9 research outputs found

    Gutaperka - obilježja i primjena u dentalnoj medicini

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    Gutta-percha is the rigid natural latex produced from the plant species Palaquium gutta (Hook.) Burck (Sapotaceae). It is a polyterpene, a polymer of isoprene, or polyisoprene, specifi cally trans-polyisoprene. Gutta-percha remains to be the main core material used for root canal fillings in dentistry. It has unique property of inertness, better sealing ability and the ability to do retreatment in case of failure, makes it an indispensable obturating material currently

    Analysis of optical properties of dental ceramics

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    Svrha: Dobivanje novih spoznaja o postojanosti optičkih svojstava; boji, svjetlini, kromatičnosti i translucenciji staklo-keramičkih materijala u korozivnom mediju. Materijali i metode: Izrađeno je po tri uzorka (pločice 10 mm × 12 mm × 0,8 mm) IPS e.max keramike (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Lichtenstein) u tri boje (A2, C2 i B3) trima različitim tehnologijama izrade (slojevanje – IPS e.max Ceram Dentin; toplo-tlačna tehnika – IPS e.max Press; strojno – IPS e.max CAD). Izrađena su i 3 akrilatna uzorka (PMMA) istih dimenzija (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Lichtenstein) u 3 boje (130, 410, 310). Usporedba je rađena sa standardom, ključem boja Vitapan Classical (Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad Säckingen, Njemačka). Pomoću spektrofotometra (X-Rite DTP 20 Pulse, Neu Isenburg, Njemačka) izmjerene su CIE L*a*b* vrijednosti za izračun razlike u boji (ΔE*), kromatičnosti (ΔC*) parametra tanslucencije (TP vrijednost), prije i poslije izlaganja 4% octenoj kiselini na 80 °C tijekom 16 sati (ISO 6872). Statistički podatci obrađeni su programom IBM SPSS 22. Rezultati: Optička svojstva koja najviše razlikuju istraživane materijale i boje su odstupanje od kromatičnosti i svjetline od standarda. Prije korozije IPS e.max Ceram Dentin ima veće odstupanje u kromatičnosti od standarda, a IPS e.max Press i CAD manje (p<0,05). IPS Ceram Dentin ima najveću svjetlinu u B3, a najmanju kromatičnost za C2 boji. Kod IPS e.max Press i CAD najveće vrijednosti svjetline imaju uzorci A2, a najmanje za C2 boji, u kromatičnosti su najveće vrijednosti za B3, a najmanje za A2 boju. Translucencija je najveća za B3 (p=0,007), najmanja za A2 kod IPS e.max Press i Ceram Dentin (p=0,028), a za CAD nema razlika. U analizi unutar tehnologije uzorci izrađeni slojevanjem (IPS e.max Ceram Dentin) imaju veću kromatičnost u sve tri boje i najmanju translucenciju. Uzorci strojne izrade (IPS e.max CAD) imaju najveću translucenciju. Svjetlina je značajno manja kod uzoraka izrađenih slojevanjem u bojama A2 i C2, a veća u B3. Izlaganje korozivnom sredstvu djeluje na smanjenje kromatičnosti što je značajno kod IPS e.max Press i IPS e.max CAD u svim bojama, a kod Ceram Dentin samo u boji B3. Korozija ne utječe na promjenu boje i svjetline te nema smanjenja translucencije osim kod B3 boje IPS e.max CAD. Akrilatni uzorci su prije i poslije korozije pokazali najveća odstupanja u svim optičkim svojstvima. Uslijed izlaganja octenoj kiselini ne dolazi do značajne promjene hrapavosti. Zaključak: Korozija utječe na svojstva kromatičnosti i dijelom translucencije staklo-keramike.Objectives: The purpose of the study was to get new insights into stability of optical properties; colour, lightness, chromaticity and translucency of glass-ceramic materials in a corrosive medium. Materials and methods: Three specimens (plates of 10 mm × 12 mm × 0.8 mm) of each type of IPS e.max ceramics (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) were made in three colours (A2, C2 and B3) by three fabrication techniques (layering – IPS e.max Ceram Dentin; heat-pressing – IPS e.max Press; CAD/CAM – IPS e.max CAD). Three acrylic specimens (PMMA) of the same dimensions (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) were also made in 3 colours (130, 410, 310). The comparison is made with the standard Vitapan Classical shade guide (Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad Säckingen, Germany). CIE L*a*b* values were measured by a spectrophotometer (X-Rite DTP 20 Pulse, Neu Isenburg, Germany) to calculate the difference in colour (ΔE*), chromaticity (ΔC*) of translucency parameter (TP values) before and after exposure to 4% acetic acid at 80 °C for 16 hours (ISO 6872). Statistical data were analysed using the IBM SPSS 22 software. Results: Optical properties by which analysed materials and colours differ the most are deviation from chromaticity and lightness from the standard. Before corrosion IPS e.max Ceram Dentin has greater chromaticity deviation from the standard, and IPS e.max Press and CAD lower (p<0,05). IPS Ceram Dentin has the highest lightness in the colour B3, and the lowest chromaticity for the colour C2. For IPS e.max Press and CAD, the highest lightness values have A2 specimens, and the lowest ones are for the colour C2, the highest chromaticity values are for the colour B3 and the lowest ones for the colour A2. Translucency is the highest for the colour B3 (p=0,007), and the lowest for the colour A2 of IPS e.max Press and Ceram Dentin (p=0,028), and for CAD there is no difference. In the analysis of the technology, specimens fabricated by layering technique (IPS e.max Ceram Dentin) have higher chromaticity in all three colours and the lowest translucency. Specimens fabricated by computer-aided manufacturing (IPS e.max CAD) have the highest translucency. Lightness is significantly lower for specimens fabricated by layering technique in the colours A2 and C2, and higher for the colour B3. Exposure to a corrosive medium diminishes chromaticity, which is significant for IPS e.max Press and IPS e.max CAD in all colours, and for Ceram Dentin only in the colour B3. Corrosion does not affect the change of colour and lightness and there is no diminution of translucency, except for the colour B3 IPS e.max CAD. Acrylic specimens have showed the biggest deviations of all optical properties before and after corrosion. There is no significant change of roughness as a result of exposure to acetic acid. Conclusion: Corrosion affects chromaticity properties and partly translucency of glass-ceramics

