446 research outputs found

    On a conjecture of Helleseth

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    We are concern about a conjecture proposed in the middle of the seventies by Hellesseth in the framework of maximal sequences and theirs cross-correlations. The conjecture claims the existence of a zero outphase Fourier coefficient. We give some divisibility properties in this direction

    On a Conjecture of Helleseth

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    Abstract. We are concerned about a conjecture proposed in the middle of the seventies by Hellesseth in the framework of maximal sequences and theirs cross-correlations. The conjecture claims the existence of a zero outphase Fourier coefficient. We give some divisibility properties in this direction

    Composition of Syrtis Major volcanic plateau

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    Syrtis Major, a low-relief volcanic shield centered near 295 degrees 10 degrees N, is an old, well-preserved and exposed volcanic region on Mars which formed at the end of the heavy bombardment period. The composition of these volcanic materials has importance for understanding the thermal and chemical history of Mars. Imaging spectrometer data of the Syrtis Major volcanic plateau are used in this analysis to identify major compositional components. First and second order even channel reflectance spectra between 0.77 and 2.55 microns from four broad classes of materials on Syrtis Major are given. For the volcanic materials, there are three primary classes characterized by albedo, slope, and shape of the 10 micron band. To emphasize the latter, straight line continua were removed from each spectral segment and replotted in another figure. Each spectrum shows a band minima near 0.96 microns and 2.15 microns indicative of pyroxene mineral absorptions. Comparison of these band minima with studies of pyroxene reflectance spectra suggests that the pyroxenes in the volcanics of Syrtis Major are high calcium pyroxene with a Ca/(Mg+Fe+Ca) ratio of 0.2 to 0.3. The most likely pyroxene is an augite

    Disk-resolved spectral reflectance properties of Phobos from 0.3-3.2 micron: Preliminary integrated results from Phobos 2

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    The Phobos 2 mission provided multispectral observations of Phobos over a large wavelength range and with relatively high spectral resolution. Here, researchers integrate results from three multispectral detectors by determining the ultraviolet-visible near infrared spectral properties of color and brightness features recognized in VSK TV images. Researchers present evidence that there are two fundamental spectral units within the region of overlapping coverage by the detectors. They describe the units' spectral and reflectance properties and discuss the implications of these results for the composition of Phobos

    New low electron flux facility in the 0 to 3.5 MeV range for the study of induced signal in JUICE instruments: UVS and MAJIS measurements

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    We designed and built a new test facility to investigate signal induced by electrons in the 0-3.5 MeV in the JUICE UVS and MAJIS instruments. The facility uses radioisotopes sources to produce low flux of electrons (< 6000 electrons/cm².s). We present the facility, its capabilities and the results of measurements on UVS and MAJIS

    BC-SIM-TN-003 - Reports and Note Layout and Flow - Version 2

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    In this document, we will describe the name convention, the format, the flow of reports, notes, and plans produced for the Spectrometers and Imagers for MPO BepiColombo Integrated Observatory SYStem (SIMBIO-SYS)

    BC-SIM-TN-011 - simResort User Manual - Version 1.0.0

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    In this document we will describe the software developed to solve the issue reported in the report BC-SIM-TR-023_-_Anomalies_in_the_Packet_sorting and all the features and functionalities. The software could be used standalone or integrated in the pipeline, after the correct identification of the packets interested by the issue

    BC-SIM-TN-005 - simEv User Manual - Version 1.0.0

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    The document describes the software used to extract the Events from the telemetry of the Spectrometers and Imagers for MPO BepiColombo Integrated Observatory SYStem (SIMBIOSYS). The document provides documentation on the output file, also

    SIMBIO-SYS FOP update after ICO#02

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    This document, in according to the Spectrometers and Imagers for MPO BepiColombo Integrated Observatory SYStem (SIMBIO-SYS) Technical Note, Layout and Data flow agreement, reports all the SIMBIO-SYS Flight Operation Procedures (FOPs) to be used during the operational phases of the instrument. This issue represents a new review of the SIMBIO-SYS FOP official database considering all the improvements made after the first two Instrument Check Outs (ICO) and before the third
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