480 research outputs found


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    Differentiated-oriented physical education (PE) helps learners to participate in learning activities with content and form suitable to their individual characteristics. Capturing the individual characteristics of learners is of great significance in the process of physical education. Through document research, interviews, pedagogical observations and examination, the research assesses the characteristics of 7th graders in Thai Nguyen City from the perspective of differential learners in Physical Education. This is an important basis for organizing physical education activities in the direction of differentiation for 7th graders in Thai Nguyen City.  Article visualizations

    Thermal effect on magnetoexciton energy spectra in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides

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    It is widely comprehended that temperature may cause phonon-exciton scattering, enhancing the energy level's linewidth and leading to some spectrum shifts. However, in the present paper, we suggest a different mechanism that allows the thermal motion of the exciton's center of mass (c.m.) to affect the magnetoexciton energies in monolayer dichalcogenides (TMDCs). By the nontrivial but precise separation of the c.m. motion from an exciton in a monolayer TMDC with a magnetic field, we obtain an equation for the relative motion containing a motional Stark term proportional to the c.m. pseudomomentum, related to the temperature of the exciton gas but neglected in the previous studies. Solving the Schr\"odinger equation without omitting the motional Stark potential at room temperature shows approximately a few meV thermal-magnetic shifts in the exciton energies, significant enough for experimental detection. Moreover, this thermal effect causes a change in exciton radius and diamagnetic coefficient and enhances the exciton lifetime as a consequence. Surprisingly, the thermoinduced motional Stark potential breaks the system's SO(2) symmetry, conducting new peaks in the exciton absorption spectra at room temperature besides those of the ss states. This mechanism could be extended for other magnetoquasiparticles such as trions and biexcitons.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables for main manuscript; 20 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables for supplementary. Published on Physical Review

    QoS-Aware Utility-Based Resource Allocation in Mixed-Traffic Multi-User OFDM Systems

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    This paper deals with the joint subcarrier and power allocation problem in a downlink multi-user orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system subject to user delay and minimum rate quality-of-service (QoS) requirements over a frequency-selective multi-carrier fading channel. We aim to maximize the utility-pricing function, formulated as the difference between the achieved spectral efficiency and the associated linear cost function of transmit power scaled by a system-dependent parameter. For a homogeneous system, we show that the joint resource allocation can be broken down into sequential problems while retaining the optimality. Specifically, the optimal solution is obtained by first assigning each subcarrier to the user with the best channel gain. Subsequently, the transmit power for each subcarrier is adapted according to water-filling policy if the global optimum is feasible, else it is given by a nonwater-filling power adaptation. For a heterogeneous system, an optimal solution needs exhaustive search and hence, we resort to two reduced-complexity sub-optimal algorithms. Algorithm-I is a simple extension of the aforementioned optimal algorithm developed for a homogeneous system, while Algorithm-II further takes into consideration the heterogeneity in user QoS requirements for performance enhancement. Simulation results reveal the impacts of user QoS requirements, number of subcarriers and number of users on the system transmit power

    Ampeliscid crustaceans (Amphipoda: Gammaridea: Ampeliscidae) from the Vietnam sea

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    Thirty-five species of the family Ampeliscidae, including 22 species of Ampelisca and 13 species of Byblis are listed for the near-shore waters of Vietnam. In the world, Ampelisca compreses more than 210 species and 83 species of Byblis. Ten species are newly recorded for the benthic Ampeliscidae fauna of the Vietnam sea, of which six new species are described, viz. Ampelisca dongnamensis; Ampelisca submisakiensis; Ampelisca talus; Ampelisca taynamensis; Ampelisca thaoae and Byblis caecus. Some remarks on their geographical distributions are presented in the paper.Thirty-five species of the family Ampeliscidae, including 22 species of Ampelisca and 13 species of Byblis are listed for the near-shore waters of Vietnam. In the world, Ampelisca compreses more than 210 species and 83 species of Byblis. Ten species are newly recorded for the benthic Ampeliscidae fauna of the Vietnam sea, of which six new species are described, viz. Ampelisca dongnamensis; Ampelisca submisakiensis; Ampelisca talus; Ampelisca taynamensis; Ampelisca thaoae and Byblis caecus. Some remarks on their geographical distributions are presented in the paper

    Digitalized management of education and smart school libraries

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    Case studies of changes in the status and roles of smart school libraries point out that the world has entered the “digital era” with digital libraries, smart libraries, smart schools and smart classrooms featured with research and development, Internet-based innovation of modern communication technology. In Vietnam, educational management in general and university governance in particular are undergoing a radical and comprehensive renovation in which libraries are digitalized to become smart libraries to better meet the needs of learners, instructors, managers and people interested in scientific research and training of high quality human resources

    Contribution à la modélisation du comportement mécanique d'un matériau hétérophasé rematérialisé issu d'un mâchefer d'incinération d'ordures ménagères (valorisation en Génie Civil)

