63 research outputs found

    21 sguardi sulla costruzione ecologica in europa

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    21 interviste a professionisti edili nel campo della progettazione, realizzazione e assicurazione sono state elaborate nel 2011 nel quadro del progetto europeo INATER' sulla costruzione ecologica Tutti questi professionisti hanno fatto la scelta di utilizzare materiali naturali o riciclati, sia per interventi di nuova costruzioni che nel campo del recupero e restauro. Interessati a isolare in maniera efficace le costruzioni, sono altresì interessati a garantire il comfort degli operatori e dei fruitori, lo sviluppo delle filiere corte o la diminuzione degli impatti ambientali. Tutti apportano innovazione, contribuendo ognuno secondo le proprie possibilità, ad un'evoluzione del mondo della costruzione Il collettivo INATER' vi offre queste testimonianze raccolte in una Guida che illustra al contempo alcune informazioni tematiche sui seguenti temi: lo sviluppo del mercato, la problematica delle assicurazioni, il quadro normativo.... La Guida è al servizio di tutti gli attori del mondo edile che lavorano sul cantiere, in studi di progettazione, in un raggruppamento d'imprese o in centri di formazion

    Remobilization of leaf S compounds and senescence in response to restricted sulphate supply during the vegetative stage of oilseed rape are affected by mineral N availability

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    The impact of sulphur limitation on the remobilization of endogenous S compounds during the rosette stage of oilseed rape, and the interactions with N availability on these processes, were examined using a long-term 34SO42− labelling method combined with a study of leaf senescence progression (using SAG12/Cab as a molecular indicator) and gene expression of the transporters, BnSultr4;1 and BnSultr4;2, involved in vacuolar sulphate efflux. After 51 d on hydroponic culture at 0.3 mM 34SO42− (1 atom% excess), the labelling was stopped and plants were subject for 28 d to High S-High N (HS-HN, control), Low S-High N (LS-HN) or Low S-Low N (LS-LN) conditions. Compared with the control, LS-HN plants showed delayed leaf senescence and, whilst the shoot growth and the foliar soluble protein amounts were not affected, S, 34S, and SO42− amounts in the old leaves declined rapidly and were associated with the up-regulation of BnSultr4;1. In LS-LN plants, shoot growth was reduced, leaf senescence was accelerated, and the rapid S mobilization in old leaves was accompanied by decreased 34S and SO42−, higher protein mobilization, and up-regulation of BnSultr4;2, but without any change of expression of BnSultr4;1. The data suggest that to sustain the S demand for growth under S restriction (i) vacuolar SO42− is specifically remobilized in LS-HN conditions without any acceleration of leaf senescence, (ii) SO42− mobilization is related to an up-regulation of BnSultr4;1 and/or BnSultr4;2 expression, and (iii) the relationship between sulphate mobilization and up-regulation of expression of BnSultr4 genes is specifically dependent on the N availability

    Hi-C-constrained physical models of human chromosomes recover functionally-related properties of genome organization

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    Combining genome-wide structural models with phenomenological data is at the forefront of efforts to understand the organizational principles regulating the human genome. Here, we use chromosome-chromosome contact data as knowledge-based constraints for large-scale three-dimensional models of the human diploid genome. The resulting models remain minimally entangled and acquire several functional features that are observed in vivo and that were never used as input for the model. We find, for instance, that gene-rich, active regions are drawn towards the nuclear center, while gene poor and lamina associated domains are pushed to the periphery. These and other properties persist upon adding local contact constraints, suggesting their compatibility with non-local constraints for the genome organization. The results show that suitable combinations of data analysis and physical modelling can expose the unexpectedly rich functionally-related properties implicit in chromosome-chromosome contact data. Specific directions are suggested for further developments based on combining experimental data analysis and genomic structural modelling

    Two Chromatin Remodeling Activities Cooperate during Activation of Hormone Responsive Promoters

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    Steroid hormones regulate gene expression by interaction of their receptors with hormone responsive elements (HREs) and recruitment of kinases, chromatin remodeling complexes, and coregulators to their target promoters. Here we show that in breast cancer cells the BAF, but not the closely related PBAF complex, is required for progesterone induction of several target genes including MMTV, where it catalyzes localized displacement of histones H2A and H2B and subsequent NF1 binding. PCAF is also needed for induction of progesterone target genes and acetylates histone H3 at K14, an epigenetic mark that interacts with the BAF subunits by anchoring the complex to chromatin. In the absence of PCAF, full loading of target promoters with hormone receptors and BAF is precluded, and induction is compromised. Thus, activation of hormone-responsive promoters requires cooperation of at least two chromatin remodeling activities, BAF and PCAF

    Heterochromatin and the molecular mechanisms of 'parent-of-origin' effects in animals.

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    Twenty five years ago it was proposed that conserved components of constitutive heterochromatin assemble heterochromatinlike complexes in euchromatin and this could provide a general mechanism for regulating heritable (cell-to-cell) changes in gene expressibility. As a special case, differences in the assembly of heterochromatin-like complexes on homologous chromosomes might also regulate the parent-of-origin-dependent gene expression observed in placental mammals. Here, the progress made in the intervening period with emphasis on the role of heterochromatin and heterochromatin-like complexes in parent-of-origin effects in animals is reviewed

    Estrogen-induced chromatin decondensation and nuclear re-organization linked to regional epigenetic regulation in breast cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Epigenetic changes are being increasingly recognized as a prominent feature of cancer. This occurs not only at individual genes, but also over larger chromosomal domains. To investigate this, we set out to identify large chromosomal domains of epigenetic dysregulation in breast cancers. RESULTS: We identify large regions of coordinate down-regulation of gene expression, and other regions of coordinate activation, in breast cancers and show that these regions are linked to tumor subtype. In particular we show that a group of coordinately regulated regions are expressed in luminal, estrogen-receptor positive breast tumors and cell lines. For one of these regions of coordinate gene activation, we show that regional epigenetic regulation is accompanied by visible unfolding of large-scale chromatin structure and a repositioning of the region within the nucleus. In MCF7 cells, we show that this depends on the presence of estrogen. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that the liganded estrogen receptor is linked to long-range changes in higher-order chromatin organization and epigenetic dysregulation in cancer. This may suggest that as well as drugs targeting histone modifications, it will be valuable to investigate the inhibition of protein complexes involved in chromatin folding in cancer cells. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0719-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Réalisation d'un système experimental de compensation d'intercorrélation

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    Après avoir rappelé les travaux de Monsieur H. MERMOZ sur les systèmes qui, s'adaptant aux variations lentes des propriétés des bruits, permettent à chaque instant une optimisation du rapport S/B, les auteurs décrivent un appareil réalisé sur ce principe et destiné à l'expérimentation du procédé dans les conditions réelles d'exploitation à la mer. La première partie expose la technologie utilisée et est accompagnée de plusieurs schémas de principe et de photographies du matériel. La seconde partie est consacrée à une manipulation mettant en évidence le gain parfois considérable apporté par le système et visible sur des oscillogrammes