17 research outputs found

    Information needs and thematic priorities of the organic food and farming sector in France

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    A large survey was performed among a wide range of actors covering the areas of experimentation and research, processing and distribution, extension services, education and administration, all more or less committed in OF&F, to identify their information needs. This survey highlights the need for increased information dissemination. This analysis identifies four different publics with specific needs. Professional experience, degree of commitment to OF&F and professional category are structuring variables. Legal and economic information on food quality and processing is generally of interest to senior actors who have the lowest information needs. On the contrary, junior actors actively involved in the developmental and educational aspects of OF&F have the greatest information needs over a wide range of themes. Thematic priorities are also different depending on professional categories and types of information. While technicians and farmers call for scientific and technical information on plant production issues, only young farmers in OF&F give priority to animal production issues. The dataset must be further analysed but it already provides insights for recommendations on information dissemination and research priority setting

    Links quality for/by human and machines:an interface dedicated to linkage tasks

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    Lightning Talks (June 8), video recording is available at: http://repozitar.techlib.cz/record/127

    Organiser et maîtriser l’information professionnelle pour les acteurs de l’agriculture biologique : Etude de besoins dans le cadre d’une réflexion collective inter-organismes

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    Ce mémoire propose de présenter les résultats d’une étude de besoins réalisée à l’échelle d’un réseau d’acteurs multi professionnels et dans le cadre d’une réflexion collective sur l’organisation et la maîtrise de l’information professionnelle dans un secteur en développement : l’agriculture biologique (AB). L’interrogation porte en particulier sur la manière de définir des moyens d’action prioritaires pour répondre aux besoins des acteurs de l’AB en termes d’information. Une description du contexte permet au lecteur de se familiariser avec les enjeux complexes de développement de ce secteur particulier, mis en perspective avec le rôle de l’information professionnelle. Ensuite, après une explication de la méthodologie employée -une méthodologie d’enquête, les résultats sont présentés, mettant en évidence deux principaux enjeux. En dernier lieu, une discussion permet de mettre en perspective ces résultats en proposant des pistes de réflexion pour la suit

    Information needs and thematic priorities of the organic food and farming sector In France

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    A large survey was performed among French actors committed to organic food and farming (OF&F) to identify their information needs. This survey highlights the need for increased information dissemination. This analysis identifies four publics with specific needs. Structuring variables include professional experience, degree of commitment to OF&F and professional category. Legal and economic information about food quality and processing is generally of interest to senior actors with low-level needs. On the contrary, junior actors actively involved in the developmental and educational aspects have the greatest needs over a wide range of themes. Thematic priorities also depend on professional categories and types of information. While technicians and farmers require scientific and technical information on plant production issues, only young farmers give priority to animal production issues. These results allow OF&F actors to reflect on the improvement of the overall device of information disseminatio

    Lier à IdRef. Un réseau pour la consultation et la production de données d'autorité, une collaboration entre les humains et les machines

