263 research outputs found

    Lifetime physical activity and risk of breast cancer in pre-and post-menopausal women

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    © 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York To investigate the association between different types of physical activity (PA) and breast cancer. A case–control study of breast cancer was conducted in Western Australia from 2009 to 2011, in which 1205 women with breast cancer and 1789 frequency age-matched breast cancer-free control women were recruited. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect information about lifetime and age-period recreational, household, occupational and transport physical activities. Detailed questions about demographic characteristics, and relevant reproductive, medical and lifestyle factors were also included. Logistic regression and restrictive cubic spline analyses were applied to investigate the association and dose–response relationship between PA and breast cancer risk. Subgroup analysis was performed regarding menopausal status. We found non-linear dose–response associations between PA and risk of breast cancer. Overall, 95–130 MET-hours/week of total lifetime PA was associated with the lowest breast cancer risk. The effects were stronger among post-menopausal women. We also found that the medium amounts of recreational PA (up to 21 MET-hours/week) were associated with lower breast cancer risk among post-menopausal women. Further analysis on the intensity of recreational PA demonstrated different dose–response associations between moderate- and vigorous-intensity recreational PA and breast cancer risk. We found that PA was associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer among post-menopausal women, but not in a linear fashion. Recreational PA of different intensities may have different dose–response associations with risk of breast cancer

    Obesity and poor breast cancer prognosis: an illusion because of hormone replacement therapy?

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    High body mass index (BMI) and use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) increase the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer. It has been shown that BMI modifies the effect of HRT, as its influence is most pronounced in lean women. We investigated the influence of BMI and HRT on prognosis in 2640 postmenopausal women diagnosed with breast cancer in Sweden in 1993–1995, taking into account HRT and mammography before diagnosis. Logistic and Cox regression were used. In non-users of HRT, obese women (BMI >30) compared with normal weight women (BMI <25) had a similar prognosis (hazard ratio (HR) 1.1, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.8–1.6), despite larger tumours found in obese women. Obese HRT users had less favourable tumour characteristics and poorer prognosis compared with normal weight women (HR 3.7, 95% CI 1.9–7.2). The influence of BMI on breast cancer prognosis was similar whether diagnosed by mammographic screening or not. We found a similar prognosis of postmenopausal breast cancer-specific death regardless of BMI in non-users of HRT, but among HRT users obesity was associated with a poorer breast cancer prognosis

    Mid-term Body Mass Index increase among obese and non-obese individuals in middle life and deprivation status: A cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: In the UK, obesity is associated with a clear socioeconomic gradient, with individuals of lower socioeconomic status being more likely to be obese. Several previous studies, using individual measures of soecioeconomic status, have shown a more rapid increase in Body Mass Index (BMI) over time among adults of lower socioeconomic status. We conducted a study to further examine whether ecologically defined deprivation status influences within-individual BMI change during middle life, as the answer to this question can help determine optimal preventive strategies both for obesity per se, and its' associated socioeconomic disparities. METHODS: Anonymised records of participants to the Stockport population-based cardiovascular disease risk factor screening programme were analysed. Individuals aged 35–55 who had a first screening episode between 1989 and 1993, and a subsequent screening episode were included in the study. Deprivation status was defined using quintiles of the Townsend score. Mean annual BMI change by deprivation group was calculated using linear regression. Subsequently, deprivation group was included in the model as an ordinal variable, to test for trend. The modelling was repeated separately for individuals who were obese (BMI < 30) and non-obese at the time of first screening. In supplementary analysis, regression models were also adjusted for baseline BMI. RESULTS: Of 21,976 women and 19,158 men initially screened, final analysis included just over half of all individuals [11,158 (50.8%) women and 9,831 (51.3%) men], due to the combined effect of loss to follow-up and incomplete BMI ascertainment. In both sexes BMI increased by 0.19 kg/m(2 )annually (95% Confidence Intervals 0.15–0.24 for women and 0.16–0.23 for men). All deprivation groups had similar mean annual change, and there was no evidence of a significant deprivation trend (p = 0.801, women and 0.892, men). Restricting the analysis to individuals who were non-obese at baseline did not alter the results in relation to the lack of a deprivation effect. When restricting the analysis to individuals who were obese at baseline however, the findings were suggestive of an association of BMI increase with higher deprivation group, which was further supported by a significant association when adjusting for baseline BMI. CONCLUSION: In the study setting, the BMI of non-obese individuals aged 35–55 was increasing over time independently of deprivation status; among obese individuals a positive association with higher deprivation was found. The findings support that socioeconomic differences in mean BMI and obesity status are principally attained prior to 35 years of age. Efforts to tackle inequalities in mean BMI and obesity status should principally concentrate in earlier life periods, although there may still be scope for focusing inequality reduction efforts on obese individuals even in middle life

