40 research outputs found

    Efek Penambahan Asam Fenilfosponat-seng, Talk Dan Triasetin Terhadap Laju Kristalisasi Poliasam Laktat

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    Dalam aplikasi industri, salah satu kekurangan poli asam laktat (PLA) adalah kristalisasi yang lambat, sehingga meneyebabkan waktu yang lebih lama untuk mengolah PLA dibandingkan dengan polimer konvensional seperti polipropilen. Penelitian ini mengevaluasi pengaruh penambahan pengisi atau aditif terhadap laju kristalisasi PLA. PLA dilarutkan dalam diklorometana (DCM) dan dicampur dengan nucleating agent (seng asam fenilfosfonat atau talk) atau pelunak (triasetin) pada konsentrasi yang berbeda diikuti dengan pengeringan pada suhu kamar selama 24 jam dan pengeringan oven selama 2 jam pada suhu 80 °C. Campuran kering PLA ditempa panas pada 180 °C selama 10 menit. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi tingkat kristalisasi. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa penambahan pengisi atau aditif mempercepat proses kristalisasi PLA. Asam seng fenilfosponat (PPA-Zn) adalah pengisi yang paling efektif untuk mempercepat laju kristalisasi PLA

    Upaya Mengurangi Kotoran Dan Kandungan Zat Ekstraktif Serat Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Dengan Pencucian Reduction of Dirts and Extractives Contents of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Fiber by Water Treatment.

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    The purpose of this study is to get an optimum washing process of oil palm empty fruit bunch (OP EFB) fiber to reduce dirts and extractives contents in the fiber. Treatments used were boiling (0.5; 1; 2 and 3 hours); soaking and shaking in cold water (1; 4; 8; 12; 24 and 48 hours); 10 minutes agitation in cold water using a washing machine; and 10 minutes agitation in cold water using a washing machine followed by boiling for 0.5 hours. The clean fiber yield as well as water, ash, hot and cold water soluble extractives and fat contents were determined. Results of this study showed that soaking and shaking of OP EFB fiber in cold water were quite effective for removing dirts on the fiber, but were not for removing hot and cold water extractives and fats. Strong agitation could increase the removal of dirts and extractives from the OP EFB fiber. However, boiling and combination of agitation and boiling removed dirts and extractives more effectively than did the two former processe

    Pemanfaatan Kulit Kayu Akasia (Acacia Mangium Willd) untuk Papan Partikel dengan Kadar Fenol Formaldehida Rendah Utilization Of Acacia (Acacia Mangium Willd) Bark For Particleboard With Low Phenol Formaldehyde Content

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    Industrial forest plantation is a future for supplying raw material of wood industries. From the wood harvesting, bark wastes are abundantly resulted. As an illustration, a pulp factory in Palembang produces about 500 ton per day of bark waste of Acacia mangium Willd. At present the utilization of bark wastes was not optimally done. The purpose of this experiment was to utilize bark waste for particleboard, it is expected that high tannin content in the bark will reduce amount of adhesive applied.Fresh bark was cut into chips and processed further with a ring flaker machine to produce bark particles. Bark particles were mixed with Phenol Formaldehyde adhesive and water then hot pressed at temperature of 150ÂşC, pressure of 20 kgf/cm2, for 15 minutes. Amount of adhesive was varied at 4%, 6% and 8% based on dry weight of particles. Water was added for 10% of dry weight of particles. The size of board was 25 cm x 25 cm x 1 cm, with target densities of 0.7 and 0.9 g/cm3, with 2 replications. Boards were tested for their physical and mechanical properties in accordance with JIS A 5908.Results shown that board with density of 0.9 g/cm3 and amount of adhesive of 6% and 8% have internal bond and MOR (modulus of rupture) that met JIS A5908 type 8; while values of MOE (modulus of elasticity) and thickness swelling were not met the standar

    Surface Modification of Tempo-mediated Cellulose Nanofibril with Octadecylamine

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    In this study, surface modification of 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl radical TEMPO-cellulose nanofibrils (TCNF) was obtained by 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) and N–hydroxysuccinimide (NHS)-mediated system. The carboxylate groups on TCNF surface was replaced by conjugation of octadecylamine (ODA). The conversion of the carboxylate groups on CNF into amide I and II groups was confirmed by attenuated transform reflectance-infrared (ATR-FTIR) and elemental analysis study. Further, decarboxylation of TCNF at higher temperature was hindered by the presence of amide groups resulted in the higher thermal stability of TCNF as observed by thermogravimetry analysis (TGA). These results suggested the possibility of modifying surface negatively charged of TCNF with conjugated amine groups into thermally stable nanocellulose