    Rad s dječjim zborom kroz analizu ciklusa "Na sunčanoj stazi" Josipa Kaplana

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    U ovom diplomskom radu analiziran je proces i karakteristike vođenja dječjeg zbora, kao i specifičnosti dječjeg glasa i dječjih zborova. Opisane su glazbene kompetencije voditelja zbora te njegove ostale poželjne osobine. Sukladno vokalnim sposobnostima djece različite dobi, opisan je repertoar prikladan za dječji zbor te kriteriji za njegov odabir. Velik dio rada posvećen je organizaciji rada unutar zborske probe. Prikazan je njen koncept koji uključuje uvodni dio - s prijedlogom vježbi za pjevačko držanje, disanje i upjevavanje, obradu i učenje skladbi te završni dio. U drugom dijelu diplomskog rada analizirane su skladbe ciklusa dječjih pjesama Na sunčanoj stazi skladatelja Josipa Kaplana. Sve skladbe sadrže podatke o tekstu i tekstopiscu, formalnu analizu te prijedloge za obradu istih s dječjim zborom.This master thesis analyzes the process and characteristics of conducting a children's choir as well as the specifics of children's voices and children's choirs. The musical skills of a choir director and his desirable human traits are described. In accordance with the vocal abilities of children of different ages, the repertoire presented is suitable for a children’s choir and the criteria for its selection is explained. A great amount of effort is devoted to the organization of work within the choir rehearsals. The concept presented includes an introductory part with suggested exercises for singing posture, vocal warm-ups and breathing techniques, compositions and song- learning and the final part. The second part of the master thesis analyzes the parts of children's poems from the song cycle Na sunčanoj stazi, composed by Josip Kaplan. All compositions contain information about the songwriter together with textual information, a formal analysis and arrangement suggestions for the children’s choir

    Rad s dječjim zborom kroz analizu ciklusa "Na sunčanoj stazi" Josipa Kaplana

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    U ovom diplomskom radu analiziran je proces i karakteristike vođenja dječjeg zbora, kao i specifičnosti dječjeg glasa i dječjih zborova. Opisane su glazbene kompetencije voditelja zbora te njegove ostale poželjne osobine. Sukladno vokalnim sposobnostima djece različite dobi, opisan je repertoar prikladan za dječji zbor te kriteriji za njegov odabir. Velik dio rada posvećen je organizaciji rada unutar zborske probe. Prikazan je njen koncept koji uključuje uvodni dio - s prijedlogom vježbi za pjevačko držanje, disanje i upjevavanje, obradu i učenje skladbi te završni dio. U drugom dijelu diplomskog rada analizirane su skladbe ciklusa dječjih pjesama Na sunčanoj stazi skladatelja Josipa Kaplana. Sve skladbe sadrže podatke o tekstu i tekstopiscu, formalnu analizu te prijedloge za obradu istih s dječjim zborom.This master thesis analyzes the process and characteristics of conducting a children's choir as well as the specifics of children's voices and children's choirs. The musical skills of a choir director and his desirable human traits are described. In accordance with the vocal abilities of children of different ages, the repertoire presented is suitable for a children’s choir and the criteria for its selection is explained. A great amount of effort is devoted to the organization of work within the choir rehearsals. The concept presented includes an introductory part with suggested exercises for singing posture, vocal warm-ups and breathing techniques, compositions and song- learning and the final part. The second part of the master thesis analyzes the parts of children's poems from the song cycle Na sunčanoj stazi, composed by Josip Kaplan. All compositions contain information about the songwriter together with textual information, a formal analysis and arrangement suggestions for the children’s choir

