3,647 research outputs found

    Impact of Phenanthrene on Organic Acids Secretion and Accumulation by Perennial Ryegrass, Lolium perenne L., Root

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    A solution culture experiment was performed to investigate the impact of phenanthrene (PHE) on organic acids secretion and accumulation by Lolium perenne L. root. Data showed that, oxalic acid was the dominant composition of organic acids in root and root exudates. In root exudates, increased levels of PHE resulted in higher oxalic acid and its secrete proportion; oxalic acid arranged from 3.00 to 4.72 mg/g FW under spiked PHE treatments, in control, it was 2.33 mg/g FW. In root, oxalic acid rose to 25.61 mg/g FW at 1 mg/L PHE treatment, while the PHE concentration was continuously increasing, organic acids in root decreased

    Coordinated Operation of Electricity and Natural Gas Networks with Consideration of Congestion and Demand Response

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    This work presents a new coordinated operation (CO) framework for electricity and natural gas networks, considering network congestions and demand response. Credit rank (CR) indicator of coupling units is introduced, and gas consumption constraints information of natural gas fired units (NGFUs) is given. Natural gas network operator (GNO) will deliver this information to an electricity network operator (ENO). A major advantage of this operation framework is that no frequent information interaction between GNO and ENO is needed. The entire framework contains two participants and three optimization problems, namely, GNO optimization sub-problem-A, GNO optimization sub-problem-B, and ENO optimization sub-problem. Decision sequence changed from traditional ENO-GNO-ENO to GNO-ENO-GNO in this novel framework. Second-order cone (SOC) relaxation is applied to ENO optimization sub-problem. The original problem is reformulated as a mixed-integer second-order cone programming (MISOCP) problem. For GNO optimization sub-problem, an improved sequential cone programming (SCP) method is applied based on SOC relaxation and the original sub-problem is converted to MISOCP problem. A benchmark 6-node natural gas system and 6-bus electricity system is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Considering pipeline congestion, CO, with demand response, can reduce the total cost of an electricity network by 1.19%, as compared to −0.48% using traditional decentralized operation with demand response.Department of Finance and Education of Guangdong Province 2016 [202]: Key Discipline Construction Program, China; and the Education Department of Guangdong Province: New and Integrated Energy System Theory and Technology Research Grou

    The role of 44-methylgambierone in ciguatera fish poisoning: Acute toxicity, production by marine microalgae and its potential as a biomarker for Gambierdiscus spp.

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    Ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) is prevalent around the tropical and sub-tropical latitudes of the world and impacts many Pacific island communities intrinsically linked to the reef system for sustenance and trade. While the genus Gambierdiscus has been linked with CFP, it is commonly found on tropical reef systems in microalgal assemblages with other genera of toxin-producing, epiphytic and/or benthic dinoflagellates - Amphidinium, Coolia, Fukuyoa, Ostreopsis and Prorocentrum. Identifying a biomarker compound that can be used for the early detection of Gambierdiscus blooms, specifically in a mixed microalgal community, is paramount in enabling the development of management and mitigation strategies. Following on from the recent structural elucidation of 44-methylgambierone, its potential to contribute to CFP intoxication events and applicability as a biomarker compound for Gambierdiscus spp. was investigated. The acute toxicity of this secondary metabolite was determined by intraperitoneal injection using mice, which showed it to be of low toxicity, with an LD50 between 20 and 38 mg kg-1. The production of 44-methylgambierone by 252 marine microalgal isolates consisting of 90 species from 32 genera across seven classes, was assessed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. It was discovered that the production of this secondary metabolite was ubiquitous to the eight Gambierdiscus species tested, however not all isolates of G. carpenteri, and some species/isolates of Coolia and Fukuyoa

    A novel approach using potable diagnostic ultrasound to inform treatment choices for hemiplegic shoulder pain – A case study

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    Introduction: Hemiplegic shoulder pain (HSP) has a reported incidence of up to 84% of patients. The purpose of this case study is to report findings from a patient with HSP who received problem specific treatment and underwent real-time scanning of shoulder region with a portable diagnostic ultrasound. Treatment was modified to address the problems. Methods/Case Description:The patient was a 45 year-old woman with right sided-hemiparesis resulting from a clot. Patient was undergoing rehabilitation in a private clinic and reported shoulder pain. Patient was undergoing rehabilitation (over-arm exercises, electrical stimulation, stretches, Saebo exercises) however, continued to complain of shoulder pain (VAS-7). Ultrasound scanning was undertaken and following observations were made on both affected (AF) and unaffected (UAF) shoulders. Acromion-greater tuberosity (AGT) distance (AF-3.35 cm, UAF-2.04 cm), diameter of supraspinatus in resting state (AF -1.16 cm, UAF-1.42cm) and contracted state (AF-1.14cm, UAF-1.63cm). Modified treatment included: 1) Isometric exercises to supraspinatus muscle 2) Trigger point release for trapezius 3) Electrical stimulation to lateral deltoid and supraspinatus 4) avoid over-arm activitiesResults: Ultrasound measurement suggested reduction in AGT immediately following treatment. 8 weeks later, VAS score was 3 and patient reported using her arm more for various functional tasks. Diameter of supraspinatus in resting state (AF -1.30 cm, UAF-1.45cm) and contracted state (AF-1.42cm, UAF-1.70cm) suggested some improvement.Conclusions: Real-time ultrasound has potential benefits as an assessment tool to inform treatment choices for HSP. Further studies are required in this area