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    International audienceThis article presents IdRef (Identifiers and Referentials) an authority database combined with a tool box and services provided for the French higher education community. Historically, university libraries have been IdRef's main users (since the creation of the Sudoc union catalogue in 2000) but new actors have become involved as users which has stimulated the development of interoperability of systems associated with research data. To accompany work towards this objective, ABES has looked for automatic ways of generating links to authority records while also working on the diagnosis and enhancement of the quality of existing links. Although there is a massive amount of data requiring links including article authors, the quality of links is a priority because systemic interconnection and the reuse of data in the LOD (Linked Open Data) system constitute a vector which spreads both good and bad elements. We shall give details of some of the findings from the Qualinca research project into the quality of links in document catalogues. Along with algorithms and code, Qualinca has produced a prototype interface designed as a space where humans and algorithms can collaborate. For a given name, the algorithms calculate new links and evaluate existing links, all of which can be confirmed or cancelled by human users. Users can also give a little help to an algorithm if required. Today, manual unitary cataloguing is no longer sufficient. New environments need to be invented with variable geometries (unit records, sets of records, databases) and a mixed demography of human users plus algorithms. Cooperation and quality must remain the pillars of such environments.Cet article présente IdRef (Identifiants et Référentiels), base d’autorités, mais aussi boîte à outils et services à destination de la communauté de l’enseignement supérieur français. Si les bibliothèques universitaires en sont les utilisatrices historiques (depuis la fondation du catalogue collectif Sudoc en 2000), des acteurs nouveaux sont venus s’y greffer, favorisant l’interopérabilité des systèmes associés aux données de la recherche. Pour accompagner cette ambition, l’ABES a cherché des moyens automatisés pour générer des liens vers les notices d'autorité, mais également diagnostiquer et soigner la qualité des liens existants. Bien que les données à relier soient massives, englobant les auteurs des articles, la qualité des liens est une priorité car l'interconnexion systémique et la réutilisation des données dans le LOD (Linked Open Data) sont un vecteur de contagion de ce qui est bon et mauvais. Seront détaillés une partie des résultats de Qualinca, projet de recherche sur la qualité des liens dans les catalogues documentaires. Outre des algorithmes et du code, Qualinca a produit une interface prototype conçue comme un lieu où les humains et les algorithmes collaborent. Pour un nom donné, les algorithmes calculent de nouveaux liens et font une évaluation des liens existants, que l'agent humain peut confirmer ou annuler. L'agent peut également donner un coup de pouce à l'algorithme lorsque celui-ci a en a besoin. Aujourd'hui, le catalogage unitaire manuel ne suffit plus. Il est nécessaire d'inventer de nouveaux environnements, à géométrie variable (enregistrement unitaire, ensemble d'enregistrements, bases de données) et à démographie mixte (humains plus algorithmes), dans lesquels la coopération et la qualité restent les piliers

    Information needs and thematic priorities of the organic food and farming sector In France

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    A large survey was performed among French actors committed to organic food and farming (OF&F) to identify their information needs. This survey highlights the need for increased information dissemination. This analysis identifies four publics with specific needs. Structuring variables include professional experience, degree of commitment to OF&F and professional category. Legal and economic information about food quality and processing is generally of interest to senior actors with low-level needs. On the contrary, junior actors actively involved in the developmental and educational aspects have the greatest needs over a wide range of themes. Thematic priorities also depend on professional categories and types of information. While technicians and farmers require scientific and technical information on plant production issues, only young farmers give priority to animal production issues. These results allow OF&F actors to reflect on the improvement of the overall device of information disseminatio

    Information needs and thematic priorities of the organic food and farming sector In France

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    A large survey was performed among French actors committed to organic food and farming (OF&F) to identify their information needs. This survey highlights the need for increased information dissemination. This analysis identifies four publics with specific needs. Structuring variables include professional experience, degree of commitment to OF&F and professional category. Legal and economic information about food quality and processing is generally of interest to senior actors with low-level needs. On the contrary, junior actors actively involved in the developmental and educational aspects have the greatest needs over a wide range of themes. Thematic priorities also depend on professional categories and types of information. While technicians and farmers require scientific and technical information on plant production issues, only young farmers give priority to animal production issues. These results allow OF&F actors to reflect on the improvement of the overall device of information disseminatio

    An Analysis of the SUDOC Bibliographic Knowledge Base from a Link Validity Viewpoint

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    International audienceIn the aim of evaluating and improving link quality in bibliographical knowledge bases, we develop a decision support system based on partitioning se-mantics. The novelty of our approach consists in using symbolic values criteria for partitioning and suitable partitioning semantics. In this paper we evaluate and compare the above mentioned semantics on a real qualitative sample. This sam-ple is issued from the catalogue of French university libraries (SUDOC), a bibli-ographical knowledge base maintained by the University Bibliographic Agency (ABES)

    L’information en Agriculture Biologique : analyse des besoins, des pratiques et propositions d’améliorations

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    National audienceL’information en AB est dispersée au travers de dispositifs, non concertés, mis en place par différentes institutions investies en AB, pour répondre à leurs besoins propres. Cette enquête a permis d’identifier des voies d’amélioration du système d’information sur l’AB en faisant un état des lieux et en identifiant les besoins et les pratiques des différents publics de l’AB