16 research outputs found

    PREMIS Requirement Statement Project Report

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    This is the report of the PRESTA Project, the objective of which was to develop a requirements specification for preservation metadata based on the PREMIS (PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies) final report, the Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata

    Managing multi-platform materials: selected case studies.

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    Mobile devices and Internet usage are now common in most parts of the world. Archives and other cultural agencies are challenged by the increasing amounts, and complexity, of digital content. New strategies are being developed and promoted to enable digital acquisition and preservation. The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia (NFSA) is examining and addressing acquisition and preservation challenges for a range of complex digital content, within available resources. This paper will discuss issues associated with a range of multi-platform content with reference to selected case studies

    Sustainability Through Interoperability: PREMIS, Fedora and DSpace

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    The PREMIS data dictionary identifies the core preservation metadata elements required to support the long-term sustainability of digital objects. In this presentation, an overview of the current level of PREMIS support within the Fedora and DSpace repository software is provided, as well as information on how PREMIS support will be improved in later versions of the software. In addition, the importance of repository interoperability is discussed and demonstrated by using the National Library of Australia's draft METS SIP/DIP to exchange repository objects in a meaningful way between Fedora and DSpace

    Realistic digital preservation in the near future: How to get from A to Z when B seems too far away?

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    From the "Future of preservation theory and practice" session at PASIG 2017 Oxford on 13 September 2017

    Digital preservation policy toolkit

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    The digital preservation policy toolkit was developed as part of the Digital Preservation at Oxford and Cambridge (DPOC) Project, which ran from July 2016 to December 2018. It was funded by the Polonsky Foundation. The toolkit contains templates for policies and policy implementation plans. While the DPOC project focused on digital preservation, the developed templates are generic and can also be used for developing other types of policies. The toolkit also contains blogs and presentation slides for an end-of-project workshop on policy development hosted by the Digital Preservation Coalition. See the READ_ME file for more information about each item in the toolkit

    Preservation Metadata: Adapting or Adopting PREMIS for APSR

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    Preservation metadata requirements for repositories: a project of the Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories (APSR) -- APSR aims to establish a centre of excellence in sustainable digital resource management and partner universities are developing demonstrator repositories built on sustainability principles. This paper presents the work of a project commissioned by APSR to specify requirements for the collection of metadata needed for long term continuity of access to digital collections. The project was called PRESTA (PREMIS Requirements Statement) but it took a broader view than PREMIS alone. The MetaArchive of Southern Digital Culture will discuss the first two years of deliverables (2004-2006) for their three year partnership for establishing a collaborative digital preservation network for southern cultural heritage materials