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    Les mâchefers sont les résidus solides issus de la combustion des ordures ménagères dans des fours d usine d incinération. L utilisation des mâchefers dans le domaine du Génie Civil est une voie de valorisation très intéressante car les quantités d ordures ménagères sont de plus en plus importantes alors que les matériaux utilisés dans les travaux publics se raréfient. Les mâchefers ont été utilisés depuis des dizaines d années dans le domaine du Génie Civil. Cependant, les caractéristiques mécaniques du matériau mâchefer ne sont pas très bien connues. Ce travail de thèse contribue à l amélioration des connaissances des caractéristiques mécaniques des mâchefers.Après une caractérisation géotechniques (paramètres de nature, paramètres mécaniques, paramètres d état), chimiques et environnementales, le potentiel d utilisation de ces mâchefers est évalué selon la Circulaire du 9 mai 1994 et selon le Guide technique SETRA-LCPC 2000 Réalisation des remblais et des couches de forme .Dans la partie expérimentale, des essais oedométriques et triaxiaux sont effectués. En ce qui concerne des essais oedométriques, l effet de l énergie de compactage et de l immersion des éprouvettes ainsi que l effet de la vitesse de chargement de l essai sont évalués. L effet de la vitesse de chargement est également étudié par des séries d essais triaxiaux. Grâce aux essais triaxiaux, les paramètres mécaniques comme le module d Young, le coefficient de Poisson, l angle caractéristique, l angle de dilatance, la cohésion et l angle de frottement ont été ainsi déterminés. Ces paramètres mécaniques propres au mâchefer étudié pourront être intégrés dans un schéma de dimensionnement spécifique aux structures de chaussées à base de mâchefers. Ces principaux paramètres permettent d évaluer l influence de la pression de confinement effective. Les évolutions du module de déformation selon la déformation axiale et de la variation du déviateur de pression selon la pression moyenne sont également étudiées. Un ensemble de points caractérisant l état limite a été déterminé à partir des essais triaxiaux. Il caractérise la forme de la surface de charge de ce type de mâchefer.Enfin, les essais triaxiaux ont été simulés. Cette partie du travail contribue à la modélisation du comportement mécanique des mâchefers. Le modèle de Mohr-Coulomb et de Nova sont choisis pour caractériser l évolution de matériau mâchefer sous l effet d actions mécaniques extérieures. Ce sont des exemples types de modèles de comportement des sols complètement identifiables uniquement sur des essais triaxiaux classiques. La simulation des essais triaxiaux est réalisée à l aide du progiciel CESAR-LCPC. Les résultats de modélisations obtenues sont très prometteurs.Bottom ash is the solid residua coming from domestic waste combustion in the furnace of incineration factory. The utilization of bottom ash in the field of Civil Engineering is necessary because the municipal wastes are increasing causes many environmental problems while the materials of Civil Engineering dwindle. The bottom ash was used for a decade in the field of civil engineering; however the mechanical characteristics of material bottom ash are not very well known. This work of thesis contributes to improving knowledge of the mechanical characteristics of bottom ash. After the determination of the geotechnical characteristics (parameters of nature, mechanical parameters, parameters of state), chemical and environmental characteristics, the potential of use of these bottom ash is evaluated according to the Circulaire de 9 Mai, 1994 and according to the technical guide SETRA-LCPC 2000 Réalisation des remblais et des couches de forme .In the experimental part, the oedometric and triaxial tests are carried out. For oedometric tests, the effect of compaction energy and immersion of specimens as well as the effect of the loading rate of the test were evaluated. The effect of loading rate is also evaluated by some sets of triaxial tests. From the triaxial tests, the mechanical parameters such as the Young s modulus, the Poisson s ratio, the characteristic angle, the dilatancy angle, the cohesion and the friction angle were determined. These mechanical properties are specific to the material and can be integrated in a diagram of dimensioning specific to the structures of roadways based on bottom ash. The studied principal parameters allow us to evaluate the influence of the effective confining pressure. The evolution of the deformation modulus versus to the axial deformation and finally, the variation of the deviator stress versus to the mean effective pressure were also analyzed. A set of points of the yielding state was determined from triaxial tests and it specifies significantly the shape of yielding surface of our bottom ash.Finally, the triaxial tests were simulated numerically. This part is a contribution to the modelling of the mechanical behaviour of bottom ash. The model of Mohr-Coulomb and Nova were chosen to characterize the evolution of the material bottom ash under the influence of external mechanical actions. These are typical examples of model soil completely identifiable only through traditional triaxial tests. The simulation of triaxial tests is carried out using the CESAR-LCPC software. The results are found to be promising.ARRAS-Bib.electronique (620419901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Informações contábeis e retornos de ações no mercado de ações do Vietnã: abordagem de aprendizado de máquina

