479 research outputs found

    On the topology of nearly-integrable Hamiltonians at simple resonances

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    We show that, in general, averaging at simple resonances a real--analytic, nearly--integrable Hamiltonian, one obtains a one--dimensional system with a cosine--like potential; ``in general'' means for a generic class of holomorphic perturbations and apart from a finite number of simple resonances with small Fourier modes; ``cosine--like'' means that the potential depends only on the resonant angle, with respect to which it is a Morse function with one maximum and one minimum. \\ Furthermore, the (full) transformed Hamiltonian is the sum of an effective one--dimen\-sio\-nal Hamiltonian (which is, in turn, the sum of the unperturbed Hamiltonian plus the cosine--like potential) and a perturbation, which is exponentially small with respect to the oscillation of the potential. \\ As a corollary, under the above hypotheses, if the unperturbed Hamiltonian is also strictly convex, the effective Hamiltonian at {\sl any simple resonance} (apart a finite number of low--mode resonances) has the phase portrait of a pendulum. \\ The results presented in this paper are an essential step in the proof (in the ``mechanical'' case) of a conjecture by Arnold--Kozlov--Neishdadt (\cite[Remark~6.8, p. 285]{AKN}), claiming that the measure of the ``non--torus set'' in general nearly--integrable Hamiltonian systems has the same size of the perturbation; compare \cite{BClin}, \cite{BC}

    Pendulum Integration and Elliptic Functions

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    Revisiting canonical integration of the classical pendulum around its unstable equilibrium, normal hyperbolic canonical coordinates are constructe

    Aspects of the planetary Birkhoff normal form

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    The discovery in [G. Pinzari. PhD thesis. Univ. Roma Tre. 2009], [L. Chierchia and G. Pinzari, Invent. Math. 2011] of the Birkhoff normal form for the planetary many--body problem opened new insights and hopes for the comprehension of the dynamics of this problem. Remarkably, it allowed to give a {\sl direct} proof of the celebrated Arnold's Theorem [V. I. Arnold. Uspehi Math. Nauk. 1963] on the stability of planetary motions. In this paper, using a "ad hoc" set of symplectic variables, we develop an asymptotic formula for this normal form that may turn to be useful in applications. As an example, we provide two very simple applications to the three-body problem: we prove a conjecture by [V. I. Arnold. cit] on the "Kolmogorov set"of this problem and, using Nehoro{\v{s}}ev Theory [Nehoro{\v{s}}ev. Uspehi Math. Nauk. 1977], we prove, in the planar case, stability of all planetary actions over exponentially-long times, provided mean--motion resonances are excluded. We also briefly discuss perspectives and problems for full generalization of the results in the paper.Comment: 44 pages. Keywords: Averaging Theory, Birkhoff normal form, Nehoro{\v{s}}ev Theory, Planetary many--body problem, Arnold's Theorem on the stability of planetary motions, Properly--degenerate kam Theory, steepness. Revised version, including Reviewer's comments. Typos correcte

    Persistence of Diophantine flows for quadratic nearly-integrable Hamiltonians under slowly decaying aperiodic time dependence

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    The aim of this paper is to prove a Kolmogorov-type result for a nearly-integrable Hamiltonian, quadratic in the actions, with an aperiodic time dependence. The existence of a torus with a prefixed Diophantine frequency is shown in the forced system, provided that the perturbation is real-analytic and (exponentially) decaying with time. The advantage consists of the possibility to choose an arbitrarily small decaying coefficient, consistently with the perturbation size.Comment: Several corrections in the proof with respect to the previous version. Main statement unchange

    Fractional Lindstedt series

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    The parametric equations of the surfaces on which highly resonant quasi-periodic motions develop (lower-dimensional tori) cannot be analytically continued, in general, in the perturbation parameter, i.e. they are not analytic functions of the perturbation parameter. However rather generally quasi-periodic motions whose frequencies satisfy only one rational relation ("resonances of order 1") admit formal perturbation expansions in terms of a fractional power of the perturbation parameter, depending on the degeneration of the resonance. We find conditions for this to happen, and in such a case we prove that the formal expansion is convergent after suitable resummation.Comment: 40 pages, 6 figure

    A rigorous implementation of the Jeans--Landau--Teller approximation

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    Rigorous bounds on the rate of energy exchanges between vibrational and translational degrees of freedom are established in simple classical models of diatomic molecules. The results are in agreement with an elementary approximation introduced by Landau and Teller. The method is perturbative theory ``beyond all orders'', with diagrammatic techniques (tree expansions) to organize and manipulate terms, and look for compensations, like in recent studies on KAM theorem homoclinic splitting.Comment: 23 pages, postscrip

    Integrability and strong normal forms for non-autonomous systems in a neighbourhood of an equilibrium

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    The paper deals with the problem of existence of a convergent "strong" normal form in the neighbourhood of an equilibrium, for a finite dimensional system of differential equations with analytic and time-dependent non-linear term. The problem can be solved either under some non-resonance hypotheses on the spectrum of the linear part or if the non-linear term is assumed to be (slowly) decaying in time. This paper "completes" a pioneering work of Pustil'nikov in which, despite under weaker non-resonance hypotheses, the nonlinearity is required to be asymptotically autonomous. The result is obtained as a consequence of the existence of a strong normal form for a suitable class of real-analytic Hamiltonians with non-autonomous perturbations.Comment: 10 page
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