10 research outputs found

    Fertility rate evaluation by laparoscopic approach in the experimental animal

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of laparoscopic insemination (LAP) and natural mating (NM) on fertility rate in experimental animal (Ovis Aries Comisana) during the month of June

    Complementary therapy for severe Rh-alloimmunization

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    This report describes successful treatment, using invasive and noninvasive techniques, of a 36-year-old woman (gravida 10, para 0) referred to our center at 13 weeks' gestation for severe Rh alloimmunization. Pre-pregnancy indirect Coombs titers ranged from 1:1024-2048. All nine past pregnancies (conceived with three different partners) had ended in abortion, intrauterine death or neonatal deat

    Ovine fetal growth curves in twin pregnancy: ultrasonographic assessment

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    The fetal-lamb model is a fundamental tool for developing clinical applications for the treatment of human fetal pathology (e.g., open fetal surgery). Accurate estimation of gestational age is important to avoid size-related problems during surgery

    Liver biopsy interpretation for causes of late liver allograft dysfunction

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    Abstract Evaluation of needle biopsies and extensive clinicopathological correlation play an important role in the determination of liver allograft dysfunction occurring more than 1 year after transplantation. Interpretation of these biopsies can be quite difficult because of the high incidence of recurrent diseases that show histopathological, clinical, and serological features that overlap with each other and with rejection. Also, more than one insult can contribute to allograft injury. In an attempt to enable centers to compare and pool results, improve therapy, and better understand pathophysiological disease mechanisms, the Banff Working Group on Liver Allograft Pathology herein proposes a set of consensus criteria for the most common and problematic causes of late liver allograft dysfunction, including late-onset acute and chronic rejection, recurrent and new-onset viral and autoimmune hepatitis, biliary strictures, and recurrent primary biliary cirrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis. A discussion of differential diagnosis is also presented