207 research outputs found

    Hardness of approximation for quantum problems

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    The polynomial hierarchy plays a central role in classical complexity theory. Here, we define a quantum generalization of the polynomial hierarchy, and initiate its study. We show that not only are there natural complete problems for the second level of this quantum hierarchy, but that these problems are in fact hard to approximate. Using these techniques, we also obtain hardness of approximation for the class QCMA. Our approach is based on the use of dispersers, and is inspired by the classical results of Umans regarding hardness of approximation for the second level of the classical polynomial hierarchy [Umans, FOCS 1999]. The problems for which we prove hardness of approximation for include, among others, a quantum version of the Succinct Set Cover problem, and a variant of the local Hamiltonian problem with hybrid classical-quantum ground states.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure, extended abstract appeared in Proceedings of the 39th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), pages 387-398, Springer, 201

    Quantum Property Testing

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    A language L has a property tester if there exists a probabilistic algorithm that given an input x only asks a small number of bits of x and distinguishes the cases as to whether x is in L and x has large Hamming distance from all y in L. We define a similar notion of quantum property testing and show that there exist languages with quantum property testers but no good classical testers. We also show there exist languages which require a large number of queries even for quantumly testing

    Two queries

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    Two queries

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    Two queries

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    AbstractWe consider the question whether two queries SAT are as powerful as one query. We show that if PNP[1]=PNP[2] then: Locally either NP=coNP or NP has polynomial-size circuits; PNP=PNP[1]; Σp2⊆Πp2/1; Σp2=UPNP[1]∩RPNP[1]; PH=BPPNP[1]. Moreover, we extend the work of Hemaspaandra, Hemaspaandra, and Hempel to show that if PΣp2[1]=PΣp2[2] then Σp2=Πp2. We also give a relativized world, where PNP[1]=PNP[2], but NP≠coNP

    Using autoreducibility to separate complexity classes

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    Counting dependent and independent strings

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    The paper gives estimations for the sizes of the the following sets: (1) the set of strings that have a given dependency with a fixed string, (2) the set of strings that are pairwise \alpha independent, (3) the set of strings that are mutually \alpha independent. The relevant definitions are as follows: C(x) is the Kolmogorov complexity of the string x. A string y has \alpha -dependency with a string x if C(y) - C(y|x) \geq \alpha. A set of strings {x_1, \ldots, x_t} is pairwise \alpha-independent if for all i different from j, C(x_i) - C(x_i | x_j) \leq \alpha. A tuple of strings (x_1, \ldots, x_t) is mutually \alpha-independent if C(x_{\pi(1)} \ldots x_{\pi(t)}) \geq C(x_1) + \ldots + C(x_t) - \alpha, for every permutation \pi of [t]

    Separating complexity classes using autoreducibility

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    Optimal proof systems and sparse sets

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