    Impact of metabolic comorbidity on the association between body mass index and heatlh-related quality of life: a Scotland-wide cross-sectional study of 5,608 participants

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    <p/>Background: The prevalence of obesity is rising in Scotland and globally. Overall, obesity is associated with increased morbidity, mortality and reduced health-related quality of life. Studies suggest that "healthy obesity" (obesity without metabolic comorbidity) may not be associated with morbidity or mortality. Its impact on health-related quality of life is unknown. <p/>Methods: We extracted data from the Scottish Health Survey on self-reported health-related quality of life, body mass index (BMI), demographic information and comorbidity. SF-12 responses were converted into an overall health utility score. Linear regression analyses were used to explore the association between BMI and health utility, stratified by the presence or absence of metabolic comorbidity (diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia or cardiovascular disease), and adjusted for potential confounders (age, sex and deprivation quintile). <p/>Results: Of the 5,608 individuals, 3,744 (66.8%) were either overweight or obese and 921 (16.4%) had metabolic comorbidity. There was an inverted U-shaped relationship whereby health utility was highest among overweight individuals and fell with increasing BMI. There was a significant interaction with metabolic comorbidity (p = 0.007). Individuals with metabolic comorbidty had lower utility scores and a steeper decline in utility with increasing BMI (morbidly obese, adjusted coefficient: -0.064, 95% CI -0.115, -0.012, p = 0.015 for metabolic comorbidity versus -0.042, 95% CI -0.067, -0.018, p = 0.001 for no metabolic comorbidity). <p/>Conclusions: The adverse impact of obesity on health-related quality of life is greater among individuals with metabolic comorbidity. However, increased BMI is associated with reduced health-related quality of life even in the absence of metabolic comorbidity, casting doubt on the notion of "healthy obesity"

    A bi-directional relationship between obesity and health-related quality of life : evidence from the longitudinal AusDiab study

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    Objective: To assess the prospective relationship between obesity and health-related quality of life, including a novel assessment of the impact of health-related quality of life on weight gain.Design and setting: Longitudinal, national, population-based Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle (AusDiab) study, with surveys conducted in 1999/2000 and 2004/2005.Participants: A total of 5985 men and women aged 25 years at study entry.Main outcome measure(s): At both time points, height, weight and waist circumference were measured and self-report data on health-related quality of life from the SF-36 questionnaire were obtained. Cross-sectional and bi-directional, prospective associations between obesity categories and health-related quality of life were assessed.Results: Higher body mass index (BMI) at baseline was associated with deterioration in health-related quality of life over 5 years for seven of the eight health-related quality of life domains in women (all P0.01, with the exception of mental health, P&gt;0.05), and six out of eight in men (all P&lt;0.05, with the exception of role-emotional, P=0.055, and mental health, P&gt;0.05). Each of the quality-of-life domains related to mental health as well as the mental component summary were inversely associated with BMI change (all P&lt;0.0001 for women and P0.01 for men), with the exception of vitality, which was significant in women only (P=0.008). For the physical domains, change in BMI was inversely associated with baseline general health in women only (P=0.023).Conclusions: Obesity was associated with a deterioration in health-related quality of life (including both physical and mental health domains) in this cohort of Australian adults followed over 5 years. Health-related quality of life was also a predictor of weight gain over 5 years, indicating a bi-directional association between obesity and health-related quality of life. The identification of those with poor health-related quality of life may be important in assessing the risk of future weight gain, and a focus on health-related quality of life may be beneficial in weight management strategies.<br /

    The Galaxy Structure-Redshift Relationship

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    There exists a gradual, but persistent, evolutionary effect in the galaxy population such that galaxy structure and morphology change with redshift. This galaxy structure-redshift relationship is such that an increasingly large fraction of all bright and massive galaxies at redshifts 2 < z < 3 are morphologically peculiar at wavelengths from rest-frame ultraviolet to rest-frame optical. There are however examples of morphologically selected spirals and ellipticals at all redshifts up to z ~ 3. At lower redshift, the bright galaxy population smoothly transforms into normal ellipticals and spirals. The rate of this transformation strongly depends on redshift, with the swiftest evolution occurring between 1 < z < 2. This review characterizes the galaxy structure-redshift relationship, discusses its various physical causes, and how these are revealing the mechanisms responsible for galaxy formation.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures. Invited Review to appear in "Penetrating Bars Through Masks of Cosmic Dust: The Hubble Tuning Fork Strikes A New Note", ed. D. Block et a