oscillation processes have been rarely recognised in the ancient rock record but potentially exert an important control on mineral authigenesis, hydrocarbon prospectivity and supply of metals and/or reduced S as part of associated mineral systems. The upper unit of the Mississippian Bowland Shale Formation is a candidate record of diagenetic redox oscillation processes because it was deposited under a relatively high sediment accumulation rate linked to a large delta system, and under dominantly anoxic and intermittently sulphidic bottom-water conditions. In order to characterise the syngenetic and early diagenetic processes, sedimentological and geochemical data were integrated through the Upper Bowland Shale at three sites in the Craven Basin (Lancashire, UK). Organic matter (OM) comprises a mixture of Type II, II-S, II/III and III OM. ‘Redox zones’ are defined by patterns of Fe-speciation and redox-sensitive trace element enrichment and split into two groups. ‘Sulphidic’ zones (EUX, AN-III, AN-I and AN-IT) represent sediments deposited under conditions of at least intermittently active sulphate-reduction in bottom-waters. ‘Non-sulphidic’ zones (OX-RX, OX-F and OX) represent sediments deposited under non-sulphidic (oxic to ferruginous anoxic) bottom-waters. Operation of a shelf-to-basin ‘reactive Fe’ (FeHR) shuttle, moderated by sea level fluctuation and delta proximity, controlled the position and stability of redoxclines between zones of Fe and sulphate reduction, and methanogenesis. Early diagenetic redoxclines were capable of migration through the shallow sediment column relatively quickly, in response to sea level fluctuation. Preservation of syngenetic and early diagenetic geochemical signals shows redoxclines between Fe and sulphate reduction, and the upper boundary of sulphate-methane transition zone, were positioned within decimetres (i.e., 10 s cm) of seabed. Falling sea level and increasing FeHR supply is recognised as a switch from zones EUX (high sea level), AN-III and ultimately AN-I and AN-IT (low sea level). Zone AN-I defines the operation of ‘redox oscillation’, between zones of Fe and sulphate reduction in shallow porewaters, associated with enhanced degradation of OM and complete dissolution of primary carbonate. Preservation of OM and carbonate, in this system, was a function of changing bottom and pore water redox processes. Redox oscillation operated in a siliciclastic, prodeltaic environment associated with a relatively high sediment accumulation rate and high loadings of labile organic matter and metal oxides. These findings are important for understanding Late Palaeozoic black shales in the context of hydrocarbon and mineral systems

    A framework for modelling soil structure dynamics induced by biological activity

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    Acknowledgments: This work was funded by the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (FORMAS) in the project “Soil structure and soil degradation: improved model tools to meet sustainable development goals under climate and land use change” (grant no. 2018-02319). We would also like to thank Mikael Sasha Dooha for carrying out the measurements for the water retention curves shown in figure 4.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Social Perceptions of Forest Ecosystem Services in the Democratic Republic of Congo

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    The forests of the Albertine Rift are known for their high biodiversity and the important ecosystem services they provide to millions of inhabitants. However, their conservation and the maintenance of ecosystem service delivery is a challenge, particularly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Our research investigates how livelihood strategy and ethnicity affects local perceptions of forest ecosystem services. We collected data through 25 focus-group discussions in villages from distinct ethnic groups, including farmers (Tembo, Shi, and Nyindu) and hunter-gatherers (Twa). Twa identify more food-provisioning services and rank bush meat and honey as the most important. They also show stronger place attachment to the forest than the farmers, who value other ecosystem services, but all rank microclimate regulation as the most important. Our findings help assess ecosystem services trade-offs, highlight the important impacts of restricted access to forests resources for Twa, and point to the need for developing alternative livelihood strategies for these communities
