49,033 research outputs found

    Multiple wavelength geodesy

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    An apparatus is being constructed which should be able to measure baselines up to 50 km long with a fractional uncertainty of about 5 x 10 to the -8 power. The instrument will measure both the optical length and the required correction due to the refractivity of the atmosphere, using three wavelengths transmitted in one direction over the path to an active receiver. The three wavelengths are 632.8 nm, 441.6 nm and 3.7 cm. The two endpoint instruments are synchronized using subsidiary return transmissions at 632.8 nm and another telemetry signal. The one-way nature of the system allows an increase in range over existing round-trip systems

    A hybrid ant algorithm for scheduling independent jobs in heterogeneous computing environments

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    The efficient scheduling of independent computational jobs in a heterogeneous computing (HC) environment is an important problem in domains such as grid computing. Finding optimal schedules for such an environment is (in general) an NP-hard problem, and so heuristic approaches must be used. In this paper we describe an ant colony optimisation (ACO) algorithm that, when combined with local and tabu search, can find shorter schedules on benchmark problems than other techniques found in the literature

    Automatically detecting neighbourhood constraint interactions using Comet

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    Local Search has been shown to be capable of producing high quality solutions in a variety of hard constraint and optimisation problems. Typically implementing a Local Search algorithm is done in a problem specic manner. In the last few years a variety of approaches have emerged focussed on easing the implementation and creating a clean separation between the algorithm and problem. We present a system which can deduce information about the interactions between problem constraints and the search neighbourhoods whilst maintaining a loose coupling between these components. We apply this technique to the International Timetabling Competition instances and show an implementation expressed in Comet

    A fast, effective local search for scheduling independent jobs in heterogeneous computing environments

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    The efficient scheduling of independent computational jobs in a heterogeneous computing (HC) environment is an important problem in domains such as grid computing. Finding optimal schedules for such an environment is (in general) an NP-hard problem, and so heuristic approaches must be used. Work with other NP-hard problems has shown that solutions found by heuristic algorithms can often be improved by applying local search procedures to the solution found. This paper describes a simple but effective local search procedure for scheduling independent jobs in HC environments which, when combined with fast construction heuristics, can find shorter schedules on benchmark problems than other solution techniques found in the literature, and in significantly less time

    Biospheric-atmospheric coupling on the early Earth

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    Theoretical calculations performed with a one-dimensional photochemical model have been performed to assess the biospheric-atmospheric transfer of gases. Ozone reached levels to shield the Earth from biologically lethal solar ultraviolet radiation (220-300 nm) when atmospheric oxygen reached about 1/10 of its present atmospheric level. In the present atmosphere, about 90 percent of atmospheric nitrous oxide is destroyed via solar photolysis in the stratosphere with about 10 percent destroyed via reaction with excited oxygen atoms. The reaction between nitrous oxide and excited oxygen atoms leads to the production of nitric oxide in the stratosphere, which is responsible for about 70 percent of the global destruction of oxygen in the stratosphere. In the oxygen/ozone deficient atmosphere, solar photolysis destroyed about 100 percent of the atmospheric nitrous oxide, relegating the production of nitric oxide via reaction with excited oxygen to zero. Our laboratory and field measurements indicate that atmospheric oxygen promotes the biogenic production of N2O and NO via denitrification and the biogenic production of methane by methanogenesis

    Dispersants and Risk Communication

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    Risk communications is a research area of the social sciences which is closely associated with human dimensions and external communications. External communications, traditionally in the purview of public affairs, may have multiple purposes including influencing public beliefs, opinions, and judgments about the incident. There are many approaches toward risk communications. Some of them focus on improving the way external communications about risks are conducted, e.g., developing better messages, and some focus on the content of risk communications, that is, sharing technical information to support the assessment of the potential for risks

    Response of the Hadley Circulation to Climate Change in an Aquaplanet GCM Coupled to a Simple Representation of Ocean Heat Transport

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    It is unclear how the width and strength of the Hadley circulation are controlled and how they respond to climate changes. Simulations of global warming scenarios with comprehensive climate models suggest the Hadley circulation may widen and weaken as the climate warms. But these changes are not quantitatively consistent among models, and how they come about is not understood. Here, a wide range of climates is simulated with an idealized moist general circulation model (GCM) coupled to a simple representation of ocean heat transport, in order to place past and possible future changes in the Hadley circulation into a broader context and to investigate the mechanisms responsible for them. By comparison of simulations with and without ocean heat transport, it is shown that it is essential to take low-latitude ocean heat transport and its coupling to wind stress into account to obtain Hadley circulations in a dynamical regime resembling Earth’s, particularly in climates resembling present-day Earth’s and colder. As the optical thickness of an idealized longwave absorber in the simulations is increased and the climate warms, the Hadley circulation strengthens in colder climates and weakens in warmer climates; it has maximum strength in a climate close to present-day Earth’s. In climates resembling present-day Earth’s and colder, the Hadley circulation strength is largely controlled by the divergence of angular momentum fluxes associated with eddies of midlatitude origin; the latter scale with the mean available potential energy in midlatitudes. The importance of these eddy momentum fluxes for the Hadley circulation strength gradually diminishes as the climate warms. The Hadley circulation generally widens as the climate warms, but at a modest rate that depends sensitively on how it is determined