    Analysis of optical properties of dental ceramics

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    Svrha: Dobivanje novih spoznaja o postojanosti optičkih svojstava; boji, svjetlini, kromatičnosti i translucenciji staklo-keramičkih materijala u korozivnom mediju. Materijali i metode: Izrađeno je po tri uzorka (pločice 10 mm × 12 mm × 0,8 mm) IPS e.max keramike (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Lichtenstein) u tri boje (A2, C2 i B3) trima različitim tehnologijama izrade (slojevanje – IPS e.max Ceram Dentin; toplo-tlačna tehnika – IPS e.max Press; strojno – IPS e.max CAD). Izrađena su i 3 akrilatna uzorka (PMMA) istih dimenzija (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Lichtenstein) u 3 boje (130, 410, 310). Usporedba je rađena sa standardom, ključem boja Vitapan Classical (Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad Säckingen, Njemačka). Pomoću spektrofotometra (X-Rite DTP 20 Pulse, Neu Isenburg, Njemačka) izmjerene su CIE L*a*b* vrijednosti za izračun razlike u boji (ΔE*), kromatičnosti (ΔC*) parametra tanslucencije (TP vrijednost), prije i poslije izlaganja 4% octenoj kiselini na 80 °C tijekom 16 sati (ISO 6872). Statistički podatci obrađeni su programom IBM SPSS 22. Rezultati: Optička svojstva koja najviše razlikuju istraživane materijale i boje su odstupanje od kromatičnosti i svjetline od standarda. Prije korozije IPS e.max Ceram Dentin ima veće odstupanje u kromatičnosti od standarda, a IPS e.max Press i CAD manje (p<0,05). IPS Ceram Dentin ima najveću svjetlinu u B3, a najmanju kromatičnost za C2 boji. Kod IPS e.max Press i CAD najveće vrijednosti svjetline imaju uzorci A2, a najmanje za C2 boji, u kromatičnosti su najveće vrijednosti za B3, a najmanje za A2 boju. Translucencija je najveća za B3 (p=0,007), najmanja za A2 kod IPS e.max Press i Ceram Dentin (p=0,028), a za CAD nema razlika. U analizi unutar tehnologije uzorci izrađeni slojevanjem (IPS e.max Ceram Dentin) imaju veću kromatičnost u sve tri boje i najmanju translucenciju. Uzorci strojne izrade (IPS e.max CAD) imaju najveću translucenciju. Svjetlina je značajno manja kod uzoraka izrađenih slojevanjem u bojama A2 i C2, a veća u B3. Izlaganje korozivnom sredstvu djeluje na smanjenje kromatičnosti što je značajno kod IPS e.max Press i IPS e.max CAD u svim bojama, a kod Ceram Dentin samo u boji B3. Korozija ne utječe na promjenu boje i svjetline te nema smanjenja translucencije osim kod B3 boje IPS e.max CAD. Akrilatni uzorci su prije i poslije korozije pokazali najveća odstupanja u svim optičkim svojstvima. Uslijed izlaganja octenoj kiselini ne dolazi do značajne promjene hrapavosti. Zaključak: Korozija utječe na svojstva kromatičnosti i dijelom translucencije staklo-keramike.Objectives: The purpose of the study was to get new insights into stability of optical properties; colour, lightness, chromaticity and translucency of glass-ceramic materials in a corrosive medium. Materials and methods: Three specimens (plates of 10 mm × 12 mm × 0.8 mm) of each type of IPS e.max ceramics (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) were made in three colours (A2, C2 and B3) by three fabrication techniques (layering – IPS e.max Ceram Dentin; heat-pressing – IPS e.max Press; CAD/CAM – IPS e.max CAD). Three acrylic specimens (PMMA) of the same dimensions (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) were also made in 3 colours (130, 410, 310). The comparison is made with the standard Vitapan Classical shade guide (Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad Säckingen, Germany). CIE L*a*b* values were measured by a spectrophotometer (X-Rite DTP 20 Pulse, Neu Isenburg, Germany) to calculate the difference in colour (ΔE*), chromaticity (ΔC*) of translucency parameter (TP values) before and after exposure to 4% acetic acid at 80 °C for 16 hours (ISO 6872). Statistical data were analysed using the IBM SPSS 22 software. Results: Optical properties by which analysed materials and colours differ the most are deviation from chromaticity and lightness from the standard. Before corrosion IPS e.max Ceram Dentin has greater chromaticity deviation from the standard, and IPS e.max Press and CAD lower (p<0,05). IPS Ceram Dentin has the highest lightness in the colour B3, and the lowest chromaticity for the colour C2. For IPS e.max Press and CAD, the highest lightness values have A2 specimens, and the lowest ones are for the colour C2, the highest chromaticity values are for the colour B3 and the lowest ones for the colour A2. Translucency is the highest for the colour B3 (p=0,007), and the lowest for the colour A2 of IPS e.max Press and Ceram Dentin (p=0,028), and for CAD there is no difference. In the analysis of the technology, specimens fabricated by layering technique (IPS e.max Ceram Dentin) have higher chromaticity in all three colours and the lowest translucency. Specimens fabricated by computer-aided manufacturing (IPS e.max CAD) have the highest translucency. Lightness is significantly lower for specimens fabricated by layering technique in the colours A2 and C2, and higher for the colour B3. Exposure to a corrosive medium diminishes chromaticity, which is significant for IPS e.max Press and IPS e.max CAD in all colours, and for Ceram Dentin only in the colour B3. Corrosion does not affect the change of colour and lightness and there is no diminution of translucency, except for the colour B3 IPS e.max CAD. Acrylic specimens have showed the biggest deviations of all optical properties before and after corrosion. There is no significant change of roughness as a result of exposure to acetic acid. Conclusion: Corrosion affects chromaticity properties and partly translucency of glass-ceramics