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    This paper studies the relationship between accounting information reflected in financial statements and stock return in Vietnam Stock Market. The authors propose a research model to define the relationship. Besides, machine learning algorithms are used in researching and forecasting, with data obtained from observed firms during the period from 2009 to 2020. Research results show that gradient boosting algorithm has the best self-reporting performance and finan-cial ratios also have great impact on stock returns, including operating income growth, stock earnings volatility, dividend yield, earnings before tax-to-equity ratio, cash holding ratio, and accrual quality. Based on the research results, the authors make some recommendations for investors, firms, and policy makers.Este artículo estudia la relación entre la información contable reflejada en los estados financieros y el rendimiento de las acciones en el mercado de valores de Vietnam. Se propone un modelo de investigación para definir la relación. Además, los algoritmos de aprendizaje automático se utilizan en la investigación y la previsión, con datos obtenidos de empresas observadas durante el período de 2009 a 2020. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que el algoritmo gradient boosting tiene el mejor rendimiento de autoinforme y los índices financieros también tienen un gran impacto en la rentabilidad de las acciones, al incluir el crecimiento de los ingresos operativos, la volatilidad de las ganancias de las acciones, el rendimiento de los dividendos, la relación entre las ganancias antes de impuestos y el capital, la relación de tenencia de efectivo, y la calidad de la acumulación. Sobre la base de los resultados de la investigación, se hacen algunas recomendaciones para inversionistas, empresas y formuladores de políticas.Este artigo estuda a relação entre as informações contábeis refletidas nas demonstrações financeiras e o retorno das ações no mercado de ações do Vietnã. Os autores propõem um modelo de pesquisa para definir a relação. Além disso, algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina são usados em pesquisas e previsões, com dados obtidos de empresas observadas durante o período de 2009 a 2020. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que o algoritmo gradient boosting tem o melhor desempenho de autorrelato e os índices financeiros também têm grande impacto nos retornos das ações, incluindo crescimento da receita operacional, volatilidade do lucro das ações, rendimento de dividendos, lucro antes do índice de impostos sobre o patrimônio líquido, índice de retenção de caixa e qualidade de acumulação. Com base nos resultados da pesquisa, os autores fazem algumas recomendações para investidores, empresas e formuladores de políticas


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    Differentiation-oriented physical education (PE) helps learners participate in learning activities with content and forms suitable to their personal characteristics. Through researching documents, interviews, and pedagogical observations, the project explores the current status of teaching physical education to 7th graders in Thai Nguyen City from the perspective of division in education. The results of this research are an important practical basis to propose measures to organize teaching physical education in a differentiated direction for 7th graders in Thai Nguyen City.  Article visualizations

    Phlogacanthus cornutus: chemical profiles and antioxidant effects

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    Phlogacanthus cornutus is a rare species and the chemical profiles and the bioactivities of this plant are unknown. In present study, the chemical components of the acetone extract as well as the antioxidant activity of acetone extract and its fractions such as n-hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate of P. cornutus were firstly reported. A total of 33 constituents were identify in the acetone extract of this plant using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry assay, in which trans-cinnamic acid (21.26%), neophytadiene (6.36%), linolenic acid (5.86%), dihydroagathic acid (5.71%), n-hexadecanoic acid (5.53%), phytol (4.14%) and cis-cinnamic acid (3.23%) were the major compounds. The acetone extract and its fractions such as n-hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate of P. cornutus showed DPPH radical scavenging activity with IC50 value of 234.31, 185.95, 758.65 and 458.52 µg/mL respectively

    Retrieval of material properties of monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides from magnetoexciton energy spectra

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    Reduced exciton mass, polarizability, and dielectric constant of the surrounding medium are essential properties for semiconduction materials, and they can be extracted recently from the magnetoexciton energies. However, the acceptable accuracy of the previously suggested method requires very high magnetic intensity. Therefore, in the present paper, we propose an alternative method of extracting these material properties from recently available experimental magnetoexciton s-state energies in monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). The method is based on the high sensitivity of exciton energies to the material parameters in the Rytova-Keldysh model. It allows us to vary the considered material parameters to get the best fit of the theoretical calculation to the experimental exciton energies for the 1s1s, 2s2s, and 3s3s states. This procedure gives values of the exciton reduced mass and 2D polarizability. Then, the experimental magnetoexciton spectra compared to the theoretical calculation gives also the average dielectric constant. Concrete applications are presented only for monolayers WSe2_2 and WS2_2 from the recently available experimental data. However, the presented approach is universal and can be applied to other monolayer TMDCs. The mentioned fitting procedure requires a fast and effective method of solving the Schr\"{o}dinger of an exciton in monolayer TMDCs with a magnetic field. Therefore, we also develop such a method in this study for highly accurate magnetoexciton energies.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 4 table