3,589 research outputs found

    An investigation on the mechanics of homogeneous expansion in gas-fluidized beds

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    The Richardson and Zaki (1954, Sedimentation and fluidization. Trans. Inst. Chem. Eng. 32, pp. 35–53.) equation has been used extensively to investigate the expansion profiles of homogeneous gas-fluidized beds. The experimental value of the parameter n appearing in the equation indicates how significantly interparticle forces affect the expansion of these beds, revealing the relative importance of these forces with respect to the fluid dynamic ones. In this work, we modeled the stable expansion of gas-fluidized beds of different diameter, accounting for enduring contacts among particles and wall effects. We solved the model numerically to obtain the bed expansion profiles, back-calculating from them the values of the parameter n. For all the cases considered, we observed that the values of n are higher than those obtained by purely fluid dynamic correlations, such as those advanced by Richardson and Zaki, and Rowe (1987, A convenient empirical equation for estimation of the Richardson and Zaki exponent. Chem. Eng. Sci. 42, pp. 2795.). This effect was more pronounced in beds of smaller diameter. To validate our model, we carried out fluidization and defluidization experiments, analyzing the results by means of the Richardson and Zaki equation. We obtained a reasonable agreement between numerical and experimental findings; this suggests that enduring contacts among particles, which are manifestations of cohesiveness, affect homogeneous bed expansion. This effect is amplified by wall friction

    Extending fragment-based free energy calculations with library Monte Carlo simulation: Annealing in interaction space

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    Pre-calculated libraries of molecular fragment configurations have previously been used as a basis for both equilibrium sampling (via "library-based Monte Carlo") and for obtaining absolute free energies using a polymer-growth formalism. Here, we combine the two approaches to extend the size of systems for which free energies can be calculated. We study a series of all-atom poly-alanine systems in a simple dielectric "solvent" and find that precise free energies can be obtained rapidly. For instance, for 12 residues, less than an hour of single-processor is required. The combined approach is formally equivalent to the "annealed importance sampling" algorithm; instead of annealing by decreasing temperature, however, interactions among fragments are gradually added as the molecule is "grown." We discuss implications for future binding affinity calculations in which a ligand is grown into a binding site

    Life cycle assessment of nanocellulose-reinforced advanced fibre composites

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    The research and development of nanocellulose-reinforced polymer composites have dramatically increased in the recent years due to the possibility of exploiting the high tensile stiffness and strength of nanocellulose. In the work, the environmental impacts of bacterial cellulose (BC)- and nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC)-reinforced epoxy composites were evaluated using life cycle assessment (LCA). Neat polylactide (PLA) and 30% randomly oriented glass fibre-reinforced polypropylene (GF/PP) composites were used as benchmark materials for comparison. Our cradle-to-gate LCA showed that BC- and NFC-reinforced epoxy composites have higher global warming potential (GWP) and abiotic depletion potential of fossil fuels (ADf) compared to neat PLA and GF/PP even though the specific tensile moduli of the nanocellulose-reinforced epoxy composites were higher than neat PLA and GF/PP. However, when the use phase and the end-of-life of nanocellulose-reinforced epoxy composites were considered, the “green credentials” of nanocellulose-reinforced epoxy composites were comparable to that of neat PLA and GF/PP composites. Our life cycle scenario analysis showed that the cradle-to-grave GWP and ADf of BC- and NFC-reinforced epoxy composites could be lower than neat PLA when the composites contains more than 60 vol.-% nanocellulose. Our LCA model suggests that nanocellulose-reinforced epoxy composites with high nanocellulose loading is desired to produce materials with “greener credentials” than the best performing commercially available bio-derived polymer

    The fluidization behaviour of ignimbrite at high temperature and with mechanical agitation

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    Experiments were carried out to study the fluidization behaviour of ignimbrite at high temperature and while being mechanically agitated. Geldart group C behaviour occurs up to 565 degreesC when the material is subjected to increasing gas flow ( without agitation) from the loosely packed state. In contrast, even gentle mechanical agitation inhibits channelling and results in group-A type behaviour with homogeneous (non-bubbling) expansions of up to 30 - 40%. Bed collapse tests exhibit group-C behaviour at room temperature, group-A behaviour at 200 - 565 degreesC, and transitional behaviour at 55 degreesC. Both elevated temperature and mechanical agitation greatly increase the fluidizability of ignimbrite. It is inferred that a combination of high temperature and shear during transport will promote Geldart group A behaviour in pyroclastic flows

    Distribuzioni temperate e loro applicazioni a problemi per operatori differenziali lineari con coefficienti costanti

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    In questa tesi tratteremo alcune applicazioni della teoria delle distribuzioni, specialmente di quelle temperate. Nei primi capitoli introdurremo i concetti fondamentali di questa teoria e cercheremo di fornire al lettore tutti gli strumenti necessari per affrontare l’argomento principale: la ricerca delle soluzioni fondamentali per un operatore lineare a coefficienti costanti e la risoluzione di problemi differenziali per essi. Infine applicheremo quanto studiato, all’operatore delle onde. Conclude la tesi un’appendice in cui verranno trattate le distribuzioni a simmetria radiale, utili per affrontare il problema di Cauchy per l’equazione delle onde

    The EU’s flawed future after Brexit: the referendum result reflected Europe’s failures, not British exceptionalism

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    What impact will Brexit have on the rest of the European Union in the coming years and decades? Antonio Lettieri writes that while some commentators have portrayed the result as a uniquely British phenomenon, deriving from the UK’s status as an ‘awkward partner’, the reasons underpinning the vote apply equally to other EU countries. He argues that it is entirely possible the EU could disintegrate if governments fail to respond to the concerns of their voters