3,600 research outputs found

    A new polarised hot filament chemical vapor deposition process for homogeneous diamond nucleation on Si(100)

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    International audienceA new hot filament chemical vapor deposition with direct current plasma assistance (DC HFCVD) chamber has been designed for an intense nucleation and subsequent growth of diamond films on Si(100).Growth process as well as the If(V) characteristics of the DC discharge are reported. Gas phase constituents activation was obtained by a stable glow discharge between two grid electrodes coupled with two sets of parallel hot filaments settled in-between and polarised at the corresponding plasma potential. The sample is negatively biased with a small 10-15 V extraction potential with respect to the cathode grid.Such design allows to create a high density of both ions and radicals that are extracted and focussed onto the surface of the sample.The current density onto the sample can be finely tuned independently of the primary plasma.A homogeneous plasma fully covering the sample surface is visualized. Consequently, a high-density nucleation (>1010 cm-2) occurs

    The Canada-UK Deep Submillimetre Survey: First Submillimetre Images, the Source Counts, and Resolution of the Background

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    We present the first results of a deep unbiased submillimetre survey carried out at 450 and 850 microns. We detected 12 sources at 850 microns, giving a surface density of sources with 850-micron flux densities > 2.8mJy of of 0.49+-0.16 per square arcmin. The sources constitute 20-30% of the background radiation at 850 microns and thus a significant fraction of the entire background radiation produced by stars. This implies, through the connection between metallicity and background radiation, that a significant fraction of all the stars that have ever been formed were formed in objects like those detected here. The combination of their large contribution to the background radiation and their extreme bolometric luminosities make these objects excellent candidates for being proto-ellipticals. Optical astronomers have recently shown that the UV-luminosity density of the universe increases by a factor of about 10 between z=0 and z=1 and then decreases again at higher redshifts. Using the results of a parallel submillimetre survey of the local universe, we show that both the submillimetre source density and background can be explained if the submillimetre luminosity density evolves in a similar way to the UV-luminosity density. Thus, if these sources are ellipticals in the process of formation, they may be forming at relatively modest redshifts.Comment: 8 pages (LATEX), 6 postscript figures, submitted to ApJ Letter

    Variation de la composition de nanoparticules de 1-10 nm obtenues par séparation de phase dans un verre de silice

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    National audienceLes verres contenant des nanoparticules ont de nombreuses applications industrielles, notamment grâce à leurs excellentes propriétés thermo-mécaniques [1]. Ils présentent aussi un intérêt pour les propriétés optiques. En effet, l'encapsulation d'ions luminescents (ions de terre rare par exemple) dans des nanoparticules entraînent de nouvelles propriétés de luminescence qui n'existeraient pas dans le verre hôte (bande d'émission élargie, efficacité quantique augmentée, etc) [2]. La préparation de tels verres repose sur des mécanismes de nucléation, croissance et de démixtion dont les premières étapes sont encore assez mal connues. Mais l'avènement de nouvelles techniques de caractérisation à l'échelle nanométrique permet d'améliorer notre compréhension de ces phénomènes. Par exemple, une évolution structurelle des nanoparticules à travers des phases cristallines métastables [3] ou une transformation d'un nucléus amorphe vers une nanoparticule cristalline [4] ont été observées. Des changements de composition ont aussi été rapportés pour des particules de taille 1-10 nm dans des alliages [5] et dans des métaux [6]. Dans cette présentation, nous nous intéressons à la composition de nanoparticules amorphes obtenues par séparation de phase dans un verre de silice. De telles études ont été rendues possibles grâce au développement récent de l'APT (Atom Probe Tomography) pour l'analyse des verres [7]. Nous étudions une fibre optique à base de silice préparée par le procédé MCVD (Modified Chemical Vapor Deposition). Les nanoparticules sont obtenues en incorporant du magnésium qui déclenche une séparation de phase grâce aux traitements thermiques inhérents au procédé MCVD [8]. La composition des nanoparticules dans le verre de silice dopée avec Mg, P, Ge et Er est étudiée dans la gamme 1-10 nm. Nous montrons la partition de Mg, P et Er dans ces nanoparticules ainsi qu'une modification de la composition en fonction de la taille des particules