    Periodontal Disease Increases Risk for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    The aim of this study was to explore whether a periodontal disease could be a risk indicator for a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The examined group comprised 93 patients with COPD (mean age 65.8 years). The control group comprised 43 systemically healthy individuals (mean age 62.1 years). Respiratory and periodontal conditions were examined in both groups. COPB subjects had significantly worse periodontal conditions than controls (p<0.05) with regard to each parameter of periodontal condition, except for gingival inflammation. COPD patients had higher Plaque Index than control patients (82.84±22.81 vs. 57.15±26.96; p<0.001), higher periodontal depth (3.02±0.92 vs. 2.57±0.79 mm; p=0.007), higher gingival recession (1.97±1.09 vs. 0.91±0.79 mm; p<0.001), and higher mean clinical attachment loss (CAL) (4.12±1.74 vs. 2.91±1.27 mm; p<0.001). Multiple logistic regression model, after controlling for other risk indicators, showed that periodontal disease, presented as CAL ³4 mm at ³60% sites, was associated with odds ratio of 3.2 (95% CI 1.0–9.8) for the COPB group. Data suggest that periodontal disease could be a risk indicator for COPD

    Analysis of Translucency Parameter of Glass-Ceramics Fabricated by Different Techniques

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    Svrha: Analizirati parametar translucencije (TP vrijednosti) staklokeramika izrađenih različitim tehnološkim postupcima te ispitati kako na TP vrijednosti utječu korozivna sredstva. Materijali i metode: Izrađena su po tri uzorka IPS e.max keramike (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Lihtenštajn) u trima bojama (A2, C2 i B3) s trima različitim tehnologijama izrade (slojevanje – e.max Ceram Dentin; toplo-tlačna tehnika – e.max Press; strojno – e.max CAD). Uzorci su bili u obliku pločica dimenzija 10 mm x 12 mm x 0,8 mm. Spektrofotometrom (X-Rite DTP 20 Pulse, Neu Isenburg, Njemačka) izmjerene su CIE L*a*b* vrijednosti za izračun parametra tanslucencije (TP vrijednost) prije i poslije izlaganja 4-postotnoj octenoj kiselini na 80 °C tijekom 16 sati (ISO 6872). Statistički podatci obrađeni su programom IBM SPSS 22. Rezultati: Značajno najmanje TP vrijednosti imao je IPS e.max Ceram Dentin, a najveće IPS e.max Press u svim bojama, prije i poslije izlaganja kiselini (p<0,001). Razlika u TP vrijednostima između boja bila je vidljiva unutar materijala IPS e.max Ceram Dentin prije i poslije izlaganja kiselini, uz veliku snagu efekta (p<0,001; η2 = 0,702 i 0,741) te pri primjeni materijala IPS e.max Press (p<0,001, snaga efekta 0,547 i 0,576). Strojno izrađeni uzorci pokazali su ujednačene TP vrijednosti. Izlaganje korozivnom sredstvu nije rezultiralo statistički značajnim promjenama TP vrijednosti ni za jedan materijal. Zaključak: Različite staklokeramike pokazale su značajne razlike u TP vrijednostima i prema tehnološkom postupku izrade i prema različitim bojama. Izlaganje korozivnom sredstvu nije rezultiralo statistički značajnim promjenama TP vrijednosti.The purpose of the study was to analyse translucency parameter (TP values) of glass-ceramics fabricated by different techniques and investigate the effect of the corrosive medium on TP values. Materials and methods: Three specimens of each type of IPS e.max ceramics (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) were made in three colours (A2, C2 and B3) by three