560 research outputs found

    Monitoramento do risco ambiental de agrotóxicos: princípios e recomendações.

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    Uso de Agrotóxicos no Brasil. Princípios do Monitoramento de Risco Ambiental. Exposição Ambiental aos Agrotóxicos. Efeitos Ambientais dos Agrotóxicos. Plano de Monitoramento do Risco Ambiental. Procedimentos de Amostragem. Indicadores de Risco Ambiental. Recomendações Técnicas para Monitoramento do Risco Ambiental.bitstream/CNPMA/5810/1/documentos_42.pd

    Sorção, degradação e lixiviação dos herbicidas tebuthiuron e diuron em colunas de Solo.

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    Leaching potentials of three acidic herbicides were assessed for three different Brazilian soils, by means of the multi-layered AFi model. Values of AFi were also calculated for each herbicide using a modified model (AFi*), where sorption coefficient (Kd) values are pH-dependent. The pH-dependent Kd values estimated for all three herbicides were always higher than pH-independent Kd values calculated using average Koc data. The pHdependent Kd values for the three herbicides evidenced a large variation from layer to layer following changes in OC and pH for the different soil depths. When OC decreases, Kd tends to decrease; on the other hand, lowering pH tends to increase Kd. For all three soils, OC and pH exhibit an overall decrease with depth. Despite differences between the pH-independent Kd and the pH-dependent Kd values, the AFi values for 2,4-D, calculated by the original multilayered-soil model and by the modified model (AFi*), were similarly low for all three soils, mostly due to the short half-life of 2,4-D. The pH-dependent AFi values for flumetsulam were always much lower than values calculated by the original multi-layered model. Therefore, the pH-independent model appears to overestimate leaching potential of flumetsulam. The AFi values for sulfentrazone calculated by the original and the modified models were similarly high for all three soils, despite the differences in Kd values. The long half-life of sulfentrazone mostly contributed to the similar high values of AFi for the three different soils. Overall AFi values showed large differences for sulfentrazone when calculated by the original and by the modified model (AFi*), owing to its high AF value for each layer. Thus, the original AFi model would seem to markedly overestimate the leaching potential for sulfentrazone, as well as for flumetsulam for these soil conditions

    Movimento do herbicida tebutiuron em dois solos representativos das áreas de recarga do Aqüífero Guarani.

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    O movimento do herbicida tebutiuron foi analisado em um Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico psamítico (LVdq) e um Neossolo Quartzarênico Órtico típico (RQo), representativos das áreas de recarga do aqüífero Guarani no Brasil, tendo como fatores influenciadores, a condutividade hidráulica (K), o teor de carbono orgânico (CO) e o teor de argila (TAr). O presente estudo foi realizado em colunas de solos indeformados, com aplicação do produto comercial contendo o herbicida em discussão. Esses parâmetros evidenciam certa influência na movimentação vertical do herbicida tebutiuron, particularmente no RQo, uma vez que esse herbicida é quimicamente neutro. Observou-se, por exemplo, uma diferença significativa entre os valores K dos dois solos, sendo superior no RQo. Além de uma relação inversa entre teores de CO e de TAr e os valores de K dos dois solos, indicando serem aqueles parâmetros inibidores do deslocamento do tebutiuron no perfil do solo. Os resultados aqui obtidos neste trabalho visam subsidiar estudos de avaliação de risco ambiental, sobretudo água subterrânea, a partir de áreas de recarga de aqüíferos naturalmente frágeis, com ênfase para o aqüífero Guarani

    The Hilbert space of Chern-Simons theory on the cylinder. A Loop Quantum Gravity approach

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    As a laboratory for loop quantum gravity, we consider the canonical quantization of the three-dimensional Chern-Simons theory on a noncompact space with the topology of a cylinder. Working within the loop quantization formalism, we define at the quantum level the constraints appearing in the canonical approach and completely solve them, thus constructing a gauge and diffeomorphism invariant physical Hilbert space for the theory. This space turns out to be infinite dimensional, but separable.Comment: Minor changes and some references added. Latex, 16 pages, 1 figur

    Limits on Phase Separation for Two-Dimensional Strongly Correlated Electrons

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    From calculations of the high temperature series for the free energy of the two-dimensional t-J model we construct series for ratios of the free energy per hole. The ratios can be extrapolated very accurately to low temperatures and used to investigate phase separation. Our results confirm that phase separation occurs only for J/t greater than 1.2. Also, the phase transition into the phase separated state has Tc of approximately 0.25J for large J/t.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Study of energetics in drag-reduced turbulent channels

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    Changes in integral power budgets and scale energy fluxes as induced by certain active flow control strategies for turbulent skin-friction drag reduction are studied by performing Direct Numerical Simulation of turbulent channels. The innovative feature of the present study is that the flow is driven at Constant total Power Input (CtPI), which is a necessary enabling choice in order to meaningfully compare a reference unmanipulated flow with a modified one from the energetic standpoint. Spanwise wall oscillation and opposition control are adopted as model strategies, because of their very different control input power requirements. The global power budget show that the increase of dissipation of mean kinetic energy is not always related to drag reduction, while the preliminary analysis of the scale energy fluxes through the generalized Kolmogorov equation shows that the space- and scale properties of the scale energy source and fluxes are significantly modified in the near-wall region, while remain unaltered elsewhere

    Synchrotron radiation from a charge moving along a helical orbit inside a dielectric cylinder

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    The radiation emitted by a charged particle moving along a helical orbit inside a dielectric cylinder immersed into a homogeneous medium is investigated. Expressions are derived for the electromagnetic potentials, electric and magnetic fields, and for the spectral-angular distribution of radiation in the exterior medium. It is shown that under the Cherenkov condition for dielectric permittivity of the cylinder and the velocity of the particle image on the cylinder surface, strong narrow peaks are present in the angular distribution for the number of radiated quanta. At these peaks the radiated energy exceeds the corresponding quantity for a homogeneous medium by some orders of magnitude. The results of numerical calculations for the angular distribution of radiated quanta are presented and they are compared with the corresponding quantities for radiation in a homogeneous medium. The special case of relativistic charged particle motion along the direction of the cylinder axis with non-relativistic transverse velocity (helical undulator) is considered in detail. Various regimes for the undulator parameter are discussed. It is shown that the presence of the cylinder can increase essentially the radiation intensity.Comment: 18 pages, 8 EPS figure