    The Spitzer Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud: S3MC Imaging and Photometry in the Mid- and Far-Infrared Wavebands

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    We present the initial results from the Spitzer Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud (S3MC), which imaged the star-forming body of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) in all seven MIPS and IRAC wavebands. We find that the F_8/F_24 ratio (an estimate of PAH abundance) has large spatial variations and takes a wide range of values that are unrelated to metallicity but anticorrelated with 24 um brightness and F_24/F_70 ratio. This suggests that photodestruction is primarily responsible for the low abundance of PAHs observed in star-forming low-metallicity galaxies. We use the S3MC images to compile a photometric catalog of ~400,000 mid- and far-infrared point sources in the SMC. The sources detected at the longest wavelengths fall into four main categories: 1) bright 5.8 um sources with very faint optical counterparts and very red mid-infrared colors ([5.8]-[8.0]>1.2), which we identify as YSOs. 2) Bright mid-infrared sources with mildly red colors (0.16<[5.8]-[8.0]<0.6), identified as carbon stars. 3) Bright mid-infrared sources with neutral colors and bright optical counterparts, corresponding to oxygen-rich evolved stars. And, 4) unreddened early B stars (B3 to O9) with a large 24 um excess. This excess is reminiscent of debris disks, and is detected in only a small fraction of these stars (<5%). The majority of the brightest infrared point sources in the SMC fall into groups one to three. We use this photometric information to produce a catalog of 282 bright YSOs in the SMC with a very low level of contamination (~7%).Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. Given the draconian figure file-size limits implemented in astro-ph, readers are encouraged to download the manuscript with full quality images from http://celestial.berkeley.edu/spitzer/publications/s3mcsurvey.pd

    Combined time of flight and photometric stereo imaging for surface reconstruction

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    3D reconstruction of objects can be achieved using both time of flight and photometric stereo imaging using four modulated white LEDs, a SPAD camera and a mobile phone. The standard deviation for the reconstruction is 4.1 mm at a distance of 70 cm

    Extensive dissolution of live pteropods in the Southern Ocean

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    The carbonate chemistry of the surface ocean is rapidly changing with ocean acidification, a result of human activities. In the upper layers of the Southern Ocean, aragonite—a metastable form of calcium carbonate with rapid dissolution kinetics—may become undersaturated by 2050 (ref. 2). Aragonite undersaturation is likely to affect aragonite-shelled organisms, which can dominate surface water communities in polar regions. Here we present analyses of specimens of the pteropod Limacina helicina antarctica that were extracted live from the Southern Ocean early in 2008. We sampled from the top 200m of the water column, where aragonite saturation levels were around 1, as upwelled deep water is mixed with surface water containing anthropogenic CO2. Comparing the shell structure with samples from aragonite-supersaturated regions elsewhere under a scanning electron microscope, we found severe levels of shell dissolution in the undersaturated region alone. According to laboratory incubations of intact samples with a range of aragonite saturation levels, eight days of incubation in aragonite saturation levels of 0.94– 1.12 produces equivalent levels of dissolution. As deep-water upwelling and CO2 absorption by surface waters is likely to increase as a result of human activities2,4, we conclude that upper ocean regions where aragonite-shelled organisms are affected by dissolution are likely to expand

    Femtosecond Laser Mass Spectrometry and High Harmonic Spectroscopy of Xylene Isomers

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    Structural isomers, molecules having the same chemical formula but with atoms bonded in different order, are hard to identify using conventional spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. They exhibit virtually indistinguishable mass spectra when ionized by electrons. Laser mass spectrometry based on photoionization of the isomers has emerged as a promising alternative but requires shaped ultrafast laser pulses. Here we use transform limited femtosecond pulses to distinguish the isomers using two methods. First, we probe doubly charged parent ions with circularly polarized light. We show that the yield of doubly charged ortho-xylene decreases while para-xylene increases over a range of laser intensities when the laser polarization is changed from linear to circular. Second, we probe high harmonic generation from randomly oriented isomer molecules subjected to an intense laser field. We show that the yield of high-order harmonics varies with the positioning of the methyl group in xylene isomers (ortho-, para- and meta-) and is due to differences in the strength of tunnel ionization and the overlap between the angular peaks of ionization and photo-recombination

