9,758 research outputs found

    Scattering induced dynamical entanglement and the quantum-classical correspondence

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    The generation of entanglement produced by a local potential interaction in a bipartite system is investigated. The degree of entanglement is contrasted with the underlying classical dynamics for a Rydberg molecule (a charged particle colliding on a kicked top). Entanglement is seen to depend on the structure of classical phase-space rather than on the global dynamical regime. As a consequence regular classical dynamics can in certain circumstances be associated with higher entanglement generation than chaotic dynamics. In addition quantum effects also come into play: for example partial revivals, which are expected to persist in the semiclassical limit, affect the long time behaviour of the reduced linear entropy. These results suggest that entanglement may not be a pertinent universal signature of chaos.Comment: Published versio

    A BIM-based PSS approach for the management of maintenance operations of building equipment

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    The service-centered economy has grown considerably in the last few years, shifting from product-based solutions towards service centered offerings, i.e., Product-Service System (PSS) solutions. Such an approach is also emerging in the context of building equipment, where maintenance activities play a fundamental role in facility management. In this field, Building Information Modeling (BIM) based tools are diffusely used to improve the performances of facility management. However, few studies have addressed the above issues while considering a shift from product-based approaches in favor of more advanced servitization models. The study aims at integrating BIM based approaches in a PSS context for the improvement of the management of maintenance operations of building equipment. A general framework for maintenance management has been developed, merging the implementation of the PSS components in a BIM model for the definition of maintenance management. A first application of this methodology to a real case study concerning the elevators of an existing building has shown the efficacy of the proposed approach. The study highlighted the benefits that can be achieved, especially in terms of reduced periods of equipment unavailability, reduced costs and augmented customer satisfaction, while enhancing the information exchange between the PSS actors. Hence, although further research is still needed for its validation, the proposed approach can offer practical insights for the development of promising BIM-based PSS solutions for facility management in the construction industry

    HST/ACS weak lensing analysis of the galaxy cluster RDCS 1252.9-2927 at z=1.24

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    We present a weak lensing analysis of one of the most distant massive galaxy cluster known, RDCS 1252.9-2927 at z=1.24, using deep images from the Advanced Camera for Survey (ACS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). By taking advantage of the depth and of the angular resolution of the ACS images, we detect for the first time at z>1 a clear weak lensing signal in both the i (F775W) and z (F850LP) filters. We measure a 5-\sigma signal in the i band and a 3-\sigma signal in the shallower z band image. The two radial mass profiles are found to be in very good agreement with each other, and provide a measurement of the total mass of the cluster inside a 1Mpc radius of M(<1Mpc) = (8.0 +/- 1.3) x 10^14 M_\odot in the current cosmological concordance model h =0.70, \Omega_m=0.3, \Omega_\Lambda=0.7, assuming a redshift distribution of background galaxies as inferred from the Hubble Deep Fields surveys. A weak lensing signal is detected out to the boundary of our field (3' radius, corresponding to 1.5Mpc at the cluster redshift). We detect a small offset between the centroid of the weak lensing mass map and the brightest cluster galaxy, and we discuss the possible origin of this discrepancy. The cumulative weak lensing radial mass profile is found to be in good agreement with the X-ray mass estimate based on Chandr and XMM-Newton observations, at least out to R_500=0.5Mpc.Comment: 38 pages, ApJ in press. Full resolution images available at http://www.eso.org/~prosati/RDCS1252/Lombardi_etal_accepted.pd

    APM z>4 QSO Survey: Distribution and Evolution of High Column Density HI Absorbers

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    Eleven candidate damped Lya absorption systems were identified in 27 spectra of the quasars from the APM z>4 survey covering the redshift range 2.83.5). High resolution echelle spectra (0.8A FWHM) have been obtained for three quasars, including 2 of the highest redshift objects in the survey. Two damped systems have confirmed HI column densities of N(HI) >= 10^20.3 atoms cm^-2, with a third falling just below this threshold. We have discovered the highest redshift damped Lya absorber known at z=4.383 in QSO BR1202-0725. The APM QSOs provide a substantial increase in the redshift path available for damped surveys for z>3. We combine this high redshift sample with other quasar samples covering the redshift range 0.008 < z < 4.7 to study the redshift evolution and the column density distribution function for absorbers with log N(HI)>=17.2. In the HI column density distribution f(N)=kN^-beta we find evidence for breaks in the power law, flattening for 17.221.2. The column density distribution function for the data with log N(HI)>=20.3 is better fit with the form f(N)=(f*/N*)(N/N*)^-beta exp(-N/N*). Significant redshift evolution in the number density per unit redshift is evident in the higher column density systems with an apparent decline in N(z) for z>3.5.Comment: To appear in MNRAS. Latex file (10 pages of text) plus 14 separate postscript figure files. Requires mn.sty. Postscript version with figures embedded is available at http://www.ociw.edu/~lisa/publications.htm

    Evolution of Neutral Gas at High Redshift -- Implications for the Epoch of Galaxy Formation

