1,002 research outputs found

    Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations for Carbon Nanotubes

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    We show how lattice Quantum Monte Carlo can be applied to the electronic properties of carbon nanotubes in the presence of strong electron-electron correlations. We employ the path-integral formalism and use methods developed within the lattice QCD community for our numerical work. Our lattice Hamiltonian is closely related to the hexagonal Hubbard model augmented by a long-range electron-electron interaction. We apply our method to the single-quasiparticle spectrum of the (3,3) armchair nanotube configuration, and consider the effects of strong electron-electron correlations. Our approach is equally applicable to other nanotubes, as well as to other carbon nanostructures. We benchmark our Monte Carlo calculations against the two- and four-site Hubbard models, where a direct numerical solution is feasible.Comment: 54 pages, 16 figures, published in Physical Review

    Critical exponents of the semimetal-insulator transition in graphene: A Monte Carlo study

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    The low-energy theory of graphene exhibits spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking due to pairing of quasiparticles and holes, corresponding to a semimetal-insulator transition at strong Coulomb coupling. We report a Lattice Monte Carlo study of the critical exponents of this transition as a function of the number of Dirac flavors NfN_f^{}, finding δ=1.25±0.05\delta = 1.25 \pm 0.05 for Nf=0N_f^{} = 0, δ=2.26±0.06\delta = 2.26 \pm 0.06 for Nf=2N_f^{} = 2 and δ=2.62±0.11\delta = 2.62 \pm 0.11 for Nf=4N_f^{} = 4, with γ≃1\gamma \simeq 1 throughout. We compare our results with recent analytical work for graphene and closely related systems, and discuss scenarios for the fate of the chiral transition at finite temperature and carrier density, an issue of relevance for upcoming experiments with suspended graphene samples.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Published versio

    Exchange Current Operators and Electromagnetic Dipole Transitions in Heavy Quarkonia

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    The electromagnetic E1 and M1 transitions in heavy quarkonia (ccˉc\bar c, bbˉb\bar b, cbˉc\bar b) and the magnetic moment of the Bc±B_c^\pm are calculated within the framework of the covariant Blankenbecler-Sugar (BSLT) equation. The aim of this paper is to study the effects of two-quark exchange current operators which involve the QQˉQ\bar Q interaction, that arise in the BSLT (or Schr\"odinger) reduction of the Bethe-Salpeter equation. These are found to be small for E1 dominated decays such as ψ(nS)→χcJγ\psi(nS)\to \chi_{cJ} \gamma and Υ(nS)→χbJγ\Upsilon(nS)\to \chi_{bJ} \gamma, but significant for the M1 dominated transitions. It is shown that a satisfactory description of the empirical data on E1 and M1 transitions in charmonium and bottomonium requires unapproximated treatment of the Dirac currents of the quarks. Finally, it is demonstrated that many of the transitions are sensitive to the form of the QQˉQ\bar Q wavefunctions, and thus require a realistic treatment of the large hyperfine splittings in the heavy quarkonium systems.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures, uses Feynmf. Submitted to Nucl. Phys. A Accepted versio

    Two-loop Sunset Integrals at Finite Volume

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    We show how to compute the two-loop sunset integrals at finite volume, for non-degenerate masses and non-zero momentum. We present results for all integrals that appear in the Chiral Perturbation Therory (χ\chiPT) calculation of the pseudoscalar meson masses and decay constants at NNLO, including the case of Partially Quenched χ\chiPT. We also provide numerical implementations of the finite-volume sunset integrals, and review the results for one-loop integrals at finite volume.Comment: 45 page

    Masses and Decay Constants of Pseudoscalar Mesons to Two Loops in Two-Flavor Partially Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    This paper presents a first study of the masses and decay constants of the charged, or flavor-off-diagonal, pseudoscalar mesons to two loops for two flavors of sea-quarks, in Partially Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory (PQχ\chiPT). Explicit analytical expressions up to O(p6){\cal O}(p^6) in the momentum expansion are given. The calculations have been performed within the supersymmetric formulation of PQχ\chiPT. A numerical analysis is done to indicate the size of the corrections.Comment: 20 pages, subsection about determining the LECs from lattice results added, v3 one misprint correcte

    Graphene: from materials science to particle physics

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    Since its discovery in 2004, graphene, a two-dimensional hexagonal carbon allotrope, has generated great interest and spurred research activity from materials science to particle physics and vice versa. In particular, graphene has been found to exhibit outstanding electronic and mechanical properties, as well as an unusual low-energy spectrum of Dirac quasiparticles giving rise to a fractional quantum Hall effect when freely suspended and immersed in a magnetic field. One of the most intriguing puzzles of graphene involves the low-temperature conductivity at zero density, a central issue in the design of graphene-based nanoelectronic components. While suspended graphene experiments have shown a trend reminiscent of semiconductors, with rising resistivity at low temperatures, most theories predict a constant or even decreasing resistivity. However, lattice field theory calculations have revealed that suspended graphene is at or near the critical coupling for excitonic gap formation due to strong Coulomb interactions, which suggests a simple and straightforward explanation for the experimental data. In this contribution we review the current status of the field with emphasis on the issue of gap formation, and outline recent progress and future points of contact between condensed matter physics and Lattice QCD.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Plenary talk given at the XXVIII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2010), June 14-19, 2010, Villasimius, Sardinia, Ital

    Relativistic Description of Heavy-Light Mesons

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    Effect of intermediate storage of containerized Scots pine planting stock on reforestation success.

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