    On the avoidability of breast cancer in industrialized societies: older mean age at first birth as an indicator of excess breast cancer risk

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    Background Breast cancer incidence continuous to increase. We examined at population level the association between the relative excess risk of breast cancer and previous age of mother at first birth. Method Incidence of breast cancer in 34 industrialized countries was obtained from the GLOBOCAN 2002 and SEER databases. Data on age of mother at first birth was collected through national statistics offices. National relative excess risk (RER) was calculated by subtracting the lowest age-specific incidence rate from the rate in each population, and dividing the difference by the latter. Results The national RER in 2002 correlated closely with a higher average age at first birth in 1972, 1982, 1992 and also 2002, Pearson correlation [r] being 0.83, 0.79, 0.72 and 0.61, respectively; P < 0.0001. RER of breast cancer in 2002 for those aged 15–44 years correlated closely with the mean age at first birth in 1982 and 1992 (r: 0.81 and 0.75; P < 0.0001), whereas RER for those aged 45–54 years correlated strongly with age at first birth in 1972 and 1982 (r: 0.81 and 0.76; P < 0.0001), and for those aged 55–64 years with age at first birth in 1972 (r: 0.77; P < 0.0001). Conclusions The rising age at first childbirth of mothers has been followed by marked increases in breast cancer incidence. Later age at first birth seems to characterize secular diffusion of ‘modern’ lifestyles with a potentially large impact on increased breast cancer risk, and hence should be accompanied by greater opportunities for prevention through modifiable risk factors

    Triple-negative breast cancers are increased in black women regardless of age or body mass index

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    INTRODUCTION. We investigated clinical and pathologic features of breast cancers (BC) in an unselected series of patients diagnosed in a tertiary care hospital serving a diverse population. We focused on triple-negative (Tneg) tumours (oestrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and HER2 negative), which are associated with poor prognosis. METHODS. We identified female patients with invasive BC diagnosed between 1998 and 2006, with data available on tumor grade, stage, ER, PR and HER2 status, and patient age, body mass index (BMI) and self-identified racial/ethnic group. We determined associations between patient and tumour characteristics using contingency tables and multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS. 415 cases were identified. Patients were racially and ethnically diverse (born in 44 countries, 36% white, 43% black, 10% Hispanic and 11% other). 47% were obese (BMI > 30 kg/m2). 72% of tumours were ER+ and/or PR+, 20% were Tneg and 13% were HER2+. The odds of having a Tneg tumour were 3-fold higher (95% CI 1.6, 5.5; p = 0.0001) in black compared with white women. Tneg tumours were equally common in black women diagnosed before and after age 50 (31% vs 29%; p = NS), and who were obese and non-obese (29% vs 31%; p = NS). Considering all patients, as BMI increased, the proportion of Tneg tumours decreased (p = 0.08). CONCLUSIONS. Black women of diverse background have 3-fold more Tneg tumours than non-black women, regardless of age and BMI. Other factors must determine tumour subtype. The higher prevalence of Tneg tumours in black women in all age and weight categories likely contributes to black women's unfavorable breast cancer prognosis.LaPann Fund; Research Enhancement Fun

    Social factors and obesity: an investigation of the role of health behaviours

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    OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated a behavioural model of the relation between social factors and obesity, in which differences in body mass index (BMI) across sociodemographic groups were hypothesized to be attributable to social group differences in health behaviours affecting energy expenditure (physical activity, diet and alcohol consumption and weight control). METHODS: A total of 8667 adults who participated in the 1995 Australian National Health and Nutrition Surveys provided data on a range of health factors including objectively measured height and weight, health behaviours, and social factors including family status, employment status, housing situation and migration status. RESULTS: Social factors remained significant predictors of BMI after controlling for all health behaviours. Neither social factors alone, nor health behaviours alone, adequately explained the variance in BMI. Gender-specific interactions were found between social factors and individual health behaviours. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that social factors moderate the relation between BMI and weight-related behaviours, and that the mechanisms underlying sociodemographic group differences in obesity may vary among men and women. Additional factors are likely to act in conjunction with current health behaviours to explain variation in obesity prevalence across sociodemographic groups.<br /