fabrication techniques (layering – e.max Ceram Dentin; heat-pressing – e.max Press; CAD/CAM – e.max CAD). Specimens were made in the form of plates (10 mm x 12 mm x 0.8 mm). CIE L*a*b* values were measured by a spectrophotometer (X-Rite DTP 20 Pulse, Neu Isenburg, Germany) before and after exposure to 4% acetic acid at 80 °C for 16 hours (ISO 6872) to calculate translucency parameter (TP values). Statistical data were analysed using the IBM SPSS 22 software. Results: IPS e.max Ceram Dentin had significantly the lowest TP values, and IPS e.max Press the highest TP values of all colours (A2, C2, B3), both prior and after exposure to acid (p<0.001). The difference in TP values among colours was evident in the IPS e.max Ceram Dentin material, both before and after exposure to acid with a great effect size (p<0.001; η2 = 0.702 and 0.741), and in the IPS e.max Press material (p<0.001, effect size 0.547 and 0.576). CAD/CAD specimens showed uniform TP values between three colours. Further, exposure to a corrosive medium did not result in a statistically significant change of TP values in any of the materials tested. Conclusions: Different types of glass-ceramics showed significant difference in TP values both with respect to the fabrication technique and colour. Exposure to a corrosive medium did not result in a statistically significant change of TP values

    Analiza parametra translucencije staklokeramike izrađene različitim tehnološkim postupcima Analysis of Translucency Parameter of Glass-Ceramics Fabricated by Different Techniques

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    Adresa za dopisivanje Prof.dr.sc. Ketij Mehulić Sveučilište u Zagrebu Stomatološki fakultet Zavod za fiksnu protetiku Gundulićeva 5, 10 000 Zagreb [email protected] Sažetak Svrha: Analizirati parametar translucencije (TP vrijednosti) staklokeramika izrađenih različitim tehnološkim postupcima te ispitati kako na TP vrijednosti utječu korozivna sredstva. Materijali i metode: Izrađena su po tri uzorka IPS e.max keramike (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Lihtenštajn) u trima bojama (A2, C2 i B3) s trima različitim tehnologijama izrade (slojevanje -e.max Ceram Dentin; toplo-tlačna tehnika -e.max Press; strojno -e.max CAD). Uzorci su bili u obliku pločica dimenzija 10 mm x 12 mm x 0,8 mm. Spektrofotometrom (X-Rite DTP 20 Pulse, Neu Isenburg, Njemačka) izmjerene su CIE L*a*b* vrijednosti za izračun parametra tanslucencije (TP vrijednost) prije i poslije izlaganja 4-postotnoj octenoj kiselini na 80 °C tijekom 16 sati (ISO 6872). Statistički podatci obrađeni su programom IBM SPSS 22. Rezultati: Značajno najmanje TP vrijednosti imao je IPS e.max Ceram Dentin, a najveće IPS e.max Press u svim bojama, prije i poslije izlaganja kiselini (p&lt;0,001). Razlika u TP vrijednostima između boja bila je vidljiva unutar materijala IPS e.max Ceram Dentin prije i poslije izlaganja kiselini, uz veliku snagu efekta (p&lt;0,001; η2 = 0,702 i 0,741) te pri primjeni materijala IPS e.max Press (p&lt;0,001, snaga efekta 0,547 i 0,576). Strojno izrađeni uzorci pokazali su ujednačene TP vrijednosti. Izlaganje korozivnom sredstvu nije rezultiralo statistički značajnim promjenama TP vrijednosti ni za jedan materijal. Zaključak: Različite staklokeramike pokazale su značajne razlike u TP vrijednostima i prema tehnološkom postupku izrade i prema različitim bojama. Izlaganje korozivnom sredstvu nije rezultiralo statistički značajnim promjenama TP vrijednosti. Ključne riječ