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    Though observationally rare, damped Lya absorption systems dominate the mass density of neutral gas in the Universe. Eleven high redshift damped Lya systems covering 2.84 QSO Survey, extending these absorption system surveys to the highest redshifts currently possible. Combining our new data set with previous surveys we find that the cosmological mass density in neutral gas, omega_g, does not rise as steeply prior to z~2 as indicated by previous studies. There is evidence in the observed omega_g for a flattening at z~2 and a possible turnover at z~3. When combined with the decline at z>3.5 in number density per unit redshift of damped systems with column densities log N(HI)>21 atoms cm^-2, these results point to an epoch at z>3 prior to which the highest column density damped systems are still forming. We find that over the redshift range 2<z<4 the total mass in neutral gas is marginally comparable with the total visible mass in stars in present day galaxies. However, if one considers the total mass visible in stellar disks alone, ie excluding galactic bulges, the two values are comparable. We are observing a mass of neutral gas comparable to the mass of visible disk stars. Lanzetta, Wolfe & Turnshek (1995) found that omega_g(z~3.5) was twice omega_g(z~2), implying a much larger amount of star formation must have taken place between z=3.5 and z=2 than is indicated by metallicity studies. This created a `cosmic G-dwarf problem'. The more gradual evolution of omega_g we find alleviates this. These results have profound implications for theories of galaxy formation.Comment: To appear in MNRAS. Latex file (4 pages of text) plus 3 separate postscript figure files. Requires mn.sty. Postscript version with figures embedded is available at http://www.ociw.edu/~lisa/publications.htm

    El Roque de Los Muchachos Site Characteristics. III. Analysis of Atmospheric Dust and Aerosol Extinction

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    Canary Islands are normally interested by dominant North-East winds that, in some meteorological conditions, can transport sand at high altitude from the Sahara desert. The dust may affect the efficiency of the telescopes and decreases the transparency of the sky. In order to maximize the scientific return of the telescopes located at the ORM, we present an analysis of the atmospheric dust content and its effects on astronomical observations. B, V and I dust aerosol astronomical extinction are derived. Using a 5 years series database of data taken from the four channel TNG dust monitor, we compute a mean hourly and daily values of the dust content. We have detected particles having size 0.3, 0.5, 1.0 and 5.0 um. Using a power law we have derived the content of 10.0 um particles. We found a typical local dust concentration ranging from 3x10^6 particles per cubic meter at 0.3 um, to 10^3 at 5.0 um and 10 at 10.0 um, increasing up to 3 order of magnitudes during the dust storms, with a relative higher increase of 1.0, 5.0 and 10.0 um particles. The number of local dust storm events is the same in winter- and summertime, but, the average background and storm-related increases in the dust concentration in summer are significantly higher than in winter. In a uniform approximation, during the dust storms, an average height of the dust layer of 2.5 km above the telescope is inferred. During the sand storms La Palma Island is affected by an almost uniform layer extending up to 5 km above the sea level, down, at least the height of the telescope. The visible extinction is dominated by particles at 1.0, 5.0 and 10.0 um. In agreement with the results from Carlsberg Automatic Meridian Circle (CAMC) we find a typical extinction during dust storms of about 0.2 mag/airmass.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 9 pages, 11 figures. This work is the continuation of a series of papers concerning a detailed study of the Astroclimatology at ORM. The two previous papers (both Lombardi et al.) have reference PASP.2006.118.1198-1204 and PASP.2007.119.292-30

    Enhanced shot noise in resonant tunneling: theory and experiment

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    We show that shot noise in a resonant tunneling diode biased in the negative differential resistance regions of the I-V characteristic is enhanced with respect to ``full'' shot noise. We provide experimental results showing a Fano factor up to 6.6, and show that it is a dramatic effect caused by electron-electron interaction through Coulomb force, enhanced by the particular shape of the density of states in the well. We also present numerical results from the proposed theory, which are in agreement with the experiment, demonstrating that the model accounts for the relevant physics involved in the phenomenon.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Transfer Line Studies from LINAC4 to the PS Booster: "South Hall" Option

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    Linac4 is a new normal conducting H- linac, which is currently under study at CERN as upgrade to the present LHC injectors chain in view of intensifying the proton flux available for the CERN accelerator complex and eventually attain LHC ultimate luminosity goals. The new linac is designed to accelerate a 65 mA H- ion beam from 3 MeV up to 160 MeV for charge-exchange injection into the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster, thus overcoming the space charge limitations of the present injection mechanism at 50 MeV, which represent the main obstacle to obtaining higher beam brightness into the PS. A new transfer line is also being planned to transport the beam from the end of Linac4 to the PSB and the present paper outlines one of the proposed layouts and gives the status of the beam dynamics studies for this solution

    El Roque de Los Muchachos Site Characteristics. II. Analysis of Wind, Relative Humidity and Air Pressure

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    In this paper we present an analysis of wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity and air pressure taken at TNG, CAMC and NOT at Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos, in the Canary Islands. Data are compared in order to check local variations and both long term and short term trends of the microclimate. Furthermore, influence of wind speed on the astronomical seeing is estimated to the aim to better understand the influence of wide scale parameters on local meteorological data. The three telescopes show different prevailing wind direction, wind speed, relative humidity and air pressure confirming differences in local microclimate. We found that seeing deteriorates when wind speed is lower than 3.3 m/s. Comparison in terms of wind speed and high relative humidity (> 90%) shows that TNG seems to have optimal observational conditions with respect to CAMC and NOT. Air pressure analysis shows that ORM is dominated by high pressure. Short time variations of pressure anticipate temperature variations tipically by 2-3 hours, this property vanishes in time scales higher than some hours and disappear in longer time scales.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in PAS
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