    Breast cancer risk factors and a novel measure of volumetric breast density: cross-sectional study

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    We conducted a cross-sectional study nested within a prospective cohort of breast cancer risk factors and two novel measures of breast density volume among 590 women who had attended Glasgow University (1948–1968), replied to a postal questionnaire (2001) and attended breast screening in Scotland (1989–2002). Volumetric breast density was estimated using a fully automated computer programme applied to digitised film-screen mammograms, from medio-lateral oblique mammograms at the first-screening visit. This measured the proportion of the breast volume composed of dense (non-fatty) tissue (Standard Mammogram Form (SMF)%) and the absolute volume of this tissue (SMF volume, cm3). Median age at first screening was 54.1 years (range: 40.0–71.5), median SMF volume 70.25 cm3 (interquartile range: 51.0–103.0) and mean SMF% 26.3%, s.d.=8.0% (range: 12.7–58.8%). Age-adjusted logistic regression models showed a positive relationship between age at last menstrual period and SMF%, odds ratio (OR) per year later: 1.05 (95% confidence interval: 1.01–1.08, P=0.004). Number of pregnancies was inversely related to SMF volume, OR per extra pregnancy: 0.78 (0.70–0.86, P<0.001). There was a suggestion of a quadratic relationship between birthweight and SMF%, with lowest risks in women born under 2.5 and over 4 kg. Body mass index (BMI) at university (median age 19) and in 2001 (median age 62) were positively related to SMF volume, OR per extra kg m−2 1.21 (1.15–1.28) and 1.17 (1.09–1.26), respectively, and inversely related to SMF%, OR per extra kg m−2 0.83 (0.79–0.88) and 0.82 (0.76–0.88), respectively, P<0.001. Standard Mammogram Form% and absolute SMF volume are related to several, but not all, breast cancer risk factors. In particular, the positive relationship between BMI and SMF volume suggests that volume of dense breast tissue will be a useful marker in breast cancer studies

    Acoustic and optical variations during rapid downward motion episodes in the deep north-western Mediterranean Sea

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    An Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) was moored at the deep-sea site of the ANTARES neutrino telescope near Toulon, France, thus providing a unique opportunity to compare high-resolution acoustic and optical observations between 70 and 170 m above the sea bed at 2475 m. The ADCP measured downward vertical currents of magnitudes up to 0.03 m s-1 in late winter and early spring 2006. In the same period, observations were made of enhanced levels of acoustic reflection, interpreted as suspended particles including zooplankton, by a factor of about 10 and of horizontal currents reaching 0.35 m s-1. These observations coincided with high light levels detected by the telescope, interpreted as increased bioluminescence. During winter 2006 deep dense-water formation occurred in the Ligurian subbasin, thus providing a possible explanation for these observations. However, the 10-20 days quasi-periodic episodes of high levels of acoustic reflection, light and large vertical currents continuing into the summer are not direct evidence of this process. It is hypothesized that the main process allowing for suspended material to be moved vertically later in the year is local advection, linked with topographic boundary current instabilities along the rim of the 'Northern Current'.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figure

    Status and Recent Results of the Acoustic Neutrino Detection Test System AMADEUS

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    The AMADEUS system is an integral part of the ANTARES neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea. The project aims at the investigation of techniques for acoustic neutrino detection in the deep sea. Installed at a depth of more than 2000m, the acoustic sensors of AMADEUS are based on piezo-ceramics elements for the broad-band recording of signals with frequencies ranging up to 125kHz. AMADEUS was completed in May 2008 and comprises six "acoustic clusters", each one holding six acoustic sensors that are arranged at distances of roughly 1m from each other. The clusters are installed with inter-spacings ranging from 15m to 340m. Acoustic data are continuously acquired and processed at a computer cluster where online filter algorithms are applied to select a high-purity sample of neutrino-like signals. 1.6 TB of data were recorded in 2008 and 3.2 TB in 2009. In order to assess the background of neutrino-like signals in the deep sea, the characteristics of ambient noise and transient signals have been investigated. In this article, the AMADEUS system will be described and recent results will be presented.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures. Proceedings of ARENA 2010, the 4th International Workshop on Acoustic and Radio EeV Neutrino Detection Activitie