    The zCOSMOS 10k-Bright Spectroscopic Sample

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    We present spectroscopic redshifts of a large sample of galaxies with I_(AB) < 22.5 in the COSMOS field, measured from spectra of 10,644 objects that have been obtained in the first two years of observations in the zCOSMOS-bright redshift survey. These include a statistically complete subset of 10,109 objects. The average accuracy of individual redshifts is 110 km s^(–1), independent of redshift. The reliability of individual redshifts is described by a Confidence Class that has been empirically calibrated through repeat spectroscopic observations of over 600 galaxies. There is very good agreement between spectroscopic and photometric redshifts for the most secure Confidence Classes. For the less secure Confidence Classes, there is a good correspondence between the fraction of objects with a consistent photometric redshift and the spectroscopic repeatability, suggesting that the photometric redshifts can be used to indicate which of the less secure spectroscopic redshifts are likely right and which are probably wrong, and to give an indication of the nature of objects for which we failed to determine a redshift. Using this approach, we can construct a spectroscopic sample that is 99% reliable and which is 88% complete in the sample as a whole, and 95% complete in the redshift range 0.5 < z < 0.8. The luminosity and mass completeness levels of the zCOSMOS-bright sample of galaxies is also discussed

    Osmoregulators proline and glycine betaine counteract salinity stress in canola

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    Salt inundation leads to increased salinization of arable land in many arid and semi-arid regions. Until genetic solutions are found farmers and growers must either abandon salt-affected fields or use agronomic treatments that alleviate salt stress symptoms. Here, field experiments were carried out to study the effect of the osmoregulators proline at 200 mg L-1 and glycine betaine at 400 mg L-1 in counteracting the harmful effect of soil salinity stress on canola plants grown in Egypt. We assessed growth characteristics, yield and biochemical constituents. Results show first that all growth characters decreased with increasing salinity stress but applied osmoregulators alleviated these negative effects. Second, salinity stress decreased photosynthetic pigments, K and P contents, whilst increasing proline, soluble sugars, ascorbic acid, Na and Cl contents. Third, application of osmoregulators without salt stress increased photosynthetic pigments, proline, soluble sugars, N, K and P contents whilst decreasing Na and Cl contents. It is concluded that the exogenously applied osmoregulators glycine betaine and proline can fully or partially counteract the harmful effect of salinity stress on growth and yield of canola.© INRA and Springer-Verlag, France 2012

    Fiber Optic Dielectric Nanoparticles Characterization by Atom Probe Microscopy

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    International audienceThe engineered processing of dielectric nanoparticles (DNPs) in optical fibers via luminescent ion-doping of silica-based glass aims at providing an enhanced spectroscopic behavior compared to pure silica. These DNPs should positively impact applications in high power fiber lasers, light sources with new wavelengths and telecommunications. The prevalence of large phase immiscibility domains in silicate systems containing divalent metal oxides (Mg for instance) promotes the formation of DNPs through phase separation since heat treatments take place during the MCVD process. Even after 60 years of glass-ceramics research, lack of experimental data concerning early nucleation stages imposes variations in composition and heat treatments as processing steps [1]. Although classical nucleation theory was the first model proposed to explain those phenomena, growth rate mismatches remain wide. According to this capillary assumption-based model, nuclei and bulk share similar structure-composition relationship. Recent articles disprove assumption of structure, pointing toward DNPs structural changes [2] and transition from amorphous nuclei to crystalline DNPs [3]. Compositional changes for small particle sizes (~1-10 nm) have been measured in alloys with Anomalous Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (ASAXS) [4] and in steels with Atom Probe Tomography (APT) [5]. Recent developments in APT has allowed the extension of such studies to glass-ceramics [6], and in the current work, we report experimental data disproving the second capillary assumption at the early stage of nucleation-growth process. The atomic distribution map of Mg DNPs in silica-based glass doped with Mg, P, Ge and Er is reported in Figure 1 after APT analysis. In addition, quantitative assessment of Mg, P and Er content levels in DNPs smaller than 10nm in diameter (Figure 2) could refine the theories behind nucleation and growth mechanisms